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Posts posted by Skarzero

  1. Was...that an April Fools joke? Or did a group of people actually write this film/direct it, edited, and said "yeah this is good shit, let's air this." I kept shouting "Steffy CALL 911 WTF!!!" And my god, this version of Sheila is so weaksauce. OG Sheila would've shot Steffy without dragging it out. Plus, Steffy had to get in her face several times before it sunk in that she would have to kill her if she wanted to be with Finn/Hayes that badly? This wasn't evident when she smacked her months ago? But Brooke says something once and it's scorched Earth? Yes, I'm a broken record here but I will never not be salty about this lol 

    Damn, I guess this means that the Triangle of doom 2.0 is on the way back. And by some miracle that it's not, we're going to get "OMG poor Steffy" and she'll continue to walk all over people namely Hope/Brooke because she's grieving & she won't have to face consequences for the horrible things she said to/about them. Which is just as bad IMO. After all, I'm sure in Steffy's mind she was defending Brooke & because of that Finn died. The real irony is Brooke was only sabotaged by Sheila in the first place because she was defending Steffy's slut-shaming, hateful, hypocritical ass. I will never understand why she wasted time confronting Sheila, when she could've just took her behind straight to Ridge & Brooke as they were in the same building as her when she found out the truth of NYE. But no Steffy had to get in Sheila's face, a known murderer, in a dark alley, just to drive home the fact that Steffy is the HBIC. 🙄 As if her months, no years, of her running her roughshod on people with no one checking her wasn't proof enough. 

    • Love 13
  2. Personally I prefer Stacy Haiduk as Patty than as Kristen DiMera. Maybe because I actually felt a lot more sorry for Patty, than I ever did Kristen. (maybe once when she found the letter John wrote Marlena & had a miscarriage) even when Eileen Davidson played her but ED's Kristen is far more entertaining than SH. That's not a diss to her talent I just think Patty's  character suited her acting style better than Kristen's character. I'm sure it doesn't help that Ron is an even bigger hack writer than the Y&R writers. 

    From what I gather on YT is that 90's Diane was sort of Phyllis comeuppance for being a villainous viper. Similar to how Sheila was Lauren's karmic payback for being the bitch Genoa City. So some people liked Diane over Phyllis, I'm personally meh on them both(admittedly I loved their feud), with a slight leaning toward Phyllis since I liked how MS played her back in the 90s. Though the OG Diane played by Alex Donnelly was the best IMO. Maura West was permissible but I think she's found her niche on GH. I almost forgot she(all versions of Diane) was a big pain in Nikki's ass too. I think the vintage clips of the old drama will be 100 times more entertaining than whatever it is we get. 

    On 4/1/2022 at 7:29 PM, SweePea59 said:

    I figure it's a plot to give Syphyllis even more screech time. Ooops, I mean screen time.

    ^^^Yup. I might be ahead of myself but I also think it's force us to sympathize with her since Diane is likely going to scheme against her. I really don't know why, because again, some people actually liked Diane more than Phyllis. The writers had the perfect opportunity to capitalize off of Gina Tognoni's acting and humanize/woobify Phyllis but of course they wasted it by having her cheat with Buttbiscuit. I imagine the same thing will happen with NuS(d)ummer. 

    On 4/1/2022 at 6:38 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Re the previews, does Phyllis teleport to LA or is this the longest day in the history of humankind?

    Come on now, we all know she has a broomstick, and since gas prices are so high I'm not even mad at her! Lol   

    • LOL 11
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  3. On 3/24/2022 at 10:45 PM, boes said:

    Nate and Elena have their own set!

    Season 6 Omg GIF by The Office 

    Lol But I agree with you. I hope that them moving next door to their exes will be the first of many narrative torpedoes to this forced circle jerk of unity from the Winters family. Are the writers afraid to have that family + Amanda/Nate/Elena compete with or hate each other? Because it's really glaring how Victoria can shit on Adam like it's her job and do it better than her actual job, have a tiff with Nick & her parents, & run the business her father is inherently territorial over while his controlling ass is still alive. The Abbotts get into it every now & again, usually thanks to NotBilly. Meanwhile, Neil(while he was alive), Devon, & Lily, et al are super hunky dory even though they've all done each other dirty at some point. 

