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  1. I'll never understand this. Never. He had the world, the entire world. Being angry is a very uncomfortable feeling. When something makes me angry, I think long and hard as to why. I'll do everything to avoid those feelings. Although I think I can imagine how a blind rage would feel, I would do anything to avoid feeling that! How could he think being enraged to the point where he would strike someone so much smaller than him was ok? How could he not have tried to get help? How could he not want to get help, if only to avoid feeling that way ever again. And Nicole. He hits you. How can you think that's love? How can you think that you don't deserve better than that? Obviously, I think he did it. But, I think the prosecution made a lot of mistakes and I don't blame the jury one bit for the acquittal. And Mark Fuhrman is a *********** human being. All these years later with the passive aggressive bullshit about what the other detectives did or didn't do. He lied about using the N word. He didn't have to lie. He could have said, "yes, I've used that term many times in the past". That's all he had to do was tell the truth and he chose not to. So many lives ruined. It's just a goddamn shame!
  2. They killed their parents. They got guns, loaded those guns, made a plan, and killed their parents. Was the father abusing them? I don't know. Maybe. Did the mother know? Maybe. But, they killed their parents. Actions have consequences. They were old enough to know that killing their parents was wrong. They were old enough to know that they could have gone to law enforcement, or confided in their therapists, or found any other solution to escape. Yet, they got guns, loaded those guns, made a plan, and killed their parents. They are now where they need to be and I can imagine it's very unpleasant to know you'll be in jail the rest of your life, but they got guns, loaded those guns, made a plan, and killed their parents. They are now where they need to be.
  3. I loved the ending!
  4. Alcohol impairs judgement. You can be the most levelheaded person, but after a few drinks...... His judgement was impaired and he made a bad decision. Fortunately no one was hurt. It's not a sign that he's an asshole. He shouldn't be "cancelled". He should pay his fine, assess and perhaps refine his drinking habits, and learn from the experience.
  5. He was funny and talented. There were talking heads discussing how funny and talented he was. They showed clips of him being funny and talented. I would have like to know more about his upbringing, early (I mean really early) start in show business. More about his marriages. My takeaway? He was funny and talented. Meh. (on this doc, not Gene himself!)
  6. I couldn't get into this. It appeared to be about mostly middle aged men complaining about the extreme good fortune they experienced in their youth. Yeah, no one wants to be called a "brat", but you were paid extremely well. Just, shut up.
  7. Every time I see this thread show up I hope there's some word on Bryan or Daniel about where they are now. I've scoured the web and nothing. Does anyone know anything about what's happened to them?
  8. I've said it before, but I don't see this as ending well. Her new husband might have the best intentions, but married a murderer while she was till in prison? No. I don't know that her family, despite their good intentions, is equipped to get her the help she needs to live in a society and be a productive member. All she knows is the hell her mother put her through and prison. She needs therapy and needs to learn the skills to live a life outside of her mother's prison and actual prison. She does not need a reality show or social media accounts. Yes, write a book to get some revenue, but wait a bit to heal. Her mother showed her that there are "shortcuts" to everything. There are not. If she truly wanted to help others, she would heal effectively and get some education. It seems like she found a damaged man to play her husband, and is looking to parlay her experience paired with her prison GED to be some sort of expert in advocating for others in her situation. Shortcuts.
  9. What the actual fuck? I did not know that was even a thing. How sad.
  10. One thing that always fascinated me was Chuck's family. The brother went along with it and claims he didn't know murdering Carol was part of the plan. But then she turns up murdered, the very same night he met Chuck and took her purse and jewelry and nothing? Nothing? Pall bearer at her funeral and says nothing? Ok, he finally fessed up to his siblings, but did they go to the police? No. They discussed and then planned on having a sit down with their parents to tell them Chuck was "involved". WTF? I'm not sure if they ever went to the police or if the police went to them since the morons were talking on a BFD phone line that was recorded. (I can't remember.) What kind of animals did those two parents raise? The brother that was involved turned up dead years later in a homeless shelter, so he didn't end well. If I knew my sister, brother, or even random friend was involved in a murder the first call would be to the police. It speaks a lot about the type of people they were.
  11. I lived through these times in Boston. This documentary does a good job in capturing the climate in Boston at the time of this murder. I'm looking forward to the next episodes!
  12. I just couldn't get through this. I know you aren't supposed to blame the victims of a cult, but really? Really? I just can't!
  13. Oh boy! There are going to be some juicy stories/podcasts/documentaries/interviews!
  14. Never had an interest in being in one or even hearing about one. I just didn't move in those circles. To each his own, I guess.....
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