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Biggie B

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Everything posted by Biggie B

  1. This was basically just a litany of "what can go wrong?" scenarios, none of which, or very few of which will likely be resolved next week - after all, they have to leave us hanging until the show comes back in the fall (or whenever it's slated to return). Other than Selena managing to stay alive, not much else went well. OK, Fish coming back to life could be counted as a positive, I guess! I liked that she didn't quite understand how she made that guard get her the grilled cheese, but she sure as hell will figure it out and make it work in the craziest way possible, and I look forward to that. Otherwise, I felt frustrated - one step forward, two steps back. I hope the finale isn't more of the same - everything going wrong for our 'heroes,' while the villains take control. We need at least a small bone thrown to us! I never even thought about Barbara once and didn't miss her. Wonder if she'll appear in the finale in any way.
  2. Even with all the absurdities already pointed out, I really enjoyed this episode a lot! I absolutely 100% do not miss Liz in any way, shape or form. To the point that if her character does come back, I'd consider ditching this show to watch the new spin off. Or actually, I'd rather they blend the two together in some workable way, although I guess that would be overkill - Scottie and Red are cut from the same cloth, and sometimes too much of a good thing is just that: too much. I thought that Scottie was Liz's mother for a while. So I was a wee bit surprised that she's Tom's mom. So how and where did Tom/Jacob grow up? I know we've been told but I can't remember. I thought he'd said he was an orphan? Or a foster child? But then was specially selected to be trained as a super criminal? Thank goodness Scottie didn't kiss him! Ewwwww!! Tom asked Scottie how she got in there, to which she replied something about having made a seven-figure donation to the hospital. Which is absolutely ridiculous, of course - that still shouldn't entitle you to roam free in a hospital and touch patients!! But whatever... I was glad Tom shot Solomon, he deserved that, but it was the wrong place and time. Of course, it did appear that Solomon got away and will surely bounce back. I wasn't confused at all at his involvement; it was made clear that Solomon worked for Scottie and Scottie did tell Tom that Solomon would be by to pick Tom up. At any rate, I had fun watching this all unfold. It was fast-paced and sure, a bit convoluted, but that was fine. I missed Red, but if they are setting up the new show, they needed to put Red aside for a moment and introduce us to this new cast of characters. Will I watch both shows? Not sure.
  3. I was actively rooting for Fez to die - DIE DIE DIE!!! Isn't that awful? I just couldn't stand his character, or Stephanie's interaction with him. I did not buy for one milisecond that they were each other's Great Loves. Not for a moment. I didn't see one iota of chemistry between them, merely two actors reciting their scripted lines with utterly no warmth, heart, or soul behind them. I didn't buy into them at all. If anything, I was put off. I've actually always sort of liked Stephanie. She's as wacky as any other character, but for the most part, I liked her intelligence and that she seemed relatively grounded. And she seemed to be a decent physician. But this relationship made her irrational - and yes, of course, being in love can do that, but to me, she became irrational in a ridiculous way - such that I wanted to slap the shit out of her most of the time. So you know what? I'm glad he's gone. Please let Stephanie come back to earth and be a somewhat decent character, whether she's in a relationship or not. Perhaps Jo is married to Owen's sister. I understand that seeing Derek's former trailer going away was a massive trigger for Meredith, but my god, she said some really shitty things to Amelia. Just flat out nasty and intentionally hurtful. And yup, if this show weren't on ABC, I as a writer would've have had Amelia reply, "Fuck you, fuck your miserable life." I couldn't care less about Callie or Penny.
  4. I didn't even care that we didn't see Barbara. There was so much else going on. If Tabitha doesn't make it, or if she stays in a coma or whatever, perhaps Barbara will become Butch's "partner." Not romantically, though, but rather, up to no good? Or whatever it is that Butch is doing. I do hope that Tabitha recovers. I would have no problem if I never saw Barbara again. What is there for her to do at this point?
  5. It's always been dirty blonde, but until tonight, she always had it wavy. Now, it's completely straight and a little blonder. This pic is how she used to look.
  6. Penguin, Butch, and a bazooka FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I suspect we won't find out just yet - they'll leave us hanging until the show returns in the fall (or whenever it's slated to return). Although I could see reveal coming in literally the last seconds of the finale, leaving us knowing but shocked. We shall see! Either way, I hope it's fun and over the top!
