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Posts posted by Skarzero

  1. 18 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    My son my son my son, but Ridge is quick to shit all over Hope. I firmly believe if it wasn’t for Lurch being the head designer, there would be no HFTF.  

    9 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

     Does think that Ridge will retaliate against her if her mother keeps blaming Lurch?  As I said, you can’t convince me that without Lurch as head designer, HFTF would be history. 

    You're not wrong. I'm pretty sure the only reason HFTF needed a revamp now was because Shrek here decided to pull it after Liam left his FIL banging daughter once and for all after the dust settled around Stallion night & Hope found out she was pregnant(or at least around that time). At this rate the Logans shouldn't even want to work at FC it's hostile work environment at this point. Also I'd say that Hope should go to HR and report Thomas for sexual harassment but it's clear she's too dumb or too cowardly to do any of that so 🤷‍♀️

    In speaking of dumb how & why is Ridge so hurt & shocked that Brooke is weary of Thomas when he's listened to Thomas bash & slut shame her going on over a year now. Not that I believe in Taylor's/Taytots revisionist perspective but for the sake of argument how come the taybrats aren't constantly badgered to have any humanity, kindness or forgiveness to Brooke for hurting their poor poor father? Why should Brooke make nice with people that are openly hostile towards her? Just because they're Ridge's brats? Or because she's Brooke Logan and to hell with her? Yeah saying that Brooke is better off without Ridge is a massive understatement.  

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  2. I loved everything Amanda said though the poor man's Hillary thing confused me a bit. Amanda please, Elena was the original poor man's Hillary so I'm sorry dear but you don't even have a claim to that so calm down. 🙃 

    I'm just kidding! Let me stop playing 😂 😂

    The last two days have been great Y&R looks & feels like a real Soap right now. It just feels so great having 2 days in a row without Phyllis and the other 2 witches ragging on Diane. Amanda reading Devon was everything, I'm glad Amanda & Chance finally expressed some discontent at Devon & Abby having a child together. I know it was nice that they were supportive but it was also unrealistic imo. Devon deserved a lot more vitriol than he got but as someone mentioned upthread Amanda's been down this road enough with his sorry ass. She just needs be done and she finally recognizes that.

    I'm pretty sure MiMo is only in a reoccurring status so I don't think we'll have her for much longer. I suppose that means for the foreseeable future she'll just pop in & out the way Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady) does on DOOL. 

    When it comes to Chelsea I'm gonna always root for Victoria, but other than that she can go fuck herself. Victoria cannot be humbled fast enough, with the way this bitch treats Sally you'd never believe that Sally once designed a wedding dress for her or came through for her during the Ashland fallout. Like I can never take Victoria seriously when she's talking about loyalty, she really is her father's daughter. 

    Sally is in for a rude awakening if she thinks relationship with Nick is going to be smooth sailing and drama free. Especially when Summer has already expressed her negative opinion towards their relationship. I did agree with her disapproval but not her reasons for it. And when Phylthy finds out? Forget about it.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    I'm seeing elsewhere that a lot of Mishael Morgan's fans are not happy about this turn of events with Amanda, Devon, and Abby at all. Amanda will probably get a great cussing them out scene but ugh, what a awful way to prop Abby and Devon.

    I can't speak for everyone but all I know is that this Mishael Morgan fan is happy! Well maybe "happy" is the wrong word for it but I've been waiting for something to blow up Amanda & Devon's relationship since he cheated on her with Elena and definitely since Amanda fought so hard for Devon during the baby Dom custody SL. Which I totally predicted Amanda would come to regret someday. Amanda, like Chance can do better than the people they are with IMO. While I may be on Devon's side against Nate he's still a shit boyfriend. This is the second time he's cheated on her & the third time she's been cheated on in general. Like the writers low-key hate Amanda lmao 

    Also I don't see an issue with her dress she looked good to me. I've seen her & just about every other woman on this show in much worse attire. Exhibit A-Z is Nikki & Phyllis. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    Hope should never have let it get to that point. Not shutting Thomas down as he waxed on about Liam and was singing her praises? Drinking, patting each other's backs, curling up on the couch? Don't blame Thomas for getting the wrong idea. Let's see what happens now that you put the brakes on his kiss. 

    1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

    She is very married, happily married, even if she was disappointed in Liam in the moment, all of which he is well aware of. Also, I'm not sure I follow how you can lead on someone who is already obsessed with you, where her just being in the same room with him is enough for him to think she's interested. 

    I'm leery of saying Hope let it get to that point or mistaking her being nice for (mainly) Douglas' sake and keeping the peace as her inviting his advances.

    It might be strange but I honestly agree with both points. 

    Hope can "lead Thomas on" just by existing and that can translate to victim blaming (especially if something terrible ever happens) and I don't want want to do that. Though I really do believe that Hope should've put her foot down long before now because Thomas has been showing abnormal/obsessive behavior pretty much this whole time, but for some reason Hope ignored that. Taking Douglas was the first strike, actually Thomas shit talking her mother and playing parent trap with Steffy was strike one. Hope had the option to take Thomass to court but she didn't because keeping the peace was more important than making smarter, more defensive decisions. She also chose to spend the night over there with the daughter Thomas kept her & Liam from. If Hope stood up to the tots & Tridge about the Douglas she would've had support from her mother, Liam, Bill, and maybe even Wyatt if he got some screen time. It's not like she had to be accommodating to any of this crap. If Steffy, Ridge & Taylor got indignant(ya know more than usual) at her for keeping Douglas away from his father she should've been prepared for that and told them to go fuck themselves and see them in court. Hope and Liam too for that matter don't have to take another L just because they don't want to accept/admit that Thomas still has some screws loose.  

