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Chanandler Bong

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Everything posted by Chanandler Bong

  1. Yes! I loved the finale, but I’m feeling such a lack of closure from that alone. I don’t understand why they didn’t add a quick scene with Gary and Javi before he left. When Gina started walking out the door with the baby I was like, “Wait! What?? No!” As a mom, I’m feeling so unsettled. Overall it was a beautiful finale. I loved the full circle band of dads moment at the game at the end. The aging up was a little all over the place — some hadn’t aged at all (Maggie, Eddie). Some had aged 30 years apparently (Rome, Katherine). But whatever — I’ll let it slide. Eddie and Rome walking into a HOSPITAL and practically saying to Nurse Kevin, “Hey there! Gary said you’d know how to take care of things. You know — assisted suicide…you got anything for that? We’ve heard you’ve done it before.” Read the room, guys. Theo weighing in on the situation was weird. Or, I guess, perfectly apt for Theo. Colin just about did me in.
  2. I’m sorry, but Hen going to medical school at this stage in her life is INSANE. We’re talking 4 years of med school, followed by a 4 year residency, possibly more if she wants to be a surgeon. She’s, what, late forties, early fifties? So, she won’t be done until her mid-fifties at best. Then she’ll probably retire 10-15 years after that. Will she even be done paying off her mountain of loans by retirement?? Not to mention the emotional toll it’s taking on her and her family. She has a good career where she gets to do something medical adjacent, helping to save lives every day. I don’t get her unrelenting desire to do this and I don’t really want to watch it. Buck saying to Hen, “I hadn’t thought of that” when she pointed out the very obvious fact that donating his sperm would essentially mean watching someone else raise his biological child. *face palm* Just further proof that Buck should definitely not be doing this.
  3. Right?! It made NO sense whatsoever. She’s lived with this for years then literally minutes after receiving the flyer, she can’t handle it anymore and leaves her pregnant teenage daughter?? Also, she wrote ‘A’ in the wall in blood before dying? What??? The Waters house — are we to assume that Archie (strange name choice given that they had a Riverdale tie in, but whatever) was developmentally disabled and Rose kept him in a cage as a child and tied him to the bed because she didn’t know what to do with him…or something? And the only reason Archie is ‘A’ is because his dad is taking advantage of his intellectual disability? Or am I reading too much into this? The bed/cage thing…I just really need answers. So, Joe’s death was a staged suicide by principal whatshisname? But what was Joe’s involvement and whose corpse was on the bed? I also have questions about Angela arriving to the rave in such disarray, but that’s so far down the list of plot holes, I guess I’ll just chalk it up to the fight with her mom. I feel like there should have been more backstory with Davie and why she was such a monster in HS. I just have a hard time believing someone that unbelievably cruel would do a total 180. And, lastly, the baby is going to Ezra and Aria *eyeroll*. I was surprised she was still giving the baby up for adoption after spending so much time with her. That would be gutting to say the least. As trash TV goes, I didn’t think this was that bad (until the end) and I guess I’m in the minority thinking that Bailee Madison is a good actress. I kind of enjoyed the series up until this last episode, but they did an atrocious job tying up all the loose ends.
  4. Mouse’s mom said that? I guessed I missed that. That’s…a weird thing to do.
  5. Right?! I felt like a huge part of the conversation was missing. Why did she take her? Is she also the mom or was it another woman’s eggs? Did she take her before or after the birth? Did she make up a lie to get out of the surrogacy or just vanish without a trace? Does her other mom know and, if so, why did she go along with it? Are they all living under false identities? Where’s the other couple now? Would they be more furious that she took their baby or that they unofficially named her Mouse? But most importantly WHY?!?!?!?!
  6. No. Thank. You! Though the finale was a disappointment, the series should stand on its own. A Randall spin-off would be dull and unrelentingly saccharine. And, quite honestly, SKB is so talented, he would be doing himself a disservice not moving on from This is Us.
