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Everything posted by Bloga

  1. They could go as far as writing her off, I guess, or maybe Heather will get tired of having so very little to do...it has to be frustrating for an actor of her experience to be tied to a show and not be used that much, when she could be doing so much more in any other show.
  2. There is a live stream with the actors next week, it's for charity...for some reason Carina is included, for reasons. There is a one on one option where you can talk to each one of them, including Carina...I hope someone calls her out on her treatment of Maria, and the fact that Michael's being pushed to take over Liz as the lead, it totally feels like that to me. she' ll flail and get defensive, but she needs a serving of humble pie...Michael Vlamis is a good actor, but dude is thirsty as hell.
  3. Maybe Max hasn´t really woken up and the scenes of him and Isobel fighting are a mental fight happening while he´s still in a coma and Isobel has again found a way to connect to him psychically.
  4. Rosa was furious, but she loves her sister too much to see her suffer, so she put her justified rage aside...Although I enjoyed her calling Max "vanilla mayonnaise white bread" that was hilarious. He´s a bit bland, I have to say. It´s worrisome, seeing Maria appear just to move the plot along, that last scene with Maria,Liz, and Rosa made me realize how superfluous Maria is, if she hadn´t gone to see her friends, nobody would miss her, we have grown accustomed to her absence. Hopefully something changes in future episodes,
  5. It´s even more unbelievable when you remember that Max and co. making Liz and her father a target was a big part of the plot last season and this season too, it´s sad that she doesn´t see she´s been tipping the scale in favor of a white dude vs a black woman, sexual orientation doesn´t trump mysoginoir.
  6. What´s with fandoms and racism? Are they inherently susceptive to supremacy? I must have been living under a rock, because I didn´t know,
  7. Heather Hemmens is a delight, she has such a cheeky natural approach to the character, while being able to show vulnerability when necessary, why is she not a leading lady? Tokenism is more tolerated than homophobia...I am not an expert on diversity quotas and/or incentives, but ever since I heard Nia Long mention it on a panel, it got me thinking sometimes they'll cast an actor of color to satisfy some sort of quota, only to have that actor completely sidelined...there's also the whole issue of interracial relationships being viewed as easier than gay relationships by people in some fandoms, I just don't know if that's true, tbh. Michael's pretty much the lead at this point...Liz doesn't feel like the lead to me.
  8. Yeah, now that Maria is in the know, why not tell her everything they know, including that necklace she´s been wearing for protection is connected to the aliens...there are way too many inconsistencies...I just now remember Isobel knew a lot about Liz´s life, including the fact she had a fiancé, whereas Maria, Liz´s actual best friend, knew nothing.
  9. It made zero sense, they hack into her laptop, then they decide everybody is "entitled to have secrets", even a mentally ill woman who disappeared for a month.
  10. I take all this talk of the showrunner fighting to cast a black actress as Maria with a huge chunk of salt, because she has the same story about the three aliens and Liz, as in, she said she wrote a letter to TPTB explaining why the aliens needed to be played by white actors, so she makes it sound like she had to justify her casting choices there...also she has mentioned it was really hard to find Latina actresses to audition for Liz, so the casting director told her they might have to cast a white actress, and again, the showrunner had to fight to cast a Latina...something doesn't add up...was every ethnicity a problem? Having time to kill and reading showrunner interviews is not a great idea, it makes it even more evident she is a self-congratulatory faux-woke fanfic writer who loves attention and comes across as a groupie, she has zero objectiveness, and it's easily influenced by personal friendships...being her friend does pay off, let me tell you. I think she lacks the maturity to be an effective showrunner. Maria has lost out to Alex and Rosa, whatever elements made her a central character in the books and og series, they are now part of those two characters, so there isn't much for Maria to do or be apart from a caretaker to her sick mom...hopefully the likely alien connection will be explored at some point, this whole crack my mom's password but let's respect her privacy was a weak ass choice.
  11. Yeah, everything kept disappearing, when he was dying, all that was left was the Jeep and the song...he´s an empty shell now...time to fill him up with love, I guess, once he gets past the fighting to the death with Iz.
  12. I was also surprised Alex and Michael were still together after the incident, it feels like they tried, but Michael was spiraling because of what happened with Rosa, they were super young, a lot of s&5t went down on both sides... omg the cgi was specially bad on that scene at the Crashdown cafe. Max´s face looked off-center as well, it was like one of those instagram filters, holy cow. This martyr act has everybody groaning, aliens and humans alike, they are all like: Yeah yeah yeah, ok Max, you´ll die for us, keeping with the Easter spirit lol
  13. More specifically, Max´s mindscape is connected to high school Liz, and by extension, high school Max...his memories of Liz were his happy place for so many years before she came back, so I guess it was easy for him to recall those things when he was in limbo...The only thing that represented adult Max was his uniform...
  14. On second viewing, I have to say, How the tables have turned!!!, Max saved Rosa, now Rosa saves Max...I wonder if Rosa´s newfound powers will come into play as this whole situation with Max going dark unfolds...Isobel is being featured as the one to fight his brother back to normal, but maybe she´ll need some assistance. Did anyone chuckle at the "twincest" comment? I mean, they feel a bit too intense sometimes, those too. This whole I wouldn´t choose anyone over you, it´s a bit extreme. Thankfully it hasn´t veered into super creepy behavior, yet.