    If Thomas can get lead on by Hope just standing there then Hope should get a restraining order, kick him off her line, go out of her way to avoid him unless it pertains to Douglas, even then that should be on her terms since she's the only sane parent he has. If Steffy had a problem with any of that then Hope should aim for the jugular, and go to HR or just quit & take her line with her. Hope has to get her priorities straight here. After the hell she went through with Beth and the fallout since she shouldn't even want to play fair, even if the situation calls for it(with the Fauxrresters it rarely does). This ain't her first rodeo with this nutcase or his annoying family when is she gonna start acting like it? I'm glad she rejected him but she still frustrates the hell out of me. 

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  5. 21 hours ago, slayer2 said:

    I don't quite see how that would impact their real-life relationship. I think more often than not when these couples break up IRL it pertains to what Rena Sofer was saying about actors discovering they're not really in love but their characters are.

    Because IMO Brytni Sarpy was an unimpressive actress up until 3 or so months ago when Nate started acting like a jackass with the Chancellor-Winters SL. Before that she was usually a bore & more or less redundant since Mishael Morgan came back. I never really cared if her & Bryton were really in love or not, and I'm not gonna start. Brytni(and Bryton for a while) were boring af to watch either way. And TPTB trying too hard to make her relevant when she first joined did her no favors IMO. Maybe she felt so comfortable as Bryton's girlfriend so she didn't feel the need to put much effort into her acting, I could be wrong but I doubt it. Since they broke up, Elena seems to be more entertaining than ever before. So naturally my theory is that since she's not dating Bryton anymore she actually has to prove to the higher ups that she's an actress capable of playing on a soap opera where "overemoting" is kind of required more often than not. With Josh Griffith's hack writing she can't really rely on him to produce a normal SL that Elena would have a normal reaction to all the time if that's the only place she peaks as an actress. 

    I don't really have have much comment or care on Mark Grossman or Courtney Hope as a couple or as individuals other than they act circles around most of the cast. Including and at times especially Brytni. Also, if Sally jumping Nick's bones so soon after being dumped by Adam is gross(I agree) then you don't want to hear about Elena.....😬 

    I'll just say she has Sally beat in that department and leave it at that 😂 

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  6. On 10/27/2022 at 10:28 AM, slayer2 said:
    On 10/24/2022 at 11:17 PM, lgprimes said:

    So are Bryton and Brytni not a real-life couple anymore? (Just noticing she wasn’t included in the group outing mentioned above)

    I think they parted ways a while back.

    I wonder if them splitting up has anything to do with why Elena suddenly not being boring anymore after 3, almost 4 years since her debut. I gave her props before when it looked liked it was leaving while I don't really take it back, I'm pondering the likelihood that maybe it's because she has to prove she can be somewhat captivating, instead of perpetual Fast-forward material. Since whatever safety net(if any) her relationship with Bryton provided is gone.

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  7. It's hard to feel the appropriate level of disgust at the writers for having Billy being made to help his rapist through a mostly self-inflicted crisis, because in typical Buttbiscuit fashion he's being such a sanctimonious asshole, and it kinda makes me not care all that much. I knew him making sense & telling off Chelsea wouldn't last. And him expecting Lily to be okay with him plying savior to her is the cherry on top of the shit cake.

    I get the importance of mental health SL but it's...Chelsea....The writers couldn't have picked a worse character for this(well maybe Phyllis or Victor). This is something TPTB pulled out of their ass because this character has pretty much always been willingly duplicitous. MCE is a capable enough actress to play a mentally disturbed woman with a conscious, but I don't think that's something Chelsea's character was ever supposed to be, until very recently. 

    Summer is better when she's challenging her mother's crap, if Diane can't be trusted to act right then how can Phyllis? Summer even said herself that her mother will not stop going after Diane, so that sounds like a Phyllis problem right off the bat. How is she coming to the conclusion that Diane has to go, unless she's saying in a roundabout way her psycho mother is insufferable & unstoppable(short of murder) and it's easier to get rid of Diane than Phyllis. Which is true because the writers hate us so we have to endure Phyllis and her hypocritical bullshit. I almost laughed when she said that she hasn't done anything as bad as Diane. Yeah okay Phyllis.....😐

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  8. Paris, finding a man like Tomass hot is a tad suspect even for someone in the "young & dumb" phase of life like you are. That crazy history between him and Hope is nothing to make light of or underestimate. But like mentioned above if Paris wants to walk on the wild side then she should go for it herself. I mean it's her life. Literally. I guess Paris is another causality in the writers working overtime to make Thrope look appealing. For the life of me, I don't understand why they didn't get on this when Liam cheated on Hope after mannequin night. Thomas was fresh out of surgery for his retcon brain tumor & less of a tool at that point, despite his role in Pheobethgate. They wasted a golden opportunity for Thrope to play out in a decent, non-stupid way. But noooo Bradley had Hope take Liam back & save for him playing husband to Steffy after Finn was thought to be dead, he's more or less been behaving himself. Of course, I still think Liam has still earned his turn for being cheated on by Hope just as long as it's not with Tomass. Now since Tomass is playing parent trap with Steffy, shitting on Brooke, and just up & took Douglas basically saying fuck the custody agreement & fuck Hope/Liam's feelings. There is no reason for Hope to find Tomass palatable, let alone admirable. That ship sailed over a year and a half ago.

    I find Steffy's pestering Hope's newfound tolerance of Thomas to be irritating and disingenuous. She took such offense that Hope didn't trust Tomass but if shit goes down and Hope cheats on Liam with Thomas, Steffy is gonna be the first, second & third one to drag her for being a hypocrite & betraying poor Liam. She likely won't offer any support or sympathy for the manipulation/grief that trusting Tomass left Hope open to, though I think Hope should know better all on her own. 

