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  1. 2 years ago. libgirl2 nailed it 🎉
  2. I was totally expecting the Dee and Vi story to interrupt their bonding talk with them watching a special news bulletin saying beach girl went full on Gypsy Rose on her mom. And I'm sorry, but who needs to call their doctor father to learn that ipecac induces vomiting. Vi should have known that one even if Dee didn't.
  3. I knew the second she appeared with just her hands tied and no gag.
  4. Clearly I have a different frame of reference. As soon as he spoke I realized it was Nigel Billingsley From the Jumanji movies
  5. This was exactly the costume my mom wore when she was pregnant with me. I was born the second week in November :)
  6. Am I the only one who was amused at Sheldon being blocked by the origin of the bathroom schedule that he so rigorously enforces in BBT?
  7. Took a day to work up to watching this. The opening with Jimmy just about crushed me. All in all a fine tribute to the character and the actor. So... MY Ducky story. Years ago, I was living and taking care of my mother who was showing early signs of Alzheimer's. And one of the things we always did together was watch NCIS. This night the team was all going to Ducky's and one of the team asked Gibbs "what did Ducky look like when he was younger?" and Gibbs replied "Illya Kuryakin" and my mother suddenly said "Oh my God YES!" She was a huge Man from U.N.C.L.E. fan back in the day and not put the two together until that moment. Later she called another relative who she had watch MfU with back in the day and the sat chatting like school girls over this rediscovery. This made me a permanent fan of his for this glimpse into her past and I will never forget that. Farewell David McCallum, the joy you left behind will always remain
  8. For the record I live in the SF Bay Area and prices here are on par with LA for comparison and NO WAY the prices they were charging would fly here. We have a local truck gathering every week and the average price for an entrée is in the $14-18 range. There is one truck connected to a local established restaurant that last week had a special Prime Rib with Mashed Potatoes & Vegetables $22 Serious producer hijinks if they sold over 100 $32 Pink Tacos
  9. A fun episode when I wasn't distracted by the set designers deciding that Lucy and Kate sleeping on quilted pillow covers 🙄
  10. While not as bad as last week, still fairly bad and lazy writing. Everyone has already hit most the tropes. But I'll add 2 more Overly aggressive CPS agent who shows up immediately (!) planning to remove the child only to get talked down by show hero they have no history with and no reason to believe. 2 weeks in a row of Mel and Harry walking up to someone they want to talk to and being spoon fed the excuse of "are you with...?" that they can just say yes to and the person immediately spills all.
  11. Watching this all I could think was that they used an AI to write the plot, it was that much of a jumbled mess. How anybody involved in this allowed this to go as aired escapes me. 2 episodes in this season and I have moved this to the hate-watch column. If next week is as bad, that is it for me.
  12. I ended up recording it and watching in jumps because the staging and format was so bad: with some nominees announced and then awarded and some announced then a poorly done bit and then finally awarded at which point I forgot category it was. Then just hate watching the In Memorium for the truly awful directorial decision to highlight a darkened room rather than the actual people being memorialized. happy for all the winners, but the actual awards show was a disaster.
  13. The FDD quoted in that is insane. I feel this whole show was a disaster from start to finish. The contestants were basically trained to work as staff not managers, and the various "mini-contests" were completely pointless. As for being an infomercial for Chicken Guy - TOTAL FAIL The only impression it gave to me was of an overpriced theme park restaurant. And the idea of all the health conscious things they tried to highlight, gluten free etc that was completely buried under all the fried chicken and milkshakes.
  14. My impression when Delilah told Lori she 'just made her famous' didn't mean just to the other people in the office. I thought they all saw it because she tagged the office to the video.
  15. Just finished watching season 10 ( I know, I'm slow) and I must say, Catherine is a terrible friend. She eggs on Neville, her risk adverse friend, to declare his feelings for Florence, someone who is also her friend who is clearly going through her own pain, without ever checking on whether Florence might be interested first.
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