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Posts posted by psychoticstate

  1. I felt sorry for Paige last week.  This week?  Not so much.  

    Chris has not only told her but shown her with actions what a very special asshat he is.  He's a manipulator and someone who gets off on emotional battery.  I could understand her a lot more if she had a long term relationship with him but they have been together a week.  There should be a relatively low level of investment here, from everyone.  Given that Chris began his fuckery on their wedding night, Paige most definitely should not have bonded or formed anything with him.  She is obviously codependent.  She didn't need marriage; she needed a good therapist.  If a guy is telling you to your face that he wants a divorce, he's still in love with his ex, she's having his baby, and then saying what a great woman she is -- all before then allegedly telling you he's afraid of falling in love with you, he's a player, he's a fuckwit and he's not worth doing anything with, other than running the hell away as fast as you can.

    I have a feeling Paige will keep sleeping with Chris but lie about it until Decision Day (or until they do finally break up for good.)   

    Vincent obviously has a trigger and it's self esteem.  As Brianna is more of a joker, that might not bode well.

    I like Clara and Ryan together and I think they'll make it work.  Neither needs to worry about the "L" word.  It will happen when it happens.  Shocked to hear that they aren't having sex.

    I like Eric and I think Virginia is going to do a number on him.  He's been married before and he seems to know what he wants -- which ultimately will not be Virginia.  What made the "experts" believe she was ready for marriage?  I'd say she's not ready for the cats and dog she has.  Her entire life revolves around cocktails, period.  Tough talk with Pastor Cal?  Drinks are in order!  Honeymoon?  Drinks are in order!  Moving in together?  Drinks are in order!  Nice weather?  Drinks are in order!   I really don't understand her making it very clear that she will need space and time to herself when she's married to a pilot who is going to be gone half the month.  Never mind Virginia thinking that getting so drunk that you have to pass out on a friend's couch is just a normal Thursday, Friday and Saturday - and then not understanding why  Eric and Pastor Cal take issue with that.  Girl, if you are 26 years old and can't control your drinking to understand that you need to be able to drive yourself home at the end of the night, you have a problem.  

    I like Jake and I think he got the short end of the stick with Haley (the stick that is clearly way up her butt).  So he apologized for going off at her (which he should have, although I understand why he went off) but she didn't apologize to him for lying to him about the girls' dinner and leaving him to his own devices while everyone was having dinner?  Sorry not sorry but I find that incredibly shitty.  It's their honeymoon and it's the last night.  At least suck it up enough to get through your honeymoon and then maybe ask for some space.

    Jake is quirky but I find it an interesting quirky.  I mean, he's not talking about his one square like Bennett, he doesn't wear a dress to bed, he's not adverse to daily showers and clean hair.  And while his home is a homage to the 1980s, it's not a tiny home without running water like Bennett's.  

    I think Jake needed someone who would appreciate his love of the 80s, even if they didn't feel the same way.  Haley doesn't have to love the 80s as Jake does but she could laugh at it instead of looking as though she just smelled something foul.  

    Has Haley even said what she's interested in?  She just appears so humorless and lifeless to me.  Everything appears to bore her.  Like Virginia, I have to wonder why she decided she needed to marry.  At least Jake is trying.  I can practically see the timer on the eight weeks actively running in Haley's head.  

    I think she decided she didn't like him on the wedding day and she has shut down and that is that (even though they apparently had alcohol-induced sex while in Vegas.)    

    • Love 18
  2. So I bought the entire series via my Amazon Prime.  Don't judge.

    I'm rewatching now, starting with season one, since I can't travel internationally and must get my London fix.  Had forgotten that Luke, Caroline S.'s makeup artist, had been with her since day one of LOL.  

    Juliet's hair always looks like she needs to wash it.  And her clothing is horrible.  Her kids are darling though.

    Still like Caprice.  Too bad she didn't return.  

    Julie sighting!  She shows up at Marissa and Juliet's (although really Marissa's, since Juliet did nothing other than show up) July 4 party as a friend of Caprice's and Annabelle's.  

    I like Annabelle.  The cheese may stand alone but I like that she has zero fucks to give, especially with regard to Juliet.  

