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Posts posted by Skarzero

  1. 44 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

    Did I hear right? Bill babysat Beth and Douglas? Why did we not get some of that? They could have cut out one of the dozen daily conversations about Thomas and Hope everyone on the canvas is obligated to have to show us Bill spending time with the kids

    ^^^We could have Bill being good father/grandpa spoiling his youngest son & grandchildren. Just living life, minding his business instead of him going into creep mode and constantly trying to get Katie back. I know romance is a thing B&B prioritizes over character arcs most times, but this misuse of Don Diamont(and Heather Tom) & waste of Bill's character is too stupid & mind-boggling for words. I know it's nothing new but still.....

    And in speaking of too stupid & mind-boggling for words...the Braylor friendship is gonna implode over some he said, she said crap? The he said being from Thomas of all people? FML Braylor(as cheesy & overdone as it was) being chill with each other for once was the one silver lining amidst all the rinse repeat dialouge & someone stopping by at Sheila's cell every damn day. 

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  2. On 5/22/2023 at 8:18 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    Side note,but I've heard nothing but terrible things about this character for years through the grapevine and he's been the benchmark against which all propped characters are measured agaist so it's great that the GH writers are getting their shit together and carrying this genre.

    All true without a doubt. Like on paper he still sucks but Carly has taken his place as the writers pet that can do no wrong. She's more propped now in 2023 than he was in 2003. She's just more insufferable than he is, & I think that's what won some people over. That was the case for me at least. I find her to be her to be more obnoxious than Sonny(or even Steffy occasionally),with nearly twice the onscreen bootlickers. 

    8 hours ago, jqdeco said:

    No character in the history of soaps is more propped than Carly “Snarly” Corinthos on GH. She has never paid for a single misdeed or actual crime and every character on that show except one acts like she is a paragon of virtue.

    I'd say give or take, Taylor & her kids are neck & neck with Carly in the "My shit never ever stunk but yours is the stinkiest" department. At least Carly was the town pariah in the late 90s & the only people that didn't hold her to any real standard back then were people you would expect, like 2 law-breaking gangsters. Steffy nor her family have really been full pariah status like Carly was once upon a better time. What little smoke they did get once in a while they had every chance to give as good as they got. If not better. 

    It's interesting the writers for both shows are willing to tip the scales in their favor almost the exact same way. Revising/ignoring canon history, sacrificing others to prop them, and selectively crap on other characters while no mud is slung the other way. Imo calling Carly the Steffy of GH is just as accurate as calling Steffy the Carly of B&B.

    It's just up to the individual to decide which piece of dog shit smells worse. 

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  3. I've had my issues with Sharon's character in the past but Nick has done her just as dirty, if not dirtier, than she's done him. Sharon has been proven to do much better than Nick, more than once. Even if Rey annoyed me, I never doubted he loved Sharon. Jordi & SC had steady chemistry(which was a double-edged sword & made them a little boring in the end). And any version of Shadam craps on Shick all day every day. The only way Sharon could do worse is if she married Victor again...I think....

    A Shick reunion would do JM/Nick far more favors than Sharon. She might be shackled to the coffeehouse but Nick is the creepy douchebag sleeping with Sally to spite Adam. And JM is actually surprised/bothered by the "naysayers" like dude....what did you think would happen? No one asked for Nick/Sally to happen, you did.

    The longer he clings to this the harder it's going to be for his character to live it down, and for a lot of people, that ship has already sailed. To the point that I've even seen former Ally fans that want the paternity test switched so that Adam can be free of both Nick & Sally. Can't say I blame them.

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  4. On 5/19/2023 at 10:44 AM, ffwbe said:

    When I see Ace, I get shades of baby Michael. They gave Carly a kid because she was the absolute worst and it forced a group of characters to interact with her when she would have otherwise been siloed. They wrote Esme into a corner and made the mistake of giving her 2 parents who also wouldn’t give her a big circle who would be willing to take her in or give her a chance. 

