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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Pantzilla. Excellent. And why were her pants being dried by someone else? Could it be that pantzilla left her laundry unattended in the community laundry room? Her clothes could have just been tossed out on the floor or somewhere else to sit and mildew. You don't want someone else handling your expensive pants (!), camp out in the laundry room and babysit your own pants. Interesting mix of cases today on the early (new?) show. I have uninsured (surprise!) motorist hitting a bicyclist and the foster dog woman. Holy smokes! Have we ever had a litigant storm out of the courtroom before being dismissed? Yowza. Thank goodness the dog now has a new home with someone who wasn't in it for the money. I sort of wish JJ had awarded the fostering program money just out of spite. Good call to send daughter out of the courtroom, and then calling that vile woman's bluff.
  2. My thoughts exactly. I kept thinking, "What is this dance supposed to be?" Just a rough night all around. Not sure how much I'll be watching this season. No one I can get excited about, and I really miss the old days, when everyone danced the same one or two dances, so the judging was a little more predictable. It bothers me when one team gets a super technical, rule-based dance (to my untrained sensibilities) and another gets one of the newer "no rules" dances. How do those compare?
  3. Today had a case with a police officer suing an idiot after said idiot filed a complaint against the officer. "He called me stupid!" cries idiot. JJ notes the tape recorder on the officer's desk, and proceeds to allow the idiot defendant enough rope to hang himself. Which he does, beautifully. The officer was shown to be patient, respectful, kind, and extremely generous. JJ awarded him the full $5000. I liked how he was quiet, confident in what the evidence would show. Even in the hallterview the defendant continued to be an idiot, and as Judy herself said, WAS stupid. But the officer never said that. Nice guy, and nice to see a peace officer in a positive light.
  4. Re: the limo company owner. Such an accurate description! I didn't realize this was on the DVR, so just saw it this afternoon. Brain and eye bleach needed. Gremlin indeed. What an odious, vile creature. And that's sayin' somethin' for this show. Great audience reactions, too. They don't applaud often. It was good the second case had some lighter moments, with the goober unable to recall gf's birthday. Byrd nearly fell over laughing. And Han Solo. hee.
  5. And on tonight's late night rerun - the FEMA scammer/check bouncer! What a despicable human being. Was there another case like this? Or did they just edit this one down? Because I recall a similar case where there were more questions about why a govt issued check would bounce, how he could cash it with his sister's name on it, etc. Same case, or a different one? And Oinky Boinky, the 'red haired girl" was certainly full of the drama, wasn't she? Not sure in that case who the goat was. I think I counted 3 potential goats. Idiot parent.
  6. Maybe this explains their horror when they lose. They hear, "You have a good case!" and assume that means they are likely to win. When in reality, "good case" means "good TV." Investing far too many brain cells on this. The technology cases are frustrating. But at least they aren't the pit bull/loan vs. gift cases we've all grown so tired of. I saw a case yesterday where a supposed baby daddy was suing for all the money he'd spent on the child that ultimately wasn't his (all of $635!). In the hallterview, his words of wisdom were for men to "definitely get the [paternity] test." Excuse me? How about "take precautions" instead?? Last I heard there were actually ways to prevent becoming a parent. Grouch grouch. I need chocolate.
  7. I think also, so that the loser actually has to be the one to cough up the funds. It bugs me when the "losers" on this show act all horrified they've lost, when they aren't actually out any money. So I'm glad JJ tosses 'em back home. Heh. Rotsa ruck, idiots.
  8. Ditto here. I get the same two descriptions twice a day, but 4 different eps. And hard to tell which ones were described! If these are reruns, they at least have picked some gems. And isn't that sad just all on its own.... As many a teacher will tell you, seeing kids named "Angel," "Christian" and "Heaven" on the roster is rarely a good sign. #don'tmisspublicschool
  9. Well the hair makes more sense now. (Great minds, CWL!) Blech. 18-month old daughter?? People like that make me wish I had a paint ball gun to shoot at my TV. Blammo!!!
  10. OMG! Anyone else get the Ricky/Roxanne co-sign loan hoopty car case??? New or old? My description doesn't match, but it looks like a new one. Holy smokes. Loved Roxanne agreeing that, "Yes, there is something wrong with me!" I was afraid our favorite judge was going to have a coronary! ETA: Watching the Ms. Bisbal case now. Wow. A good day for blood pressure meds! Cracked me up when JJ was quizzing the plaintiffs about psychiatric histories. Hee! I think that hair is available at Walmart in the Halloween aisle.