  8. Didn't Mark Sloan have an adult daughter (named, I think, Sloane?), who is thus Sofia's half-sister? I would have loved for that judge to award custody of Sofia to Sloane for the next year, and tell both Arizona and Callie they're both out of luck! Although truth be told, I was totally fine with Arizona prevailing. It made logistical sense - when Mer mentioned how it takes a village, and Arizona's attorney went on that riff about how ALL of Sofia's support system is in Seattle, I feel as if that was the tipping point. For 12 months, it won't kill Callie to be one to do the traveling back and forth to visit. I don't know why Callie felt the only option was that Sofia move to NY for such a finite amount of time. I'm hoping that Penny either decides to decline the fellowship or falls on her sword and breaks up with Callie, sacrificing her newly-found love so that Sofia can be with both of her parents. That would (a) get rid of the Penny character and (b) create all sorts of crazy tension and angst at the hospital (well, in addition to that which already exists!) as Arizona and Callie are forced to continue as colleagues. My 19 year old son, who does not and has not ever watched this show, wandered in as I was watching it. He asked what was going on, I gave him a 60-second synopsis, to which he replied, "None of these people are capable of being doctors or parents." He has a point! As for Jackson and April hammering out the terms of their co-parenting - it seems too good to be true how well they're getting along. They're just way too amiable. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  9. What home? Do they live together? I hope Laura leaves and pronto, she adds zero to the show, Tiana is much more Hakeem's equal than dull as dishwater, Laura. What I mean was, I don't want Tiana to actively break up Laura and Hakeem. I don't care for Laura but I want Hakeem on his own to realize that Tiana is the better partner for him. Here's what I said about Tiana: "She's hot stuff - drop dead gorgeous and talented. She doesn't need to do anything but sit and wait - if Hakeem was smart, he'd hitch his star to Tiana's wagon. I feel as if Tiana is Hakeem's equal and can go toe to toe with him, personally and professionally. But I want Hakeem to come to that realization by himself." By "homewrecker," I did not mean literally that Hakeem and Laura live together under the same roof.
  10. Still catching my breath from this episode! A blockbuster! Wow, Jamal and Derek are en fuego! But I definitely agree that there is something more to Derek than meets the eye - I hope he doesn't screw Jamal (and I mean that figuratively!), this is a bit worrisome. Laura has now been relegated to the annoying "ball and chain." Someone posting earlier made a great point - she's only shown with Hakeem, never with anyone else, and that's quite telling. And she's always such a pouty downer, scolding Hakeem for not jumping quickly or high enough. He's always apologizing to her, or having to reassure her. How exhausting for them both, and not exactly enjoyable viewing for us. I hope Tiana doesn't try to break them up. She's hot stuff - drop dead gorgeous and talented. She doesn't need to do anything but sit and wait - if Hakeem was smart, he'd hitch his star to Tiana's wagon. I feel as if Tiana is Hakeem's equal and can go toe to toe with him, personally and professionally. But I want Hakeem to come to that realization by himself. I don't want Tiana to be the homewrecker. Now, why exactly was Harper taking a drive with Thirsty? It was pretty clear from their location - a dark, deserted street - that she was going to meet an untimely end, but how did that even come about? I feel as if we missed a prior scene. A little context would have been nice. Thirsty is a piece of work - he'll do and say anything to advance Lucious' cause (and his own!). Whoever cast this actor for this role hit the bullseye. Grandma Walker is out of control! That cake scene was quite creepy indeed, what with the music, the billowing curtains, Lucious in his do-rag and bathrobe, the knife in Leah's hands - woah Nellie! When she told him that he was the reason for everything bad in her life, that was just horrible. Yes, Lucious is a bad man much of the time, but even his blood must have run cold hearing that again as an adult, from his own mother. Wow. I wonder how Andre would feel if he'd overheard that exchange. Grandma is not the precious hot house flower he thinks she is. I'm glad that Rhonda is starting to put two and two together, but I agree with others who have expressed skepticism that Anika is the pusher - on one hand, that seems way too obvious (not that subtlety is a hallmark of any soap opera), but on the other hand, given Anika's behavior and mindset leading up to Rhonda's accident, it does make sense. Anika is so angelic right now that one can't help but be suspicious. The family song was excellent.
  11. I thought that the body suit was padded and sculpted. I mean, if that's really the actor's physique, congrats to him, but it looked artificial to me.