    Friday's episode was relatively ok save for the Rey and Chelsea. Newman hypocrisy is nothing new but it was always rather subliminal that you could still sort of take the Newman's side if they were your preference. Though Ashland has taken it to a new low & Victor isn't the type of person to allow looking like a hypocrite keep him from defending any of his heirs. Which is fair IMO. But I think the problem is, these days, the dialogue & the narrative is just so ass. Now the hypocrisy is too obvious. The Newmans look like even more self-righteous, unaware assholes than usual. They're starting to sound like the Forresters on B&B. How hard would it be for them to acknowledge that Ashland is their karma but they're still going to protect what's theirs?    

    JT played Billy like a decent/interesting person Friday (no I'm not sick, I'll be back to dragging him soon enough lol). I had to keep checking to make sure I was watching Y&R and not The Twilight Zone. AH/Victoria also behaved much better so I felt less inclined to judge her for once. Despite previous hostility, they seemed to fall into empathy & understanding rather well. A rare sight indeed. 

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  4. ^^^Agree with comments upthread. Although I got to say, I don't really begrudge Y&R writers for slapping B&B in the face, it sucks. More than Y&R ever did (thanks to Brad Bell), until now anyway. Bringing back a woman that was bludgeoned & left for dead on-screen is certainly a new low for either soap. And if it's Patty in a mask/plastic surgery then that would just take the cake, why not just make it be Patty outright instead wearing Diane's face show? 

    And of all people why Diane? I don't think anyone liked the way she was killed off but it was over and done with and it felt final. Why not Keemo or Mari Jo who didn't die on-screen? The fact that Jack's other son had a daughter, shouldn't even be on Diane's radar. OG Diane certainly wouldn't give a shit, especially when she has her own grandson out there. If she's been alive why didn't she come back when Kyle discovered his own son or when he married Summer. Diane hated Phyllis and I doubt she'd tolerate her son marrying her daughter. 

    Victoria was acting like a teenager yesterday, I know AH isn't perfect but I thought she was a better actor than this. I wanted to reach through my screen and slap her silly. Other than that, I got no fucks to give about her or Pillsbury Ashland. 

    Either Nate/Elena are significantly less boring lately or Buttbiscuit's monologuing flopcast has scarred me and lowed my standards.  

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  5. 24 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

    Bringing back Diane from the dead is nuts and makes no sense, no matter who they cast in the role.

    ^^^^They shouldn't have killed her off to begin with, not that I liked her character. But it just seemed like cheap drama/murder mystery. 

    1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

    Jack and Keemo already shared one woman, Mari-Jo.

    I read something about her when I was researching Keemo. Didn't Jack get back with her even though she schemed and tried to get Keemo to sleep with a prostitute? I think that was the last time he was mentioned. Keemo told Jack not to marry her. If Mari Jo is still alive why not bring her back instead of Diane? It would actually make a little more sense given the history. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    The artist now known as Ye will look like a paragon of mental health compared to you. 🤡

    I stared at this sentence too long, I think I lost braincells thinking well....Nostrils isn't that big of a narcissist. lol But he comes close enough, does that mean Lily is the more talented, somewhat less annoying version of Kim K? And Lily & Buttbiscuit will break up someday(soon please)? 😂 

    Even with the fast forward button I couldn't bring myself to watch yesterday's show. So did Devon agree to the merger after Jill was forced by bad writing to tell him what a great idea it is? I hope this blows up in all their faces, yes even Jill's(sorry Jill). 

    Since the TIIC insist on making us suffer through Buttbiscuit's Flopcast, I'm thinking of starting a podcast dragging it, and Y&R as a whole. Might be therapeutic idk. 

    13 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    Genital City needs much stronger antitrust laws.  All of these corporate mergers can only lead to lack of competition in the marketplace, allowing greedy CEOs to gouge their customers, thus drastically increasing profits, which they will use to buy back their own stock, which will artificially inflate the value of the stock, which determines the greedy CEO's exorbitant salary.   The circle of corporate life.  If these writers would use the stories they tell to reflect the reality we're living and help people understand what's actually happening to them, I could get behind it.  But the potential for anything interesting coming from this merger is pretty slim.  