  7. That was so unsatisfying to watch. When the screen went black after the last shot I thought for sure it would go to commercial. But was sorely disappointed when the credits started rolling. What a letdown! What This Is Us has done best since the pilot is creating symmetrical episodes, tying the past, present, and future together in a beautiful and often unexpected way. They’ve taken small, seemingly insignificant moments and made them matter. It’s like that was the whole message of this episode, yet they ironically couldn’t pull it off for the series finale. I loved the beginning scenes of the swings with all the different families and generations. If only they could have continued that mirroring throughout the episode. I wanted flash forwards. Deja and Baby William. A cap off to Jack Jr. The Big Three continuing to the dreams they talked about on the porch. Weaving together the generations and the stories with a connecting thread that binds it all together. A full circle last moment with the family I’ve become so invested in. I did NOT want a finale shot of Randall (ugh!) looking at Jack. This show at times has, yes, felt like The Randall Show, but to me it was always a show about a family — a mom, a dad, their three kids, their lives, and the legacies they leave behind, both big and small. So, why oh why put most of the focus on one of the kids instead of the ensemble?!? For a show that I truly think has some of the best writing, acting, and casting, that created one of the best pilots of all time, it’s baffling how much they missed the mark on the very last episode.
  8. Oh my gosh, I did not expect that episode to absolutely wreck me, but I was sobbing by the end. Jack would have been so proud and grateful to have Miguel by Rebecca’s side, especially in their old age. What a beautiful example of enduring love. The morning coffee and slippers, the daily routines and still enjoying each other’s company, the patience and selflessness. The part in particular where she started calling out for him the minute he left the room just killed me. Their love story from start to finish felt so believable to me. I could knit pick some character choices (Kevin…), but I don’t want to. What a beautiful and poignant episode!
  9. Sounds like I’m probably in the minority here, but I loved this episode (well what this episode resulted in at least). It helps that Justin Hartley and Alexandra Breckenridge have such great chemistry. I love that Kevin and Sophie found their way back to each other. I love love loved Rebecca’s talk with Sophie — almost an unintentional time traveling moment that gave Sophie the insight she needed. I loved the Valentine and the simple “I’ve always carried you with me, Soph” (instead of a typical Pearson speech). I loved the cheering after the kiss. I loved it all. (Except Randall’s analogy about the Super Bowl merch — what a weird, meandering way to get to “The world is crazy amiright?” I thought he was going somewhere like their losses seemed pointless, but it actually had an even more meaningful purpose after all. It just took some time to get there…or something. Also a reach, but not a total left turn.) We finally get the full Miguel/Rebecca story next week!!!
  10. Sophie saying to Danny “I knew Charlie and MOM would be ok because you were with them” just further confirms what a crappy mom Delilah is. Also, “Oh, hey daughter, I know you’re still recovering from your sexual assault and are also barely an adult, but could you prepare our huge ass house to be sold? K, thanks!” I don’t know why Gina didn’t think to start a food truck eatery before since, you know, she bought a food truck. Does she really want to go into business with this woman? She seems sincere enough, but has proven on multiple occasions to be flaky. I don’t understand at all why Maggie and Gary are going to a fertility specialist. She was told her “goods” were fine, just on a clock. Just try by yourselves for at least 6 months before you spend thousands. Also, they seem a little too chummy with their doctor. So…who’s paying for Tyrell to go to Yale? Rome and Gina, I assume… I thought Anna killing Peter might be a red herring, but why else would she say she was with Eddie in order to secure an alibi? I really hope Eddie isn’t an idiot and lies for her. Just what a recovering alcoholic who just got part-time custody of his son needs.
  11. I’ve always found it laughably unrealistic that characters in TV shows drop everything when their friends go to the hospital. (Like in Friends when Phoebe and Rachel have their babies and everyone goes and literally waits hours upon hours in the waiting room.) Unless it’s my husband or kids, or something life threateningly urgent for someone I’m close to who also wants me there, I’m probably not waiting in the hospital for what is most likely days. Nor would I want anyone to do the same for me. The fact that Maggie and Cam left the party to go sit in the waiting room solely to receive news and then leave is insane. So, now we know Theo is 12 (wuuuuuut???), but he doesn’t know how or when to call 911 and Greta had to instruct him what to do like he’s a 4 year old who just learned his address (fair assumption, Greta). Then there’s Cam — a character so sweet and charming that he made me completely forget about Dick Casablancas. I guess the heart wants what it wants, and Maggie apparently wants Gary over the handsome, wealthy, thoughtful, kid friendly, professional hockey player. And she couldn’t wait one day so she didn’t dump him immediately following the extravagant birthday party he threw her (that he left so she could go to the hospital to NOT see a friend who had a fairly minor accident)? Cut your losses Cam and RUN.