  12. I'm in the minority - I don't like Barbara, sane or crazy. I find her boring either way, and wouldn't miss her if she was gone. At this point, what's left for her character? We've already seen her go after Lee a million different times, none of which were successful. She's tried to get Jim back and failed. She's tried to be "sane," or as sane as one can be coming out of Arkham, and that didn't get her anywhere. Now that she's with Butch and Tabitha, will she once again try to be a villain? *yawn* There are already so many great characters on this show that we don't see enough of, so take her screen time and put it to better use (IMO). I love that Ed figured out how to access the secret entrance to Dr. Strange's lab/work area. I was hoping we viewers would catch a glimpse of perhaps Fish Mooney in stasis. Not enough Penguin, although again, there are only so many minutes per show, and he did have a huge amount of screen time with his last story line. It was great seeing his reaction to Galavan's 'resurrection.' Can't wait to see the two of them crossing paths once again, even though I could do without Galavan/Azrael as well. I have no knowledge of Azrael, this is my first exposure to this character, and while it's exciting for Dr. Strange to have successfully brought someone back to life, so far I'm not really invested in Azrael. Will Jim become commissioner now, or is it too soon? I love Miss Peabody. She never smiles. It's like she knows damn well how totally WRONG everything Dr. Strange is doing, but she just couldn't care less. As long as her paycheck clears at the bank. She's so deadpan - "What he needs is some thorazine." She cracks me up!
  13. Didn't Derek live in the trailer when the show began, well before he even met Meredith? I can't recall. But good point - if the trailer is still on land that's part of the dream house property, that would be weird. I have an ancient T-shirt purchased from or through the old TWOP site that has a drawing of the trailer, with the caption "If the trailer's a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'!" Or it might say "McDreamy's trailer," I can't remember (been a while since I've worn it).
  14. I don't care for the Stephanie/Fez pairing at all and do hope we never see those two together again. Stephanie seemed totally irrational to me - is she really THAT invested in Kyle that suddenly she can't be apart from him for a moment? I get that she's super-concerned for his health, but she really should know better than to think she could be treating him. For heaven's sake, if it were someone else in her position, I doubt Stephanie would have any trouble laying down the law as Amelia did to her. I thought for sure she'd swipe someone else's badge and get into the viewing gallery. If that had happened, then I would have wanted Kyle to die on the table while she watched. Yes, that's sadistic of me, but be careful what you ask for, Stephanie! I'd like her to find a different partner. I saw no connection between the two of them whatsoever, and if he tries to win her back (more dick pic texts, perhaps?), I'll be quite disappointed. It was a foolish storyline to begin with. I had to laugh when Amelia, Maggie, and Meredith were leaving the hospital and Meredith said to them both, "Stop the drama!" Ha! That was a fun scene, new staircase and all. And I agree with the earlier poster who liked Maggie's wardrobe - she definitely has become more stylish since she arrived on the scene. I think she and Riggs might be a good pairing.
  15. How did Harper (the reporter/blogger; I think that's her name?) find out about Mama Walker? Did she overhear something? I wasn't clear on that.
  16. I, too, would have liked to see some resolution to the catfishing story line. And I would not necessarily want a story book happy ending, whereupon both characters realize they are both flawed and love conquers all. I wouldn't have minded seeing them both admit out loud, "Hey, I lied - you lied - we both stretched the truth, and ya know what? That was wrong. But still, you're not the guy/gal for me, and let's just chalk this up to stupid behavior on both our behalves and call it a day." Or something like that. But instead, they just let it go with a whimper.
  17. Re: what the child mouthed to Amelia: did anyone watch with closed captioning? I assumed he said, "I didn't mean to," because Amelia had just given him that as a coping mechanism and he was probably really relieved to be able to use it. As for Maggie chewing out the babysitter, and then having an emotional meltdown caused by her overwhelming feelings of love for nieces/nephews, I think both situations show how Maggie is perhaps a bit on the spectrum. She's an extraordinarily bright woman (didn't she zoom through her education at a younger-than-usual age?) but she is a bit socially retarded (and I use that word within the following definition: 1. a. The act or process of delaying or impeding. b. The condition of being delayed or impeded. 2. The extent to which something is held back or delayed). As the parent of a young adult who's a high-functioning autistic person, much of Maggie's behavior jumps out at me - she's often unable to gauge people's emotional states, and has trouble dealing with her own emotions. Although she grew up with two parents who apparently loved her deeply, she herself is almost incapacitated by the love she feels for Meredith's children. Perhaps for the first time, she is truly experiencing love and doesn't quite know what it means or how to deal with the way it makes her feel.