    Deacon has lost almost all his appeal for me, Is he crazy or stupid? Sheila is living/sleeping with him and he thinks he can just up & propose to Brooke? He knows Sheila illogically has the most smoke for Brooke these days and Sheila having faked her own death probably won't stop her from going after her again. I'm more than okay with Hope not defending Ridge's nonsense but I don't like her spoon-feeding her mother the idea that she'd be happy with Deacon. Just let the woman breathe lmao holy shit. I don't want to drag Hope for doing her own version of the parent trap with her mom & dad but I will if she keeps it up. It's annoying as hell no matter who does it. 

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  9. On 10/23/2022 at 8:46 AM, RuntheTable said:

    Ridge only runs to Taylor when he is pissed off at Brooke, or has read the situation wrong, or when his mother interferes and manipulates. There has not been one time that I can think of that wasn't motivated by something involving Brooke.

    On 10/23/2022 at 4:36 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    ^^^Given all of that, it's hard to view Tridge as the intended endgame. Admittedly, I came to the show during Taylor's pregnancy with the twins and even with the full picture of their relationship, and the BTS reason why we got that, I still enjoy that relative period of peace. But she never got him except by default and knowing she was warned multiple times by everyone including Stephanie herself makes her more pathetic.

    I've been watching some of the older seasons too and I've seen a few people say Bridge was just a one-sided invention in Brooke's mind & Tridge was meant to be along but Brad played favorites with Brooke & ruined Tridge 🙃. Now far be it from me to defend that citywide dumpster-fire of a paring but, if Bridge(the non stale early version) is one-sided then what the fuck does that make Tridge? It's not exactly a soap couple that stands out for coming together organically & manipulation-free. While I completely believe Taylor's basic ass deserves Ridge, that in no way shape or form makes Tridge the narrative antithesis to Bridge's cringey bullshit. Lmao both parings fucking suck because of Ridge's selfishness & waffling.   

    Although, I'll definitely say certainly that Bridge one-sided in the sense that Ridge gets away with kissing exes, cheating, being emotionally unavailable/abusive & Brooke is expected to take it and beg Ridge to come back.

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  10. I'm getting whiplash from all this character dynamic changing for the sake of the plot shit. Is Bradley going for a record in the number of characters he can have do stupid heel turns? 

    I'm disappointed in Bill's attitude toward Deacon(and Brooke more on that in a bit). Despite his dollar Bill persona, elitism/classism doesn't suit Bill all that well imo, Certainly not after saving Li's life when he found her in that alley. Yesterday's version of Bill seemed like he would've seen Li ,battered & terrified, in that alley and would keep walking without a second thought. I wanted Bill/Li as much as the next person but part of me knew better than to get my hopes up too high. The Bill/Li paring will now join the ever-growing archive of "This is why we can't have nice things 😞

    Unpopular opinion alert: As far as Brooke goes, Bill's character is at his most boring when he's longing for her. Begging for Katie to take him back is pretty much a guaranteed snoozefest but I'd still take that over more Brill crap. KKL & DD have better chemistry as in-laws than as lovers imo. After I got over my anger at Brill 1.0, I just found them kinda meh. Plus Brooke is just gonna dump him(assuming she even gets with Bill this time) for Ridge's ain't shit ass when he comes waffling back after CPSgate is exposed. Bill must be in hyper arrogant mode not to know this. 

    Bill asking for Katie to take him back and then running to essentially mark his "territory"(Brooke is a human being get a grip dude pls) to Deacon is tasteless even for the most obnoxious version of Bill. 

    I mean Bill's sanctified shooter is walking around free, currently banging a married guy in his old house, and all he can think about is Brooke being available now? Seriously writers? Smh.....😒 

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  11. I'm not sure if Elena is really leaving, not that I would be too upset about it, but it would be kinda frustrating that's she's going just when she's more or less grown on me. Nate however has moved from boring to egotistical & boring. I never really liked Sean Dominic's Nate, and if Elena is gone, I'm not going to appreciate him being shoved in our faces as if he's interesting or relevant enough for that kind of exposure. They did that with Elena when she first joined the show and look how long it took for most of us(including me) to finally say "Oh yeah she is entertaining after all! Nice!" I think the part I enjoyed the most is Elena's dialogue, she wouldn't allow Nate to indirectly make her responsible for his choices or make excuses for himself. And she pretty much said that verbatim, instead dancing around it. I'm glad that she stood her ground in the face of his begging. When Nate said he didn't have a job anymore and Elena, instead of saying "oh sorry I forgot" or trying to comfort him she said "It's not my fault" and then left. IMO that's & good writing/dialogue. If only we got more on the nose dialogue like that. 

    I think the problem the writers have aside from stupid/contrived plots is equally stupid dialogue. Making characters talk in circles or talk around important subjects weakens the acting, for all of the characters (to varying degrees) some characters/actors get by others suffer more because of the weak dialogue. Victoria or Johnny calling out Chelsea is a good example because they make themselves clear to the lunatic. They don't sugarcoat things and it makes it more realistic, while retaining the air of drama that a soap needs. To compare that with Victoria's dialogue with Nick when she found out he was sleeping with Sally, and the difference is pretty telling. It might be the narrative status quo not to hold Nick to account for his actions, but Victoria could've been the least bit stern or judgmental towards him. We all know she's a pro at that, but since she wasn't the moment became dull & unimpressive. 

