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Posts posted by Skarzero

  1. 2 hours ago, Aymery said:

    Are they really giving Bill, a retcon character, four living children while Thorne doesn't even have one left???

    ^^^This. Thorne has been done so incredibly dirty and for what? But that aside, I don't really mind Bill having a 4th kid so much that the 4th kid is Luna. I have no idea why Bradley is so afraid/unwilling to make Bill Kelly's father. He (or whoever was writing at the time) had no problem destroying Bridge by making Bridget Eric's kid, and Steamless is far more deserving of that particular torpedo than 90s era Bridge ever was. Also how could Bill have all that unprotected sex in the span of 2-3 decades(at the height of the aids epidemic at that!) and not catch an STD? Like geez this show....

    I think what some people miss is that Thomas' crazy far predates Emma/Hope/Beth. Redeeming him was always an iffy, ambitious endeavor. But they still did it before MA was in the role. Bradley seems to enjoy yanking the chain of Thomas fans without letting those of us that dislike him have have any peace either. If Persion Fode was still Thomas, I might have less of an issue with the propping(though it'd still be annoying but that's Bradley for you). Mostly because that's what PF was used for already, and it actually worked! For far more people than MA seems to work for.

    Unpopular opinion perhaps...MA is good but he hardly lives up to the hype for me. He plays creepy, douchebag far too well to be a permanently convincing heartthrob. 

    I honestly think(wishful thinking) Finn's dialouge was meant for Wyatt because that whole "you'll never be with Hope as long as I live" line was too weird, & too forced he doesn't even know Hope like that does he? Or at least not well enough to get THAT invested out of the blue. But with that said, there is absolutely no issue with him considering Thomas a danger in general. It's the same way Steffy rightfully regarded Sheila.

    But I have no doubt Miss infantilization/double standard will staunchly defend her position and her pycho brother. Even as she remains pensive over his relationship with Hope, because how he'll choose to act out when Hope decides she's done thinking with her crotch.

    Good job writers.....good job....

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  2. 3 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

    For me it would never be great as I hate Nick, but the biggest ick I have with it is the timing. Sally and Adam had just broken up and it was 100% clear that not only was Adam still deeply in love with her, but also clear, was that Sally still loved Adam (even to neanderthal Nick). Nick knew that he was sticking a knife in Adam and he was happy to do it. It was all so rushed, because of the writing I'm sure, and felt deliberately mean

    You took the words right out of my mouth. 

    Also Sage was just a one nighter. If memory serves, Adam didn't really give a fuck about her romantically before or after that.

    As for the others like Chelsea/Nick, Chelsea being a con-artist/Billy's rapist no one expected much from her to start with. So moving on to Nick after Adam died, while suspect, was totally feasible for the likes of her. 

    Expectations were high for Sally. Her chemistry with Adam breathed new life and enthusiasm into the show (as much a soap pairing could nowadays). And as mentioned above Adam actually loved her, and hadn't done anything to deserve watching her fuck his brother for over a year. Unlike Nick's philandering ass, who took Sharon for granted. Completely earning the sight of orginal recipe Shadam. 

    I also think the way Courtney Hope portrayed Sally also had a hand in things. Sally brushed Adam off like he was lint off her coat and acted as if she wasn't doing anything remotely shitty/hurtful by hooking up with Nick 5 seconds after they broke up. To the point that Courtney Hope felt the need to say that Sally still felt conflicted over both brothers, which most viewers accurately called bullshit on. She had not done a good job of portraying that "confliction" which is why this Adam/Sally reunion isn't hitting hard. Don't get me wrong I'm glad she not with Nick anymore, but the rest is just too little, and far too late. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    What's absolutely hilarious and hypocritical is way back during the early days of the ToD, Steffy's biggest selling point against Hope to Liam was that she was too uptight about trying to get a commitment so quickly. And now here Hope is, for once actually just working on vibes instead of perfection and Steffy is shitting all over that.

    I've always said that between Hope & Steffy the latter was almost always, and still is, the problem. Aside from her throwing the first punch with the Ho for the Future" mess, I can't think of a time when Steffy didn't go out of her way to disagree or pick fights with Hope. She literally zigs anytime Hope zags even if she was zagging herself yesterday.

