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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. So thinking back, the only song I can REMEMBER is Daphne's. I recall bits of others, but for a show about Nashville Music, I'm still missing the music. And I'm NOT a country fan! This almost felt like a 90 minute episode whittled down to 45. Avery sits to play his set for Cadence, and we don't get a single note? huh? And how telling is it that for the first half of this thread, people talked about Caleb being gone, and I thought that was Luke's son?? Guess he wasn't really on my radar. I, too am a little tired of Deacon's tirades, but I wonder if his insecurity is because now he HAS Rayna. Pretty much his whole life he lived with wanting her and knowing he couldn't/didn't have her, and now that they are together, all the doubt about "do I deserve her, did she really choose me?" starts in. At least, in real life that may be what happens. Are the writers that tuned in? Agree with Avery 100% on the his stance. But also agree with his reconsideration, and his reason for it. Love the housemates! (Remember the Scarlett, Gunnar, Avery road trip a while back?) Maybe they could solve mysteries together, ala Scooby Doo's pals in a spinoff sseries...
  2. In the event of a disaster (fire, flood, etc), the ARC generally provides for immediate needs for a couple of days (food, shelter, clothing, medications) for those without. Many people have insurance, or family to stay with, or only the bedrooms were damaged, so they don't need food, etc. It's not a lot of money, and each case is different. Sometimes, they are able to also help with relocation and may provide a little more help, for something like a security deposit. It's hard to come up with the cash for deposit, rent, and replacing everything you own on a day or two's notice. I never saw a case where that came into play, though. Most of the cases I worked were for only a few hundred dollars. The goal is to help clients figure out and execute their own plan forward, but give them a day or two's respite to do that. It's not insurance, though several of my clients seemed to think so. Those needing long-term assistance are referred to other agencies (United Way, etc.) In this case, it could have been the couple lost their home, and needed the cash to get into a new one. I think it looked like the check was for $300, so again, not a lot. We had a few scammers/cretins, or course, just like in all other aspects of life. Generally, it was very rewarding, and there were times where I wanted to run back and just stuff money from my purse into the client's hands. As for the extermination, we do that before tenants move in (or once a year), but anything else is up to the client. In. The. Lease! And if my house had bed bugs, that is NOT the time I'd pull the "It's not my responsibility!" argument. And with a baby on the way?? Great big double yick! We may add "Never been on Judge Judy" to our list of qualifications! I should probably start a list of every tenant on the show. But I don't think I have enough paper for that. eta: Rick, from what we saw, it's hard to know when the bug issue started. People who leave food out, trash out, and live like pigs will attract bugs/vermin. And they could have brought the bugs with them. Not the exterminator's fault, or the landlord's. There could have been a case there, but the defendant was so mouthy and disagreeable that JJ shut her down and dismissed the counterclaim.
  3. OMG. That video. The worst part: "I only just found out about it." What?!?! Thanks for the recap AngelaHunter. Hope the show didn't spend that much on airfare/hotel/lovely dinner for them all.
  4. That case was a good example of why I'm taking a break from the Red Cross. One of my last visits was where a gal's "not my boyfriend" starts a fire, burns up the landlord's house, and she gripes that the Red Cross wouldn't replace her big screen TVs (plural!). Living under numerous government programs, and she gripes that she'll have to buy new TVs. Not worried about the landlord's house, which was mostly toast... Most clients are wonderful and very appreciative, but I ran into a slew of folks like this couple and just stepped back a while. (end rant) Bed Bug gal really did have the facial expressions, didn't she?! She also seemed not at all surprised when they lost, so me thinks she's been through this same procedure before. I always love it when a fellow roommate offers testimony for the OTHER side of the aisle. Ha! Kinda like the eyelash (great one!) repeat case. JJ: "This is your witness?!" Didn't listen to most of the dying son case. Just can't do family squabbles.