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  12. On 10/16/2022 at 1:58 AM, Anna Yolei said:

    The Thomas stans hate it because he's once again being made out to be the bad guy to supposedly prop Brooke

    Are there really people still on that shit in 2022, almost 2023? Thomas has been the B&B version of Adam Newman(or as better described by someone here, a male Sheila) since he tried to off Rick. Twice. Are they ever going to embrace that they're actively stanning an antagonist or.....? I guess they wouldn't be stans if they did lol. Though I wonder if they view Thomas going from calling out his sister & defending Brooke to what he is now as being made into a bad guy to prop his annoying sister. Notice how Steffy doesn't get her hands as dirty as she used to, not because she's matured, but because the writers(or the ones that cave into her stans) believe she's now above being manipulative/duplicitous, but her brother isn't. So he's essentially being scarified to keep her morally center as much as he is for Brooke. Thomas has hurt Steffy by keeping Sheila's secret, & perpetuating the Pheobeth lie, but I guess those don't count as Steffy propping since she's willing to forgive & forget. While Brooke & Liam are the hypocritical meanies that still hold Thomas to account.   

    I've probably said something like this before, but it could also be argued that Steffy's character was partially "assassinated" to prop Tomass up. Because since when does Steffy give up a grudge or forget/forgive a slight, no matter how real or perceived? Let alone a lie that caused her extreme pain both physical & emotional. This is the same character that tried to electrocute her own cousin, bludgeoned the other one & pick fights with Hope if she even breaths at her wrong. But somehow in the same universe, she gives Tomass a pass for being maniacal & treating her as collateral damage? And the writers actually think that makes sense? And then there's Hope, who might be the worst case right now but I already discussed that angle.     

    When Steffy was gloating at Brooke's "loss" I was somewhat stunned at her word choice regarding her mother. I'm too lazy to go back watch but I'm certain she said something like principles, values, self-respect, etc. I wasn't stunned because those words don't describe her mother at all, but because those are things she used to roll her eyes & spurn Hope for having. Calling Hope sanctimonious & self-righteous and accused Hope of thinking she's better than her. But mommy dearest, who allegedly possesses all of these qualities, isn't a self-righteous hypocrite that thinks she's better? Interesting...

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  13. Taylor really fell for Ridge's BS again🤦‍♀️...I honestly don't get how because he was hardly convincing, as mentioned upthread he was dodging questions & vague as fuck. Even RM Ridge wouldn't be able to make all that crap he was spewing sound romantic/believable. So this is what all her boring platitudes about being done with this kind of nonsense amounted to? Great job Tay.....

    I'm not looking forward to Brooke begging Ridge and defending her case, but what I dread even more is the vitriol that Taylor & Steffy are going to hurl at her upon learning that "Brooke" called CPS on Tomass. 

    On 10/7/2022 at 8:28 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    I don't blame her fans for being livid with the damage done to her character. I mean, nothing against Brooke but we didn't need Brooke 2.0 in Taylor, throwing herself an unavailable men.

    A while ago, I would've said "meh whatever" to this because I've never really taken the "Taylor's character was destroyed she'd never do xyz to someone!" argument to heart cos since her debut, she's always been on the thirsty/shady/smug side of things so personally, I didn't think she was going to amount to much else than what she is now anyway, at least where Ridge/Brooke were concerned. Plus, better soap characters than her have been victims of far worse character assassinations, and hardly any of them get the courtesy of the writers trying to clean it up later like NuTaylor has gotten. However, given the out of the blue 180 Hope is doing with Tomass & allowing her daughter to sleep under the same roof as him after all the fuckery he's done, I can concede a bit and say, I get where they're coming from. Even if it's annoyingly taken to the extreme BS of Taylor being the infallible saint that's been hard done to by the evil Brooke, or she would just rather die than wreck a marriage/relationship(if only lol). I still have more understanding for it now, even if only slightly.  

    Ridge is honestly worse than dogshit, knows exactly what he's doing, he's setting Brooke up to be humiliated. He knows Brooke is going to chase after him and ask him why he left & to come home. He knows that the CPS call might be brought up, probably by her as she tries to claim innocence. Taylor & Steffy and they'll no doubt get another one-sided callout against Brooke & Ridge will probably join in this time, as opposed to just standing there being useless while his brat daughter & ex-wife drag her. Ridge should do us all a favor and choke on the next pinecone that falls on him. 

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  14. 8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    That was all retcon stuff, no? It's been a while since I could follow Y&R without nodding off but when Adam first came on the show as an adult, he was a kid who had gone to Harvard on his own merit and resisted the Newman name for years because the Wilson guy had been his dad for as long as he knew. 

    There was some SL about Adam having a repressed memory of killing someone when he was younger, or something of that nature. I'm fuzzy on the details of how & why, but I'm pretty sure that's the most recent retcon involving Adam. Though erasing Wilson to make way for Victor centered daddy issues regarding Adam also sounds up the writer's alley. Imo Y&R has the some of the weirdest retcons of all the soaps lol the latest one is about Tucker McCall (yes Josh Griffith has really topped himself this time).

    On 9/30/2022 at 10:03 PM, Snaporaz said:

    So does Karma do anything about someone who shot a man in the back in his own house?  Asking for a fiend.

    I was gonna say none, but I didn't have to. I figured the show would do that for me, and it did. In record timing no less. 

    Why Hope is being ignorant about this when she was previously adamant about bringing Douglas home before? I don't know if she's trying to keep the peace or is just being a coward again. Either way she's starting to annoy the hell out of me. Now she believes in Thomas just because he hasn't been showing his ass as much to her personally lately. She knows that he's got it out for her mother even if it's just to end her lame marriage to her dolt waffle husband. And since she insisted on staying married to Lame I would've thought she'd take him more seriously at least as far as Tomass/Douglas is concerned. 