  15. What if it´s a dream? or something that happens while Max is in a coma? Maybe they can´t get him to wake up and Isobel uses her mindwarping for a three way conference call lol, this time including Liz. It says in the description Liz is dealt a devastating blow...I don´t know anymore lol.
  16. Maybe being resigned to die allowed him to somehow hold onto those memories, while being under the assumption his sacrifice would save his loved ones...martyr crap, like Michael says, but maybe that gave him the respite to cocoon himself in those memories and keep the darkness at bay in his last moments. But once he was brought back, he lost those memories, but his connection to Isobel is not of this world, so that´s why he remembers her, and somehow, the effect Liz has on him hasn´t gone away, he just doesn´t know why he feels calm around her. Or maybe he´s lying to protect Liz because he´s convinced he´ll hurt her.
  17. Maybe it´s just a teaser, as in they show that part of the conversation in the trailer to makes us think he forgot her, but then on the episode that exchange is part of a longer conversation where he´s furious at her for bringing him back. When Max saved Liz, he mentioned feeling this uncontrollable rage inside,he told Liz it was only under control when he was with her, so, if it´s true he doesn´t remember her, it´s possible his body remembers how she makes him feel?
  18. I think the darkness Max feels is produced by the act of healing itself. When he saved Liz, the entired town blacked out for days, now it´s 10 years´ worth of death he is carrying, so who knows what will take for Max to go back to normal. All that training Isobel has been doing is going to have a purpose now, that´s for sure. Now that I remember, Noah told him killing makes them stronger, healing makes them weak, resurrecting someone sends aliens to the dark side, it seems like
  19. Michael gets a pass because he´s experienced a lot of trauma, and he has abandonment issues, but at some point he needs to own up his shitty behavior. Just in this episode he seemed to realize Max and Isobel have always been there for him, no matter how hard he pushed them away. Hopefully this is a point of inflection in his character development, as in he starts letting people in, he stops keeping people at an arms´ length, he´s a bit of a user...at least he´s self aware and knows he sees affection as currency...hopefully he stops going back and forth between Alex and Maria. In a perfect world, Alex and Maria would ditch his ass, I say this with love, Michael needs to work on his issues.
  20. I think Max, Isobel, and Michael don´t remember anything about their lives prior to the crash because their minds were erased, to protect them from the trauma. If they were prisoners during the war in their home planet, it´s possible their mothers considered it was best for them not to remember anything, to give them a fresh start, or to protect them from whomever is after them.
  21. Hopefully there will be more flashbacks that shed light on Max and Michael´s relationship...Michael has serious abandonment issues, and rightly so, but Isobel and Max have always been there, kind of waiting in the sidelines for Michael to come around. There was a lot of resentment that this whole bringing Max back to life has done away with...now Max is the one pulling away from everyone, it will be interesting to see how Michael deals with that. The surgery scene felt very Grey´s Anatomy, which is very on the nose, since Jeanine was on that show. I would have made that scene shorter, to make way for other things...more Maria for starters...she was only on two scenes. I also didn´t understand Maria´s attitude regarding her mom´s privacy. Her mom is mentally ill, and was gone for a month, I think those two things warrant looking into her search history, for starters. Maria´ll probably change her mind and will really investigate what´s going on with her mom, I think we´ll see some of that. Interesting theory Michael´s boss being an alien. If I remember correctly, they´ve known each other since Michael was in high school, and he looked out for him when Michael was being abused by his foster parent. His boss has been talked about quite a bit, but it´s the first time we see him, so that could be indicative of him making more appearances in future episodes. Who knows.
  22. Okayyy....he doesn´t remember her...or does he? Evil Max is kinda sexy
  23. I liked the flashbacks as well, getting to see Michael pretty much ruin his life during that summer was necessary in a way, I felt like we needed to see a progression. I assumed Michael and Alex broke up when Alex´s dad attacked Michael and broke his hand, but they actually stayed together a bit longer.
  24. I actually liked this episode very much. It felt somewhat better than the standard they have us used to...as in better than CW cheesy quality. The operation felt very Grey´s Anatomy lol. It was the music. I speculated about this dark energy accummulating for 10 years having an effect on Max. We knew when he saved Liz he was a raging ticking bomb for what seemed like days or even more...it wasn´t until he provoked a city wide blackout that he felt better. 10 years of death have to have a much bigger effect, I really liked Isobel on this episode...all that training had a purpose, a purpose she didn´t even know until now. The pacemaker thing is kind of genius. It felt a bit rushed...I wished they had shown Michael working on it for a few episodes, but then urgency is lost, and they need that element. So Rosa is an alien heart starter now...insteresting. I mean, the handprint has stayed on for months, she´s been walking around short circuiting appliances...so again, that also has come in handy...it´s quite possible that alien element comes into play again.
  25. Michael doesn´t seem to have a symbol as of yet...I think Max is coming back next episode, so I don´t think it´s so much Michael replacing Max as savior, but the aliens coming for Max and Michael offering to go instead...I think Michael is way more important in this iteration of the show than it was...Maybe the savior thing was a decoy, and it turns out Michael is the most valuable one? Carina LOVES Michael, it wouldn´t be that far-fetched.
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