  5. I saw the repeat with Officer Kang, who was wrongly and stupidly accused of calling a stupid motorist stupid. I'm glad he was vindicated, although the stupid defendant still stupidly showed no remorse, and was still blathering stupidly in the hallterview. Even Judge Judy called him stupid. Yea for Officer Kang! Cracking up at the newly punctuationalized A'ngela and Teeb'ax. Congratulations! Teeb'ax, I hope the wedding announcements haven't been printed yet! C'Andre was a cutie, just a little boy who did what lots of other little boys and girls do. Loved JJ's being patient with him and smiling (I didn't think she was laughing AT him) when she quizzed him about the name. "You couldn't go with Charles?" Mom looked pleasant enough, but I agree, it's horrible to put a young child in a position to lie.
  6. I think a lack of formal training may be evident in her coaching. Listening to Braiden's Amazing Grace ( I love the song, and liked this arrangement), there are a lot of issues in his technique. Listen for the extra "h" sounds in his words: "We'heeve no less days" " wa-has lost." I'm no expert, but junior high choir taught us to not do that. I'm surprised the (music) producers let the song be finalized like that. (Same kind of thing with people who take a breath in the middle of a word.) Technique can be taught and practiced. Braiden's stage presence and confidence improved, to me, when he put his glasses back on and quit straightening his hair, but his technique still needs training. Gwen seems to be very positive, very loving, and very supportive. But I'm not sure how much she brings to improving the members on her team vocally, but they often do look a lot better. That said, I do enjoy Gwen, and how she lights up the place. She seems to be having so much fun!
  7. Pissed off Bun Girl alert! She's on today's facebook/gas station repeat, but in disguise! High ponytail and a sweater. Same polka dot dress. Noticed her during the entire "stopped to get a juice with my dollar coin" monologue. On the def's side. Eagle eyes on duty!
  8. Maybe a genuine pit bull rescue group will see this and go re-rescue the poor dog. Still giggling about Judy "badgering" the plaintiff -- did you call the police? Get a note? hahahahaha! And I'm surprised Byrd didn't have to catch JJ's eyeballs in a baseball mitt, they rolled so far back in her head!
  9. I liked that Emily Ann and Jordan gave real performances. I thought it was a great way to close the show. Much better than if it had been one of the snoozers. But won't be buying either song. Not a fan of Mady's, but agree she's got a great set of pipes, and a cool sound. Can see her doing a lot of Cass Elliot stuff.
  10. But she can tell her friends she rescues pit bulls!!! She's a hero!! All I could think of was that perhaps the poor dog was "hyper" BECAUSE he was caged 24/7! Dogs need to run and play. No wonder he runs for the hills the rare opportunities she lets him out! Same reason we don't go to the dog park on Saturdays, or after 5 pm. All those dogs who've been cooped up all day/week just go bonkers with all the freedom. Someone needs to get her a bullhorn so she can announce when she heads outside so everyone else can bolt their doors and cower behind their sofas. Sheesh. What a piece of work!
  11. I'm pleased I at least I know most of these songs for a change! But hasn't Somebody to Love been done often? and recently? But a lot of zzzzzz for sure. I liked Braiden's song, too. Of course, it's one of my all-time favorite songs, so there's that. He looks comfortable, and like himself, finally.
  12. Ha! Too funny. CoolWhipLite, you missed the return of Brunhilda and her daughter Lisa the Hutt (tm someone else, and another Star Wars reference!) and the 15 mysterious credit cards! "I didn't open them! I didn't use them! I need $4500 to pay off my daughter's charges!!" Good on JJ for recognizing what most likely is not a scam, just idiots who think they "deserve" to have someone else pay their bills. OMG! The caged hyper pitbull story: JJ: "Oh, my God! Did you ask permission? Did you get a note?" hahahahha! Rewound and watched this case several times. Don't often get to see Judy's sense of true humor (as opposed to snarky sarcasm.)