    I'm still pissed that Steffy had such an issue with Hope wanting a relationship with Deacon when she had a stick up her ass about Hope's relationship with Ridge(during the RM era) most of her life(or post SORAed life at least). She had a sure fire way Ridge would never have to be divided between her & Hope again and she still couldn't just shut the fuck up & take the W. 

    Like girl pick a struggle...🙄

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  4. 19 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    Stephanie knew how to move 8n secret and get a task done without flapping her jaws every moment. 

    Well you know how the saying goes, "Real G's move in silence". I never liked Stephanie, but damned if I didn't respect her ability to engage in silent, under the table warfare. Of course there are times she went too far or got ahead of herself like Andy, her fake heart attack, and just about anything regarding Beth. But all in all, there was a reason no one was ever able to get rid of her either. 

    14 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

    Do not put the idea of a Thomas/Hope baby out into the universe, show. Do not. 

    They already have 💀 and I'm calling it now....whatever the hell comes out of Hope & Thomas is gonna be the sibling, (likely the sister named after Eric) Beth is gonna have to worry about when she get's SORAed instead of Kelly. 

    Unpopular opinion, but I don't really mind R.J and Luna. As boring as they are right now, I'll take it over him worrying about his parents getting married or some other dumb shit. Plus it was actually nice to see Steffy continue to exceed my expectations with her loving behavior towards R.J. Hopefully she keeps it up. 

    2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    In a perfect world, Hope would be done with Thomas once the crazy came out yet again, Liam plays hero and Hope will still dismiss him afterwards. Maybe if John McCook is actually retiring with this story, they'll have money to hire a new live interest for Hope. Maybe have her give Oliver another shot or something, I dunno.

    This outcome would be for the best in every way imaginable. Which is precisely why Bradley won't let it happen.....smh

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  5. On 11/11/2023 at 1:25 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    To be quite honest, I'm midway through the Season 6 playlist and that Saint Taylor narrative was a lie from day one. Caroline was barely in the ground before she started moving on Ridge and she was pretty willing to accept Ridge after that Saint Thomas stunt knowing full well what his feelings were for Brooke. Hell, she could barely tolerate being in the same room as baby Bridget. I dunno, I'm no therapist but I would say that a stepmother who can't tolerate her husband's child has no business being married to that man and is gonna do irreparable damage to that child.

    I can't seem to find the clip, but there was one where Ridge, rightfully angry that she knew about Brooke's dad lying about a heart attack, had left and Taylor spends the whole scene screaming at Stephanie that Ridge no longer believed in her "virtue" anymore, without one single thought about the pain Brooke had gone through. There is honest no better scene that so highlights who Taylor Hayes Hamilton is at her core than that.

    I figured the Saint Taylor nonsense was a coping mechanism for Stephanie because she hated Brooke that much and she could never completely be rid of her. It's not about what equally shitty things(or worse) that Taylor has done/said, or about the blood on her hands. It only matters that she's not Brooke. And that is the only bar Taylor has ever had to pass since her character was introduced. Both for Stephanie and viewers alike.

    The idea was so prolific, that it unfortunately imprinted on Steffy and Hope despite the dynamics/traits that made Brooke hateable back in the day got passed to Steffy moreso than Hope. But Steffy, being saint Taylor's child, gets far less grief. 

    In speaking of Steffy I will more or less always side with her against Sheila....But outside of that I'm not happy she's back & she and Taylor can both shove their infantilization of Thomas where the sun don't shine. Especially Taylor, because apparently Thomas has made sooo much progress, that he can't even be held accountable for being a consenting adult in a relationship with another consenting adult....🙃

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  6. On 11/3/2023 at 12:23 PM, Jaded said:

    Phyllis is to Y&R like Carly is to General Hospital. Neither are a good thing IMHO.

    Agreed but i'll give Young and the Restless, both the show & fanbase, credit here. Because unlike GH, Y&R doesn’t seem to have large swaths of the fandom that take up for and identify with Phyllis' shitty behavior like GH fans do for Carly. Nor does nearly every character in Genoa City kiss Phyllis' ass like most of Port Charles kisses Carly's. 