    ^^^ you read my mind. On YouTube the comments sections are full of viewers defending Carly being rude, & bitchy, particularly to Bobbie, after she gave birth to Michael. Esme's near constant bleating of "Spencer mean!" "no one trusts me! But then I don't trust Laura cuz reasons" "My baby this/that!!" Is just as annoying Carly was. At least the show had Carly take deplorable actions to keep Michael from the Q's & A.J. Instead of expecting them to back off just because(that became the status quo later unfortunately). 

    Esme just whines....about everything...sometimes just for the sake of it. Even when she has a point(rare) she's miserable. Which is silly because things could be far worse for her. 

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  5. On 5/19/2023 at 11:57 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    it is old and tiring and there's nothing new to be added to that. It only worked as long as it did in the past because of the chemistry between KKL and SF with her phenomenal acting and the long standing history, but none of that is present now for most of the characters between Steffy, who is more Brooke than Brooke Logan ever was

    ^^^The show keeps treating it like its something new which is hilarious because someone has always been on Brooke's head more often than not. 

    That said, I'd probably care alot less if every side got their past(and present) dragged adequately. Having Deacon & Eric thrown in Brooke's face, while Rick and also Eric is never thrown in Taylor's is not good storytelling or character dynamic.

    Hope being on a (weak) defense anytime Steffy goes in on her or her mom, with the ammo that Hope has on Steffy, is also unseemly. Even infamous teflon coated soap villains like Victor Newman, or Sonny Corinthos* have had more onscreen detractors than Steffy/Taylor. Of course they don't lose, but not everyone(save for their family members & not even then sometimes) is silent or purposefully unaware about the fact that they suck. Even if there's nothing to be done about it. 

    *Sonny has actually made positive, successful changes in his life, & arguably taken a few hits, and is grey/anti-hero status now. Which is all the more ironic since these days he has the piss taken out him for taking the high road.*

    Outside of repeating the same lines everyday for months on end, this show's problem has always been balance or lack thereof. 

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  6. 30 minutes ago, lala2 said:

    As far as he knows, she targeted him and his dad. Ok……but is that it?

    Well he knows she framed Trina and was happy to let her go to prison. Drugged someone, and targeted Ava. Ignoring all that, her going after him & Nik on her psycho dad's orders is a good enough reason(from his perspective) not to trust her with an infant long term, which is fair. But I agree 100% that this show is going about it all wrong & it's being lazy as shit(what's new?). Esme taking off with Ace without securing a way to feed, clothe, or house him is about the first unfit thing she's done since she had him.

    Spencer should move out of Laura's not to make life easier for Esme, but because Spencer is too involved in this for his own good. He's definitely being crapped on writing wise and it's probably gonna get worse from here on out especially if Esme sticks around :/ 

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  7. 7 hours ago, Desperado said:

    At least now, Phyllis can’t hold “you faked your death” over her, every day.

    That's very optimistic considering Phylty is a grade A hypocrite, and gets away with it most of the time. Her manipulation of Dummer a couple of weeks ago had "Diane is still worse than me" as the main point. 

    23 hours ago, Js Nana said:
    On 5/16/2023 at 3:20 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    IMO the show needs to stop trying to pretend like it didn't happen

    It was a hugely wrong storyline that I'm guessing the producers wish Y&R viewers would forget ever happened, because all they can give Billy are excuses for what he did - I'm remembering a couple of years ago or so that Billy was using the excuse with Summer that he'd been in a very dark place when he lured her into bed, like that could excuse what he did.