  11. Hallterview: "I am important!" Yea, because most 30-year old sleep-over-babysitters/process servers/HOV occupants are. Ickity ick. She just gave me the creeps. I loved both parties' names today. Just a lovely assortment of letters. (No, really!) Very musical. How was she allowed to tell the whole story about what the father told her, and what the mother told the father? I guess just to let her dig the hole deeper? Wonderfully excellent resolution to this case. I was a bit distracted by the woman with green hair behind Baindu. I know it was the lighting, but it was kind of like the woman in glasses from earlier seasons who always had the bright green dots in the middle of her eyes. Sometimes the gallery is more interesting to watch. ETA: Great recap, as always, Toaster Strudel. I was wondering how on earth to summarize this. I found all the bleeping out very confusing as well.
  12. Well that's just all kinds of wrong! Can we call/write/storm your local station to get this injustice righted? Maybe I'll just tape them, and hold off until the recaps. (Will you still be doing them?!) I've got (maybe) new stuff during the day when the reruns used to show. But the descriptions don't match the cases. Today I caught part of one with a snappy guy in a purple shirt and tie, and a half-awake/stoned former girlfriend arguing over a Cadillac that had been "boughten". Didn't see the beginning, but unlike Shannon Five-Shots, this gal looked like Nicole Five-Xanaxes.
  13. First time to see this show, and this was the first ep. Yum! Not many food trucks in our area, but when I've tried a couple, there's often a wait for the food. "Made to order" is a good thing, as long as it isn't too long a wait. I think that's one reason the waffles did so well. I LOVED the dumpling gals figuring out how to move the product. Hollering out the window at the passers by, dropping prices, whatever it takes. I thought the Spice girls were a little late to that party, and the $15 seemed outrageous. I would think food trucks would need to maximize speed with affordability. (And yumminess, of course.) I also thought the grocery store spot was a poor choice. Hungry when I leave, yes. But with ice cream, milk and a package of chicken in the car, not sure I'd be willing to take the time to walk over, order, and wait for lunch. Carload of lumber, paint and light bulbs from Home Depot? No prob. Someplace with foot traffic and where people can mill around and/or not be rushed. Shenanigans or not, the "hit and run" was disappointing. "Will it Waffle?" rabbit hole, indeed. Think I'm trying the hash browns first...
  14. So it looks like I get 4 new eps today. (But DVR only picks up the later ones Toaster recapped.) Anyone else? Got the episode with the teenagers sharing joint custody of a dog and a baby mama and daddy chasing each other ("jostling fetus.") Oldies, or new ones? I must say, though, that the couple was dressed in such bright colors that it made the case at least visually appealing. Baby mama fastest talker we've seen in a while. Criminy. Oh, I mean, "Whatever!" Looking forward to the recapped shows. Once upon a time I had a real life....
  15. I thought it interesting the two drunk girls talked about how many people had their cell phones out at the incident, were laughing about it, etc. Where were these fine, upstanding witnesses? Their excellent cell phone video evidence? No, she didn't know who she hit, no, she didn't have any information about them, but oh, yeah, they are suing her in another case. Half a dead brain between them. And what the heck kind of accent was that, anyway? As for the used car sale - the only thing you are guaranteed is what is in the contract. Not all used cars run, or run well. Got a friend who just bought a hoopty (hee!) for parts only. Of course, he knows it doesn't run, and didn't pay waaaay over KBB value for it. Just like buying a house - it is the buyer's responsibility to check it out. Don't like the fact it has termites? You don't have to buy it. But if you buy it and find termites, then you get the expense. JJ was right on this one - if Blondie wanted to prove the seller of the car had defrauded her, she should have proved it. Maybe her mechanic just wanted to tag her for $600 for repairs. Who knows.
  16. Oh, that was wonderful! Rewound and watched again. Thanks for the heads' up, TS! And the plaintiff's "job" of choice? Ticket Seller. In cash. Uh huh. So obvious they were running a scam on JJ. Glad she recognized it early on and shut it down. Idiots. Nice to see the plaintiff in the knifed car case came prepared with printouts of the texts, rather than just "here, scroll through my phone." Defendant may be one of my all-time favorites. Laughed and laughed. Just a piece of idiotic work. "Huh?" Surprised JJ didn't call her out on the hand-on-hip-attitude business. Great cases so far. Toaster's doing a bang-up job of setting them up for us. Yea!
