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Everything posted by Bloga

  1. To be fair, the guy who plays Gregory Manes is half First Nation Canadian, everything else, you´re absolutely right, Tyler Blackburn is not Indigenous, definitely not half Native American, nor he has any real attachment to Indigenous culture. I was also surprised they cast Amber as Mexican American, tbh Jeanine is kind of an odd choice, sure she´s Latina, but she´s a direct descendant of the Cuban white elite that came to the States as asylum seekers during the early stages of the Cuban revolution...so when I see her and Nathan together playing Liz and Max, I really don´t see much of a difference in terms of race. Being an ally to a specific marginalized group should never be an excuse to marginalize and erase other underrepresented groups, if you put people down in order to lift others up, you´re a garbage person, period. I think people like Carina fail upwards, she´ll soon be writing for another show, even if it´s on the downlow.
  2. holy smokes! this is some comeuppance, funny she deleted the tweets about Ruby Rose...about Nathan, he´s not that active on social media, so who knows, what I know is he was and probably still is an All Lives Matter hashtagger, so for Carina to have been so close to him and claim to be so close to Amell, who is so blatantly ignorant and bigoted it´s astounding, to this day, says a lot about Carina´s performative wokeness.
  3. So much this, she saw this coming, prior to the episode airing she was teasing " a lot of people are going to want to talk to me about SOME THINGS in the episode" her oh people are so mean/ I never said I was woke charade is quite shameful, I´m against bullying and harassment, but people who do those things aren´t right in the head to begin with, so if it´s true people are telling her to kill herself, that´s wrong. I´ve seen people giving very polite and respectful criticism, though, and reminding her she has told the fandom time and time again her work was up for criticism, so now changing the tune and whining, and alluding to her mental health, which to my knowledge never mentioned prior to this, and how she has no access to her support system at a time like this, when so many people are going through hell, it´s quite distasteful really, she´s only interested in your opinion if you praise her for, I´m paraphrasing, bringing an underrepresented minority to the screen ( polyamorous folk) which, is that what´s going on here? I don´t think it is, at all. These are three adults who should have had a conversation, like adults. Are they going to blame it on the meteor shower? Is Michael going to act like a jealous ass when Alex gets together with Forrest? I bet he will.
  4. Yeah, if it was a threesome, how does that help solve the messines amongst them? If, on the other hand, was some kind of tag-team sex fest, does Michael grade them individually and that´s part of his decision? Apprehensive is a better word, considering she initiated this. Was she doubting her decision at that point? I hope so, instead of giving that crossing the line question to Michael, maybe have her say something instead?
  5. I completely respect your opinion, but in this instance, there was this conscious effort to present Alex and Michael as the ultimate star crossed lovers, destined to be together, etc, so when they first had a fallout and Maria and Michael first got together, back in season one, there was backlash, and right from that moment the dynamic was inbalanced, as in Maria as a character didn´t stand a chance to be on equal footing, and the love triangle or whatever was inbalanced from the get go. My complaint before this episode was always how they managed to completely sideline Maria, who´s coincidentally the only black character, so for me personally, my criticism comes from feeling the cards she´s been dealt are shitty from the beginning...also, I respectfully object to solving personal issues and tangled relationships with sex...they could have just talked about it as adults, sure Alex being in a threesome doesn´t negate his sexuality, but what about his friendship with Maria? What about it all being a test? Isn´t that hurtful?
  6. Yes, this is exactly it...for me it´s also Michael is the one who gets to question whether they have crossed a line, meanwhile Maria is waiting in the trailer, expectant. For those who see this as not so much a threesome, but both Alex and Maria having sex with Michael separately, isn´t that even worse? The two of them taking turns to pleasure Michael, whose depiction is more and more ridiculous as time goes on... Whether or not a shocking scene makes for good tv, when it´s at the expense of an already marginalized character, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth...don´t present a coupling as "cosmic" and endgame, and then have the one character who is in the dark about the main plot for almost 2 seasons and consistently sidelined be the one looking bad, because one doesn´t have to be too smart to know the storm of hatred this would cause. Yes, nobody held anybody at gunpoint, but there was a a lot of prodding going on. Oh, give her time, lol. She´s been surprisingly quiet about the whole threesomegate...the moment she saw negative reactions, she changed the subject and now all she talks about is Liz and Max´s meet cute, and his amnesia, blablabla Edit: Actually not that quiet...she´s complaining it sucks, and if someone wants to post criticism on her feed, to go elsewhere,she´s been sharing messages from polyamorous folk who saw themselves represented in that scene...which, fair enough, but since they are clearly not going the polyamorous route...does it really count? Anyways, she says she wanted to do something nice for Heather, the writers, Alex, and Michael, since they have, surprise, been getting a lot of hate...did she really think everybody was going to be cool with this?
