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Biggie B

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Everything posted by Biggie B

  1. As a hard-core Mets fan, the best line of the episode for me was from Lucious, after whacking Shine in the knees: "I knew that $250,000 I paid for A-Rod's bat would finally pay off." I really felt bad for Freda getting beaten up so badly. That was awful to see her eye like that. Jamal - put down the pills and the booze, or at least don't mix them!! Argh! The ménage à trois was very, very weird.
  2. I thought it had been mentioned that Jack was involved with construction of some sort, at a managerial level? I could very well be wrong. In a past episode, when he and Miguel were shown at the bar, they looked very much like they worked office-type/desk jobs of some sort.
  3. I get that Toby wants to have sex with Kate but to me, it comes across as he wants to have sex with her because he just wants to have sex. With anyone. For any or no reason. And yes, Kate wants to have sex with him as well - after all, when he showed up at her house at the end, she apologized and held up a condom. So if they're both getting what they want...fine...but I still don't like Toby's personality at all. He takes all of the oxygen out of the room. Kate can barely get a word in edgewise. He overpowers her and I still hope he'll be out of the picture soon. If he serves the purpose of motivating Kate or helping her to see herself through a more confident lens, that's great -but she can do better than this dingleberry!
  4. Thanks for the clarification of where Mrs. Macleish was shopping with her children (I'm the one who originally posted the query as to why she was out shopping at about 10:00 p.m.). I totally was not paying very close attention and never heard her mention where she was, in Oregon. I also didn't hear the FBI agent's comment about calling the mall in Oregon to verify. I assumed she and her family lived in the DC area, especially when the FBI agent went to visit the congressman at home with the pretense of providing an update. Having not heard that they live in Eugene, and then seeing the agent show up at their house (without having seen her travel to Oregon), I just put two and two together and got five!
  5. MacLeish's wife said she was at the mall with her kids and one of them got separated from her, so she texted her husband repeatedly during the State of the Union, while she was freaking out over her daughter's disappearance. The State of the Union address is held fairly late in the evening. Why would she have been out shopping with her little kids at that hour of the night?
  6. I noticed that the book of Dudley Randall poetry that 80's William gave to 80's Rebecca is now in Randall's home. Rebecca must have given it to Randall at some point. I hope current William spots it, although he may not say anything about it to Randall.
  7. When Miguel and Rebecca said they had to get going to the theatre, one of them said, "The tunnel will be crowded," which I assumed meant the Lincoln Tunnel - which would put Randall and his family in New Jersey. Also, I don't think that "Hamilton" has begun its national tour yet - if not, you can only see it in NYC. I hate Toby. Absolutely positively hate him. He's as subtle and gracious as a train wreck. I don't mind the idea at all of a love interest for Kate but NOT this person. He is a pushy, obnoxious, self-centered jerk. All of his "courting" seems to be solely for his benefit - to get Kate in bed. I am hoping very, very hard that Kate moves to the east coast and we never have to hear or see Toby again. I don't necessarily want her to be Kevin's assistant again - as he said, they both need to grow up - but I do want her to be closer to her brothers. I want to see her face to face with Randall and Beth, to see what their relationship is like. It is indeed hard to envision Mandy Moore as a woman in her late 60's. The only thing that was spot on was the slight bit of trouble she had getting up from sitting, when she was at Randall's house. That was completely accurate!!! (spoken from experience, sadly) She didn't just pop up - she actually had to exert a bit of extra effort. But her walk was a bit too sprightly. Not that people in their 60's are all hobbled and arthritic, but there is a difference in the way of moving one's body. And again, she nailed it rising from sitting to standing, but not in the walking. The wig, as others have mentioned, didn't help; it definitely looked like it might slip off. Oh well, we just have to pretend. Various other nit-picks of mine have already been pointed out (Dr. Folksy being both and OB/GYN and a pediatrician; Rebecca going out and about for hours after having just had a c-section and nursing [gone over 4 hours, poor babies, unless they're also using bottles]), but I still liked the episode and the show over all. I don't take it terribly seriously - to me, it's a glossy soap opera. It's entertaining enough for me, so I'll stick with it.
  8. ^^^ Seriously, how hard is it to include one throwaway line as to where the kids are or who's got them? Jeez. Apparently it IS too much for the Grey's writers!
  9. Same here - what was that all about? Is there something coming down the pike with Jo's parents? I can't recall - was she a foster child?
