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Everything posted by GonnahearmeRoar

  1. It is possible the man Sidney is involved with is stringing her along? Have to wonder what this man is promising her.
  2. Omg yes! How did you find it? It was in her IG posts yesterday morning in the second or third row then disappeared by the evening.
  3. There was a a video this morning of her singing in her house while looking at an IPad with her ? spouse present sitting at the table. Kelli was fresh faced with glasses and a robe on😀
  4. I shit you not... it was removed🤣😂🤣😂 went to add link and it’s gone! She must read this forum.
  5. Nebbed on Kelli F’s IG and was surprised how beautifully she sings. Wasn’t expecting that at all!
  6. An organization is only as strong as its individuals. Guidelines/rules that are set in place to protect the organization must be followed to ensure the integrity and image of the organization and therefore its individuals. Several instances of compromised integrity from within that organization have come to light. Although the DCC have social media class and lectured in holding the organization in the best possible manner, individuals have broken this commitment to the organization. Rumors are spread outward from within. E.g., telling your friend negative information about your organization and having them spread it on social media is just as damaging. Having said that, I am happy Hannah gave us some insight of her being cut after she was released from the organization. I am not referring to her at all. But, she took a stance and now she will move on and deal with the consequences. Sometimes life isn’t fair. It is the information being leaked that doesn’t need to be. Inquiring minds always want to know and we benefit from these breaches. In the vein of younger competition coming in and replacing an older DCC, it could be argued that the Brennan cut may be a little ageist - oldest DCC, more mature DCC - but you see her take the high road and be grateful. She is without a doubt the most classy woman I’ve seen on MTT.
  7. Oh my, I am catching up on posts and must say I laughed so hard tears came down my face! Thank you I needed that laugh in all of this craziness ❤️😂
  8. I love Dani and Nicole F for not backing down and wasting their Suite Save...smart move girls💫
  9. I believe they thought time and experience would evolve Meredith into the DCC style but it didn’t happen that way. She is beyond beautiful and a great dancer just not right for DCC.
  10. I could see Meredith, Lisa and Lily being at risk for being cut if a lot of talent came to tryouts.
  11. Hope the tryouts for SG were fair. Whatever that means. Participating in tryouts most of my life and witnessing tryouts for children, it is rare that tryouts are fair. I’ve seen and heard it all. That’s my 0.02.
  12. Oh my! Stating “clearly making a joke” or “it was obvious” does NOT conclude Kyle was referring to his HIV. Sorry the truth does NOT fit your narrative. Keep to the facts.
  13. Lol... most people like me tune in to watch RHOBH to see Kyle, Lisa R and Dorit and Erica. The show would bellyflop without them. I will be watching my ladies next season as I am loyal to the show. This is a fun escape from my reality and totally viewed as entertainment 😀
  14. A thousand times ding, ding, ding... premeditated sexual seeking. Definitely contributing to exploiting those less fortunate for perverted situations. Wonder the ages of these workers and the circumstances of why they do this. Sad!!
  15. Watch it. I really enjoyed season 1 although most of the cast are not current housewives, season 1 & 2 are referenced a lot.
  16. #2 is a true statement - multiple partners, unprotected sex...std’s. Stay woke and protected😀
  17. Interesting -now wondering how scripted the show is and what is real and what is created to keep us talking and coming back 🤷‍♀️
  18. What’s the scoop? This is crazy delicious news😀
  19. I think Brandi was really into Denise and was lashing out. Brandi’s limitless hamster wheel was turning and Brandi wanted to spin this her way before Denise opened her mouth. Denise was never going to hit it again or speak about it but Brandi couldn’t be certain. Of course, Brandi tested her story to gullible Kim then there was diarrhea of the mouth🤮
  20. I don’t think any of the cast are Mensa members but, I would disagree that Kyle is the dumbest. Lisa R. and Dorit take that prize for me😂
  21. Gigi got scolded by Andy😂 I ♥️ Him❤️❤️❤️. Destiny looked hot and is definitely the prettiest woman on Shahs followed by Mike’s girlfriend. MJ is prettier than Gigi but is obese. Gigi acts like she is so hot and Nema is so beneath her- after marrying one of the ugliest creatures I’ve seen 😭
  22. I am always happy when housewives can move past a troubled relationship and forgive - way to go Kyle and Camille. Sucks Lisa, Teddy and Dorit are stuck in the past. Fun to see all the past Housewives. I truly miss Kyle and LV though💔
  23. Seriously, saying the show is rigged by fans is one thing. Having cast members spread information on social media like paying off Wes to work with Johnny and everything else they said is reckless. Makes it seem the MTV Challenge is more a show interested in boosting ratings, not a reality-based competition. Wonder if this breaches contract guidelines. Would like to see Cara and Paulie be kicked off 🤞
  24. I hate sore losers! This hit back in April/May from no other than Cara & Paulie. Surprised if MTV has them back throwing them under the bus😀
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