    "Genital City" 💀💀💀 Can I borrow this? 🤣 It's interesting how TPTB insist on having certain characters be unrealistically kumbaya, Devon & Lily in this case but there are others, and then have others at each others throats long past the point of being interesting or making any sense. Like almost everyone's attitude towards Adam (or Sally) for instance. It's obviously lopsided, boring and lazy. 

    I really like Allie. So I just know that TIIC will ruin her for me one way or another, but fuck it. I'm gonna root for her anyway! Which means I'll be rooting for her to leave Genital City before it's too late.

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  7. 22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    On one of our fellow soap forums we've been described as intense and merciless. Whee, I am owning that! 😉 {Especially since IMO that forum is pretty much like the Wild West: utterly lawless, lol.) AFAIC, we're being not intense and merciless enough with the travesty that is this show and certain weak storylines and actors.

    Say what? 🤣 I know you're not talking about the forum I think you are! Lol If you are, then that's so sad it loops back around again to funny. But I will also own being intense & merciless over the unmitigated, 24/7. hemisphere-wide dumpster fire that place is. Before I knew this place existed, that super toxic forum Joi is likely referring to was all I had. Ngl the post/posters there were negatively effecting my mental health. However, it's nice to hear the posters there are still as snotty & hypocritical as some of the soap characters they blindly stan. 🤷‍♀️ 

    51 minutes ago, boes said:

    I've only belonged to one other forum, many years back, and took flight from there with the hounds yapping at my heels, banned for life.  The place was insufferable, the mods unbearable and apparently, still mostly modding.  It's run like a sociopathic tea party IMO, so if they're the ones dissing us, well, that'd be rich. That would be richer than Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos combined.

    That's so messed up Boes, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I mostly lurked, I couldn't imagine actually interacting with those whackos(that is, if were talking about the same forum, I'm pretty sure we are lol). The debates, I've gotten into or witnessed on here are handled with way more class/grace. While it can be, admittedly, pretty annoying. It never really got to me too much. 

    6 hours ago, rcc said:

    Hmmm ... I was at a different forum and the administrator was so arrogant and posters too that I found my way here. We snark, give our opinion and never belittle each other. This is definitely the best place to be. 👍

    ^^^You can say that again. We're the coolest. 😎

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  8. On 3/14/2022 at 5:13 PM, SweePea59 said:

     I feel sorry for Allie that she's most likely being sacrificed to Noel. But at this moment I'm hoping Allie stays on as as regular for a long time.

    Same. If RA came back I could get over it...maybe...but this version of Noel has done nothing for me, and he will likely continue to do nothing for me. 

    3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Dang, Adam is not playing. He is out for Victoria's job, and is willing to kick her while she's down. Was Victor impressed by Adam's diatribe against her (and Nick) or will he accuse Adam of being jealous of his siblings?

    Victoria has more than earned Adam's contempt and distain. But Victor probably won't let it stand even though he was quick to steamroll him when Victoria & Ashland came sniffing around Newman media. 

    9 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    😂 When Phyllis said she was "going out on the porch" heard it as "I'm going out to forage."



    Where else for the Queen of the Dumpsters?

    This was a hilarious birthday present, thanks 😂😂😂

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  9. Dickvon can choke and so can Chance, but giving credit where credit is due, his therapy session felt real & I enjoyed it. If only we got that Chance more instead of him being a Dickvon bootlicker. "I would've liked a heads up" Umm and? So? Who gives a damn what you would've liked? Abby would've like not being stabbed in the back by your bitch ass in the first place, but not everyone can get what they want. Unless they're you Douchevon, (or Nostrils/Victor). I thoroughly enjoyed Amanda being allowed to have some sense today, but what the soap gods giveth, they will taketh away. With all the narrative whiplash and Devon propping, Amanda feels less like a character than she ever did to me. But today was a better day, she called him out, albeit with kid gloves, and said he was inventing things to be worried about. The sole custody thing is something she only asked him because he's acting so butthurt over Dom's parents coming to pick him up. She was allowed to notice and question him this time. She didn't say she'd help him if that's what he wanted (though she could someday if that's what the writers want, god forbid). Just if that's what he was angling for and I didn't appreciate but wasn't surprised at his deflection of it. And Devon's pissy, passive aggressive vibes are just as bad, if not worse than Chance's negative trauma vibes. So he can join Nostrils in the perpetual "Sit the fuck down and choke" club. 

