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Biggie B

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Everything posted by Biggie B

  1. For me, it's that his eyes are set too close together. It really disturbs me. I feel as if they are almost touching!! If I get a glimpse of him in profile, it's OK, but 99% of the time, he's not in profile and then I get all creeped out by his almost-Cyclops eyes.
  2. Ah - OK - perhaps Meredith and Thorpe did indeed have sex. I thought I heard her say a few times, "Nothing happened," but I guess that meant, "He didn't do anything improper [without my consent]." Sorry!! Yes, the cleaning was totally symbolic of her cleansing herself of the experience.
  3. I agree that panic attacks do not follow a set script, absolutely. I suppose you could say and do things that almost seem as if someone else is saying and doing them, not you. I'm sure someone with a better memory than I could answer this, but in the face of complete disaster/stress/crisis, has Meredith ever yelled and screamed? It would have been interesting, perhaps, to show Meredith waking up and seeing this sleeping, half-dressed man next to her, and then having a reaction other than the one she had. Lying there, almost paralyzed, trying to process the stimuli flooding her brain at that moment. The fear, the disgust, the shame, the guilt, the anger, whatever emotions were hitting her at that moment. The inability to speak, yet the need to tell this person to get out, go, be gone. Just a different take on the scene, rather than the yelling, which led Maggie and Amelia to assume the very worst (which is understandable!).
  4. As socially inept as Maggie can be at times, by her own admission, I did very much like that she finally said to DeLuca, "I'm a busy person, I don't have time for these games - YES OR NO?" I totally realize that soap operas thrive on miscommunication/lack of communication, but every once in a while, it is imperative that someone just spit it out! Say what you want/need to say!!! And that was a recurring theme last night. Maggie got right to the point with DeLuca; Meredith was actually able to say out loud, "I lost my husband and you're the first guy I've been with [even though we know they didn't have sex] and I'm not ready"; and Amelia was able to say to Owen, "I'm a recovering addict and I can't be around people who are drinking, even if they swear up, down, and sideways that they won't drink around me or get out of control." Even Jackson was able to say to his own mother, "DO NOT interact with April! [which was of course disregarded, but at least he said it out loud.]" And even Penny, with her plain face and flat hair, was able to properly articulate to Callie exactly what she (Penny) was upset and hurt about, in a manner that was direct and not hysterical. I appreciated the effort that took for all of these characters, because so often, they can't or won't just SAY what is going on. Which leads me to Mer's reaction upon finding Thorpe half dressed in her bed next to her - screaming? Really? Agree with everyone who said, yes, it's a panic attack, but for heaven's sake - screaming?? Jeez, you'd think she awoke to find him holding a knife to her throat! I guess a severe panic attack could lead you to react in such a visceral way, but still! Mer is fortunate that her roommates/sisters/whoever were patient with her and played along with her fugue-like state. Hey, at least the house is sparkling clean now. I, too, felt bad for the "Mt. Everest" guy. The young lady could have been a wee bit more gentle in dismissing him. Maybe something like, "You're a sweetheart, but I need to figure out some stuff...now's not the best time for me to be in a relationship." Even if that's not how she felt - at least don't send the guy away feeling miserable that he's big and tall - things over which he has no control, any more than she can control or change her petite stature. As for Catherine - oh dear!! Let's see what she thinks she can do - but as others have pointed out, whatever she thinks she can make Jackson do legally will likely blow up in everyone's faces. No good can come of it!