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  15. On 9/30/2022 at 6:30 AM, RuntheTable said:

    And wouldn't you know it, there was an ex-Forrester employee working right where Thomas needed, who was willing to violate all the rules and confidentiality laws. I have no doubt when the truth comes out, that the ex-employee will suffer no consequences, nor will Thomas. Just the status quo. 

    I wonder if Bradly watches any anime because this really feels like textbook asspull power up move lol and you're right at least with Stephanie there would be more buildup and thought put into it. Like Thomas & Ridge didn't even have to blackmail, threaten, or barter one of their organs to this guy to get him to snitch. But maybe the writers didn't want to open that can of worms, because that might involve writing more creatively than having the same lines repeated over & over.  

    11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    I hate that bit too, mostly because the stans now use his words against him as "proof" that Liam is okay with Thomas and the hatchet was buried. It really should've been something he said to Wyatt, but ever since TPTB stopped their rivalry over women, Wyatt's just been left in limbo.

    Like, how long ago was it that Adam switched Faith now? And Nick has never forgiven or forgotten that (and probably played a part in him boning Sally, in case anyone wanted to know what B&B's Best Girl is up to in Genoa City 🤮), nor does anyone in the Newman family trust him...and he's made more sincere efforts to pull himself from the ledge than Thomas ever has.

    ^Yep! Also unlike Tomass over here Adam actually did have a shitty childhood & absentee father. He hardly gets any slack, even if he's truly earned it, and he's still catching L's to this day for the messed up shit he's done. The characters around him aren't really guilted into giving him grace and in some cases are even encouraged to ridicule him. Right or wrong. But holding Thomas even the slightest bit accountable for shit he's done in the last 3 years or 3 months even, triggers Steffy & her parents and we have to hear how awful it is to doubt Thomas. Like come on bro....

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  16. Agreed with everything upthread about feeling off about not hating on Victoria or Buttbiscuit today. I honestly take back what I said about hoping Victoria getting caught insider trading with Nate. Cos Johnny is gonna need her free to protect him from Chelsea. It got even weirder for me when I found Elena entertaining today!(please help me!!) I was actually intrigued and happy about the way she called Nate's fragile ego having ass out. I hope she leaves him in the rear view mirror permanently for what he's doing. (Unless they both get boring again, then she can go ahead take him back 😂)

    Phyllis is such a hypocrite. I don't hate Diane but I had no intention of siding with her when she came back but Phyllis and Nikki are kind of forcing my hand. As @Snaporaz mentioned, everything she says about Diane could be and was at some point thrown back at her. But Phyllis had the nerve to be pissed and demonize Christine for holding her past against her when Phyllis had hardly atoned for any of it but here she is doing the same thing to Diane. 

    I've pretty much always hated Chelsea but for the first time she's been so hateable that she makes all the other hateable characters(even Phyllis which is an incredible feat at this moment given how much of spiteful bitch she's being) look good in comparison. It's bad enough that Connor is likely already screwed up beyond repair by her but now she wants to mess up Johnny too? The actor who plays Johnny did a good job of showing his anger/anguish at being told the truth when he specifically stated that he did not care nor wanted to know who his birth mother was. That's about the only thing Villy has screwed up in this story arc so far. The one time Victoria had good instincts and she didn't even follow through with them...How does Josh Griffith manage to fuck up this spectacularly? 

    3 hours ago, JNavarro said:

    Where's Mr. Family Man, Victor?  Can we get him to put his desperate machismo to good use for once in his life, and have Chelsea offed?  Because that right there is an actual threat.  

    ^^^For real though the whole Newman, clan as well as the Abbotts, should line up for this one. The Great Gaspy is giving crazy bitch vibes like almost never before, and they could likely use all hands on deck here. But they're probably gonna focus on the pettiest bullshit concerning Diane and Adam instead. Because they can never not be public enemy #1 especially not Adam 🙄

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  17. 5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    That said, while Thomas is not innocent I find Knifegate to be completely blown out of proportion. I don't blame Brooke too much for not trusting him with anything sharper than a Taco Bell spork but bruh. It's an apple.

    Yeah exactly, As dumb as it is to use a knife for peeling in 2022 it's Thomas' weird decision to make as long as he's using it safely around Douglas, then fine. (although who's this "everyone" that Thomas/Taylor claim to use for knives for peeling stuff? Slicing yes, but peeling? No, speak for yourselves please). What happened after Douglas left the room, is the main thing that taints him now. But coming at it the way Brooke did at first, just made it all a bigger deal than it was before he started pointing it at her & going off on her. 

    5 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    She could just see Douglas when he's at Hope's. 

    I thought the point of Brooke's visit was that Douglas is never at Hope's anymore, since she Thomas share custody & Hope's been hoarding time with Douglas and all. So in order to see him, Brooke would have to suffer Thomas' prolonged presence eventually. He's the one that hurried Douglas off away from Brooke as soon as she got there anyways. Holding the knife out at her whilst lambasting her, just made things unnecessarily worse for himself. He didn't have to do that, even if she did go there to provoke him, (she didn't, but that's just my opinion) Thomas could've avoided a confrontation with Brooke if he really wanted to all the same. If Thomas was offended by Brooke's overreaction and if the real goal was to scare her off his grandfather's property then he can't really claim the innocence of just minding his business. Because trying to scare someone off with a knife can fairly be interpreted as intent to harm. He should've put the knife away kept his cool and made her look like the lunatic one for once. That's a plan that could've gone the distance. 

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  18. 11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    Well, Brooke did accimadentally assist Thomas off of the cliff when she misconstrued the situation between him and Hope.  But, like you said, can't really blame her for that (although Ridge did...)