    Allie seems so far so good! She also seemed in the dark about Jack, if it wasn't her behind the texts then my interest is peaked as to who it really was. 

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  10. Grace isn't doing meddling right. She needs to hit up Eric and see if Stephanie left behind a "Interfering with your Children Love Lives for Dummies" manual lol. I will say she's good at omitting the truth to Zende and telling him what he wants to hear, thus setting him up for failure. Grace is a little on the crazy side but I'll take it over this cringe relationship TIIC keep trying to shove down our throats. And as mentioned above at least someone on this shit show has a foil to their BS. If only TPTB would have a new/existing character shove their foot up the Marone gang's asses. I will say this Grace/Zende/Paris/Carter stuff is getting old fast & Zende needs to find out already. Since if Paris/Carter aren't truly doing anything wrong, why not just come right and tell Zende from the outset? Or make it high on the list of priorities? Because causal dating or not, I don't think the average person would be okay the object of their affection sleeping with someone they consider a family friend. At the very least, that individual would not be considered for marriage anymore, if not dropped entirely. Which is fair IMO. Zende, as boring as he is, deserves to know Paris isn't interested and even if she were, he'd have to compete with the likes of Carter's fickle ass for the foreseeable future. 

    I'm glad Brooke initiated the divorce but I'm upset at how she did it. Putting herself down and propping up Ridge's life with Taylor. I get why she did it, but it's still dumb considering Brooke knows firsthand Tridge wasn't/isn't anymore drama free than Bridge. And no, it wasn't all Brooke's fault. Ridge is the common dominator there and Taylor of course has her own brand of messy that is perpetually rug swept. 

    • Love 7
  11. March seems to be the most boring month of the year so far for Y&R. It's my birthday month & this is the best TIIC can do? Lol but I thought March/April were supposed to be one of the better months of the year for soaps because that's usually when the fallout of sweeps week happens. But I guess that's impossible when the sweep weeks themselves were flops. I was even too bored to drag Buttbiscuit, Douchevon, & Lily yesterday. 

    I still hate how they did Keemo but Jack's poor sap act & moaning just leaves me apathetic toward it all now. If Keemo were alive I'd let it go, because there'd be some pay off. But Jack has no edge to him anymore and for what? No other (male)character/actor fills PB/Jack's shoes in that respect, except maybe MG/Adam and he's bogged down by his family's nonesense. At least Phyllis wasn't so insufferable this week.  


    What a statement. I can't stop thinking of this since I read it. He is the least attractive person on tv. Perhaps ever.

    ^^^^And TPTB seem to think that pairing him with Lily, Victoria, (GT's)Phyllis, or even S(d)ummer makes him look better. Like no, making all of these women out of his league, with better options(yes even Sumdum) simp for him is asinine. 

    On 3/9/2022 at 2:06 AM, boes said:

    So I guess Noel's girlfriend was supposed to appear pretty vapid and silly but frankly, she seemed to be too good for Noel/Noah.  She had a personality, she was warm to everyone, and friendlier than he deserved.  

    Also, the woman can act.

    Show may not have intended it, but IMO, the joke is on Noel.


    They probably brought her in to show how "low" Noel is willing to stoop to get over Tessa and to pave the way for Allie(Jack's granddaughter) so her golden cooch can save Noel from his own choices. The new female character isn't even on the show yet and one of her first big SL's is going to be about being the magic cure to the poor lovesick male thirsting over his future sister-in-law & getting with with women who forget his name(which I would find somewhat offensive if it was Robert Adamson's Noah, but RG? I'd forget his name too). Because of course those were his only two options. I think the most insulting part of this will be that once Noah falls for Allie, everyone will act like the months he was thirsting/ogling after Tessa didn't happen. The 2nd most offensive part of this is, we'll be subjected to another Abbott/Newman love story because OMG that has never been done B4!1!1 FML 

    Lol I liked the girl too. Noel 👎👎👎



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  12. I felt bad for Tripp, and I think he handled it as well as he could. Given how he found out about it. I hope Tripp didn't inherent his mother's coping mechanisms. 

