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Posts posted by Colfrmb

  1. I must say that either these women are very skilled at dumping their significant other, a la ghosting them at the airport, telling them off at a restaurant, taking all the gifts and money and demanding a little bit more - and then saying buh bye, or they have some messed up producers orchestrating horrific break ups for the story line.  Or both.  

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  2.  So not only did he get busted for drinking and driving, he had a suspended license.  Wtf?  I want to know his blood alcohol level because at 6’3”, he could probably drink most people under the table.  It’s not like oops, I wasn’t keeping track.  This was a pattern.  He will probably blame all the social media backlash for hurting his feelings.

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  3. So Ben tried to meet mahogany in Peru for her birthday and she told him it to come then also, because her parents were going to be out of town?  I call BS.  Her parents were not going out of town on her birthday.  I just doubt it.  Then why not switch weekends? Ben or the parents, take your pick.  She’s shy but she did reach out to him first on social media.  Whatever. I also want Bens ex wife to be pretending to be this mahogany person. Revenge like this is sweet.

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  4. Mike, mike, mike.  He is really unattractive, the more I see him.  The way she can slather him with affection earns her an award of some kind.  I’d be looking at him trying to figure out if it’s just the angle or the lighting.  But it’s all reality here.  That said, he really wanted kids and I guess she lied about her situation.  That’s gotta hurt.     
    I can see Cah-lib’s conundrum here.  Will all their parts connect the conventional way when they are doing the deed?  He is petrified that he might discover, mid-act, that it’s going to be either kissing or the skiddlypoop and not both.  In all those 13 yrs, he should have asked if any of her serious lovers were of conventional proportions and whether all the pieces fit together correctly.  Easier to do in a text than in person.  This is tough.     
    I feel so bad for Gino but he is aware of his predicament and how to deal with it.  “Take out your wallet” really triggered me.  So if Gino invited a friend who is a pretty female to have dinner with him and Jasmine, would she be ok with it?  I think there would be human blood on the steak knives by the end of the meal.     
    Memphis and Hamza - Hamza wants to be a boy toy because “he sexy”.  So far I haven’t seen Memphis  clean up to look anything like her social media posts but she is realistically cute.  And she definitely has “big boobies”.

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  5. @UsernameFatigue, In a recent post where she announced that she has a new boyfriend, there was a picture of her with a little girl and apparently that’s her daughter who is seven years old. I think I read somewhere that the daughter is by a previous relationship. This woman hits the ground running.  I remember that scene where she kept crying, “I need a hug! I need a hug!” and I could see her getting involved with another guy pretty quickly.

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  6. I feel bad that I am already supposing that the large girl is going to “surprise” us at the Tell All with the announcement that she’s getting a gastro sleeve.  Hence vying for another series or follow on season.  I guess anybody who stays friends after the B90 introductory season is eligible for the regular 90 Days.

    The 90 day franchises have been around long enough that all the applicants are aware of the tricks and formulas to entice the producers and the viewers.  We talk about it all so much that we know what they are doing too.  It’s like we can predict the future.

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  7. @Back Atcha, as the child of a second marriage, I see your point.  Of course I had no say in the matter.  But I do know now that my older half siblings felt robbed of their Daddy.  It wasn’t until my mother passed away a few years ago that I heard about the conflicts and why I had virtually no contact with my older half sibs. 

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  8. I got excited when Shawn asked the couples whether they had joint bank accounts. Unfortunately they got off track when they started talking to Ari and she said yes we have one account and no he doesn’t get a credit card. So essentially they don’t have joint accounts. At that point, they should have gone around the room and one by one grilled each couple. I wanted to know whether Steven is sending money to Alina and also where she is living.  I was surprised that Ellie said she had given Victor about $5k.  That’s not very much.  He must have side jobs.  Sumit is NEVER going to tell his family that they got married and Jenny will still be there.  I am tired of listening to Evilyn so I FF thru their story.

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  9. Please tell me that somebody asks Alina whether she converted and was baptized - and that she answers the question.    
    What did happen to Victor and whatshername?     
    technical question:  are Mormons “allowed” to use birth control?

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    Someone claiming to be a relative of Steven’s has been on Reddit.  They haven’t given a lot of information although they said to ask any questions. This person did say that Steven had inherited a little bit of money and even gave an amount. Not a lot but a little bit.


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  11. Evil-lyn & Core - I don’t care and their time is up.   
    Jenny & Sumit - yawn, time’s up.   
    Bini&Ari - did anybody else notice how Ari said to Bini, “don’t you just love Avi so much?” as they were in the taxi to the airport.  Of course the bit about having the baby to snuggle while he would have nothing further illustrates her self centered mindset.  It’s not hormomes, it’s selfishness.  I’m pretty sure that as soon as she got on the plane, she scoped out a flight attendant who would change diapers and watch over Avi while Ari naps.   
    Steven&Alina - he’s a manwhore with a ton of excuses.  Demand STD tests, Alina!