    Thanks I actually forgot about that lmao 

    10 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    I can't recall anything Brooke may have said about him as a kid, TBH, but whatever it was I wish they'd focus on that being the reason he hated her instead of this revisionist history about her breaking up their happy family. No man who is faithful can be "stolen" by another woman and they've been old enough to have seen Ridge's waffling in action for themselves.

    Facts and thank you, I genuinely want to know if she said anything about him, because that would make more sense than the homewrecking nonesense sob story, because every kid on this show(and on soaps in general) went through that. But whatever it is she said about him, it's not like he's gone out of his way to prove her wrong so...and if he had, then at least she'd objectively be closer to being the cruel bitch he believes her to be. 

    I've said this before but I'll say it again, contrary to a good bit of my posts on here, I don't actually like Brooke or even Hope all that much lol. I don't dislike them either but I'm neutral most days. I've hated on them both before though, especially during Brooke's shrill buttinsky era (ugh the memory of that alone....just no....😒) & Brill Vol. 1. They get on my nerves too, for entirely different reasons that are bothersome but I ultimately deem small in the face of typical Marone antics. Like the way Brad Bell insists on writing this soap, I feel frustratingly compelled to "side" with or "like" them in more instances than I would if Steffy/Tayloon/Tomass had some decently written foils, held some L's, and were on the receiving end of reads for filth more often than not. I think that's what fuels some of my vitriol towards them. Because even if I hated Hope's guts, it wouldn't change the fact that Steffy actively conspired to come between her & Lame more than a few times and is still a bitch to her today, that Lame mistook her for a mannequin and cheated on her, or that Tomass lied about Beth & kidnapped Hope. And (Nu)Hope more or less, has taken all this lying down aside from the rare/ineffectual snipe back.

    On other soaps protagonists, antagonists, and the characters in between tend to get what they dish out in some capacity. There is imbalance here & there, but from what I see it's still far better than what goes on in B&B. From what I've heard, only General Hospital comes pretty close, as Carly hasn't taken many L's over the years, and is allowed to drag others unencumbered. And fans on other platforms tend to lean to her side. Which I understand a bit more cos for all her BS & misdeeds Carly, unlike Taylor/Steffy, is sometimes lowkey likeable. All 3 versions of Carly imo. But I'd still say that she's likely gotten more put upon than Steffy or her family ever has. Her son's baby mama gave her a decent bit of hell before she died. So while not much, it's something. I haven't watched in a couple of months so it could be different(I doubt it tho). Oh well, at least Ridge sorta has Bill to shit on him 😂

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  19. Uh yeah, It's pretty obvious that the juxtaposition of Brooke & Tomass' Knife was a clear sign of his antagonism & killer tendencies not Brooke's(it's not like she has a history of murder unlike him anyways) lmao 😂 but then again, If Brooke were but an inch away from wasting one or both of the Taybrats....I for one wouldn't blame her too much 🤷‍♀️ 

    And fucking Hell more revisionist to make the Fauxrresters look like little victims?! Sure, whatever, go off then Brad Bell & Co.! Keep piling it on. Continue to make the writers of DOOL, (whose writing essentially got them kicked to Peacock) look like literary geniuses if you want to! 👍

    It was particularly disgusting having Tomass blame Brooke for why he's a murderer/r*pist/kidnapper/child child abuser. Also pray tell, what was it that Brooke said about him as a child that would scar him so badly? I only ask because Hope has certainly heard worse being the product of an affair between MIL & SIL and she hasn't killed people or forced herself on anyone so far, so I truly want to know what gives with Tomass? And shouldn't he have gone to therapy? No, not to his quack mother, as it's unethical & clearly ineffectual to treat family members. But to a real therapist, preferably in a far away mental institution. 

    Saint Taylor has also fucked the Taybrats Grandpa, father(that's a given), and uncles, in fact Tomass your slag saint mommy passed you off as Thorne's kid for a while! Couldn't have done that if she didn't fuck him! Just saying :) Oh of course there's her shagging Rick, Storm, & Brooke's father! But I forgot since Tayloon shagged them, it's A-Okay 😀 Maybe Brooke's children stay out of L.A to stay away from the other side of the family that acts just as insufferable, manipulative, and criminal as Stephanie used to. At least Stephanie was respectable & even at times commendable, along with just having a few redeeming qualities that Susan Flannery brought to the character. If Hope had any sense she'd get away from the toxicity as well but by some miracle she hasn't reached her breaking point with Tomass or Steffy yet. Shouldn't the Taytos be happy that Brooke's children don't come back much? Cos R.J might have a few choice words for them plus Bridget & Rick are older than the Taybrats and they likely remember how things actually happened as opposed to the Fauxrrester Alternate Universe Special that they have seared into their psychopathic brains. 

    I almost want to laugh, because I think the main reason they had Ridge be all emotional cry yesterday was in response to the fans calling out TK's orge-ish version of Ridge but anyways, nice try TPTB. Ridge is still the same tyrannical, hypocritical, emotionally abusive POS he's pretty much always been. Appreciate the attempt to gaslight though. Tridge actually raised their 3 kids together for a good while before Taylor's second dirt nap, and then Ridge ditched two toddlers(ya know...again, as Rick/Bridget were the first) for 2 teens, so the fact that they're so fucked up and lacking in life seems like a Taylor/Ridge problem & not a Brooke one, but I digress. Hell, arguably it's not even Tridge's problem anymore, as the brats are grown and have the means & methods to unfuck up themselves and cut off mom/dad & whoever else they feel they need to in order to heal. So that they can stop being immature assholes to people. 

    But that would be asking to much right? 

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  20. 14 hours ago, Kemper said:

    This whole Nate/Imani thing has actually made me appreciate Elena. She has the goods to rain fire over Nate. Please let this happen.