    I wasn't feeling the JoDevil SL until this past Monday. Now the story feels like it has some weight/angst to it. As cringeworthy as Johnny's voiceover was, I'm glad we saw it happen. Everyone that thought Johnny lacked inner fortitude got humbled lol    

    Kristen has long outlived her "she's so bad she's good, so we have to keep her around for drama lol" era. 

    2 hours ago, RunningMarket said:

    I am enjoying Kristen-As-Evil, as annoying as this island story line is. The mooning over Brady, being friends with Marlena, doting mother to Rachel Kristen wasn't nearly as fun to watch.

    That time she got high & mighty with Gabi, was also ridiculous. But Ron really made Marlena be friends with Kristen too? I must've Fast forwarded that or something. He really went all out trying to woobify Kristen didn't he?

    4 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

    Given that Sarah's probably not more than 100lbs even in a soaking wet wig, I'm willing to bet any one of them could just pick her up and throw her ass on the plane.

    I know right? I'm just waiting for someone to realize that and then punch her in the face. 

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  13. I went ahead and forced myself to watch this week's episodes, and yes it was painful. I don't know why Brooke didn't have security throw Shelia's ass out of her house. Why is she trying to explain herself to a criminal. Sheila, Steffy also vowed to keep you from your son/grandson and then smacked/shoved you for good measure. How awfully convenient it is, that you don't have any this smoke for Steffy.  

    And Sheila? You're on Brooke's private property, uninvited, insulting her, getting high & mighty. You're lucky she only brushed your nose. Because she could shoot you in the head and call 911 claiming you tried to kill her. You know....Again and she defended herself. With your history no one would question it. So piss off you Crazy Marone worshiping, murdering, baby-stealing, blackmailing, husband fucking(Finn's dad), psycho.  

    And I should be immune to this garbage by now but I still rolled my eyes at Steffy & Tayloon mentioning Brill again. Like Taylor didn't shoot Bill and Steffy didn't fuck him while married to his son? Or have an affair with him while married to Katie? Funny how Steffy says that Brooke is trying to blame Taylor for Ridge leaving, when her ass did the exact same thing when she blamed Hope for losing Liam after Stallion night. The parallels are plain as day. Except the drunk Breacon kiss isn't nearly as dire/treacherous as sober Stallion night.  

    • Love 11
  14. Jfc that's how Y&R decide to end February/Sweeps? To make matters worse, they had Nostrils & Devon make the most sense(I say that loosely). But Billy, don't think calling yourself a dumbass will stop me from calling you a dumbass. Dumbass. Fuck you and your Flopcast. 

    Lily needs to take it down 1000 notches. Is she trying to rally of Genoa City at CI in order to go after the Newmans someday? TIIC have this nasty habit with having more respected characters and/or characters that know better(in this case Jill) cosign stupid things. Jill never thought to merge CI with HW because it's stupid. And that's exactly what she would've told Lily if the writers didn't suck. 


    Also, Amanda is pushing him yet again.  First, with encouraging him to get closer to Dom when he was totally unsure and now with this business decision.  What’s up with her?

    The writers are making her dumb over dull dick. That's the root problem with Amanda (and Lily) right there lol. Plus, after all the whining he's done about family all this time, why wouldn't she think it's alright to "push" him on family matters? Imani is the only one to have some sense and I have a bad feeling she'll be punished for it down the line.

    Luan, and Keemo were before my time as a viewer but I read up on their history on the show, and it even makes me sad/angry Keemo is being done so dirty. Thinking of all the storylines TIIC wasted time on throughout the years when they had a big story like this to tell about Jack, and Keemo and by extension the Abbotts. 

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  15. On 2/21/2022 at 12:07 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    That said, I hardly ever make digs on Steffy's appearance because the rest of her character is just that damn repugnant and her lousy personality gives me plenty of material to work with. 

    Same, but it's clear the girl has gotten some work done and how is her hair better in the mid-late 2000s than it is in 2022? 

    Welp that's the end of Crindge(for now). There is nothing heart-wrenching about it since once Shelia's interference is revealed they'll be back together. I don't really care if Ridge forgives Brooke or not. If he does, fine. It doesn't change the fact that she's forgiven him for the same or worse offenses. And if he doesn't then that just means he's the flip flopping hypocrite he's always been. Nothing new either way. 

    24 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    Can Hope please please tell Stuffy to go fuck herself and call her out on all the times Stuffy came between her and Liam. 