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  12. Where was Baby Avi?   My first thought was that Baby Avi was home turning down beds for when his (helpless) parents come home to go to bed.  

    SteVen?  Isn’t he the youngest of his family of all boys - and the others all left the church?  Something didn’t work with their indoctrination.     

    Jenny and Submit?  Don’t care.

    Ellie and the island guy?  Sorry about the hurricane but that’s what happens down there, every year, to some degree.  Not much you can do about that.  

    Almost forgot (wishful thinking) Corey and Evil-lyn.  She was a bitch from the first season when she refused to pick him up at the airport. Who would have imagined that she could get worse from there, but she did.    
    I think I’ve gotten to the point where the First Look 20 min segment is enough for me.

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  13. Don’t you wonder how these people end up on these shows?  I guess most of them try to get on lots of reality shows so it’s no big surprise when one takes the bait and offers them a contract.  So I have to assume that they aren’t totally stupid, even though the show often portrays them as such.     
    But I am really bothered by the complete lack of life skills that Ari seems to brag about and how she has everybody running scared.  She’s completely helpless and she’s making no attempts to improve herself - and she’s getting away with it!  How many times has she said she can’t make a bed and then we see Bini making the bed.  Remember he used to sleep on his sister’s couch and Ari has probably never slept on a couch in her life.  He smooths out the sheets and she just steps back and starts talking about something else.  She’s not even trying.  She never could do her own makeup.  Now that she has a companion/best friend#3, her makeup looks so much better except it’s still shocking to see the difference.  She can’t feed herself, let alone feed a baby.  I bet she stands back and let’s the nanny do that too.  She can’t support herself.  When we first met her, she announced to the world that she could not, and would not care for herself.  And here she is doing exactly that.  Maybe I’m jealous.  Maybe I’m scared that there are more people out there, who have zero life skills, out there reproducing.  I just can’t believe that Bini is the first guy she jumped in the sack with and had unprotected sex after flagging him down on a dusty 3rd world county road.  Wait, that’s where Leandro comes in.  Man, this girl’s luck amazes me.  I still worry for her kid.

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  14. If somebody already brought to this question, I apologize because I missed it. But… What if the real reason that Ari brought Leandro to Ethiopia is that she is going to present him with divorce papers and make him sign them in front of them?  Of course it will be with her wailing and crying and telling him how much she loves him but she’ll still be holding out the paperwork with a pen.  I see this trip as a do or die moment for Ari and she’s going to either pick Bini (demand that he grows back his dreadlocks) and continue playing the part of the sad and helpless little rich girl or she’s going to pick Leandro and go back to the states.  But I think she doesn’t want to look like she did what her parents wanted her to do so she’s still going to pick Bini.    
    I find her helplessness infuriating.

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  15. @Xebug67, Thanks for posting that screenshot of Ari saying sweet things to Mimi.  Wait, she calls this person Tsion.  Is this Bini’s old gf or the housekeeper/paid companion - or are they the same person after all?  I’m so confused.  Also….    
    - why does she not spell out and capitalize God?  For someone who is supposed to be a writer/blogger, I would expect more.   
    - I also believe the paid companion is there to care for everybody.   
    - I believe she has been doing Ari’s hair and makeup and picking out her clothes.   
    - why doesn’t she say “we” love you and not “I” and she doesn’t mention Bini at all.   
    - how many “best friends” can one person have.    
    - please don’t call humans “silly”.  

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  16. I want to slow down the video to figure out what Ari is calling her previous husband.  Half the time I can’t tell what she is calling Bini-baby.    I’m wondering whether Ari’s ex/Leandro is a little too nice and low key about this whole sick situation.  I’m sure that when she hooked up with Leo/Andro at the age of 19 her parents were more thrilled than when they heard she had gotten knocked up by an Ethiopian disco dancer.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they paid Leandro off hoping she might come back to him eventually.  And guess what? Here we are.  I bet Parents Ariela paid for Leandro’s education or a part of it.  

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  17. @Uncle JUICE, I agree that a lot of people on these 90 day shows appear to have no friends or at least they blame their problems on that concept.  Since Ari is there, in the homeland of her husband, she could find other expat women, new mothers, neighbors, family or extended family - anybody to at least greet every morning on your way to Starbucks (oh wait, we aren’t in Kansas any more, Toto). 
    Ari and her little family are financially supported by her parents.  She is incapable of caring for herself, or even for her child, so they are paying for caregivers to make sure nothing bad happens to the kid.   
    Meanwhile, Ari is channeling her self mutation feelings that she had in her teens into getting plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery and procedures.  There is a pattern here, folks, and it’s more than a little sad.

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