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Biggie B

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Everything posted by Biggie B

  1. Indeed. The show is, after all, a soap opera first and foremost. There'd be nothing to watch if this ^^ didn't happen.
  2. I saw that as just a hissy fit. Bruce was pissed off and said the first thing that came out of his mouth. We know nothing could ever come of "firing" Alfred.
  3. I've never seen the Batman movies nor read the comics, so my only frame of reference is the TV show, which I watched as a kid. So the only Joker I know is indeed Cesar Romero. At the end, when Jerome was shown on that video with blood on his face, it reminded me the outsized red lips of Joker's face - the makeup he wore. The actor's doing a great job with a wacko role! I don't miss Fish. But for seeing Jada Pinkett Smith's name in the opening credits, I've forgotten about the character. She served a purpose - giving rise to Penguin - and now that's that. Very glad that Harvey is back in action. I didn't buy it for a minute that he was content being a civilian.
  4. The mom said that the camp to which she was going to send her daughter was run by a pastor, so you could assume that she (the mom) practices some variation of Christianity. As for the widowed father, you could infer that he is Muslim based on his name, his accent, and his appearance (which kills me to write, because it sounds as if I"m racially profiling him!). Also, his daughter's name was Aliyah, and while any human of any ethnicity could have that name, it's generally defined as an Arabic word meaning 'exalted' (and again, that also sounds like racial profiling...certainly not every person who speaks Arabic must be Muslim). Of course it wasn't enough that the girls were of the same gender. Making them of different ethnic and religious backgrounds created even more "drama."
  5. I read an interview with Lee Daniels last week and he said there'd be a ton more cameos this season, so just beware.
  6. I saw Alex's "I was fat and was bullied" as merely a way to show how he's finally opening up to Jo and showing his hand. I know the theme of the show was bullying, and the fat thing was definitely pulled out of nowhere, but it was one of the few times Alex let his guard down and gave Jo a glimpse of some inner feelings. I think the resulting kiss was not "Awww, I feel bad for you, you got bullied," but rather, "Wow, you just shared something really painful and private with me." Or perhaps it's a bit of both. I fast forwarded through Bailey's entire story line. Even Stevie Wonder could've seen she'd become chief. And yes, the voice of the actress playing the other candidate was horrible. I, too, didn't care that we didn't see Meredith's kids. This is a soap opera about people who work together - kids are just an aside, to be used to create problems or tragedy. There's almost no aspect of this show that is realistic, so I don't expect to see how Meredith functions as a single mother with a stressful, consuming career. Otherwise, I thought it was an OK episode. I've watched the show since Day One, and while it's been a long haul, I'll see it through to the end, whenever that may be and whatever nonsense may ensue.
  7. I don't think that Harvey is telling the truth. He might be sober and claim to be doing well, but...I really thought that after Jim left the bar, Harvey was going to pour himself a shot. He's a great character, and I hope he is well utilized. I don't want him to fade away. Agree with everyone about the Riddler in the mirror - HOT, HOT, HOT!!!
  8. Agreed. I grew to really dislike having to hear his monologues that followed each of Koryn's performances. It got worse and worse as the season progressed. I have to admit, I was quite gratified that Koryn not only didn't win, but came in fourth out of four. No offense to her as a person, of course - she's a nice kid - but just to show Pharrell that we did not drink the Kool Ade, no matter how hard he tried to pour it down our throats.
  9. Nedsdag, I am the same way. Once a competition reality show is over, I don't remember much of it, other than the very big obvious moments - although even that's questionable (e.g., I've watched every season of Idol except the first, and I could NOT tell you who won, say, season 8. Or 6. Or 9...but if you told me the person's name, I'd know, yes, so-and-so was a winner. I just couldn't tell you when). Thus, in last night's finale, I was hard pressed to remember the names of most of the called-back contestants who came to sing with the finalists. And there was one girl whose face I didn't even recognize! So yeah, no way can I recall who beat out who, what order in which the contestants were eliminated, what songs they sang in what order...in one ear and out the other!
  10. Perhaps if she'd opened her mouth more, we'd have understood her better.
  11. I think the only time we got to see him without his hat was when he went home last week (or whenever that was taped). We got to see him working a little on the family farm, and in one moment, he was hatless and had his hair pulled back in a pony tail. He looked great - not sure why he never appeared on the show without the hat - maybe a security blanket type of thing, more of a mental thing.