    Noelle is really horrible.  She is a snobby, bitchy fuckwit about the apartment she and Scot went to look at -- and which I'm assuming Scot will be footing the bill for.  I love London and I know that Marylebone is a very nice, sought-after area.  She's acting like he's putting her up at the Motel 6 or something.  And then she absolutely throws him under the bus for the Serpentine event, from telling everyone that he is basically such a loser, he couldn't get them tickets (paraphrasing) to telling him that Caroline's extra ticket will obviously go to her. 

    Whoever initially labeled her a gold digger was not off the mark.  

    • Love 2
  3. I still stand by my previous opinion that firing Elizabeth with only two charters left on the books is incredibly stupid.  Francesca simply didn't like her and wanted her gone.  I was laughing over the fact that in the end, Elizabeth didn't miss any charters.  

    I don't particularly like Rachel but I dislike Francesca far more so I'm siding with Rachel over the cake.

    Overall, a letdown of a season finale.  

    Any idea why the crew leaves one at a time?  Just for filming purposes?  Because wouldn't it make more sense for all of them to leave for the airport at the same time (especially when their destination countries are the same)?  

    • Love 15
  4. 8 hours ago, Milan said:

    I think Francesca is a horrible chief stew. Over the seasons I have seen MUCH WORSE stewardesses then Elizabeth, and they were not fired.

    Elizabeth is not perfect, but she is nice and polite and NOT lazy. She slept in the guest cabin....big deal. Others have done so as well and were not fired.

    This is the first time I do not agree with Cpt Lee. Instead of firing a nice person,he should have given more direction to Francesca who obviously is a bad leader.

    I agree with you 100%.  I think Francesca is a shitty chief stew.  She hasn't liked Elizabeth since day one and has been out to fire her ever since.  Other than the mustard gas situation, which I have seen posted wasn't really mustard gas, Elizabeth hasn't done anything truly egregious.  I have seen crew members in past seasons who have been drinking while on charter, swimming off the yacht without permission while on charter, been drunk from the night before while on charter, slept in the guest cabin, banged it out in the laundry room (looking at you, Eddie), among a variety of other things without being fired.  With only two charters left, it seems very short-sighted and frankly stupid to fire a stew who can at least do laundry and smile in front of the guests.   I think Capt. Lee was so tired of Francesca's continued moaning and bitching about Elizabeth following every charter that he simply gave in.  

    It appears that COVID interrupts the season but I doubt the overly emotional Francesca and Ashling would be handling the interior flawlessly down one stew.  

    I'd be willing to bet that if Elizabeth had been the stew to cut the underage drinkers off, lie about the hot tub and tell them flat out to go to bed,  Francesca would have chewed her out.   Instead, because it's Ashling, it's all fine and good.  

    James is a dick.  Rob is a dick.  Izzy is a great deck hand.  

    I found Ashling to be very disingenuous on the part of WWHL I watched.  She didn't think anything was wrong with her being smiley and friendly to Elizabeth's face but bitching about her behind her back with Francesca?  Whatever.  

    As much as I dislike Rachel, I'd love to see her go off at Francesca because I dislike Francesca that much more.

    • Love 13
  5. On 2/2/2021 at 8:15 AM, Lassus said:

    Maybe it's my horrible view of humanity, but Elizabeth only seems regularly stupid and not abnormally stupid to me.  Maybe I'm biased because she's at least friendly?

    Also, I suppose there could be other things going on, but I sorta feel like Francesca should cry less and be able to handle the stress of this job better.  While Elizabeth is stupid and evasive and irresponsible and frustrating, she - in my opinion - is  not LITERALLY disruptive (the guest cabin crap is bad, but not horrible to guests, or dangerous, etc. - such as Rocky [Rockie?] or Lara) and has actually shown that if you keep it simple and keep track of her she can handle, er, maybe 4th stew tasks.  Just keep marching her through and keep better track of her rather than consistently losing your cool.  I don't even think that firing her is wrong at all, but I still think Francesca could have done better prior.  Ashling's suggestion of "we're losing our minds with all the work we're doing, let's go this next charter without her" is not a shining moment in workflow management either.

    My partner and I discussed the fish order debacle.  We were split.  She felt that the confusion of "mahi mahi" vs. "mahi" was a writer (Francesca) problem and made the confusion her fault; I thought that while putting two names on one line was also an issue, it's not a freaking 12-top.  All Rachel had to do was go through it with her twice to confirm who was getting what.  I'm team Francesca on this one (as many are, I'm assuming).  Rachel is very close to being completely not worth her cooking IMO.