    Right?! But Stuffy would deflect that and Hope would allow her to. Look at how she side-stepped Hope's question/accusation that Steffy never wanted the Bridge marriage to work. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I honestly wish Hope would bring up R.J once in a while even though I know neither Tomass or Steffy would give a shit. 

    • Love 7
  16. Yesterday's episode was dumb and a waste. They don't even send adults home the same day they get a transplant, why the fuck would they send a baby, that's not even 6 months old, home? Plus, Dickhead Devon gets to insert himself further into Abby's life/home. Wonderful. The irony is, I do think the three of them (minus Devon of course) have good friendship chemistry. But this feels unearned and too soon. 

    As shady as Ashland is, I was rooting for him against Nostrils. I laughed when Ashland wasted no time in tattling on NotBilly to Victoria when she showed up. And of course Lily would later validate/enable Buttbiscuit as if he did anything productive by antagonizing Ashland & Victoria in the first place, instead of minding his own business. 

    Also, why is Lily trying to hire half of Genoa City? It's bad enough that she has her screw up boyfriend as her COO now she's got her brother's girlfriend along with her sister as corporate lawyers. And now she wants to bring her cousin in the business for some random shoehorned job? How is all of that going to work out when someone does something personally and/or professionally the other doesn't like? What the fuck are these writers on? 

    Victor how is it arrogant, selfish and disrespectful for Adam not to what you want? I'm glad Adam stood up for himself against Victor's emotional manipulation & guilt trips. I know Sally means well but she's got it all wrong if she thinks that Victor ever respects his children for  standing up "disobeying" him. 

    8 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

    Today’s pink boots were silly. Please dress her as a respected professional in the future. It’s hard to take her seriously now.

    Her choice of dress doesn't help. But to be fair, her relationship with Nostrils is what really makes it impossible to take her seriously lol. 

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  17. Quote

     I realize divorce is traumatic for children, but come on,  they’re in their mid 30’s at least.  They act like the whole family will be together again,  with daddy driving them to school and having family game night. 😂

    They weren't even children when Tridge divorced, they were well into their (teens maybe?) SORAed 20's last time Ridge dumped Taylor. Unlike Rick and Bridget who were kids when Ridge left them & their mother but they don't act like spoiled, entitled brats. And Hope's parents were never together and she was shit on most her life for her conception. The Taybrats have no excuse, tbh they should be more traumatized that Taylor "died", as that happened when they were children. Like who cares if she's not with Ridge? Be happy your mother isn't permanently dead unlike Aly's mother.

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  18. Lmao I'm so desensitized to unqualified people in GC getting certain jobs, I barely noticed Amanda's one-lawyer fits all. I just don't know why they wasted so much time with Lily pitching to her, like it's a big deal lol. We all know Amanda's main job is gonna be damage control after Nostril's next fuck-up. Lily knows Amanda has about as much sense as she does when it comes to men, so it's not surprising she recruited her to be clean-up woman #2 for Buttbiscuit. Also Lily, podcasts aren't some new invention, the first podcast is said to be created in 2004, and they've been mainstream since at least the mid 2010's, you and your mediocre boyfriend are late. As if anyone wants to hear the platitudes of a fail-up, perpetual fuck-up man baby.

    Devon better not be Dominic's biological father. When I said TIIC should stop shoving NotBilly in our faces as this struggling hero/underdog and write for characters we can root for I did not mean Devon. Holy shit writers. And I certainly didn't mean for them to shove Douchevon and Buttbiscuit together so they could jerk each other off about how awesome they are. Both of them are insufferable individually, together they look even worse. Which I didn't even think was possible but here we are.    

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  19. Quote

    I suppose there would be no show if every one of these characters weren't hypocrites! Steffy should keep her mouth shut about Bill when speaking to Brooke ... or anyone really. Just as Brooke should shut up when blathering to Quinn about cheating on Eric.

