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Everything posted by Arnella

  1. Am I the only one who thinks Ben had more chemistry with Saanvi in their short scenes than with Grace these 4 whole episodes? I don't want anymore soap opera angsty trianges (quadrangles?) - I'm just sayin'...
  2. I have been fast forwarding through this season but was determined to get through this whole episode for old time's sake. All of the WTF moments for me have been covered here so I won't run through them again except for 2: Rumple just dying and never seeing Belle was EXACTLY what he deserves (and I have always loved RC as Rumple). Any trials and tribulations he has gone through cannot make up for all COLD BLOODED MURDERS. (RC is still great - so glad he is free of this!) EVERY aspect of the coronation scene made me literally sick to my stomach. I shall avoid any A&E shows in the future no matter how good the first season looks. Thank you all here for all the lovely snark over the years!
  3. You always should have been writing for this show Camera One.
  4. Yeessss, I guess you are right but only because the other characters are SO dull and badly written, and in some cases, badly acted (Murderella). Robert and Lana (both very good actors to start) have always done the best they could with they've been given and now have the most experience making the best of it. However, Regina doing the Saint Roni bit is making me a bit more nauseous every scene. As much as I have despised Rumbelle and the appalling acting of Emilie, I am a sucker for Robert playing romantic husband (and NO abusive manipulation in sight!) in this episode. And as much as I disagree with Rumple having a "pure heart" {gag}, I am really attracted to this corrupt cop who is really a good guy looking out for the vulnerable CI. Damn it show! As soon as I think I'm done forever, you use Robert Carlyle to drag me back in!!
  5. I understand the Gabrielle Anwar complaints. I like her in other shows and they obviously asked her to be as unpleasant as possible here to counteract their poor writing because story-wise, she is a perfectly reasonable business woman and responsible grandmother. Nothing evil in making a business proposition that the other person can turn down without consequence and having very real concerns about the well being of a child. Camera One: "I find it hard to believe that anyone could use a Fairygodmother's wand. Rumple, fine. But random Lady Tremaine? This episode would have been ten times better if we got the Lady Tremaine from last year. Imagine if she was realm jumping to destroy the life of every Cinderella in existence." As always, you should be writing this show Camera One! Camera One "You'd think if her bar was a local institution that there would be people there helping her to pack and emotionally expressing the loss of their local watering hole. But nope, her only customer is a random stranger who's there for a laptop pickup." At the very least, they could have thrown in some of the dwarves!!! Give my man Grumpy some dang screen time show!!! Tennisgurl "I wish I could quit you, show! I cant say I hated this or anything, it had some good moments and interesting ideas, but it mostly seemed like a mediocre remake of the original pilot, with lots of the beats of the first episode, but without the real emotions or magic or mystery." Yup, yup, and yup. Still here for Robert Carlyle. Please let him be really evil. Please don't bring back Belle. Pleeeease!
  6. I totally agree. I found myself agreeing with Belfry about her being too irresponsible to raise the child. I think CPS might also agree the unemployed, day drinking woman with the temper not being able to handle the girl who roams the countryside in the middle of the night accosting strange men looking for her father. I hate the character and the actress is crap. That being said, the story didn't irk me as much as I thought and they still rock the fashion porn so I will keep stopping by for awhile.
  7. I was so hungry for OUAT continuity but I starved to death...
  8. I have spent a few years complaining about A&E's writing here. I just gushed over how good the writing regarding plot, character development, relationships even while throwing in wild supernatural elements AND maintaining a procedural cop show over on the Lucifer forum. It felt really good. {sigh}
  9. I just want to say how great the writing is in this show. I was a fan of Sleepy Hollow at the start. There are similarities: tall charismatic Brit with beautiful law enforcement partner in a supernatural based show. I bailed after they got rid of Abby; it was as if the writers only had one season's worth of story in them. This show handles all the characters' stories so well! Within all the chaos, the relationships are building and yet stay true to character and story arc - just greatness all around. As confusing as the ending was, it was also brilliant and will generate all sorts of speculation like a cliffhanger should! I only commit to a handful of shows; I'm so glad this is one of them.
  10. I have a cautious thought that Robert Carlyle renewed his contract because A&E promised him to write something good for him so he won't be so bored and miserable anymore. This thought and Robert's hopes will be beaten out of us as season 7 proceeds but I am sure this will be the last season so maybe we can ride it out...
  11. Well, they went with that statutory-rapey storyline with Douchfire and 17 year old Emma and thought it was a love story for the ages {gag}. I seriously wouldn't put anything passed them. Some witch could pull a Graham on Henry at 15 and A&E will somehow explain how it not rape - statutory or otherwise. {GAG}
  12. Of course! They gave Regina Emma's son, effectively gave her Emma's parents, let Regina rape Emma's love Graham so naturally they will give her Emma's husband! I think they are actually glad that JMo isn't returning so they don't have to pretend to care about her character anymore.