  7. I have seen some promo pictures for next week's episode, and I realized Max has been wearing lots of blue since he got back, hmmmm
  8. But can Alex and Maria be seen equally as poc, though? Genuinely asking. On another note, it seems like it was Carina´s idea that Maria starts wearing her hair natural after she finds out about the aliens...I don´t know what to make of it, other than Heather is BEAUTIFUL
  9. Zorra is definitely an insult in my circle, as in whore, so I didn´t like it one bit, but anyways...
  10. https://the-daily-popcast-with-lance-bass.simplecast.com/episodes/the-one-with-jeanine-mason-NQAhRtoM Jeanine was on Lance Bass´ podcast yesterday, in case anyone wants to give it a listen.
  11. Yes, sorry, I didn´t mean to say it is what I personally believe, I mean it´s how it´s been perceived...I agree with you, this isn´t Roswell, this is a soap opera with aliens and not so veiled racism sprinkled all over, sorry if I didn´t make myself clear...
  12. I don´t think she cares what other people think, period. She likes what she likes and her very twisted version of wokeness doesn´t admit criticism ( she´s now saying she never said she was woke, okayyy). I think she gives this vibe of the whole writing process being collaborative and how the actors have a say...but ultimately it´s her vision, is that a reflection of her own personal views? I don´t know, for starters she has a very twisted idea of intimacy, something like sex as the ultimate expression of love between life-long friends? Something like elevating a bisexual man as the ultimate ideal everybody should chase after and feel honored to share, what?
  13. I think you´re right on the money re: consent. They have made such a huge deal of making sure Max doesn´t take advantage of the effect the handprint has on Liz, but everybody else, including Max, is fair game. Like you said, hands healed against will, keeping people in the dark even when their lives have been in danger, bringing people back to life against their will, this whole messy mess with Alex, Michael, and Maria. That interview is...something else. It does contradict the enthusiastic consent defense Carina has tried to peddle, but even without that interview, who saw enthusiasm in that scene?
  14. Also I don't think it's fair to compare Isobel and Alex, those defending the threesome and saying people are biased because they are not outraged by Isobel's lesbian encounter seem to overlook the fact that Isobel had a fling with someone she had no attachment to, a stranger...whereas Alex and this whole cosmic love, starcrossed lovers deal he has with Michael, added to the fact that Maria is pretty much family to him, equal an unnecessary messy mess that doesn't solve anything, puts Alex in a really sad situation, and paints Maria as incredibly insensitive and, the morning after with that scene in the semidark inside the trailer, as nefarious, as it's all part of her machinations to make Michael choose. So it's not fair to compare the two situations. You're right, also I forgot about the Writer's strike! It's been postponed I believe, but once things go back to normal it may be a problem.
  15. I understand what you are saying, but after reading the interview, it seems like this was the intention, to pretty much throw Maria under the bus once again. I doubt Michael and Tyler will be asked about it, they threw that load on Heather, I hope it doesn´t get too bad for her.
  16. Carina has been surprisingly silent on sm, she posted something right after the episode aired, but people came after her and she was being her usual throw the stone and hide the hand self, so she just posted some pictures of Kyle Isobel and the three, no pictures of Max and Liz, she ignores Jeanine like it´s her job...surprisingly there are people calling it the best episode they have ever seen...so people see that scene and they don´t see the uneasiness, how inappropriate it is to put someone in that position, I honestly feel like Alex felt between a rock and a hard place, he wanted to be with Michael, he knew Maria was part of the deal, so he went along with it, Maria has turned out to be a conniving manipulative bitch, the only black character is an oversexualized witch who bulldozes a decades long friendship over a messy messy guy...
  17. Well I think this move backfired...people are calling Michael a jerk and cancelling Malex, so...well done Carina, I guess?🤷‍♀️...I wonder what kind of merch Michael Vlamis is going to come up with now that there is no Malex for the foreseeable future, and he leaned on that cosmic love stuff hard lol.