  13. Great bunch of loons on the repeats today. I feel so much better about myself now. Well, that and the wine... Idiot "delivery driver" who crashed into a bike rider (whilst being uninsured, doncha know) and couldn't find ANY way to take responsibility for the accident. "I stopped at the stop sign a long time!" JJ: "Not long enough!" Foster dog mom who adopts a dog and wants the foster organization to hand over all the "fostering payments." Judy finally pushed her to say, yeah, the organization can have the dog back, and Judy called her on it. Love it when idiot plaintiffs storm out before the ruling. Good luck explaining it to her 14-year old daughter that not only do they NOT get a boatload of cash, sweet girl also loses her pet. Woman owns a mortgage company. Makes me wonder what her mortgage policies are. Yikes. Welcome to Shelly.odo! Have you gotten your tax return? Do you comingle your money with your partner/babydaddy/momma? Has someone borrowed you money lately? (or was it a gift?!) Have you boughten something on craigslist lately you care to share? Had any kerfuffles with roommates you found through your cousin's best friend's brother's stepmother? How's your pitbull? Does he climb under/leap over/apperate through fences? You can't just creep in and say hi! and creep back out! Honestly. Tell us all!! We are dying to know! ;-)
  14. Angela, I had thought Geraldine, too! (Doncha know there's a bunch of folks going, "Huh? Who?" ha! I LOVED the Flip Wilson show!) As much as the pit bull cases are aggravating, I find the family-suing-family cases worse. Had this one turned down; it was just so icky. But NYCFree, I too, liked the mom's dress! I'm finding the "new" cases really boring and uninspired. The reruns earlier in the day (here) are usually better, or at least more fun.
  15. I think there was a Bachelor contestant who also got quite excited when she found out she was going to another country! New Mexico! Where they wear sombreros! (And I only admit to watching that program grudgingly. But you all know how it is.)
  16. Ha! AngelaHunter! Damn skippy. Silly me. For those of you waitin' on your tax refund checks to come in, I learned about a new way to earn some money! If you have guests come over to hang out, you can charge them for utilities! Flush a toilet? Pay the toll! Turn on a light? Pay the toll! Watch my TV? Yep, pay the toll! Wacko gal on the repeat who managed to lose TWO roommates from a 3-bedroom house. Oddly, BOTH former roommates continued to pay their rent through the lease. But Wacko Gal decides one of 'em needs to pay 1/2 the utilities from the term of the lease. It was pretty silly, and yes, she used the arguments about the def. coming to visit and using the toilet and watching TV. JJ laughed her out of court. Defendant never even got to say "Hi." Great kicker: Plaintiff's witness very eager to testify. Judy asks her how often she visits Plaintiff's house. Couple of times a week, but surprisingly, never pays utilities! Buh-bye! The other one I saw was the "Not the Baby Daddy" suing for blah blah blah usual fishcakes. He wins, counterclaim dismissed, and idiot baby mama stands there and says to her friend, "What just happened? Is it over?" Ha! (But I did really love her way cool gold chain-y feathery earrings! Or were they hair doodads?)
  17. Camped at the DMV even as we speak. Hoping I have enough documents with me! Hard to tell since all the signage is in languages I don't speak or read. Looking forward to relaxing with our favorite judge if/when I get home...
  18. Well, dang! I go out to dinner and miss all kinds of stuff! Certainly sounds like it was more interesting than the cases! Regarding sleeping with a chicken - would not be out of the question based on some of the people we've seen around these parts. Toaster, the gal with the tickets also had a bunch of fines/penalties for not showing proof (or something) so there was more $$ than just the ticket. Her argument was that the def (car owner) wouldn't allow her to take the car to the police station to prove the light had been fixed. They had a kerfuffle, of course, and she had no way to prove to the police the light was fixed. Which almost sounded plausible, until JJ ferreted out that if she had the car long enough to get the problem fixed (which the plaintiff did), then she could have just zipped by the police right then and there. But didn't.
  19. In that boat right there with ya, sweetie. Between the special snowflakes, the micro-management, and the "I'll just have my parents sue you!" BS, I don't miss it. I thought O/Amarion's dad had a scintilla of an argument when he said he'd left his son in the care and supervision of the aunt/cousin/sister. Just a bit of scintilla of a defense, but still 100% of the responsibility. At least he didn't say HE shouldn't have to pay, since HE didn't wreck the car. I was kind of expecting that.