    Outside of a few outliers(unsurprisingly on twitter it is the internet's septic tank after all) it seems more or less unanimous that Phyllis is a narcissistic garbage bin of a human being, too far gone to care about. Carly is a long time writers pet that'd be more palatable if she was just knocked down a few thousand pegs imo. There's just no saving Phyllis.

    And while I'm on the subject, certain factions of B&B and DOOL fans aren't much better. I'm more understanding where DOOL is concerned since the lines are a bit less defined because everyone in Salem sucks in similar capacities. So it's a crapshoot no matter who you root for. 

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  7. 21 hours ago, Daisy said:

    oh yeah. they are very very vocal on twitter and youtube comments. like honestly. it drives me bananas, because it's one thing to like Carly, or whatever but like Carly, justify all the crap she does. and then slam everyone else if they use her playbook

    like I can get why some people don't like Nina but some of the justification of why just blows my mind

    As someone who likes/tolerates Carly or at least SJB & TB versions of her, I hate Carly stans so much. They misinterpret everything about her character and they forget what it actually means to like a character in spite of(or even because of) the fact that they're a piece of shit. They excuse everything she does while moving the goal-post for other characters that do shitty things, mostly other female characters.

    Nina is just this seasons target. It used to be Brenda, Sam, Robin or anyone that got close to Jason, Sonny, or Jax(depending on the day)with the exception of Courtney(being Sonny's sister saved her from Carly's worst impulses). I think some people get wrapped up in a great actor portraying a bad character that they trick themselves into thinking the bad character is the one they should root for....and usually TPTB pull strings in favor of the character/actor and that doesn't help much in terms of viewer interpretation.

    Stans say she's grown up from her mistakes but there are no shortage of people that still defend her early sins with the same fervor they defend her current bullshit. Banging Tony, letting him think Michael was his son, steamrolling Bobbie, steamrolling the Quartermaines, sabotaging A.J and then stopping at nothing to keep Michael from him. You name it, and Carly fans have an answer for it. They're so fucking annoying. 

    I'm just like......if she was never wrong for anything she ever did then what did her character need to "grow up" from then? Like the math ain't mathing here lol 

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  8. Well that was a wonderful week of Adam dumping by 2 arrogant, mediocre chucklefucks with more plot armor than they deserve even if they are cracking Dummer's face. Also by his dogshit family who glosses over the law breaking patriarch & bitchy, short-sighted daughter to clutch their pearls over the shady outsider that got blackmailed. And by Sally who returns the favor of Adam sticking by her while the whole braincell lacking town had a stick up their ass about her past by blaming him for Victor(who historically has undermined her) once again telling her to get bent. 

    Yeah last week was so great, I can't wait for this week!! 🙃

    Oh! And I would've loved to make fun of Jack & Diane too, but that would involve watching them without falling asleep or Fast forwarding. That's not always possible with this boring show. 

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  9. 17 hours ago, Js Nana said:

    I'm guessing that Sally doesn't know that the reason Adam had so brutally broken up with her was because Nick and Victoria threatened to fire her from Newman Media after they ousted him as the CEO, meaning that she and Adam might be enjoying a happy family life together if Nick hadn't joined forces with Victoria to get rid of Adam - I wonder what Sally's reaction would be if she found that out?

    Doesn't she already know that though? Admittedly, 2022 and this year is all a horribly written blur but I'm like 80% sure Adam fessed up to this after he found out Sally was porking his brother. But she dug her heels in further because he hurt her oh soooo badly. 

    So in short, she's a little beyond saving at this point and letting Adam hit after all that's happened isn't gonna help her character now. She's gonna regret it anyway and then Adam is gonna be made to look like some manipulator who preyed on Sally. Obviously the blow back from turned off Sally fans has caught up to TPTB and this is what they've come up with so far......thanks but no thanks Y&R. Nick can keep her. 