  10. I found it moderately interesting when Arizona pointed out to Owen that he (Owen) basically faced no repercussion from punching out Riggs, whereas Alex is in a bit of hot water. Agree with everyone that the longer it takes Maggie to find out that Meredith and Riggs got a thing sort of going on, the worse it will be. Meredith and Riggs need to shit or get off the pot - either get into the relationship or don't, stop dancing around each other like two mindless ninnies. I did like that brief scene when they both divulged that they "see" or dream about their deceased loved ones; that was a moment of clarity that I appreciated. It seemed real and true, and intimate. More of that, for heaven's sake, and DO NOT have Riggs go on a date with Maggie for the sole purpose of making himself seem undesirable - please, that's something out of a very bad sitcom. And if he DID do that...you know Maggie would be charmed and be even more attracted to him than ever, bad breath and fake rudeness aside!
  11. As with pretty much all of the post-makeover blurbs, the owner said sales are up (I can't remember the exact percentage). It would, of course, be interesting to know how they're doing months later, not just 6 weeks.
  12. I'm all too familiar, having been through it with my stepfather-in-law and my father, the latter of whom passed away last December. I'm not interested in that as a story line for present-day Jack and Rebecca, I merely had a fleeting thought upon seeing Rebecca and Miguel that for all we know, Jack may not be dead, and there may be a logical reason as to why Rebecca has a relationship with someone else even though Jack is alive. This is, after all, a glorified soap opera and the more complicated and dramatic things are, the more interesting it is. We will certainly find out Jack, Rebecca, and Miguel's marital status, as well as whether Jack is dead or alive! The plot thickens...
  13. The cat's name is Clooney, which William said is ironic, given that the cat is ugly. I do hope he makes an appearance but the asthma of one of Randall's daughters might prevent that. And of course, we don't know yet if William is actually going to move in with the family. Two episodes in, there's still a lot that has to be worked out, so I'm not overly critical. Everyone raises many good points about Kate's life beyond her weight, Beth's life beyond what we've seen (wonderful wife/mom), Jack and Rebecca's marital issues, and so on and so on. From what I've seen so far, I'm willing to go along for the ride. I do not like Toby at all. He has moments when he seems empathetic and sweet, but he is too "on" for my liking. I feel as if he's performing every waking moment: "SHOWBIZ!" Enough. Just stop it. And stop talking about your left testicle and banging a Gilmore Girl. Yuck. I get it, you're a sexual person and that's fine, but you don't need to hit me over the head with it. He does seem to genuinely care about Kate, so I'll give him that much. He just needs to take it down a notch, please. I did not like Kevin at all in this episode. I've never seen or heard of the actor playing him, and while he seems decent enough, the character is grating. Dude, you are making a shitload of money doing something you love, acting. I have no idea at all how the industry works, but I strongly suspect you can fulfill your desire to perform more serious/meaty/artsy roles while still honoring your contract - which, by the by, did you not have your agent or an attorney review it with you before you signed it? Perhaps you never thought "The Manny" would be as awful as it is, and that you'd want to leave midstream, but surely you must have at least been aware of the repercussions for breaking the contract. No sympathy at all from me. Beth and Randall are great together. Would love to know their history - did they meet at college? When Miguel and Rebecca showed up, my first thought was that Jack wasn't dead, but rather, incapacitated. Perhaps Alzheimer's or something of that nature, dementia or the like. My MIL (whose husband had a form of Alzheimer's and is deceased) has been dating a gentleman for 2 years now, whose wife is very much alive but is in a nursing home and has been for years, as she has very advanced Alzheimer's. Of course, if Jack is still alive, Rebecca couldn't be married to Miguel unless she and Jack divorced at some point. We'll certainly find out in due course. While there is plenty to criticize, I actually do like the show so far and am interested enough in most of it to continue.
  14. While I'm sure that Andre will make it through this mess, I somehow don't see Lucious as the one to straighten things out. Maybe it will be Taye Diggs who saves the day, which could endear him to Cookie.
