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Everything posted by aqusdealer

  1. I like Lloyd. He’s funny and energetic and keeps the crew going with humor. He’s just got to lose the porno mustache. I felt sympathetic with Matt and his condition at first, but he’d better stop milking it…. Like NOW. Enough is enough. The world doesn’t revolve around you buddy. Now, while I’m at it I have to vent a bit more…I hate, hate, hate it when the first thing these chefs do is either “forget” to cook the crews meal or make it at 10PM or (in Matt’s case have the balls to tell the Captain they don’t want to make it at all). I go ballistic. They should try working a 12 hour shift doing hard labor, with a Tropical sun beating down on them the whole time. By end of day you are hungry, dehydrated, sun burned and low on blood sugar. All you want is a decent meal, a quart of cold water, two Advil and your bunk. How dare these prima donnas forget the crew food? They are your family. You MAKE time for them. Stepping off soap box now 😁
  2. Totally agree! “Lock your door” at night weird.😵‍💫
  3. Just a comment on Capt. Sandy. Minor, but struck me as odd how she had to make such a point about being “nervous” to marry a couple? First announces it in the bridge, then again right before the ceremony (where her focus should be on the couple). So unnecessary to make it about her. This is the keeper of the ship. The top protector. This…. is what makes her nervous? C’mon.
  4. I can already hear "Hello lovelies" coming from the gangway 😄
  5. My Bullshit-O-Meter broke its needle after that one. It was the girls birthday…🤣……pleeeeaaaaassssseeeeee JL, don’t insult our intelligence.
  6. Run to your new boat and crew JL. Run from your responsibility and hide your head in the sand. Here is a photo of his new crew in Thailand protecting the man~boy who is long on hormones and short on brains.
  7. Oh man, I was about to say that Natasha's seafood dish looked like it was a hit....finallly...then she took the legs out from under me with that bloody hand print. Wow, what a vile looking poor choice for creativity. I think I threw up a little in my mouth. It was creepy.
  8. It was probably pissing off the other docked vessels and they complained!😡 😂
  9. Natasha really rubs me the wrong way. Oh sure, she has a meticulously starched and pressed chef jacket, very cognizant of how she looks, but then complains about the simplest of actual cooking duties. Water has finally found its level, she’ll be a great crew chef on a repositioning sailing. Glen is disappointing me more and more. Yes, he’s a very nice guy, but a ship needs a captain, a boss, a protector, a “buck stops here” leader. Glen tries to please everyone and be everyone’s friend. Doesn’t work that way on the water. Can you imagine Glen having a “come to Jesus” moment with a crew member? It’s not right, but some people mistake kindness for weakness. Now Gary, where do I start? He acts like an adolescent dick causing strife all season and gets rewarded by Glen with a new job offer because “he so deserves it” (or something like that)…seriously???? If it were me, I’d hand him his final tip and be glad I’d never see him on my teak again. 😀
  10. Once again Natasha shows her propensity towards unprofessional behavior. Constant complaining and assuming the guests won't eat because they are drunk. Helooooooo.......drunk people usually eat like a trucker on his last run. The she whips up some underseared steak on what looks like frozen broccoli. Oh Natasha, I cook for my family better than this. It's supposed to be 5 star!! Get a clue.
  11. My wife has been hinting to me about this theory (George Sr. and Brenda) literally for weeks. I was disagreeing with her every time. We were sitting quietly watching that last scene. Brenda no sooner saunters over to the pool table, (and before any dialog) and I blurt out "Geez, you nailed it" !!!!!! Score: Missus 1 Knowitall 0
  12. Gary skeeves me out and it seems he'd be the one to pass an STD...JL just reminds me of Frankenstein. Geez....they're milking the dock crash another week!!!!!!!!!
  13. OMG, it's gets worse and worse. I'm watching them drink in that circle on the deck and all I see is chain smoking, boring, bad tattooed misfits. I'm seriously thinking of doing some plumbing work. It will be more entertaining...LOL.
  14. I have grown to love the Below Deck franchise, but wow…is this season lackluster. One of the things that keeps me coming back to a show is if I can relate, or like something about the characters etc. I can’t find a redeeming quality in the whole bunch this season. A bunch of mean, dopey, dysfunctional ingrates. If I knew them when I was their age, I would have looked elsewhere for friends. Pretty pathetic that next weeks dock crash is a highlight. That’s going to be one pricey repair. Danish owner Kim Peterson probably blew a gasket when he found out. 😱
  15. Paige may be special, but she’s also turning out to be a special kind of mean. She had me going there when she convinced Sheldon she crushed him back, just to toy with his emotions and cluelessness.
  16. Truth be told, most of them find it tiresome and view it as just another necessary part of the job to keep the clients happy. They would much rather be free to unwind and catch up on personal stuff.
  17. Exactly...does anyone else think that this could have been handled in a more realistic or creative way? Billy’s father disappears, sister vanished into thin air and Brenda gets a drinking night out with the girls and no real reason Hershel is gone? I feel cheated and a bit insulted.
  18. Poor Billy Gardell. He always picks bitchy wives 🤣
  19. I understand there are some that don’t care for Dr. Sturgiss, but I absolutely love his role with meemaw and am happy the producers are keeping him around while hopefully keeping Dr. Linkletter at bay (relationship wise.) Dale is a douche, so that good there. Hopefully they will bring a stronger Sturgiss back next season as a regular.
  20. Chef Natasha would really be a disappointment if I paid the kind of money these people do for a charter. She may have trained at a Michelin star restaurant, but was it only for a week? Her comment about needing to be a Hindu goddess with 8 hands was laughable, just because everyone wants a filet mignon cooked to a specific level? That’s so basic a charter chef should be able to do that with their eyes closed...literally. I agreed with the primary too regarding the mussels being one portion and that a chef needs to plate everything. She’s trying to make her job easier at the expense of the guests. I’ve known diner chefs with better attitudes.
  21. I’m glad we’re finally seeing Abishola loosen up a little. The show doles it out so very little at a time, that when you do get it...wow...it’s really fun! Maybe that was the plan all along. 😀
  22. Yes, the Mr. Lundy character IMO is a train wreck on many levels. I wouldn’t mind a cameo or chance meeting in town by the librarian though. I loved the relationship between her and Sheldon. He could ask her for any offbeat book or advice and she would usually try her best to advise and educate him in her own way. Also, the “under her breath”comments were hilarious.
  23. This is so true! He has moved into my top spot for unrealistic accents. Bumped Cher out of first place for her attempt at “Italian American from Brooklyn” in Moonstruck. 🌙
  24. Yes! You nailed my thoughts exactly! I’m so disappointed with this character. Annoying and overdone. It’s only a half hour show and I’m always thinking his part wastes bandwidth.
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