    The show rug sweeping this really bit them in the ass, maybe even more so than going there in the first place. Because Phyllis unleashing her self-righteous, crazy, duplicitous behavior on people that have truly earned it, like Nostrils & Victor, would save the character from being shat on as much as she is today. If at all, cos I don't see many people getting pissed at Phyllis for getting revenge on Victor after Marco* or on Billy for what he did to Summer. Isn't she supposed to be this fierce, fervent mother? But here she is having more smoke for Diane, who messed with her over 20 years ago, & faked her own death(that no one went to prison for anyway).Than Billy, who creepily preyed on her daughter for petty revenge. FOH 

    *Even if Victor is narratively untouchable and can never take an L or suffer a consequence, what's the excuse for Billy? Especially considering the JT version isn't(to my knowledge) exactly a fan favorite, not compared to the Billy Miller version at least.  

    Nick is just as bad, funny how when JM asked for Nick to do something major, none of the writers thought to have him find out that Billy was too bitch-made to get at him directly for sleeping with Phyllis & went after his daughter instead, and then proceed to fuck him up every way imaginable.....Nope better to have him waste his bullish, spiteful nature on Adam. Making him be just as creepy & sleep with the woman pregnant with his niece. 

    Josh Griffith really sucks...

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  8. 18 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

    Finn keep low key being apathetic/laughing at Liam about Thomas. If he’s Hopeless guess who he’ll turn to?

    !!! Right??? I bet he won't be laughing(but I will be) when Liam comes slinking back to Steffy like he did last time. And that was just when he wrongly thought Hope had shagged Thomas. If she actually does it now, Liam will be twice as emboldened to activate his backup. Finn is incredibly dense not to be the least bit uncomfortable/offended with Steffy's obsession with her ex-husband's (likely doomed) marriage. 

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  9. Quote

    I’m never gonna be team Brooke just because people were unfairly (hypo)critical of her.

    That's funny cos that is precisely why I eventually stopped hating Brooke. I think if she had the correct people drag her for her past it'd be far more palatable. Like Katie, Bridget, & in very few instances, Hope. But Stephanie(when she was alive), Ridge, Taylor, their annoying brats, etc. have done enough grimy shit to be on mute about Brooke. But they never were,(until recently), and after a while, that got on my nerves just as much if not more than Brooke habitually fucking up did. And while I'm not a mega Brooke fan, I still say her character, is kinda blown out of proportion. Both in the canon story & the fandom, as she's not actually a mean-spirited villain type. She's short-sighted, flighty & reckless. Her not being a haughty, self-righteous, smart-mouthed jerk like the rest of the cast is just a bonus. 

    I think the biggest difference between Brooke & Taylor, and characters on this show & other soaps who are far worse than both of them combined, is the portrayal. The show rarely told us to view Brooke favorably or fairly, even in the early seasons, and that's probably why most viewers don't. Her trademark tears aside, it's not they really saved her from being held to task/shat on by people. At least not indefinitely. 

    As mentioned up-thread, Brooke's brand of boneheaded behavior and past awfulness is hardly unique to her character. Not even by B&B standards. And I used to hate her during Brill vol. 1 and stayed hating her for many years after that. 

    Another thought about yesterday is,.at times like this the reduced cast size really hurts the storytelling. While I don't think Steffy is 100% dead wrong like she usually is, and Hope is acting slow, the "wtf are you doing" tongue-lashing might've been better coming from someone else. Also mentioned here before, Hope's parents. Who have both been there done that on the forbidden boinks. Or even R.J. Steffy seems to just fan the flames because of her own baggage & past shitty treatment of Hope. 

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  10. This Hope = Brooke crap is several days late and several dollars short. It's extremely forced & shitty and the only people who'd go for it this late in the game are people that have always felt that way since Hope was born or soraed. Whether they were right or wrong to. Mostly the latter imo but that's not relevant now, so I digress. 

    13 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

    Steffy is such a f'ing bitch! She's the one who insisted that Thomas return to HFTF and then more or less blackmailed Hope into agreeing

    Agreed, but Hope made the wrong decision to stick around at FC/HFTF at the likely expense of her marriage/sanity. Hope should've grown some balls & gone to HR or just told Steffy to eat dirt and quit FC. Idc what the actors are forced to say HFTF is not that damn important. I called something like this happening during the Douglas at Eric's house SL. Steffy insisting that Hope put up with Thomas at the expense of herself (and Liam) knowing that Thomas still wanted her(or the opposite now in this case). And acting all upset/morally righteous when some shit goes down.