  15. Always glad to see Becky! I really hope she doesn't leave. She has a great relationship with Jamal and is always so rational - even when others around her at Empire are flipping out, Becky gets stuff done! So fingers crossed that she stays and gets that job she's going for. Loved her green dress. Anika's discovery of the teddy bear cam was interesting. The flashbacks continue to excel. The actress playing the young Cookie really nails it. When she was telling Barry that she someday wants the house, the kids, etc. but needs to pursue music first, I actually felt bad for her, knowing that she had such plans but would be spending 17 years in prison before seeing them come to life. Andre can't win, can he? Just when he takes one tiny step forward, another horrific thing happens to him.
  16. Thanks, BW Manilowe; I'm not familiar with either of the shows you mention, so this show is still the first time I'm seeing or hearing of her. Clearly, she's quite established.
  17. I liked it! As with pretty much any made-for-TV drama, I suspend my belief and don't dwell very much on what's unrealistic, unless it's seriously and completely 100% wrong to the point of being outrageous. I just let most of these shows wash over me for fun and entertainment. It's less stressful and sometimes more enjoyable. I don't want to necessarily have to think so, so hard when watching stuff like this, athough I don't mind it when a show makes me think, of course! When they showed the previews for next week's episode, the actor who plays the son looked different to me than the one we saw in this pilot. He looked older, taller, and prettier than the young man in the pilot. I could absolutely be mistaken, but it really jumped out at me. I watched every single moment of every single '24' and 'West Wing,' so in some ways, it's interesting to see a mish-mash of both shows. I thought I was going to have trouble seeing anyone but JACK BAUER, but I was pleasantly surprised that that didn't happen. I definitely bought Kiefer as a soft-spoken, intelligent (not that Jack wasn't intelligent), academic sort of fellow. No real opinion on the wife yet. I could see her chafing at the restrictions placed on her - she'll likely fight hard to continue working, even though that will cause all sorts of issues. I've never heard of or seen Maggie Q before. She made little to no impression on me. It does indeed seem clear that Scott - whoever he is - will figure into this mess somehow, otherwise why would we have been shown her calling and calling him? He may not be involved in the bombing, but his status - dead or alive - seems as if it'll affect the Maggie Q character greatly, perhaps clouding her professional judgment in some way? Don't have much more to add to the many previous posts, I think all the salient points have been raised. I will continue to watch, let's see where this goes.
  18. Just watched this pilot last night (Sunday), so I am really late to the party, but have dutifully read all the prior comments. I liked it. It did not make me cry at all - never even occurred to me to get emotional. I knew something would go wrong with the birth of the children because it so extremely rare that any birth on TV shows ever goes without incident. Millions of women around the world give birth without any issues but if you only knew about birth from TV shows, you would think it's basically a suicide/death wish. Also, as pointed out by others, as soon as Jack refused to discuss any options with the doctor, I knew as well that someone was dying. I was born in 1962 and the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck. As I moved down the birth canal, I was in effect hanging myself. However, my mother's doctor realized it and I was born via C-section, perfectly healthy. I never did ask my mother (now deceased) how the doctor determined that the cord was around my neck. Certainly in 1962 there must not have been any imaging technology available other than x-rays, but I doubt an x-ray would have been done. Perhaps the doctor felt it manually? I'm also assuming there was no such thing as a fetal monitor in 1962, but somehow or another, my mother's doctor knew I was in distress and why, and did a successful and routine C-section, and here I am. So yeah, that's my long-winded way of wondering why Rebecca didn't have a C-section as well. More dramatic and soapy not to, I guess. I knew nothing of this show in advance, other than its name. I figured it would be along the lines of 30-Something (which I watched casually) or Parenthood (which I never watched). I'm not sure why I tuned in. I am almost old enough to be the parents of K,K, and R, so I certainly am not the target audience. I do like TV dramas - I still pine for The West Wing, and was a dutiful and loyal ER viewer from beginning to end. So, I figured I'd give this one a whirl. I did read the NY Times review a few days ago. There was no mention made at all of a twist of any sort. The reviewer mentioned that he/she (can't recall) was only given the pilot to watch and thus could form an opinion based only on the one episode - but felt there was enough potential to merit continued viewing. The reviewer did talk a lot about the crying aspect of the show, and thus, when I watched it last night, I was bemused, as I never once felt an iota of tear-worthy emotion at any point. As with many others, as soon as the fireman lit up a cig in the hospital, TA DA!!! I realized we were not in the present day. I am well old enough to completely and utterly recall the days when people could and did smoke anywhere - in elevators, movie theaters, stores, airplanes, and at work. It was not at all odd or weird, it's just how it was. I lived and worked in Manhattan, smoking was just part of day to day life, no odder than someone walking down the street today talking on a cellphone. Unnoticeable, and remarkable only when it began to be banned! I'll tune in again. I think it could be interesting. Perhaps they will show flashbacks to K,K, and R's parents struggling to deal with raising triplets and all the ensuing issues connected with adoption and interracial families. I do want to see interaction amongst all three siblings, if there is such. Randall is so separate from his brother and sister right now. Does he know that Kevin quit his job in such a dramatic way? Do Kate and Kevin know he was looking for his bio dad, and if so, how did they feel about that? I do hope their parents are not yet dead but I suppose they probably are. Do we know what Kate does for a living? I'd like to see something about her life that has nothing to do with her weight. Edited to add: when I had my son, my regular doctor was out of town - I was in Connecticut, and she'd flown to Chicago for a family function. Another doctor in her practice delivered my baby, and while I knew who she was, she was basically a stranger. So I did relate to Rebecca on that level and felt for her.