  12. When Koryn sang with Kelly, I wasn't looking at the TV when they started and I thought that a man and a woman were singing! I was surprised when I looked back up at the TV and saw it was Koryn. Hearing her voice with Kelly's really played up, for me, how low and rough it is, while Kelly's was crystal clear, smooth but powerful. Not that each singer shouldn't have his or her own distinctive sound but hearing Kelly's voice really highlighted how unpleasant I find Koryn's voice. YMMV, of course. Otherwise - it was an OK show. Of course Sawyer was going to win, there was simply no question. Time will tell what will happen to him and whether he can create and sustain a viable music career. I wish him well - he seems to be a decent young man. I believe Sarah will be coming to my town in August to perform and if so, I'm going to try to see her. She sure can entertain! I didn't remember or recognize most of the top 20 singers and I watched quite faithfully all season! Out of sight, out of mind. I hope Meghan can revive her career or at least parlay her connections to create a new and different career. I like her singing and feel I would enjoy a live performance from her for an hour or two - yup, I'd go see her perform. I'm glad Josh got a new car that can accomodate all the stuff that goes along with young children. I wonder what will happen with him. He is so bland to me. Nice but bland. Koryn, who knows. Maybe she'll carve out a gospel career?
  13. I really enjoyed Meghan's original song. I thought the lyrics were great and they kept my attention. This is really the true test - it's all well and good to sing wonderfully familiar songs and do that well, but what about something we have never heard and can listen to without any bias or frame of reference? I'd buy Meghan's song and isn't that the whole point? I am willing to spend my own money on a song that I enjoyed and want to hear again. I think, too, I'd be willing to listen to Sawyer sing his own songs (whether he himself wrote them or someone else). Koryn - absolutely not. I am completely NOT interested in hearing her sing original music, based on what I've heard so far. Can she sing? Yes. Do I care for her singing, does it please me? No. Josh, I'm on the fence. I thought his original song was catchy but extremely trite. There didn't seem to be anything unique about it. Even the little glimpse of the video was in black and white and I think he was in a white t-shirt, looking very much like Springsteen. If I want to see or hear Springsteen-type music, I won't seek out Josh to do so, I'll go right to the source. Of course it's all subjective, which is what makes music so great - there's no wrong or right. Whatever you like, you like. I'm fine with Sawyer winning, as I don't think it will necessarily put anyone else at a huge disadvantage. Only time will tell, of course. For me, the question will be whether these singers can sustain enough of my interest to get me to pay for their music, whether they've won the competition or not. Who knows, perhaps I'll hear an orignal Koryn song and like it, but I don't think I'll seek it out.
  14. I bought Clay Aiken's CD as soon as it came out and loved it. I still listen to it, all these years later! I do remember buying Blake's CD, listening to it several times and then discarding it. I can't recall his last name; that should say something right there. I did enjoy him as a contestant, though. I also bought Bo Bice's first CD; it was just meh for me. I still have it but don't listen to it anymore. I thought Chris Daughtry's first CD was quite good and when those songs come up on my iPod, I still enjoy them if I'm in the right mood.
  15. I think they did show the baby lying on the mom's chest as she was being wheeled to the OR for her next procedure (and when they discovered that she was bleeding profusely). So even though New Mom couldn't use her arms to hold the baby, he was on her and she was likely able to feel the weight of his body.
  16. I did not realize that the second-to-last AI episode was on Tuesday, so I didn't DVR it. I mistakenly thought that the last 3 contestants were going to perform last night (Wednesday), and that one of them would then get booted, leaving the finale for tonight. I did unknowingly DVR the finale and watched it today. Unfortunately, while perusing Facebook over breakfast this morning, I saw that Nick had won (that's actually when I realized that I'd missed Tuesday night's show). So by the time I did finally sit down to watch the finale, I was ready to just be entertained, since I already knew how it was going to end up. Overall, I'd say "mission accomplished." I was relatively entertained. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Ricky Martin! He's engaging, charismatic, easy on the eyes, and sounded great. My foot was tapping! The whole thing kept my attention and was fun and lighthearted. Same thing with the Chic performance - those were all songs from my teenage years and they brought back many fun and happy memories. It was lively and upbeat. In both numbers, I was not at all focused on the inclusion of the AI contestants - I simply enjoyed hearing some popular songs that made me feel good. Was it highbrow "art"? No, of course not. But it was quite enjoyable. I could see myself sitting through an hour or two of that sort of stuff and coming away happy. It's great when you know every song being performed and can join in. So my top scores go to Ricky Martin and Chic - thanks for the memories and for simply entertaining me! I love Michael McDonald, always have. Again, his voice and songs evoke strong and positive memories of my high school and college years. I fast forwarded through Daniel and NKOTB. Not interested. He skeeves me out and he's not a good singer. I listened for a moment, felt embarrassed for him and decided to skip it. Yuck. I love Andy Grammer!! Love him, loved his performance!!! I'm not at all interested in Janelle Monae or her music but I watched. It was OK - catchy tune, sort of, but I don't need to ever hear it again. The Jacksons - oy vey, what is there to say? Give it up. Tyanna did great, however. She looked like she was having a good time, I hope she enjoyed it. I've never heard of Prince Royce (? on his name) but I didn't fast forward. It was a lively performance, just not the music I listen to. I do sort of like Pitbull but all of his music and songs sound exactly the same to me. He commands the stage, though. Keith Urban is great. I'm not a country fan but I don't think you need to be to enjoy him. He sure does sling that guitar pretty darn low, as he mentioned all season long! Nicole, baby, you got it good - coming home to that every night, I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven! Harry looked quite debonair in his tux. I wished he'd have sung but that's OK. JLO - what is there to say? I agree, she sounded good on 'Diamonds.' She has the most tawny, golden, glowing skin - I never tire of seeing her lush complexion. I thought Candice won last year. It was Caleb?? I was wondering why he was on the stage at the end. Either way, I'd long since forgotten about both of them. Haven't heard or seen mention of either since they won their respective seasons. I couldn't remember the names (or faces) of most of the top 24. Out of sight, out of mind. I'm fine with Nick winning. I live in Connecticut, so yay for our little Nutmeg state! Only time will tell what happens to Nick and his career. I hope it works out. However, if I want to hear a Rob Thomas-type voice and song, I'm going to listen to Rob Thomas. That's who Nick sounds like to me. I'm not sure if I am interested enough to hear Nick sing original material. SO, that's it until next January, when the Big Farewell Season begins. Just think, at this time next year, it will be over forever!!! EDITED TO INCLUDE: Jax/Steven Tyler. Liked him, didn't really enjoy her performance. He is way more compelling, even at this age. Since I didn't see Tuesday's show, in which she was eliminated, her impromptu comments took me by surprise, but I can surmise that she was not given a chance (or a minimal chance) to say a few parting words. Oh well.