  12. Right?! Regina seemed appalled by her sentencing. I’m no lawyer, but 2.5 years for 15ish stolen credit cards seems…reasonable. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  13. Theo was annoying as ever even in during his brief presence. If I was Katherine I’d be out after my second suggestion. Like “Ok, kid, you’re on your own.” I’m just not buying Katherine’s new found sexuality, I’m sorry. And as if she’s been subconsciously pining for her friend all these years. Also, sorry not sorry, but the idea that Maggie is just now turning 30 shocked me. Like, she’s supposedly been in her late 20s this entire time. Yeah, ok…
  14. Damn, Deja, that was quite the snarky response for someone who got caught in a huge lie. She should probably be counting her lucky stars that her parents reacted the way they did. I truly feel for Kevin. But he should absolutely buy his own house and get partial custody. Am I crazy to think he should buy a huge house for the four of them and they live in separate wings? Kate. Is. Exhausting. I guess she and Philip (still not buying it) can get married and be miserable people together. Toby is trying so hard and nothing is ever good enough. I have a feeling she’s not going to try very hard, or even move to accommodate Toby’s job so they all be together, before deciding that their marriage is over and “has been for a long time.” Though maybe unintentional, I think there’s an interesting paradox that’s shown between how Kate and Rebecca react to Jack and Toby’s parental mistakes. Jack fell asleep in the theater and one of his kids goes missing; Rebecca is calm, understanding and insists that he forgive himself. Toby makes any wrong move and Kate is on his ass about it immediately. I imagine the smoker incident is going to be the ultimate example of how everything is Toby’s fault. As usual, Beth is the real MVP. Agree 100%. I could not stop staring at her shiny hair and glowing skin.
  15. Of course Kate isn’t satisfied by Toby’s incredibly thoughtful gesture of arranging for her to have an entire afternoon to herself and sending a massage therapist TO THE HOUSE. Seems like a pretty grand gesture to me. Philip’s girlfriend was STUN.NING! He was unnecessarily cruel. Still can’t imagine how he and Kate end up together. I just don’t care about Nicky’s storyline at all. I find his presence on the show grating — he’s such a Debbie Downer. Kevin’s hella rich — couldn’t he buy his own place in like 5 seconds? I don’t get why Rebecca was worried about Kevin after the Challenger explosion. Even if he wasn’t “protecting himself” as Jack said, and truly thought that what he saw wasn’t real — that seems like a pretty reasonable thought for a 5-6 year old. Especially considering that he watched it on tv, which is probably usually 99.9% fictional content when he watches it. I’m not old enough to remember the Challenger explosion, but I wondered if it would have the same effect today as it did then, given that with today’s news cycle we’re almost constantly bombarded with tragic stories. (Not that the Challenger wasn’t horrific.) Oh, Randall. Just choose door Beth. Always choose door Beth.
  16. Is the implication that Layla’s abuse went beyond what happened to Sophie? That’s the impression I’m getting, but maybe I’m reading too much into it. Rome is being so whatever about the possibility of getting sued. They won’t find out because he’s keeping it to churches and schools?? Yeah, ok, Rome. Can’t wait to see how surprised he is when he’s served lawsuit papers. Regina and the other cook need to “storm out” when they quit the restaurant because their boss was a stickler about the recipes? Grow up. Also, the other cook went from “It’s not that simple. I’m an ex-con and have to be careful” to “Yeah, let’s go!” in the drop of a hat. So, is she breaking parole or was just afraid to leave a stable job? Either way, her judgement seems…not great. And of course Delilah is treating her son like a gay best friend. 🙄
  17. Oh, Gary. The web he weaves just keeps getting bigger. Can’t blame Darcy for leaving him. Poor Liam — it’s like the kid almost has to go through another divorce. My prediction is that he won’t go along with Peter’s blackmail deal, so they’ll both go to jail…but Peter will have to serve more time (and consequently lose his family, career, prestige, everything). Maybe Gary will do some sort of plea deal, so his jail time will be shorter and mostly offscreen between a finale and a premiere. But I just don’t see the show not serving justice where Peter is concerned. And I don’t think Gary would allow Peter to get away with it; I think he’d “sacrifice himself” to get justice for Sophie (especially since he’s already lost Darcy). Of course Regina takes it upon herself to change the recipe at a chain restaurant. Get over yourself. Also her cook friend said she had to go to jail for some bad credit card charges? What does THAT mean?? Maggie’s cake looked gross.