    I guess one of the lowkey funny parts of this SL is, in order to finally make Elena not so dull anymore they had to make Nate & Imani insufferable & annoying beyond repair. I peeped something like this happening when the writers were trying to mangle Amanda's character with that atrocious custody of baby Dom SL. But I guess since that didn't pan out 100% they switched gears to characters that were already less cared for or just as dull as Elena was. Which is kind of a smart(I use that word loosely in refence to them) move on the writers part. I mean, I personally never cared for this version of Nate and I could take or leave Imani. The original had potential at times when she wasn't flirty with Nate. But other than that meh. One hill I will die on though, is that they should've put the OG Imani(or Amanda even) with Jack. Could've been far more interesting than what Lily & Billy have imo. 

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  21. I don't have much to add to the Sick discussion other than my puke, and lots of it. 🙂🙃 

    I don't want Sally to be pregnant because imo she's really young & still seems to have a decent bit of life and maturing ahead of her. But then again they let Phyllis become a mother twice and Summer become a step-mother so just fuck it all I guess lol. The baby just better not be Nick's. This character is lowkey overrated, and I've been over him for quite some time. No shade to JM but he doesn't strike me as "hot" he's good looking yeah, but he ain't the Jason Momoa of daytime T.V or whatever the fuck he or TPTB think he's supposed to be. He's got zilch sex appeal to me and he doesn't even fit the wholesome dad archetype(if he ever really did) either. Which to bring back up the point Banana Breath is already raising Christian(Adam's son) who we never see, the last thing Nick should be rewarded with is another child. He'll just end up using the kid against Sally once he's done with her anyways. Like he's done all his other baby mommas. 

    19 hours ago, slayer2 said:

    I've come to the conclusion that Josh Griffith is another Bradley Bell. He has no idea about characterization but only writes for plot points.

    ^^^This. It's a shame that the price of having 4 soaps left is that they're all being ran by hack writers. But I'll take the plunge here and say that Brad Bell is the worst out of them all, dude has no concept of narrative balance and consistency. 

    18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Lol, Nick standing there eyeballing Adam like, "'Sup, bro?" IMO the only potentially good thing about this disgusting turn of events is how badly Adam might ruin Nick's life in retaliation.

    Lmao, I know right? And here's hoping that whatever Adam does actually sticks this time and Nick takes a permanent L, from him. 

    In speaking of L's I wonder if we can get a two for one special when Victoria & Nate's plan goes to hell. With them gone this show might be on the way to being semi-watchable again. 

    15 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    I'm so confused by the hierarchy at CW : A Family Company.  Devon and Lily have the same title, and Lily said they are equals.  But Lily is an employee, while Devon is a stakeholder.  So are they really equals?  Lily acts like she's in the one charge, but isn't she Devon's subordinate?  The only people deciding about going public should be Jill and Devon.  Lily could weigh in, but she should not get the deciding vote.  Look at the mess she's created, coercing her brother and her cousin to join her vanity project.  

    Shhhhhhh just go with it, it's the clusterfuck Neil & Kathrine wanted all along! 

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  22. 8 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    I'd just like to remind Ridge that Deacon literally saved his daughter's life. And Bill rescued Finn and flew him to Monaco to reunite with Ridge's daughter, bringing her out of her deep depression. Both men should be welcome visitors in "his" home. (Since we all know it won't be his much longer.) 

    Like grimy ungrateful father so like grimy ungrateful daughter. I mean for fucks sake if I was Brooke I would be trying to figure out what went so wrong in my life that I care about people that actively shit on me or don't care about me. In all her diatribes against Brooke, Steffy never offers up any reprieve and says "Well at least she tried to protect me & my son from Sheila" nope, she would rather focus on the ways Brooke has hurt her ogre father. And ignore all the times that Ridge has done Brooke & even her own saint(🙄) mother dirty as fuck over the years. Ngl that "Taylor is a saint" shit still takes me out a little 😂. But no tell us Steffy, what did the saint do to protect you from the psycho Sheila? Exactly, nothing. Instead she convinced your silly ass to invite her over to your home to interact with your husband & hold your son. Which conveniently got the both of you off Sheila's shit list for a period of time (despite you slapping the fuck out of her & shoving her), and Brooke at the top of it.

    So this is the thanks that Brooke gets for defending Ridge & his children/grandchildren? Awesome. When people say that Brooke should mind her business more often I actually 100% wholeheartedly agree, especially in situations like this, where her safety is compromised trying to stick up for the Taytots. 10/10 recommend she never does some shit like that again. 

    9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    But even at its lowest points, not even Victor goddamn Newman gets away without criticism the way Steffy does and THAT is saying a lot.

    LOL It really is saying a lot! Even Summer 1.0 had narrative pushback I.e. Mariah, Tessa, Lola, etc. Summer 2.0 is somewhat narratively impervious but it's permissible at the moment since she isn't nearly as insufferable as 1.0. Our fellow fans over on the Y&R forum accurately discuss how the Newmans, usually Victor or Nick, always win. Well maybe in the next crossover they should pit them against Steffy so Victor could take his first true L since the 80's lmao. I would've bet on the Newmans in the past but these days I'm afraid the Fauxrresters might have the stronger Teflon coating. Which means this really is the darkest timeline. 

    15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    Lurch, what does the triangle between Brooke/Ridge/Taylor really have anything to with the price of tea in China. Lurch, give me a break, you cannot convince me in a million years that Ridge has a best version. Maybe just maybe Ridge’s best version is his tyrannical hypocritical god complex self. 