  5. It's not fake - Naomi Campbell was born and raised in the UK.
  6. I enjoyed the episode very much but was a little disappointed that it didn't really have any jaw-dropping, stunning moments. Even the scene with Lucious and Hakeem at the spot of Bunky's murder wasn't really that intense - of course Lucious wasn't going to be shot! Duh!! If anything, I though the gun might not have even been loaded. I get that the scene served another purpose - to show Hakeem's stubbornness and to show Lucious' blind determination to "anything" to get Empire back - but it still lacked the oomph that I'd hoped it might have - you know, when you sort of hold your breath the whole time! Didn't happen for me. When Anika came to visit Rhonda in the hospital, she said, "When I heard the news.." Heard it from who? Where? Was it on the news or something? On TMZ? How would Anika have known what happened? She's on the outs with the whole Lyon family. So that sort of annoyed me. On a shallow note, I loved Camilla's green dress. And I also loved the décor of the baby's nursery - fabulous color scheme, those gorgeous earthy tones and lots of white! I love that it wasn't the standard pastel colors (usually pale yellow or pale green if the baby's gender is unknown). I'm surprised that Andre was the one packing up the baby stuff...I'm guessing they have a staff in their household, someone else should have done it. I hope the loss of this baby doesn't send Andre over the edge. I don't like Hakeem's girlfriend. There's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way. Why is he soooo smitten with her? Is it her innocence and purity? Well, that's down the tubes now! I loved the scene when Hakeem showed up a bit drunk to the girls' rehearsal and the two back up singers mouthed off! "You suck!" So funny! I do sort of like that song, however. All of that said, I'm just happy the show is back!
  7. That's what I thought it was, although for a split second, I also thought it was "Oklahoma." But probably not. I enjoyed this episode, even though it was screamingly obvious that Penguin's new-found happiness with his father wouldn't last. Pee Wee was great - I'm sorry to see him go. Poor Penguin - looks like he's going to regress right back to his pre-Arkham ways. I do wonder if he'll ever be implicated in Galivan's death. Perhaps he'll revert back to being a serious criminal and gladly take credit for it - "I'm so bad I even killed Galivan!! Catch me if you can!!" - which would of course help Jim. I don't think Harvey had any ulterior motive in telling Jim that Lee lost the baby and moved away. Jim is his friend - Harvey would never be so cruel as to fabricate something so devastating to Jim. Besides, isn't having the character Lee gone for a while a good way for the actress to take her maternity leave? I also don't think we'll ever hear about Puck again. He served no purpose other than to motivate Jim to "choose life." Easy come, easy go. But wow, six years for stealing a car? That seemed excessive, poor kid.
  8. I had to Google this, since I didn't didn't know. Unfortunately, I'm at work, and full access to Urban Dictionary is denied - but I did see this much: "The noise made after Billy Gunn's "Mr Ass" theme tune and now signifying the end of a joke that rhymes with 'Ass Man' made famous in meme form." Unfortunately, this doesn't help me at all, so...perhaps someone else can chime in!
  9. Alternatively, it's hard to feel bad that Galivan is dead (well, sort of dead; he's in the basement at Arkham, isn't he?). He was horrible and it was getting very tiresome seeing him constantly get away with everything he did. But yes, Jim is literally guilty of murder. It will be interesting to see how he gets out of jail in due course. He is lucky to have a loyal friend and partner in Harvey.
  10. She won season 12 - so it's totally hilarious that you can't remember her! Love it! (not making fun of you at all, BTW)
  11. I hope I'm remembering this correctly, but he wasn't too accepting, initially, of his sibling's transition, was he? Was that Ben? Can't remember. Not that that makes him necessarily sexist, but rather, indicative of a more conservative (not in the political sense), traditional nature. I sure that doesn't happen. He and Bailey are at completely different junctures of their careers, it's no shocker that she's earning more or has more responsibility. Their jobs are apples and oranges, as far as I'm concerned. The day may well come when Ben earns as much or more than his wife. As if that should matter...it's not a competition. I liked the woman who was having the quadruplets. At first, I thought her story line was going to focus on some sort of conflict between her and her husband, especially when she jokingly referred to the babies as tax deductions. I thought, oh no, she's gonna be portrayed as not caring about the babies and outsourcing their care to a nanny, or that her husband would end up being a stay at home dad while she went right back to work (which normally is no big deal, but could be used as a device to cause marital issues). Thankfully, this couple seemed very united and on the same page about everything, so I was glad for that. I also thought the actress did a good job, showing us both the sheer terror and panic as well as the struggle to keep her wits about her while something completely