  17. Me neither! I've never heard of this song (gee, I sound like Blake), so it was absolutely impossible for me to decipher a single word. I felt she was simply yelling at me. Very unattractive and stressful. I didn't feel inspired or motivated at all by that performance. I just wanted it to be done. And you know what, Pharrell? I'm an atheist. I put no god first. Stop shoving your beliefs down my throat. I don't care if you have those beliefs, but I have no desire to hear them in this context. Sawyer looked great without his hat. I was happy to see him like that.
  18. I know it's almost impossible to figure out timelines on this show, but I would suspect that Meredith did not yet know she was pregnant when she was at Derek's bedside. They had sex the morning he left to head back to DC (when he said he wanted another child). Not that she couldn't have become pregnant at any time prior to that particular morning, of course. And who knows how many days passed between Derek's arrival home and the day of the car accident. Still, my guess would be that as she made the decision to unplug Derek, Meredith did not yet know she was pregnant.
  19. Jax is from East Brunswick, New Jersey.
  20. I think Corey will still have a shot at a successful career. He looked and sounded pretty good in that duet (other than the constant fiddling with his ear piece every time he sang tonight; technical difficulties, I guess). I'm not a country enthusiast so I'm non-plussed at his departure, but he seems like a nice person and I wish him luck. Never thought for a moment that Hannah could win the whole thing but I'll miss her. I would have rather seen Koryn leave at this point, as I relate better to Hannah's performances. At this point, I think I am pulling for Kimberly to win the whole thing. I'm not an India fan at all. I acknowledge that she is a skilled singer but I can't see myself buying her music. Josh - don't think he'll win but I could conceivably be interested in his original work once the show ends. Same with Meghan; I think I'll want to hear her original work after the show.
  21. The Harry Potter look alike who sang - Matt? Who is he? I missed the season prior to this one, so if he was on that go-'round, that's why I don't know who he is. I sort of enjoyed him. I totally get what everyone says about Corey, no argument from me, but to give him just a teeny-tiny bit of credit, he did have one moment of intensity and life in his performance, when he sang these lines: Sometimes I wanna give up, wanna give in I wanna quit the fight And then I see you baby And everything's alright, everything's alright Just for those lines, he actually seemed engaged and vibrant (at least, to me). It was a brief moment - came and went in a heartbeat - but it was the first inkling of emotion and vibrancy I've seen from him. I am also watching 'American Idol,' and I think Clark on AI is similar - so bland and devoid of expression, yet last week, he had a split second of true and genuine emotion (although not while singing, sadly enough, but in the video package shown before he performed). Anyway, Corey may well go on to have a robust career regardless of how he does here. He is good looking and seemingly ready to roll. Maybe he'll start out as someone's opening act.
  22. Having no Batman knowledge other than the campy TV series with Adam West from my childhood, I have no idea who Lucius Fox is. Thus, when he appeared, all I could think of was Lucius from 'Empire.' And then a few moments later, when Bunderslaw was urging Bruce to "take the cookie," again, all I could think of was the scene in Empire when Cookie was drunk and was urging the cute head of security boy toy to "take the Cookie!" My husband and I thought perhaps the Gotham writers were having a little fun and giving a shout out to another hit Fox series! The writers are at a crossroads with Barbara. Having just barely survived a violently traumatic incident, she can easily be shipped off to mental institution or the like for rehab and thus conveniently be out of sight unless or until the show wants her back in some manner.
  23. Agreed. I love Dembe and was thrilled with how much he actually spoke in this and the last episode. I also ADORE Mr. Kaplan (she looks exactly like my aunt, too). Do we know why she is called "Mr."?
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