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  10. On 8/6/2023 at 9:07 AM, Chatty Cake said:
    On 8/5/2023 at 8:34 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Apparently all it takes to be a smart businesswoman is to run around with a tablet, taking meetings and spouting buzzwords you read on Wikipedia. Easy peasy.

    And a sizable but empty tote bag.

    Don't forget the most important ingredient of all is to heckle and/or act like you know better than a character with a Harvard business degree because you can. Unqualified, buzzword-spouting, corporate hacks unite!!! Super Bowl Cheer GIF by Unlimited Moves  

    Although in speaking of Adam... his usual wits and that degree of his haven't been put to good use in the last 2 episodes. With his speech to Sharon that she belongs with Nick while he belongs with Sally. I think Friday was the first time I've yelled at Adam to shut up since his MM or JH days. Clearly, JG wants to keep all 25 of the Ally shippers left hanging on by a thread, for as long as possible with his sadistic ass. Blackmailing Adura for NM isn't bad in itself, but Adam asking Adura to get Grampire to change his mind is shitty logic, and he knows that better than anyone or should. Victor doesn't budge for anyone except for his useless children with Nikki, and sometimes Abby & Dummer, if he's in a generous mood. Also, how does getting NM help Adam off the "Victor owns me" hamster wheel when geriatric Dracula owns the company? Never mind....this is really just about Phyills winning and not suffering earned consequences, nothing else. Silly me 😒

    Sharon getting her digs at Phyllis would've been better if Sharon refused to hire her to twist the knife in further. I have no idea why Josh Giffith thinks that half the cast working under Newman in some capacity is even slightly interesting. It's fucking boring and a flop like all of his corporate SLs. 

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  11. 17 hours ago, MsMalin said:

    I think that probably the girls were groupies/willing partners and didn't look at it as rape so they didn't need to be paid off because they weren't going to report it.

    I think even if they didn't know, they'd figure it out when they got old enough to know better. Assuming there isn't any adults worth a damn in their life that would've known already. They or the actual parents are the ones who'd report it if/when they found out. And likely the ones that'd have to be paid off. 

    Not that the ruination of Tucker goes unnoticed by me, I just find the fact that Victor can kidnap & imprison people, unleash a psychopath on unsuspecting targets(one being his own grandchild), throw women from moving ambulances, abuse his children well into adulthood, facilitate sexual assaults and it never be thrown in his face when he gets on his high horse let alone held to any legal/social consequences. Adam being made to look like the black sheep, or Tucker's sin being framed as worse compared that is wholly insulting, and tiresome. 

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  12. 15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:
    21 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

    But let's say that Liam did try one last effort with Hope and they tried to talk through what happened in Italy? Would she fire Thomas from HFTF to put space between her and Thomas? Doubt it. Would she limit Thomas coming to their home to see Douglas and have more neutral site drop offs to limit her interactions? She'd come up with some reasons not to. Bottom line, she wasn't cutting Thomas out of her life and they both knew it. Liam wasn't going to do that merry-go-round again and I couldn't blame him.

    OK, but, this is what people mean when they say that Liam didn't give Hope the same grace she's given him.  Did Hope demand that Liam cut Steffy out of his life after he cheated on Hope with her?  Did she demand he have neutral site drop offs of Kelly to limit their interactions?  Not only did Hope not make any of those demands, but she sat there and put up with it when Liam was spending nearly all of his time over at Steffy's house when she had amnesia and thought he was her husband. I think her only complaints at the time were that she'd like him to spend some time at home. She wasn't obsessing over it every second of the day, badgering him about concerns that Steffy might try something with her "husband," even while Hope had Steffy's mother basically telling her "you have to let her have your husband now, because she needs him." She's been 1,000 times more forgiving and understanding of years of Liam's shit with Steffy than Liam was able to be over one kiss. The one time Hope kissed Thomas, and the few months she's had feelings for him, pretty much pales in comparison, imo, as merry go rounds go, to the years of Liam/Steffy crap, including him literally fucking Steffy while married to Hope. 