    The difference between Shrill Brooke and high horsing heifer bitch Steffy is that Quinn threw all of Brooke's BS & hypocrisy back in her face despite Quinn objectively being worse(captive cabin, attempted murder). Quinn still managed to defend herself & blast Brooke as she tried to come for her. Steffy OTOH just gets to run her mouth without Brooke or anyone truly reading her hypocrite ass for filth in return, same goes for her mother/brother. They just go on and on endlessly and no one throws their (worse)actions, not to mention criminal pasts in their faces. The little bones they threw Hope yesterday were ok. But of course Steffy had a deflection/answer for everything, Brooke has a pattern(you & your family does too bitch) and she still clings to her Logans always win lie. Considering her father a prize to win, instead of a person. That alone shows how immature and shitty Steffy will always be. 

    I was confused when Hope said that Steffy's done things she regrets. Hope of all people should know that Steffy treated her emotional abuse/torture of her like it was divine birthright. Steffy doesn't regret a damn thing. 

    On 2/14/2022 at 1:36 AM, TobinAlbers said:

    On one hand it's nice to see a close sibling relationship on the show between Thomas and Steffy. One the other, they're so obnoxious, judgmental, and so completely lacking in self-awareness that you want them both to go splat over the cliffside for their actions.

    It's interesting because after Bethgate, and her coming between him and Sally, they shouldn't even be all that cool with each other. Victoria Newman's frosty bitch treatment of her brother Adam is how Steffy should treat Tomass, all things considered. But I already know that's how they're both going to treat R.J, if/when TIIC remembers he exists. 

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  20. 16 hours ago, boes said:

    You know what would make Neil and Katherine proud, you trio of mumbling humblebragging self-involved morons?  NEVER using their names again to advance any of your self-aggrandizing, mediocre, masturbatory, self-referential bullshit ideas.   

    The only thing that would make them happier is if they could disassociate from you in the present from the great hereafter.

    ButtBiscuit thinks there's a worl out there just panting to get advice from an over-the-hill morose Oompa Loompa wannabe and he's buffed up by a breathless Lily in her best Valley Gurl impression while Devon manages to pull of the impossible and pat all three of them on the back simultaneously.   Then Devon had the time to swing by Safeway and pick up a bouquet while ButtBiscuit and Lily once again tried to prove that there's no amount of Scotchguard in the world that'll save that sofa.

    Meanwhile, we got to see Genoa City's richest vulgarians compete with  how to outdo each other with overblown, yet underwhelming presents.  Horsies, a signet ring and necklace from the Franklin Mint Collection for the terminally tasteless.  All that was missing was a mutual exchange of edible underwear.   Come to think of it, we never did hear what Nikki got Victor.....

    But we had Adam and Sally and strange as it to say, they were a breath of fresh air in that fetid swamp of Wisconsin's bottom-feeding business titan's.  May they choke on their string cheese.

    It's enough to make me lactose intolerant.

    Preach to this whole post! Especially the bolded part! I don't expect them to bring up Drucilla but I think for the first time, I'm glad of that. No need to insult her character even further. Besides, I'm sure Dru stopped looking over her daughter with pride, right before her first couch boink with Buttbiscuit lol 

    2 hours ago, Kemper said:

    It is a mystery to me as to why the Sleeping With Summer incident has been forgotten.

    My theory is that TIIC don't want to kill their precious golden Abbott boy off. Because the writers sweeping away the Newmans and Abbotts non-involvement with Dominicgate is one thing. But there is no way TIIC could get away with Nostrils being outed for his deplorable revenge bang of Summer, and then not have Nick, Victor, Nikki and likely Jack show up to ring Billy Bitch Boy's neck. Nikki and Jack might not have anything left to get to after Nick & Victor get done. 

    3 hours ago, Kemper said:

    I know that the “Billy” actor/character is generally reviled on this board. However, at this point I will take him over Devon. I usually grab the remote when he appears onscreen. That is how bad the writing has been; and how monotone his character is. Paint drying.

    ^^^I'll join you at this table. I hate them equally, but at least Nostrils keeps me engaged enough that I hate watch a fair amount of his scenes. And I thoroughly enjoy dragging him. Devon is a douchebag but he's also so damn boring I fast forward most, if not all of his scenes, so it's harder to drag him later lol. I only watch him if he's with Abby/Chance. As far the actors go JT is better than BJ( not a high bar to clear) even though they're both dull. I remember JT on General Hospital and he was much better there. I never thought too much of BJ/Devon, but when Amanda/MM has more chemistry (with everyone), with the likes of NotBilly that's when I realized that BJ/Devon is the bigger issue for me. 

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