    Yeah I've been asking that myself too like Tomass, what best version of Ridge? The Ronn Moss days? Sure I agree with that, but he was still a dickhead then too 😂 Ridge really only has one version, and tyrannical hypocrite with a god complex is exactly it. Secondly I love how it doesn't occur to Tomass that Ridge should be the "best version of himself" even if he's single because that's what a normal, rational human being would strive to be. It's not Taylor's job to make Ridge a better person like what fucking year is this for real? She doesn't anyway, Ridge is a self-righteous asshole no matter who he's with. If anything Taylor will magnify those traits & encourage it since she's the undefeated heavyweight champ in the self-righteous, sanctimonious, hypocrite, department second only to Ridge and OG Stephanie. 

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  23. I'm glad the Chancellor-Winters thing is falling apart but making Imani apart of it just seems so unnecessary it's not even fun to watch her thirst for Nate or encourage him/stir the pot(considering he's an self-satisfied douche and she's too horny for him to see that). But yeah, Nate is clearly disturbed in some way because you have to be a special kind of smug asshole to where I barely even notice Buttbiscuit or Devon in the room with you(in reference to yesterdays episode).  

    Why can't we have nice things? Sally & Adam were the best this shit show had to offer in couples beside Mariah & Tessa, and they had to tank for Banana Breath Newman? Arguably the lamest one of the bunch followed closely by his sister/daughter. Depending on the day, Victoria is the most unimpressive one in their generation. It's just so weird to think that the only woman Adam & Nick haven't shared(yet Y&R vets can correct me on this) is Phyllis, the most sharable one next to Sharon. Like wtf??? Adam is to Y&R what Meg Griffin is to Family Guy. He can't even win for losing. He deserves better than this shit. Sally does too smh 

    This Sally & Nick thing is so gross & unsettling to watch that I can't even really find any joy in the silver lining that Summer & Phyllis would be so pissed at finding out about it. 

    So basically I gain nothing but a headache from picking this show up again great....... 

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  24. 23 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    There has been a long streak of misogyny on this soap. Not sure if Bell Sr. and Jr. are the ones to dictate that, or if the writers just choose to do that. Anyhoo, it is weird that soaps - primarily geared toward women - are so blatant in their misogyny.  Maybe they think women will tune in no matter what.  

    I always thought that was strange too but it all makes sense when you realize the unfortunately reality that many women, even in the West, have internalized misogyny & sexist views. And it effects how women consume media, even if we aren't consciously aware of it. The overwhelming amount slut shamers in the B&B fandom is proof of that. I guess the weird part is how hyper focused it is on Brooke(maybe it's her blonde hair? idk lmao) when Taylor is canonically the bigger slut by the fandoms/narrative own standard. I.e. sleeping with the men in a family, plus randos, being unfaithful. That's why this website as a whole is so refreshing and I always come back even after a hiatus. While not perfect there is definitely a more sensible/rational feel to this space, even if we disagree, than other places on the internet general, but certainly among other soap forums. 

    I've said this before but I'll say again, that deep I could really care less about a woman's body count, certainly not that of a fictional woman, but if Logan haters want to play that card as if their faves are better and unfairly revise history on top of that. Then fine, fans on the other side can come through with the same energy then. Without needing to revise history or deny canon facts. 

    Getting back on track, the rectons by the narrative does not help matters within the minds of fans both new and old. Like this Taylor has never cheated on Ridge bullshit for instance. Really Brad? You let someone write that and then aired it? Lol ok. Just wait guys next thing we know, Taylor will have been a virgin when she met Ridge and to this day the only man she's ever screwed in her entire life. 🙃 

    Also pretty sure that Brooke cheated on Eric(& sometimes other men) for/with Ridge and not the other way around. So what the was Midrrester princess on about exactly? Too bad the writers don't let expand on biased & untrue Steffy's version of history really is. Because Taylor has had her fair share of scandals on all on her own. But no one is allowed to talk about that on this shit show longer than a fleeting 2 seconds every 6 months. Maybe...😒

    19 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

    BTW, I don't feel like anything is going to rekindle between Brooke and Bill. Simply a plot device to stir up more Bridge conflict and hopefully, a way to explain why Bill is suddenly free to pursue Li.

    I agree, here's hoping though because we've been burned before lol and I'm 1000% on board with Bill/Li as a couple. I don't think Li will try to change him either & I think Bill will respect her more than he has any of his other love interests but I'm getting ahead of myself. They won't hurt each other but I don't see them taking any crap either. 

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  25. I don't have much to say about this week other than Tomass must be equally stupid & crazy because why would he want Hope to be with knowing what a bitch his sister is to her. If Steffy was a crappy step-sister to her then she'll sure as shit be an awful SIL too. Not  mention his passive aggressive quack doctor mother. Is she just supposed to stfu deal with those C U Next Tuesdays forever? Liam is still a lame ass but no "one woman man" is worth dealing with those 2 smug, insecure, immature bitches.

    Why can't they just dead Thope altogether? It's boring as fuck now, and even if they do hookup they won't last. Hope will be dragged(again) I guess at least this time the dragging will be semi legitimate & deserved. Because Tomass doesn't deserve to have Hope after what he's done to her & family. 

    What's also boring is Hope once again playing nice & pussyfooting. I don't know why she has to be so weepy at times, like hasn't she been through enough to bitch up by now? She's a mother for crying out loud how does she expect to protect her children specifically, her daughter, from Steffy, Taylor, & likely Kelly or whoever comes for her if her first & only response to adversary is "be nice" & "wait it out"?

    Deacon I had such high hopes for but in true Brad Bell fashion decent characters/ development get sacrificed for pure nonesense. In this case more Forrester nonesense because that's all Sheila's about these days. Bill & Li are the only good idea the writers have come up with so far. Hopefully they'll do better with them than they did with Quarter. 

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