    I can see both sides of this tbh, but Hope's timing(more accurately Brad's timing)of all this just fucking sucks, but ultimately she was right to pull Lame's card about his hypocrisy. Mannequin night would've been an out of nowhere kiss if it were real & he still didn't offer her any grace then. He was 100% ready to dump her until he realized it was a mannequin. Hope's biggest problem was she somehow forgot this while playing with fire & truly thought her dick of a husband would not turn around & burn her with said fire.

    Everything aside, Hope's character, like Finn's, is under attack by shitty plot contrivance to prop steam in a way that doesn't have Steffy & Lame be the bad guys/cheaters again(despite that probably being the least disruptive route to revamp them if Brad wanted it that badly). That's just my theory. Not to 100% excuse their behavior per se, but given the context it's hard to take any of this seriously or at face value right now. Hope & Finn might have glimpses of their usual characterization but going from 0 to 100 where Thomas & Shelia are concerned makes no narrative sense, nor is it happening naturally. 

    Goes to show that Thope/Steamless are 2 sides of the same forced pairing coin if it takes all this to make them happen. 

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  13. @One Tough Cookie I'm glad you're feeling better, and I hope you continue to do so!! 🫶❤️

    I knew Kyle was a slow, dim pain in the ass but lying, and revising history is a big enough offense to me that puts him in Victor, Victoria, Nostrils, & Phyllis category. Leaving out the part where Adam willingly left Jabot out of exasperation reminds me of when ButtBiscuit had to save face like he won and was better, after Adam didn’t fall for his shit plan to trick him into libel. I kinda feel bad for Adura and Summer now.....Kyle really is his uncle's nephew. 

    Victor's verbal abuse of his children or anyone is never easy to watch, but Hope was seriously a low blow that Adam shouldn't let slide. Also didn't Adam have a decent step-dad? Why is he rectonned out of existence to make Adam look like he was missing Victor his whole life? Considering he has plenty of reasons to resent Victor as an adult. One of which allowing his siblings to run roughshod over him and then shit on him for meeting them with the same energy. 

    Adam has never had much use for Phyllis, and she doesn't hold him in high esteem either. I think GTs Phyllis and Adam once crashed Billy & Victoria's wedding/ceremony(or some shit). Which was kind of entertaining but that was a one off common goal thing. Adam wanting to hire a unpredictable narcissist like Phyllis is just to set up the next ridiculous plot after Phylty get's away with her crimes again or whatever the show has planned for Tucker.

    Looks like both Adam & Tucker are gonna be the next causalities in "Let's redeem the irredeemable character" sweepstakes. As usual, I'm not looking forward to any of it. 

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  14. 21 hours ago, VanillaBeanne said:

    Last, I think CH usually underplays her scenes with Nick.  She comes alive with Adam. Even when she’s trying to ignore him or pretend she doesn’t care. But YMMV. 

    I thought MG & CH split up last I heard. Yes, Mileage definitely varies, because Ally had a big following & her interactions with Adam is still generally seen as her being needlessly dismissive & cruel to him. She's overplaying that as much as she underplays her scenes with Nick & that's why she's hemorrhaging fans. If Sally were more clearly conflicted, I doubt that would be happening. Ofc this wasn't her idea & I doubt she'd make waves that could get her fired(not that I think cbs is that stupid)but doing that & showing slight discontent at a SL she's truly not feeling are two different extremes. But I digress. 

    I normally only have negative things to say about Chelsea, but since she's being made to happily work along side Summer, who caused her miscarriage and got away with it. I'll save it for another day. But holy shit, she & Nostrils are so boring. 

    I guess I should be impressed that Kyle is getting his 50 shades of Gray on but I'm just reminded of the fact that shitty book exists and that's never good. 

    Ashley's stupid bitch line might've been great if she was standing in the mirror talking to herself. I guess JG thinks by Tucker making Phyllis tap dance has breathed life into this shitty plot and its only made things more unbearable and unwatchable. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, VanillaBeanne said:

    But I can see why others might dislike her.  What I don’t get though is why Courtney Hope should be blamed for a crappy storyline given to her by writers or lose her job.