    I can't bring myself to watch this shit but once a week, & I've spent that turn today. But I will say this again: Ultimately, if Hope bangs Thomas, Steffy's gonna be the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd one dragging her. If Steffy is that worried about her poor brother she should move him to another division or fire him or Hope even. Something tells me that she won't do that. Though as much as I hate to say it...if after over a decade of having to tumble with Steffy & then factoring Thomas's crazy into it, Hope doesn't know any better... then that's on her. 

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  11. 18 hours ago, VanillaBeanne said:

    I would like a Nick and Elena pairing. Esp if it happens soon.  Sally can come to her senses and pick Adam.  Then Elena and Nick can bond over having their mates stolen by Newman spawn.  

    Lmaooo Elena would have far more room to complain than Nick. Banana Breath knew what he was getting himself into & didn't give a shit. He's only banging Sally because Adam still loves her. I guess this means that the best chance at an Elena/Nick paring is to have Adam fall in love with her first. 

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  12. 23 hours ago, boes said:

    I tried to watch B&B a while back, but the guy who plays Liam used to be on OLTL and he skeeves me out.  He has all the appeal of a bowl of oatmeal with hot dogs cut up in it.  Every show has its ButtBiscuit, I guess.

    As much as that mewling, uninspiring, whining, waffling, idiot gets on my nerve sometimes, he's not nearly as bad as that pompous, arrogant, niece-in-law banging, attempted flopcaster, blackholes for Nostrils, dickhead ButtBiscuit imo. At least not at this point in time.

    As of now, he's being made to look irrational because he doesn't trust a character who's even worse than pre-redeemed Adam & required twice the propping of any Newman after they did something trash. So I've thawed a little towards Liam out of pity. But still...don't watch this shitshow. The only thing it has going for it is 30 less minutes of writing that insults your intelligence as a viewer. 

    At this point Elena shouldn't give a rats ass about JT no? Unless she's doing it to fuck with Victoria which is good, but it wasn't Elena's idea it was Audra’s(Elena could probably do a better revenge plot on her own). Audra bad mouthing her bosses in a public place is...a choice...I'd assume Audra is planning to blackmail Victoria & Nate but she's already spilled the beans so that's out. A good writer could make a better adversary for Victoria than Adura or just make Adura a real threat to her in general. Instead of this watered down, contrived version of Mean Girls. 

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  13. 16 hours ago, Js Nana said:

    Not that soap operas have ever mirrored reality, but I think It's more than time to bid a fond farewell to the rich and famous of Genoa City and phase in characters and situations that its audience can relate to.

    Only if they have a regime change in that writers room, because Josh Griffith (and whoever he had before he fired them if we're being honest) would just fuck that up too. 

    3 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

    She gave up trying to convince him pretty meekly too, considering the magnitude of the news.

    When her and narc mommy dearest get busted she's gonna pull that card of "We'll I tried to tell you" to Daniel. Nevermind it was a half-assed attempt & she should've been trying to tell the authorities and her husband anyway. 

    I think this show is doomed unless CBS fires JG and hires people that can actually write and pace good storylines. 

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  14. 10 hours ago, Rye said:

    This is Sheila Carter level shit, you can’t then write her as anything other than the town whipping girl with no defenders.

    At least B&B sort of got that part right with Sheila, everyone hates her guts save two people, and one of the two was just pretending to give a shit to trick her into confessing so they'd lock her up for good(I apologize if I'm making it sound much less stupid than it was).

    This fuckery with Phyllis is even worse because show had multiple chances over the years, even before MS left and GT was cast, to make Phyllis a reformed grey character with a villain past if they really wanted to. And they squandered every last one. Not that I was particular to that outcome, but it did seem like something the writers were trying to go for a few times. If only to pave the way for the next hellraiser(possibly Summer or a different character).