crazy was happening. Something very minor but compelling caught my eye, and that was one quick moment in which our viewpoint was from the mom's point of view (looking down her own body at Arizona working furiously) and you could see the mom's index finger (the one with her own pulse monitor on it) trembling wildly. I thought that was a very realistic touch and added to the intensity of the scene. I also very much liked how Riggs wanted to know what issues Amelia has with Penny - when he said, "Hey, I'm new, so I need to know what the deal is." And even though Amelia didn't offer him anything of substance as a reason for her dislike of Penny ("It's personal."), at least Riggs tried to cut through the crap and get a straight answer. He didn't get it but he tried. I like him. He seems level-headed (except around Owen!) and rational. I thought his interaction with Rita Moreno was pretty funny as well. On a shallow note, he's good looking and who doesn't love an Aussie accent? I am still assuming that he's going to get tangled up with Mer at some point, this being a soap opera and all. I didn't feel that Mer's apology to Jo was terribly sincere but was, rather, pragmatic. Mer was told point blank by Callie and Maggie that she's been treating Jo like shit. She may or may not agree completely, but I got the feeling that Mer found it more efficient to just offer an apology - heartfelt or not - and just clear the air so that things could move along. At least she actually said the words out loud, face to face. She gets some points for that. And maybe Jo, too, thought, "Hey, this might be sort of bogus, but whatever, I'll take it and run with it." Onward. Oy vey, Arizona has put herself in the midst of a huge conflict. It's certainly possible to argue both sides: that she should and should not have said anything to Jackson. But, cat's out of the bag. Too late now! She'd better brace for impact, as April's likely to come down on her pretty hard. Let the games begin!
  12. Indeed it was! Ha! Well, since his character was killed off "The Blacklist," he's got time on his hands...
  13. I never got the sense that Meredith would start a relationship with the Army doctor. I think she went back to give him her phone number just to push herself out of her "being alone" comfort zone. Maybe she'll go on a few dates with him off-camera, but I truly never thought twice about him other than as a device to show Meredith taking the first steps towards dating again, with the eventual possibility of having a long term, committed relationship again. I can't even recall his name - did we ever even hear it more than once? I still feel as if something might happen with her and Nathan. After all, he is good-looking and works with Meredith - and heaven forbid any of these characters interact with someone outside their workplace.
  14. I DVR'd this episode and although I missed the explanation for putting the patient's leg in the middle of his body, I couldn't be bothered to rewind and hear the explanation. So, even though I'm lazy, can someone offer the background? Why did they want or have to save the remaining leg? It seems it won't be of much use. What if he'd instead become a double amputee? Not fabulous, but he'd still be alive, right? Is it that there would have been no way to for him to bear two prosthetic legs? I guess it's not even the point...the point was to show Callie have a crisis of confidence, and then realizing that it takes a village sometimes to come up with the solution to a problem - it's not always feasible to go off on one's own to handle difficult situations - sometimes brainstorming and support work better, as Meredith is now learning. So, OK, who cares about the leg?? I answered my own question! Loved DeLuca's look when Maggie "outed" their relationship and hugged him in front of everyone. UH OH! Be careful what you wish for, buddy. Good luck! The cheerleaders were exaggeratedly annoying. Why were they all still there well after Maxine's surgery? Wouldn't their parents have already come by to fetch them? Did they really hang out to support Maxine just because Stephanie spoke to them in their own language? And wait a moment - wasn't Stephanie sick a lot as a child? Guess she made a great recovery in order to partake in a very physical and strenuous activity. I'm probably not remembering her story correctly, though.
  15. Post-freeze, Victor looked like Billy Idol. I thought his white hair was quite flattering. I thought that Lee might have ended up frozen, as that would have been a convenient way to deal with the actress' absence from the show for maternity leave (if that's necessary; I don't know when they filmed this. For all I know, she's already long since had her baby). Bruce is getting a bit hard core now, isn't he.
  16. I've heard it once or twice in the past month. I think - but can't be sure - I heard it on Sirius XM, on The Blend. It's a nice tribute to his wife but really a forgettable, lackluster song. He can do better (and certainly has). I have no recollection of Gianna from the past two weeks (which is when I started watching this season). Just no memory of her whatsoever. I was very surprised that Olivia was cut, I thought she might have been a judge/show favorite who'd go far. Whatever. I'm still not an Avalon fan and if she'd gone home, I wouldn't have had issue with that.