  17. Welcome back to work, ToasterStrudel! Crispy, golden, gooey recaps, as always! This one will stay on the DVR for a while. Halterview was the best part! Hoo-wee! (Was that Kardashley from the Bachelor?!?!) Yet another example of "It must be true because I believe it to be true." Ripped out the flooring - ha. This is why our lease is about 10 pages long, everybody initials every page, (and some of the more "likely to cause problems" sections, and everything is in writing. Good landlords, good properties USUALLY beget good tenants. We had a family ask if they could replace the carpets (hell, yea!), and one who wanted to retile the family room. You betcha. But all worked out in advance, and in writing. How long had the woman and her poor, defenseless babies lived in the house? Didn't sound like long. He must have been really eager to get rid of her if he started eviction processes so early in the game. Showthyme, we could tell some tales, couldn't we? And I'm with you on the photos - we do MUCH more of that, now! And what are you SMILING AT?! hahahhahahaha
  18. Uh huh. Just as I suspected. Cocktailin' and borrowin' and messin' around most likely. But welcome back just the same! Nice job, 27!
  19. Hey, if we've got new episodes startin' up, someone needs to wake up ToasterStrudel and get her back to work. We need our gavels and most excellent recaps! Sometimes I need to do laundry and clean bathrooms and stuff, so would appreciate knowing which days are available for this. ;-)
  20. And she still hasn't/won't, since the show will pick it up. One of the few reasonable examples of "Why would anyone appear on this show?" At least the landlord got his money, although he came close to blowing it!
  21. Sadly disappointed in today's new eps. Ditched the dog/livestock case early on. REALLY disappointed I missed yesterday's! Maybe I'll find it on one of those video sharing sites... Time to set up the DVR, I guess. Talk about guilty pleasures. Re: the landlord/tenant case - I was pleased that JJ recognized that the landlord let her stay in the house for MONTHS with no rent, because she had been a good tenant (it appeared.) We've done that, too - let good folks slide a while in hopes they get things together, but it's still a business and we still have mortgages to pay, so it's not an open-ended deal. And she was so bent out of shape that she had to move! The ones we have had to toss are also so appalled. Go find somewhere else to live for free, if you think you are so deserving. Surely there are lots of places that allow that.... /rant. ETA: Found Rebecca! Oh, my. Hope to find the fence case.
  22. Boy, it did seem like an "under the influence" kind of day, didn't it? What a bunch of weirdos. Oh, wait... New show! Yea!
  23. Wasn't that an odd way she said that? Over and over and over. I guess the parent company has them use that term instead of "scammer." And I did like Ms. Chicken Bones' bouncin' and behavin' hair! /soapbox: When I was teaching in the Teacher Education program, I always had grammar questions on my exams. Students would complain that I had questions about your/you're and "theirselves" on the tests and I'd fire back that if they expected to teach my children, by gum they needed to model correct grammar. I got so sick of correcting it on their assignments it sure 'nuff showed up on exams. I won't even go into the hazard that is spell check. I tried, folks. :-( /soapbox
  24. I did a little binge watching after vacation today, and came to this same conclusion. The whole reason these are cold cases is that there has never been enough evidence to go to trial (or know for sure what happened, as in this case.) So maybe just being able to tell the Brenda(?)'s Mom that no, your daughter DIDN'T just run off will give her a little solace. The ex from this episode will have his life changed now that this has aired, and will always be looking over his shoulder. I'm pretty sure he's been feeling pretty confident the last 22 years. Maybe being a little desperate now will cause him to slip up and do something stupid. (or someone else will come forward.) Maybe give the current wife the courage to leave, if she needs to. As for the "forgetful woman", I'm guessing she knows exactly what happened, and is afraid the same thing will happen to her. If she said anything on air, he'd know exactly who and where she was. The comment about chopping Brenda up and feeding her to the pigs was not only horrifying, but probably very possible. (Criminal Minds had an episode like that - very difficult to watch that one.) And I agree with Kelly's comments. I think we were all screaming at the TV! Somewhere there are a 26-year old young man and his younger sister who also saw this. So sorry for them.
  25. And they are STILL all kinds of awesome! Great repeat today.
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