  19. And Meredith even SAID, "It's not about you," but that drew no response from Maggie. *sigh* So, no Arizona in this episode. I'm curious to see what her next storyline will be.
  20. When Maggie told Meredith to never lie to her again, I was hoping Meredith would have said, "You're right. No more lying or withholding the truth. So, I will tell you that Nathan and I have feelings for each other and we're attracted to each other, and I think we're going to pursue a relationship." Granted, it wouldn't have been good timing, but what the hell, might as way lay the cards on the table. I truly wish Meredith had said something. I know this is a soap opera and a triangle based on misunderstanding and unsaid feelings is a staple, but it's frustrating. Additionally, when Nathan showed up, I was also hoping that Meredith might have said to him, "Look, my sister is really interested in you." Yes, that puts Nathan in the hot seat, but at least he'd be clear as to what was going on. Maggie is so socially inept - she is awful at reading people and has so much trouble speaking in a coherent, adult manner that pretty much anything she hears or anything she says is usually misinterpreted. So now we have Meredith pushing Nathan away (even though she actually likes him), and Nathan having no clue that Maggie fancies him as well. Great. It also frustrated the hell out of me that Jo was unable to get one complete sentence out of her mouth to anyone about anything. At this point, I just want her to type the following on an iPad and show it to ANYONE: "I was VERY drunk and upset. DeLuca took me home to make sure I got there safely. I was so drunk that as I started getting undressed, I fell and he tried to catch me. I was NOT trying to have sex with him. He was NOT trying to have sex with me. At all. For any reason. NO ONE WAS TRYING TO HAVE SEX." She doesn't have to divulge her big secret, but she DOES need to make it clear to SOMEONE that DeLuca was not trying to rape her, nor was it an attempt at consensual sex. It was neither. It was NOTHING. But of course, she won't say anything, so despite what DeLuca says, people will put two and two together and get five. Speaking of Jo, the actress looks a little different. I know this sounds weird, but to me, she looks as if she's "grown up." Her face looks a little fuller, a little more mature.
  21. Tikichick, I sure hope we see more of Tiana. The new singer is also interesting. I don't really want to see them battling each other for prominence, but it may well go in that direction.
  22. Ah - I had no recollection that Anika confessed. And yes, I definitely thought she was the "pusher," but there was a tiny seed of doubt...you never know...it's a soap opera, sometimes the most obvious thing is exactly that, but sometimes, something or someone from left field appears! And although Anika confessed, there was no one to hear it except Rhonda...and now she's gone. Although Andre was beating himself up over not believing Rhonda, so perhaps he'll follow through with it at some point, if he himself isn't too out of it. But, with Rhonda dead, there's scant incentive to do much more with that story line.