  17. I think you meant Penguin, as he's the one who's now in Arkham, and yes, I did feel bad for him as well, especially knowing that his "treatments" are going to be pretty awful. As soon as Harvey called Nygma "dummy," I got nervous - I hope Nygma doesn't do anything to Harvey out of anger.
  18. Yes, add me to the list of those who agree that in the midst of the horror of Samuel's death, April could pretty much do whatever she needed to do. But now that the dust has settled, she's unable for even a moment to say, "I had to bolt, but jeez, yeah, Jackson, I did leave you high and dry, and that must've been brutal for you." And that pisses me off about the character, because I have usually pictured her as someone who is able to find fault with herself and who's more humble.
  19. Wouldn't his pain be automatically implied? If you child dies, I think it's safe to assume with just about 100% certainty that you are in pain, whether you scream it from the roof tops or lapse into numb silence or do anything in between. I completely understand what April did - totally get it. But as others have mentioned, if she had even JUST ONCE acknowledged to her husband that she was sorry for the effect her actions had on him, I might have been able to throw her a small bone. I think she needed to do what she needed to do, but it rankles me that she took no responsibility for the shitstorm her actions created back home. She sort of earned this divorce. And if she does go all the way with this pregnancy (because heaven forbid that anyone on a soap opera have a problem-free, easy, normal pregnancy), I hope she doesn't screw with Jackson's access to the baby.
  20. Yuck. Did not care for this episode at all. I do like both characters, separately, but April has really turned too shrewish for my taste. And now she's pregnant...oy vey! I know this show is nothing more than a work-place soap opera but this is pushing it. I'm surprised that when April admitted to Arizona that she's pregnant, we viewers didn't hear "Dum dum DUMMMMM" as a sound effect. I'm glad they're divorced. Their relationship was just going round and round and round in circles with no forward movement. Too much damage and no way to resolve it other than to walk away. The attorney in me can absolutely see and understand both points of view, but the viewer in me has no patience for the two of them going at each other about the same issues over and over. April will have the baby - barring another cheap soap opera trick of her miscarrying - and then we'll be stuck with watching the two of them trying to awkwardly co-parent and probably ending up having more sex and then getting back together.
  21. So so SO happy that Jessie from Toy Story and Full Metal Eyebrows got eliminated! Good bye and good luck! Is Trent the one who liked David Archuletta's "Imagine" performance, and then sang it 24/7? If that's Trent, man, he is one unfortunately homely fellow - if his eyes were any closer together, he'd be a cyclops. OK, that was mean - he can't help where his eyes are positioned, nor can he do anything about it. I guess, as the old saying goes, he has the perfect face for radio. Can't say much more about Kelly Clarkson that hasn't already been said. After first hearing 'Piece by Piece' a number of weeks ago on Sirius, I thought, wow - I wonder where her dad is (is he alive?) and if he's heard the song. Talk about not holding back, holy smokes! And what a stunningly public tribute to her husband. I wish they would've shown him in the audience. I feel bad I don't even know his name. But what a tribute to him! It was powerful to see Keith that moved - I wonder if he related to the song on a personal level (hope not - abandonment by one's parent must be hideously painful). But it was such a genuine reaction. I've always liked Keith, and seeing him react so openly made him even more endearing. I only started watching this season last week, so I was quite shocked to hear Ryan say that the finale is in 6 weeks!! WTH???? Wow - talk about going out with a whimper.
  22. Indeed. She truly won the genetic lottery. I love it when she wears her hair loose and flowing, like a big, tawny, caramel-colored mane! Agree that this last look was a bit more unfortunate – the dark eyes and the pale lipstick just didn’t cut it – but again, we should all be so lucky!!
  23. Thanks. I watched this show from Day One but remember almost nothing of it. In one ear and out the other, unfortunately.
  24. He's no Jack Bauer but he did alright. Miller and Mulder made good time from South Carolina to DC. I hope the show continues, and that somehow, they find William and Fox's sister. I was annoyed all six episodes by Gillian Anderson's voice. Are her vocal chords damaged in some way? She sounded as if she was always on the cusp of laryngitis. It bothered me to the point where I wasn't always hearing her dialogue. Agree with the person who posted already asking about Cancer Man (that's we call him in this household)'s ability to talk - wouldn't he have one of those voice boxes?
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