    There was an interview a couple of months ago with CH & JM and she seemed just as enthusiastic about the Sally/Nick pairing as JM did. If she's unhappy & being forced into this SL she's doing too well of a job hiding it. Then again CH seems to believe that she's playing Sally as conflicted and is still being in love with Adam but she's really not. For better or worse that seems to be a general consensus across the board in other viewer circles too. 

    Re: Chance/Sharon for what its worth fans have been very critical Sally/Nick for the same reason some fans don't like Sharon/Chance. But with that said, Shance or Charon? Is far less offensive to the 5 senses than Sick is. But it doesn't make them any more realistic, Chance should have better & more prospects intrested in him than his dead partner's wife. But if the alternative is Summer or Adura, Sharon is the lesser of 3 evils, so I'm begrudgingly stuck there. 

    Also, both parings require Sally/Chance to sacrifice their characters & have Adam (and their own relationships with him) as collateral damage. Which isn't fair to anyone. Chance white-knighting for Sharon is already kinda pathetic, but against Adam, who is supposed to be his friend, is infuriating. 

    I haven't had much time, energy or interest to watch this week but I have been far more entertained with the posts here, than I ever could be suffering through an episode. 

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    10 hours ago, CountryGirl said:
    17 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Wyatt deserves better than Hope--not his brother's and Thomas's sloppy seconds.  Just introduce a new character for him.

    Does he though? He was engaged to human trafficker Flo. 

    Not only that, but Hope was already Lame's "sloppy seconds" when he pursued her the first time, he doesn't give shit about that. And he doesn't like Thomas anymore than Lame does, so stealing Hope from him would be a bonus, and we all know Flo(and Thomas)deserves more Ls than they could ever get. There are better reasons to be apprehensive to a Hyatt reunion than that imo....

    With that logic no one passes for a decent relationship on this show not even Sinn. Since Finn is getting Steffy sloppy thirds or fourths maybe from her history with the Spencer family tree and Rick. 

    Considering Lame's behavior I agree that this would be a really great time to recton Kelly as Bill's daughter just so he'll be fresh out excuses as to why he's all up in Finn, and Steffy's business all of the sudden. It's wild to think that Bill would probably be easier to co-parent with than Lame ass considering what a douche he's been in the past, but he totally would be. He's been on his best behavior for a while minus his and Ridge's dumb plan regarding Shelia, which had more to do with a shitty plot than Bill's actual intelligence.

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  17. As if Thope wasn't bad enough but our suffering through that will be rewarded with steamless too? Seriously is there any pairing more dead than steam? (not counting Ridge & Bridget which should be dead for obvious reasons)

    Not only is Bradley propping a dead pairing, he's propping Lame and Steffy as individuals too which is far worse. They both suck as people and pretty much always have. Steffy was only mildly tolerable after she married Finn and even that was still compromised by her selective memory, anti-Logan, parent trapping crap.

    I'm thinking this weird & gross switcheroo is happening so fast now instead of after mannequingate is because Liam and Steffy have to look like victims, and they were objectively not victims at that point in time. So Hope & now Finn are having their characters fed into a meat grinder to get these 2 jackasses back together. At least Hope got the W of reading Lame for filth but what good is it when her pov isn't taken as seriously as Lame's or Steffy's? I fully expect Lame to get away with lying about running to Steffy and asking Hope for a divorce as will Steffy get away with hiding the kisses from Finn. I fully expect to take a hiatus from this garbage too. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, ybrik said:

    Liam seemed to really give away that he was looking to have Hope keep asking for forgiveness when he mentioned that he had to do a lot more to earn back her trusts when he cheated.

    Which is such BS because he asked Hope for insta-forgiveness after mannequingate and even went as far to cajole her into forgiving him faster by her sending her pictures of them with the kids & all other types of manipulative shit. 

    Not gonna lie, Hope's timing of all this kinda sucks, but she didn’t tell a single lie nor was she being retroactive about Steffy. She has always been a looming, dooming presence in the Lope marriage/relationship way before Thomas was(not to excuse him). All Hope is wrong about so far is Steffy being smart enough to turn down Lame for once. Though for some reason, that smartness was short lived and she still won't tell Finn that Liam kissed her and wanted to reconcile. I guess digging at Hope's blown up marriage is more important, which in that case, Steffy deserves to get left all the same*.