  20. Oh good night, y'all. I'm clearing out the DVR. Got a 21-year old mother with THREE children (3, 2, and 4 mos), with a 23-year old baby daddy ( who has somewhere between 1 and 3 additional children, no one knows for sure), and the mom claims her children are financially secure, in a good home. Thanks to student loans, of course, for her online classes (to better herself!). You can guess how JJ came down on that one. Idiot girl thinks things are peachy because she's got all the money coming in, but can't work because, say it with me now, She Has Three Children!!! Gad. You don't even want to know the loser that was the dad. "Yeah, I've been in jail, lots of times." He's 23, remember. Next ep has the a load of idiots with multiple lip piercings (both sides of the aisle.) The infected, swollen mumble mouths were just horrible. Lost track of the times JJ corrected "I seen..." Then momma got up and things went from bad to worse. I can just see the makeup staff with this group. "Here, let me apply powder. Oh wait. You're good! Outa my chair and hand me the Lysol!" At least they aren't pit bulls, and borrowed money, right?
  21. Was that the one where at the end the plaintiff claimed her horse almost died - in a tornado?! Yeah, that's the defendant's fault. I think the big issue with the judge was that the lady left her horse at the stable for several months, and then decided the care wasn't adequate and refused to pay. Kind of like the prom dress ep. She left her horse there, and if conditions were so deplorable, she could have moved her horse. She chose not to. Another "If you send the bad steak back, you don't pay. But if you eat the steak, you pay for it, even if you didn't like it."
  22. Hey, y'all!! This morning's case - was this a new one or a repeat? About the fireworks? What a great plaintiff! Three vehicles were damaged, but he's only suing for costs to repair one. Why? One got sold and one was going to be renovated before the damage, so why sue for that? What a guy! Someone not trying to milk the system. And a great technology boost! Google Earth photos rather than the typical construction paper neighborhood diagrams. Oooh, aaah! My descriptions showed the afternoon cases, of course, so I have no idea where the morning cases come from. I understand your concern about the bulldog case, Brattinella!! The bulldog case is okay to watch. No abuse, no injured animals, just a bunch of people who all sound alike (can't just listen to this one!) and a very bizarro situation. Happy ending. Well, for this show, anyway. Witness who looks like her name should be Maggie Moon Unit, or something.
  23. I'm not a voter, but if I was, I would vote to save her because I think so much of what we see seems more "Gwen" than "Korin." (Glad her pony tail wasn't dyed at the ends! agh!) I may be wrong, and she may be loving the new look/sound, but I kind of wonder where she'd be if she was still in charge of her own look and songs. Maybe she is. I really liked her during the blinds. "You're so cool!" "No, I'm not!" Yeah, you really are, sweet girl. But I agree, she's not around much longer.
  24. Glad I wasn't the only one appalled by Delta Dawn. I was only half-way paying attention, and didn't hear the intro. About half way through the song, I picked out the lyrics and rewound because I couldn't place the song. Holy moley. And all that hunched over "dancing" business? Huh? Madi has never been on my radar, but I loved her last night. Amy, too. I liked her the first night, and have been disappointed ever since. But last night was a great song for her. Emily Ann was good last night, too. I'm not a country fan, and didn't know the song, but thought she looked comfortable, sounded great, and did a great job even when the band cut out. (Not all do). Poor Korin. Still a lovely voice, but I wish she'd had a different coach. I turned the show on and saw her, thought it was probably Emily Ann, and switched back to DWTS. Ha! She always looks so miserable, compared to her blind audition. The judges' comments about finally finding her own style left be baffled. Huh? We saw her own style the first night. And then Poof! It was gone. Completely agree with comment upthread about Carson being the big brother standing by. He really does seem to do a great job of looking out for the contestants. And his excitement in the blinds when he's back with the families is always so cool. Great host.
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