    I assume with all the head writing changes, budget cuts & MS probably getting her way more than she should, we're stuck with her being insufferable, irredeemable but portrayed to us as anything but. Phyllis is truly a waste of a character, especially a villain character. Precisely because Josh Griffith wants us to think that's she not. 

    I have nothing to say about Nate/Victoria/Audra today other than I hope Elena gets to drag the shit out of all three of them. And soon.

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  15. 4 hours ago, VioletMarx said:

    As an OG Carly lover, all the current Carly worship is so bizarre to me. I loved SJB's Carly, who was the town pariah and couldn't walk 5 feet without someone telling her how awful she was. This is an entirely different character.  Whom I loathe.

    Fandom worship has also taken its toll on this character for me. I can't even enjoy Carly for the shitty person she is, among other fans cos most of them act like she's a heroine who's grown up when she hasn't. It's just no one calls her out for being a bullish, selectively moral jackass anymore. And that's not factoring in the obnoxious ones that act like Carly didn't do anything wrong a day in her life. I just....really can't stand those people. 

    I'm in the process of re-watching SJBs Carly and even back then(I guess this is when Guza took over) she was allowed to steamroll a bit too much for my taste to convey narrative balance. Against Bobbie, the Q's and most certainly A.J & Tony. People she had dicked over had to walk on eggshells around her before and after baby Michael was kidnapped. If anyone did call her out she either projected her shit onto them(while getting the last word) or the person rightfully dragging her was made to look like an asshole, busybody, maniac, or an imbecile. Sometimes all of the above scary enough. Carly all but gave Bobbie her ass to kiss even when she tried to help her bitch ass with her post-partum. 

    In spite of all this, miraculously enough, I don't hate her 100%(mostly to do with SJB, TB, & early LW days) but a spade is damn spade. And her character clearly fucking sucks if it has to be catered to this much, for this long. 

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  16. Agree that NuRJ isn't that bad, his smile is a bit goofy looking, but I'll keep an open mind. He can definitely act, hopefully the show  doesn't waste him on a dumb triangle, playing parent trap, or make him a taytot punching bag. I'm barely watching this show as is, bringing R.J back for more of the same(or even worse) tired storylines might be the final nail in the coffin for me. That's generously assuming I can somehow stomach this Hope(or her alter)/Thomass bullshit. 

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  17. 17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    And that makes me hope Elena will switch to talking to Tessa about her man troubles intead of to Audra.

    But if that happened, how would the show be able to make Adura look super cunning and so smart to us? 😃

    Seriously what purpose is this BS plot supposed to serve? Audra has to know that Nate hasn't really blinked twice at her & likely won't appreciate her meddling with his  home girlfriend & work girlfriend. 

    Not to mention Nate having 3 women simp for him is wild to me anyway. Maybe Victoria makes sense since she's more arrogant/insufferable than he is. But still...in between this, Phyllis being a saint to people she's fucked with upon death, the "strong case" against Diane....I don't think even the writers of Star Trek Picard or Discovery ask me to suspend my belief this much. 

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  18. One thing regarding last episode, I didn't have time to watch until today. 

    Ashley/Tucker was only appealing to when I thought she was being serious but if she's not, I'm glad Tucker called her out. Ashley making Tucker jump through hoops when she herself was obsessed enough with Victor to steal his sperm. Victor a man that has done "crappy & despicable" things to her family for years, her brother in particular.....yeah Ashley I'm gonna need you to have several seats.

    Now onto today's shitfest: 

    Wtf did Sharon have on?

    The actress who plays Lucy is pretty good & I hope she comes back. Given her fucked up family tree, she seems pretty normal so far. Thank goodness for Heather. 

    As long as Sally is with Nick she will probably always get on my nerves, or at least 50% of the time she will. The more she babies this prick's invalid feelings the more she annoys me. 