    *I'm not sure how confident I am that will happen though. Finn is already a stepford soap spouse that when he got cheated on he blamed Liam, and upon hearing about his wife's ONS with her ex-FIL he clenches his fist & stupidly assumes that she was assaulted despite her not alluding to that or him not even being around when most of the cast jumped on that annoying bandwagon. He should be mad enough to leave Steffy of course, but will he?*

    Thomas needs to be transition dick and nothing more. Hope should hang him up and be done, sooner rather than later. For Beth's sake if no one else's. Lame is not her responsibility anymore, but her daughter still very much is. 

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  19. 24 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

    It's been multiple months since I tuned into Y&R, but if Liam found his way over there, I'd have to watch, just to see if something happens between him and Sally, since they did have good chemistry when they were in storyline together. I could totally see Liam getting Bill to transfer him somewhere else so he can get out of town for a while, and then he runs into Sally at a bar, and the two of them start bonding. (I admittedly know nothing about where Sally is in storyline right now to know if a romantic thing there is possible, but it seems that neither show has a history of letting Sally be happy for long, so...) 

    I hope Liam doesn't go to Y&R, that show has enough problems without that weasel joining the cast. The quota is filled by Nick, Kyle, and Nate already. 

    Sally has had her head shoved up Nick Newman's ass for the better part of a year, and if Adam wasn't an incentive enough for her to snap out of her Nickmatized state, then Lame Spencer(a knock off version of Nick) does not stand a chance in hell. 

    Sally has gotten on most watchers nerves since being a Nick cheerleader and her disregard of Adam. Add that to what happened with their baby & her reaction, she has only made it worse for herself. At this point even people that liked her originally would rather see her gone. Myself included. And Abby is paired with Y&R's other golden character Devon. That pairing is actually turned out to be decent despite how it started. If it wasn't tanked for hot guy Chance, it won't be tanked for that waffling weasel either. Liam is better off overseas or staying here and growing the fuck up. Too bad we probably won't get either scenario, not for long enough anyway. 

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  20. On 7/15/2023 at 8:04 AM, RuntheTable said:

    Liam, OMG, what a petulant, butthurt little man. He saw, he ACTUALLY SAW, Hope kissing Thomas! His fucking corneas are scorched, and he can never unsee it. Poor baby! Now, Hope didn't see you climbing on top of Steffy or anything, but she does have an imagination,

    19 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    Hopequin was bad enough. But this shit is inexcusable. At least that time, he was drunk before anything happened (beyond him going to her to whine in the first place). But this time? He was very intentionally thinking "well, one of my women has displeased me, so I'm going to go try to bust up the other one's perfectly happy marriage with a man who has been nothing but a friend to me

    I'm starting to think Wyatt should have his Lame ass brother committed to an insane asylum because the lack of self-awareness can't be coming from someone who is operating with a full deck. Lame stuck his tongue down Steffy's throat and then proceeded to sleep with her (over a mannequin never forget!) and Hope managed to get that image out of her brain enough to take his sorry ass back. Apparently Bradley is done making Lame his golden boy because him sitting around moping and waxing on and off about how horrible a kiss was is doing irreparable damage to his character here. I personally don't agree with the "Thomas is a better person than Liam" take but how hard can I knock it when Lame is acting like this? 

    I still think Thope is forced and the actors having premissable chemistry isn't a substitute for development nor does it wipe the slate clean. On the other hand, B&B is the worst when it comes to couples so I can sort of see how AN & MA are a drop in the desert but me personally? TPTB could've kept this on the shelf. Indefinitely. 

    I actually would've been more receptive to Thope years ago after Liam's last big fuck up. I knew then that if TIIC didn't hop on it then & there they'd miss the best chance to make it decent/believable, and that's exactly what happened. Now it's just shoehored and feels too little too late. Which is probably why everyone is trying so hard to sell this, because nothing about it is natural or earned.

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  21. 21 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

    I was thinking that ol' Brookie might want to give Tommy a try... 