  18. Exactly. That was ridiculous. They've likely seen just about every sort of horrific thing that can happen to the human body (adult and child). They were acting as if the incoming ambulance was bringing in a head of state or the Pope! SO important that virtually EVERY character had to be present! And it continued through the episode - every time there was a mention of a child being shot, the characters' voices would drop to hushed, reverential tones and their body language changed. Not that they should be completely cold and calloused to any patient's situation but the manner in which they spoke about it was completely over the top. Ben and Bailey - put a fork in their marriage. They're both annoying. I found it horrid that Bailey referred to Penny as "a piece of tail." That's a pretty disgusting term to use. I don't like the character of Penny at all, and I think she and Callie have no chemistry and look and sound completely unnatural together, but that doesn't entitle Penny to be called such a derogatory term. How would Bailey feel if someone called her that?
  19. I didn't like this at all. I figured out right away that it was all in Red's head and that just turned me right off. I watched the whole thing but was bored. I get it - Red's devastated by Liz's death, fine, but to subject us viewers to an entire episode of his hallucination was downright tedious. I guess this jaunt down to the beach was Red's form of therapy to work through everything that's happened but instead of being some profound moment of clarity and purpose, I found it dull. I'll overlook it as a transitional episode, perhaps - depending on whether the character of Liz comes back or not, and they need to re-boot the show. Whatever happens next for show, this episode had almost no impact on me.
  20. Derek Shepherd on 'Grey's Anatomy'? Although I'm not sure why the actor left - it may well have been his decision, now that I think of it - he wanted to devote more time to his car racing, I think. I am late to the party, since I watched this episode a week after it aired. From the moment the character Liz found out she was pregnant, I wondered how they would incorporate the actress' maternity leave into the show. I do not at all think the character Liz is dead. Unless the actress or the folks who make the show publicly confirm that she has either been fired or she is voluntarily leaving the show, then as far as I'm concerned, the character will return in due course. There's nothing terribly realistic about this show, so should it be revealed at a later date that Liz's death was faked and she's still alive, it won't be at all surprising. I was completely unmoved and uninterested in Red's response to Liz's death. I just didn't care one way or the other. I've watched this show from the day it came on the air, and while I haven't missed any episodes, I pretty much forget them as soon as I'm done watching them. I'm absolutely not invested at all in Liz. And since it still has not been explained clearly what Red and Liz's actual relationship is/what it's based upon, then there's too flimsy a foundation for me to buy into Red's emotional collapse upon her death. If I knew why Liz was so critical to Red's life, I might buy into his devastation. But I still don't know, and thus, I'm not sure I really care. Dead, not dead, whatever.
  21. Got it! I thought it was an age issue, my mistake.
  22. Perhaps it is the very obviousness that is throwing everyone off. At first viewing, it did indeed seem like a no-brainer that Anika pushed Rhonda down the stairs. Anika had a very intense reaction to hearing about Rhonda talk about her pregnancy and to hearing how invested Lucious was in the baby, what with gifting them with the house and all. I could be wrong in remembering this, but wasn't there a scene when Anika was visiting Rhonda that the security alarm went off and Rhonda complained about it to Anika? And then later on, it was the malfunction of that alarm system that drew Rhonda to the top of the stairs prior to being pushed? So that led viewers to believe that Anika took advantage of that moment. While Loboutin does indeed make men's loafers with red soles, the figure seen leaving the house post-push did look female in form. However, it then started looking too explicit to have Anika as the pusher. When, in the last episode, Anika told Rhonda to come stay with her, I assumed as well that Rhonda would catch a glimpse of red-soled shoes in Rhonda's home and be triggered to remember what happened. But again, that seemed too predictable. Yet perhaps that's what the writers want us to do: come up with another person, since it's too evident to have it be Anika, and then come back around and reveal that it is actually Anika when we were all off on a wild goose chase!
  23. So what is the benefit to Lucious in keeping his mother's existence a secret? We sure know how he views her mental illness, so I guess he'd rather people think she's dead? I suppose his version of what happened makes for a much more compelling story - the boy who overcame all that and went on to great success. I sure do want to know what really happened and how his mother lived before Lucious was able to hide her away. What a mess!
  24. Girl, they sure did! But they needed an actress who's old enough to be Lucious' mother. The fake headstone said DOB was 1947 (or 1949). Kelly Rowland is 35 years old - they'd have to do a number on her makeup-wise in order for her to appear as a woman around 70 years old.
  25. Agreed. I can't stand the character and wish that Jim had killed her long ago. I didn't like her when the show began, I didn't like her when she was bad, I didn't like her in Arkham, I don't like her now. I find the character wearisome and am not in any way invested in her. I'll throw her a cookie for getting The Philosopher's name out of that other woman - bully for Babs - but now she can be gone.
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