  18. I think the showrunner just wanted a twitterstorm to happen, social media chatter helps a show, but I don´t think it´s going to translate into higher ratings...I think ratings will go down, which this show has lost half its viewership from last season, so Carina can count her lucky stars the show got renewed early...although there is so much uncertainty at the moment I wouldn´t be surprised if many already renewed shows end up being canceled. I personally don´t think a love triangle can be solved with a threesome, it´s two people vying for the same person, by all intents and purposes they are rivals, right? so who benefits from it? The central character in said triangle...in this case, why risk a friendship this way? There was some coercion going on, and Heather saying in her interview Maria was testing Michael...I mean, it´s so unhealthy, the only one who benefits from it is Michael, and he had already made up his mind about who he was going to choose. This whole internalized homophobia playing a part in it was seriously disturbing, I said it before, it felt like when someone says to a lesbian " you just haven´t met the right guy yet"
  19. I am beginning to question how the people who seem to support this choice on social media view friendship and limits. Isn´t anything off limits for some people? I am just really weirded out now that I have read Heather´s interview, Heather saying Maria has an agenda which was pretty much having Michael make a choice, didn´t he make that choice already? What else did she need? Did she really have to initiate a threesome with her gay bestie and messy Michael so that they could rub it on Alex´s face afterwards? I feel sorry for Heather, tbh, to be stuck with that kind of storyline...it´s like Carina said, oh it´s not enough some in the fandom hate her because she came between the cosmic lovers (lol), let´s make it extra messy and throw in a threesome because that solves everything...then discard Alex. Sex isn´t the solution to all problems. What if Alex was a woman, would they do that? would they have two best friends vying for the same guy have a threesome so they guy can choose one, even when the choice was made already. I don´t go on tumblr, but I saw some stuff on twitter, and people are running polls about who they hate more, jerk Michael or bith Maria, so there you go.
  20. I also believe it was done for the shock value...because it didn´t solve anything, Maria was going to forgive Michael eventually, Alex and Michael aren´t together anyways, and this hasn´t changed that...they are trying to sell it as Alex wanted to try it to see if he was missing something by not being with a woman, and what better way to get something like this out of the way and of his "bucket list" than with your very toxic ex and your almost family bestie, it felt semi incestuous, gratuitous, and forced...I read the script, Alex said he wanted to leave twice, I guess if you push someone enough, they´ll say yes? very respectful and not at all problematic (not)
  21. Ok, so Maria was testing Michael, and Alex was having a "sliding doors" "what if" moment as per the showrunner...as in he has internalized his father´s homophobia and he needed to explore if he could be with a woman, so I guess it made a lot of sense to do that with your ex and your bestie, because it was a "safe environment"...what a load of crap, seriously, that´s not evolved, that´s not about exploring, it´s about Alex´s internalized homophobia manifesting in a really screwed up way...it´s almost as when a lesbian is told "you just haven´t met the right guy".
  22. Wow really? I haven´t read any interviews...she actually said that...how tone deaf do you have to be to say something like that? I think they are grossly confused about what being evolved truly means
  23. That´s exactly my issue, that and the fact that Alex has always made it very clear he was gay, no doubts about it, even when it made his life hell...a threesome with a woman, and that woman being his best friend? No matter what you go through, you almost get killed or whatever, having a threesome with your ex and your bestie who´s also in love with your ex is not a healthy response to trauma, it doesn´t lead to anything constructive or positive. I´ve seen people defending this and comparing it to Isobel hooking up with the lesbian bartender...as if having a casual fling with a stranger is the same as having sex with your ex and your female straight friend who happens to be in love with the same guy you do...that last scene was absolutely terrible...the morning after, Alex leaves and Michael goes back to Maria...it felt like a competition, initiated by Maria, so that Michael would pick a winner...so insensitive...besides, Michael isn´t all that...Something funny I just remember is that fact that Nathan was going to play Michael, he was booked, he had already signed on to play him, but they had trouble finding an actor to play Max so they had him do a chem read with Jeanine...I keep wondering how that version of Michael would have been like.
  24. I don´t think there were any nuances to be seen, honestly, Alex is gay, that´s how he´s always identified, Michael has always identified as bisexual, it was established very clearly in season 1...this whole Alex is open to experimentation is in total contrast of who he´s always been...hence the confusion, because it came out of nowhere, and it´s done for good...because he´s now interested in, surprise, a new man. This whole threesome business was just a lazy way to solve the issues between the three of them...in normal circumstances that would only make things worse.
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