  18. I’m a little sad that Kevin and Madison didn’t go through with it, but glad to see they’re friendly in the future. The show did a good job conveying their lack of chemistry. I hope she still becomes an adopted member of the Pearson family, since she’s Kate’s bestie and mother of their grandchildren/niece & nephew. I’m predicting that the Adirondack chairs will still end up side by side at the new house, where the two co-parents, who care deeply for one another, can sit together and lovingly watch their children play. Ugh, Tess. “This dress just doesn’t feel like me.” Well, it’s a bridesmaids dress, Tess — it’s not about you. If you plan to be a bridesmaid ever again, then buckle up for a lot of dresses that “just don’t feel like you.” I could totally understand altering a prom dress or something to be less conventional since that would be about Tess expressing her individuality and being true to herself, but altering a bridesmaids dress hours before the ceremony is just teaching her to be self-absorbed. Good for Malik for getting in Harvard, but how the hell is he going to pay for it?? I wish he and Deja would just cut ties. If he has the opportunity to go to an Ivy League, he shouldn’t let a high school relationship hold him back, and Deja should be having fun, not worrying about a long distance relationship or her boyfriend getting back together with his baby mama. As usual, Annie is the low-key MVP. So, Kate and Toby make the incredibly unwise decision to prioritize their careers over their family. Sad to see that they won’t make it. I wonder who cheats first.
  19. Rome is an exhausting human being. Regina, you really want to raise a kid with this guy? Less Theo please. Wayyyyyyy less Theo.
  20. So Cain’s big secret from his interning days is that he didn’t say anything when he suspected instruments weren’t disinfected causing 4 people to die. And he didn’t say anything about the instruments...because of fear? Why?? Why would he be afraid to say, “Hey, we should disinfect those one more time just in case”? Was he supposed to disinfect them and thought he did a crappy job, but was too scared to say? Or too scared to call someone out on their crappy job? I know I’m overthinking this, but I’m just so confused! The Ezra character has got to go! I don’t want to see Kit’s son-in-law die. :,(
  21. I typically find Lauren Graham to be exceptionally charming and an excellent actress, but this role is NOT doing it for me. For some reason, it’s just not landing, but I can’t put my finger on why. The writing? Her delivery? Whatever it is, it bums me out. I like Zoey, but I’m not quite endeared to her yet. For someone who’s supposedly brilliant, she often has no common sense and makes terrible decisions, socially speaking. Like not calling or texting Jessica back. Wouldn’t this seem MORE suspicious? And then just the way she interacts with people 75% of the time. Like, just stop being weird. Skylar Astin’s version of 500 miles was KILLER. How has Zoey not fallen deeply in love with Max yet??
  22. Sophie, please don’t lose your virginity to this moron. Mistaking grapes for blueberries (???), not realizing he was having a serious medical issue, thinking green and red jello tastes the same. Is he...okay?
  23. I was hoping to get a little more context on Sophie and Kevin’s divorce. I know it was briefly mentioned that he cheated, but I’ve always been interested to find out exactly what happened. Appears they’re closing the door on Sophie though, so maybe that’s all they’ll ever reveal. In the end, I guess the details don’t really matter. Personally I don’t think the lamb/tiger analogy meant that Madison will always be second best and Sophie will forever be an unrequited love. I think it was more like sometimes we think we can never fully move on, and can never love something (or someone) as much as another, but come to find that we are able to love again, more than we had ever imagined. I don’t think Sophie will always be the one that got away for Kevin. That’s too depressing an ending for both him and who he ends up with. Excited to finally see what happened with Kate and her bad news ex-BF next week. Also, if Kate is “in trouble” as Rebecca says, do they really need to go 20 minutes out of their way to pick up Randall?? Kate’s marriage is certainly going downhill fast. I’m sorry, but are these people even trying? They’re having issues, so...it’s over?? Side note: toddler Kevin — I could die!
  24. “I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t take it well.” Why would you think they might take it WELL??? She is so delusional. Episode MVP goes to the actress that plays Sophie. That whispered “I hate you” at the end was gold.
  25. The dog switch was weird. First, they essentially stole Colin/Wesley/the lady’s dog. Second, they stole the OTHER person’s dog from the pound. What about THAT owner?? Third, they just handed over a strange dog they know nothing about to an old lady just assuming he’s fine. Wrong on so many levels. Delilah continues to be the absolute worst. “I’m not going to let you hurt my kids.” No, Delilah, YOU hurt your kids. These are the consequences of YOUR actions. You made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. And also, “What will this do to Sophie’s relationship with Eddie?” Well, it won’t be good, Delilah! How did you think it was going to affect their relationship when you had initially decided to run off with him before Jon died? I guess it’s only okay to ruin her kids’ lives when she’s the one calling the shots.
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