    Didn't she have her chance when a slightly less asshole version of Thomas was throwing himself at her years ago? And she shut that shit down. Weird to think Brooke has more common sense than Hope does when it comes to Thomas. Even when she's annoying and overbearing as hell about it. 

    8 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

    Brooke said Thomas should have sent Hope home?!

    On what planet is that even remotely realistic?  Thomas may be “doing the work”, whatever that means, but he’s also a red-blooded young man who’s wanted to be with this woman since always.  The idea that he’d turn her away when she expresses desire for him?  And then, she makes the first move(s)?  Come on.  

    Yep, It's about as realistic as "the work" Thomas has put in to change in the first place. As out there as Brooke is, I'd take her logic(not her defense of Lame ass though she needs to stfu on that front) over Steffy and Taylor creepily infantilizing, and diminishing Thomas' role in all this so far. It's also grating given their anti-homewrecker stance which is what Thomas basically is now. The show nor his family will ever call him out on it though. The one person that might is a whiny, hypocritical piece of dog shit himself so.... :/ 

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  22. 10 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    The thing about Hope is she didn't used to be this passive. If anything she was very, very quick to make snap judgements (albeit understandable ones, given how lousy Liam and Steffy are as people) and fight for what was right. If Kim Matula was in the role when all the recent Douglas shit was happening with him keeping him, she would've driven her Mercedes C300 into Thomas' house, tell Thomas age was taking her son home and dare him to say a damn thing about it..

    I feel like TPTB were trying for a more mature approach w the character, which I didn't necessarily hate all the time, but there's a middle ground the size of Texas between the petulant brat who married a guys brother for being late to his wedding and the woman who meekly accepts working with an abuser to keep her line.

    This has been my problem with AN's Hope so far, her "peacekeeping" borders/crosses the line of cowardly quite often, and TPTB keep trying to sell it as maturity. What's mature about allowing Steffy to crap on Brooke to her face almost 24/7? Or not serving Liam papers after mannequingate? Or acting helpless when Thomas kept Douglas away from home, instead of just dragging his sorry manipulative ass to court?

    My guess is that, she was written this way so that Annika Noelle could avoid getting sent an ass ton of death threats the way Kim Matula did. So ergo we have a version of Hope that "avoids conflict" not necessarily because it's the right thing to do, but because it's easier for her personally. 

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  23. I hope you feel better soon! @boes

    I could barley get through yesterday's episode after watching Dummer whine to Billy.(and Phyllis being back soured my mood even more)No wonder it was semi-dead here yesterday...The way Josh Griffith manages to make garbage characters even remotely palatable by making the characters he's propping at the moment insufferable, and unsympathetic to the point of no return, should be studied at the academic level. 

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  24. On 7/7/2023 at 11:09 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    Not a one. I haven't even seen them cheering for Hope's misery like many did with Beth, so you know it's bad.

    ^This. And that's just for steamless. Concerning Thrope, I knew something was different when even the prospect of Steffy having some free ammo over Hope after so many years was not the forefront of any conversation in lieu of this happening. I think things are still quiet even as Steffy stays on the fact Hope initiated things as if her brother just stood there and didn't kiss Hope back. Btw props to Finn for waking that up. 

    I think Thrope Twitter fans are very loud, but hardly very many. There are more Thomas fans across lots of platforms that have Hope fatigue and want their fave to do better than Brooke Logan's daughter/his sister's rival. 

    On 7/8/2023 at 5:04 AM, bluvelvet said:

    Hope isn’t as moral as they make her out to be

    I've never considered Hope the utter epitome of morality and when the show is focused on Steffy's pov(as it is most of the time since she's the heroine) it really doesn't consider Hope that either. Her getting any deference was always met with the balance(well imbalance) of Steffy or Taylor shitting on her. It's gonna get worse now that Lame ass has joined in. 

    With that said, none of KM!Hope's annoying, bratty attributes or transgressions ever served to make anyone else in her age group likeable by comparison(except maybe Ivy? Idk wasn't watching much then). Until now sort of.....Steffy is still in lead as she whitewashes her brother for the millionth time and lies to Finn. 

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