    13 hours ago, WhitneyWhit said:

    Nick has always been a Neanderthal but he’s ramped it up here. I don’t know if it’s the writing or the way JM plays it

    Even though I think, Nick having a stick up his dudebro ass where Adam is concerned is hardly new, even before Faith's kidnapping. I do imagine JM is playing it up (by a centimeter, not very much) cos he wanted his douchebag of a character something to do. So his gripping of Sally might be a subconscious way of gripping onto this gross story no one asked for. It'll be funny if this backfires on JM and Nick ends up with more haters lmao 

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  19. I agree with previous comments, that Alison Lainey's Summer is a massive upgrade over HK. I sort of wish that she could've been on screen with GT's Phyllis because then they could've both been tolerable, halfway decent characters at the same time. At least until this faked death/Jeremy Stark shit hit the fan. MS plays her like a delusional narcissist, I wonder if GT could've played this out any less awful. 

    MS totally mismatched for this Summer, and TPTB are really missing their chance to flesh S(D)ummer out to be something more than a Phyllis clone/bootlicker. Though sometimes, children of narcissists can unfortunately turn out to be exactly them. Probably what the show is going for. 

    I'm not crazy to see Sharon with Chance, but him banging Summer while she's married would be much worse. If only because once Abby & Devon find out that Chance banged a married chick, they're gonna likely screech hypocrite at him. They were both dead wrong and they still felt some type of way about Chance retaining anger at them not long after busting them. So no thanks show, and wtf would that even be called? Chummer? 😂😂😂

    2 hours ago, boes said:

    Minority party here, probably, but I was happy to see Allie.  Her utterly normal behavior was a breath of fresh air IMO.  Finally, someone who didn't have a catch in their throat as they told of some previously unknown and unbelievable memory where Phyllis wasn't a slathering, snarling dumpster-humping loon. 

    ^^^This. And I'll join you at that table Boes! I'm sure last year I might've felt differently, but I guess after months of increasingly stupid, braincell killing plotlines I'm up for any hint of normalcy or just characters that I don't dislike or hate.

    For the first time in years, I'm actually impressed with Diane, she had way more patience with Summer than I would've. Grieving or not Diane should've dragged Phyllis right to Summer's face. Phyllis was not some patron saint and Summer knows fuck all other than half-assed conspiracy she & Chance pulled out of their dumb asses. Girl sit the hell down. 

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  20. On 4/15/2023 at 2:28 PM, ezzylin said:

    MAB clearly didn't give a shit about Diane; I don't understand how she had powerhouse actress like Maura West and wasted her by having the character degrade herself into something she clearly wasn't, IMO, it was vile and misogynistic. I do agree that maybe MAB's plan from the jump was to kill off Diane (it was rumored that she was forced to hire MW). Plus, I was sickened by how disturbingly violent Diane's "murder" was,  especially because it was Daytime television.

    I remember fallout after Victor pushed Diane out of a moving ambulance, things got so heated over at TWoP, I think the boards were temporarily locked by the mods.

    If MW was a forced hire that would explain her performance during that time period. I never kept up with backstage drama much but MW not being liked or feeling unwelcome doesn't surprise me. Hence the ambulance fiasco, which I was never comfortable with. Whoever didn't like her, probably enjoyed that scene, probably a little too much. I agree that she had some good moments in spite of whatever was happening behind the scenes. Maura West's talent would've been wasted on this show, and I'm glad she's on GH instead. She's got chemistry with most of the cast there imo. 

    Writing wise, it was clear that the writers/head writer at the time was angling for a murder mystery & didn't care how they made one. Somehow, as hasty and tasteless as that was, it flowed better than this horseshit JG is trying to feed us now. 

    I don't really hate Diane, I just hate how much her return was fumbled...again. And her story involving Phyllis does her zero favors imo. Especially since it's not a true feud anymore, it's just Phyllis being a psycho, narcissistic bitch again & 2 other bitches(I still like Ashley sometimes tho) picking fights with her. She & Jack whine and hand-wring over it when AD Diane or SW Diane circa 2002 would've gone for the jugular of one or all three of them by now.