  13. Just throwing in my 2 cents as to being ok with Evil due to attractiveness issue: I have been crushingly attracted to Robert Carlyle for 20 years and why I started watching. I had so many arguments on the forum in first couple of seasons about Rumple being unredeemable evil with those who thought him just a misunderstood cutie. I didn't want him to be redeemed; I wanted him to be a super fun EEEEVIL villain. He is still unredeemed and unredeemable but hasn't been fun for a long time and now just a wife abusing liar. So not as straight forward as attractiveness. I was done with Regina after Grahams rape and murder. I never cared how much fashion porn they threw out there, I do not now or ever did argue or even think she was redeemable. However, I've never seen a lot of Regina fans on this forum. I was vociferous in my hatred of Hook. I was back to arguing with those who thought he was just a misunderstood cutie when he joined the show. I didn't find him a fun evil villain but another scum bag being put forward as a love interest for a good heroine. However, he actually has won me over as things have gone along. He really has atoned (died, gone to hell, be tortured by Satan) and apologized and (forgive me for using this way too over used show word) changed. It probably helps that the rest of the characters haven't fawned over him against ALL reason like Regina. So I don't believe it is just attractiveness but a combination of that and writing and the actor's portrayal. Although, I totally agree that there are those who's hormones over ride reason but over 6 seasons of viewer abuse by the writers, I have seen a lot of them change their tunes as well.
  14. HA! I can't watch this with anyone else because they notice my squirming and exasperated sighing and ask "I thought you liked this show?".
  15. Whatever, show. I did a lot of fast forwarding but it was hard not to just skip to the end. I agree they should have spent more of their time and CGI budget visiting the old characters AND should have ended with that shot of Emma & Killian but I was ok (as in, glad it is over) with finale EXCEPT for: -The inclusion of clone Regina at all, let alone being a selfless hero (it was just for that fashion porn shot of her dress blowing back and showing her legs, wasn't it?). -My man Grumpy BOWING to Regina... Just NO. -I am not a Christian but that last supper shot was creepy and awkward even though I know it was so they could jam into that final scene shot which brings me to ... -I didn't expect it to be Henry since it would make NO sense after ALL that has happened that he would be away from his family at all or not know that they needed him or do to his own child what happened to Emma or need said child to force him to come help them. No way; no how... that makes any kind of sense... but it's A&E we are talking about. If there is a seventh season, they WILL jam a round peg into a square hole and tell themselves that it's juuuuuust right. Oh wait... it's another curse by someone awkwardly related to him, right? A&E always into recycling... I want to say that I won't be back but it is indeed like watching a train wreck so I don't know. I have always said that I was here for Robert Carlyle but it's been a bit painful watching him this last season. As good an actor as he is, he is obviously miserable being stuck in this contract.
  16. Next episode of Oprah Winfrey: "You're a savior! You're a savior! YOU'RE ALL SAVIORS!!!!"
  17. That's right. Emma is the writer's punching bag while Regina gets all the things she should have. Regina gets to rape Graham for 30 years but when he falls for Emma, she doesn't even get to have one (consensual) night with him. Princess Emma doesn't get any balls or ball gowns but when she gets to go to her first one in Camelot, her own father gives the first dance to Regina. Emma might survive all this but it's Killian I worry about because killing him and denying Emma her happy romantic ending would be par for the course with these guys.
  18. Arnella, are you coming to my bridal shower? Oh no, all weddings, bat mitzvahs, quinceaneras, graduations, etc. are cancelled due to "The Final Battle™". I'm saving a ton of money...
  19. I clicked on the link and there were only a couple of shows I watch on it. I realized that I don't get hooked on shows per se; it's a character (or actor) that sucks me in (for better or worse). Here it was obviously Robert Carlyle (I'm still here for you Bobbie!). Already a fan of the books for Dexter. Only a casual viewer until hooked by Skylar for Breaking Bad and Daryl for Walking Dead although that show is seriously trying my patience as well. I am so hoping that "final battle" really is final... as in series finale...
  20. I wish I could like this x 1000. I've gotten to the point where I just fast forward thru episodes while waiting for the series finale. I got to the scene where Snowing opened the door to little Emma and talked themselves into abandoning her. The first time around, they were willing to be separated so that Emma wouldn't be alone. Snow was going to train her to be the savior and David essentially gave his life to save her (from murder by Regina btw). I didn't listen to their reasoning for not taking 1 step forward to give Emma the love and guidance any child needs and figuring things out as a family because somehow going back to sleep and letting the 9 year old figure it out on her own was just REALLY the best idea. I don't know how Emma can even look at her parents at this point. I know that it's the writers who love Emma's misery and think any rotten, undeserved thing they do her is ok and we shouldn't protest while any completely deserved misery Regina gets needs to be apologized for by all the characters and we must shed a glistering tear for her...
  21. I've always loved Dan Lauria but I am worried about him here. He is being portrayed as a reasonable person in a position of authority which in this show means he's probably a murderer. Although, he is letting Sherlock dictate to him so he might be come out ok.
  22. I am never a shipper but Richonne happened so slowly and naturally that I was happy when they got together. Since then, not so much which is the writers fault; not the actors. It's like they are too self conscious about making them a happy couple for fan service and can't write for them naturally anymore. Case in point: That scene with the junkyard girl. Michonne should have dispatched her with ease. They made her the Terminator so that Michonne could look sad and beaten just so they could hammer home that shot of Rick and Carl and her being a family. Am I completely wrong or did they convey that feeling of family so much more naturally before they got together?
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