  23. I'm disappointed that Rhonda was killed (even though I shrieked with laughter when she fell on top of the car right in front of Lucious and Hakeem, that was hilarious, I'm sorry to say!!!). If she'd survived, her accusations against Rhonda would've have made things even more tense and insane. Oh well. We may never truly know with certainty who pushed Rhonda down the stairs, and I suppose that will never be spoken of again. I agree with those who pointed out that it's odd that we the viewers got no glimpse or mention of a funeral or memorial service or anything for Rhonda. Heck, even Naomi Campbell got more of a send-off. So that's disappointing. The recurring ghost thing has been done so many times (first thing I thought of was Brooke haunting Billy in 'Melrose Place'!) that it's hard to put a new spin on it. Why was Lucious so pissed off that Anika's baby was a girl? Hissing "You lied to me" at Anika while she's giving birth! Who the hell cares what gender the baby is? This isn't 13th century England, where only males can inherit from their parents. And yet, later on, Lucious is all goo-goo gaga over Bella in the nursery, talking intimately to her while the teddy bears sees and hears all. So make up your mind, Lucious...are you glad or angry that your grandchild is female, and what difference does it make anyway??? I've always liked Tiana - the character and the actress. I wonder if we'll ever see her again, if she'll have a story line. Also agree with others that Cookie's outfits left a bit to be desired. She didn't look as amazing as she has, but I'm sure we'll still see some knockout stuff in due course. Very, very much enjoyed the quick flashback to Cookie and her sisters and a young Lucious. Really well done, would have loved to see more! I'm glad the show is back, it's always a fun, frothy, over-the-top way to pass an hour mid-week!
  24. I was very disappointed that Liz came back so soon. I had no illusions at all that she was dead, none at all. Faking someone's death has been done before - remember Tony on '24'? Additionally, there didn't seem to be any chatter about the actress not returning. So, as soon as Mr. Kaplan said she'd take care of the body, my husband and I turned to each other and said, "Not dead." But I was hoping we'd get a longer reprieve from the character's return. I'm hard pressed to think of a main character in a show I follow who's so completely unsympathetic. I am 100% NOT invested in her or her well-being. I feel as if everything she suggests, the opposite should be done. Any positive results happen despite her, not because of her. I actively root against her, and can't count how many times I wanted Red to either wrap his hands around her throat or just put a bullet between her eyes. She doesn't deserve Agnes or any of the massive effort and resources expended on her behalf. I've enjoyed pretty much all of the non-Liz shows, no matter how preposterous or nonsensical they've been - at least they were devoid of Liz! Someone asked why Mr. Kate Kaplan was so invested in Liz, and that's a good question. Why does Liz bewitch every person with whom she makes contact? She's more powerful than Obi Wan! She says something and people just jump to it. It's maddening! Or rather, her mere existence makes people go way, way beyond the outer limits. I did actually enjoy this episode, despite the return of Liz. Red ordering those hot dogs was hilarious. Bosco, the truck driver's donut-eating Corgi, was adorable. Agnes is adorable too! Dembe got to speak a bit and we learned Mr. Kaplan's first name (I'd love to know her background but that's just asking too much!). I also liked the 'farewell' scene between Red and Harold. One thing I gotta say about Harold, he's a pragmatist. I hope he and Charlene can make amends. I was a bit annoyed at Ressler once again, for the eight millionth time, trying to stop Red from doing something. Give it up - Red will NEVER stop just because Donald demands it!
  25. I enjoyed this episode even while agreeing with pretty much most of the criticisms posted. Yeah, Arizona caved but oy, I think everyone had had enough of this storyline. However, a poor resolution is not terribly satisfying. I'm too tired (and not interested enough) to come up with a better solution, that is, what could Arizona have done to make everyone happy while not doing what looks like handing a 'victory' to Callie. As for Callie's character leaving - I like the actress very much and wish her well. Life goes on. I was glad that April had her baby and that she and her new little daughter are (for now!) seemingly healthy. Don't care one way or the other if she and Jackson get back together. Either way is fine: either remarry, or, stay divorced but co-parent their daughter with civility. I think we've had enough from them for a while. I do wonder, though, how April will act the next time she is face to face with Jackson's mother... I'm also glad Amelia and Owen got married. That was fine with me. No TV wedding ever goes without some sort of disaster, but at least Amelia came back and Owen was still there. Good for them - they can now get to know each other as spouses, not just two people who are banging each other in some on-call room at the hospital. I wonder if they'll try to have kids? Glad the Ben and Bailey crap was resolved as well. That was just uncomfortable and boring. Jo and Alex - just friggin' tell Alex. Sober up, sit him down (he'll most likely need to be forced), and just LAY IT OUT. Will he try to be her knight in shining armor? Perhaps. But he needs to know what the hell is up. I actually fast-forwarded as soon as Jo revealed everything to DeLuca about her abusive husband, because I knew that Alex would burst in and catch them in what seems to be a compromising position. And frankly, that was of no interest to me. So - I'll be back next season.
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