    I guess the best thing that could happen now, other than Crispy dying by Jeremy's hand, is Diane bringing hell down on Phyllis and maybe even S(D)ummer & Chance for buying into this half-assed, obvious set up with BS "evidence" in the first place. That might make me interested in the character again. I wouldn't be mad at her if she got back at Victor for pushing her out an ambulance while she's at it. 

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  21. 13 hours ago, ezzylin said:

    I think Alex Donnelly, Susan Walters and Maura West all had the same energy in their respective portrayals of the character.

    No shade to Maura West because I think she's killing it on General Hospital but Diane might have been her worst role. Then again the writing for the character was kinda sloppy & somewhat rushed looking back on it(still beats today's writing tho easily). It's likely because the original plan was to kill her off permanently. And if Alex Donnelly wasn't gonna come back they should've left the character dead imo. I think Susan Walters is good but not great. She was much better in the role 20 years ago(to be fair that could be said for most of the cast) but now she's just meh.

    The one thing the character had going for her upon returning, making life hell for Phyllis, she's not even really doing, Ginger Crisp (😂 I adore this forum) here is doing that herself. In fact she's is the one fucking with Diane and pretty much getting away with it at the moment. We don't need to see that, no one asked to see that. Especially when Phyllis is eventually found out she'll weasel her way out of punishment like she always does. That's just rinse repeat of Phylty vs. Sharon, Christine, Diane 2.0.....how compelling 😒

    Also, to my recollection, of all the characters viewers would want to see back I don't think Diane was at the top of anyone's list. 

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  22. 8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Devon "needing" to buy McCall Unlimited as an alternative to C-W never made sense to me. He could just buy it and let Tucker run it. Or Adam.

    Once again Joi, you make way too much sense given this trash show lmao. But for real, wouldn't this solve pretty much all the problems surrounding the company? Devon & Adam aren't buddies but surely the bad blood is lacking enough to where Devon would grant him control/ownership of McCall Unlimited & just be done with the headache. Or yes, better yet, put Tucker in charge of it. Since Josh Griffith wants to push his thematically lazy version of family a legit, family-oriented solution is right there...🙄

    24 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I wonder if the Christine and Paul breakup is to open the door for Mr. Danny Romalotti, Christine’s true love.

    That might get Phyllis pissed enough to reveal herself in no time, and then everyone can stop lying about what an awesome person she was/is. 

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  23. 12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    In so many ways, this was worse than what Adam did on Y&R because he didn't consider any of the Newmans his family and he wasn't claiming to be in love with Sharon when he did switched Faith. And while I felt they did a speedrun on his redemption, at least the people who had the most right to be livid with him stayed angry, including Faith herself once she was old enough to learn the truth.

    Yup, even after he gave her a kidney to save her life. At best she was greatful but still rightfully distant. And it really didn't improve his standing with the rest of the family(save for Victor kinda)at least not for long. 

    So how much does anyone want to bet that by the time Beth gets SORAed (assuming this shit show will last another decade or so) she's gonna be a Thomas cheerleader over far less? FML this show really is dollar tree Y&R...at least in comparison to Adam/Nick/Faith/Sharon vs Thomas/Liam/Beth/Hope etc and how the fallout has been handled. 

    17 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    Liam had the line of the day: "Hope and I are never going to agree about Thomas. Because I look at him, and I don't see a better man. I see a better liar. I see an algorithm that is just learning with every failed manipulation." 

    Liam is the whole woodshed of tools at times, but he's spot-on here. 

    After he said this I honestly regretted(for about 2 minutes lol) calling Liam, Lame for so long. I'm glad he's dying on this hill, tho it really sucks that this seems spectacular when Liam's attitude should be the status quo. But the rest of the cast, his wife especially, is not afforded the luxury of common sense & decent/consistent writing at the altar of Thomas(again). 

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