    Also, having Rob turn into a fucking incel was not what we needed.

    Agree with everything here 100%.  Elizabeth isn't great but I find Francesca worse.  Running to Captain Lee over every little thing would piss me off.   The boat has a chief stew so that the captain doesn't have to deal with those things.  Stop crying and get your shit together.  Maybe if she were a better chief stew, Elizabeth would be a better stew.  And then again maybe not but at least lead by example and give Elizabeth praise when she does complete a task so you can get through the remaining charters.  

    Regarding Mahigate, I think Francesca and Rachel were both at fault.  Communication clearly sucks.   

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Lassus said:

    I called Eddie a terrible leader way before I called Francesca one.  And much like with him, she's also victim to Bravo's moron hiring.

    But, for reasons, in my opinion, (a.) she's criticizing but not teaching, (b.) she's telling one staff to tell the other staff to do something when her entire staff is two people, (c.) she's not checking the work she has designated to her staff - which consists, literally, of WALKING BY, (d.) she's upset that one of her staff is talking about her behind her back, which is the most normal employee behavior in human history, (e.) she's upset the staff is not a family - it's a job.  

    It's a hard world and a hard job in a hard setting, no doubt.  While people like to talk about the editors as omnipotent mind-controllers, which I don't buy, I can cop to "terrible" being an internet snark message-board oversell on my part. 

    But I honestly do not think she has shown herself to be a particularly good leader, for the reasons stated above and elsewhere on the board.


    Elizabeth isn't great but she strikes me as someone who needs a supervisor who is going to instruct her on what her duties are and then give her feedback.  I think Bugsy would be a good fit for Elizabeth because love her or hate her, I think we can all agree that Bugsy does demonstrate what she wants in a positive, supportive way and is generally very encouraging.  

    I honestly don't see a lot of differences between Elizabeth and Shane working under Francesca and Eddie, respectively.  Shane was clearly green, which Eddie knew, but he seemed to have no time to teach him much of anything.  I get that Elizabeth claims to have five years or so of experience but she's never worked under Francesca before so maybe Francesca should give her some instruction, before she complains to Captain Lee?  

    And Francesca can miss me with being upset that Elizabeth would air their dirty laundry to other crew  members when Francesca herself is doing exactly the same.

    As far as Izzy and Elizabeth shutting the door, does that particular bunk have a door?  I remember the boat from when Kate and Josiah shared that "room" and I don't recall if it had a door, since it was upstairs.  

    I'm not a guy but color me surprised that Rob would give Francesca the time of day when Ashling is there.  

    These guests were pleasantly fun and nice and genuinely appreciative.  Rachel appears to be a great, talented chef but a shit human being.  I have no issue with the cursing (although there is definitely a time and place and I never use blue language around my boss or clients) but a lot of issue at how much Rachel drinks and how unhinged she gets when she does.   While I didn't agree with Eddie's assessment of Trump and the virus last week (because no one thought it was going to be as bad as it was/is) I do understand his thoughts on Rachel this week.  She acted the complete fool, was absolutely rude to Captain Lee, left the entire crew in the lurch, which impacted their finances if that charter had to be cancelled, and then came back and acted like nothing happened.  If she had pulled that in a restaurant, I imagine she would not have been allowed back.  I do understand that Captain Lee was between a rock and a hard place and really was forced to take her back but Eddie's not wrong in his frustration that she was allowed to act that way and then come back.  (Not to mention having to carry her baggage off the yacht an then back on board.  Rachel should have been made to deal with her own luggage.)  

    The donkey sanctuary looked amazing.  I can't believe that Eddie, Francesca and Rachel all stayed behind.  Why?  I mean, seeing the animals are enough reason for me but I would think that knowing Captain Lee was also going would be good incentive to let him see you in a more casual, happy light (Looking at you, Rachel.)

    Seeing Francesca crying this episode about the crew not being like family -- is this the most crying bunch of BD-ers we've ever had?  What is with these people?  Get it together!  

    • Love 2
  7. Maybe I'm having a bad day but I find all of them annoying.  Maybe I'll rewatch later but for now, I'm putting in a Beverly Hills 90210 DVD and watching cheesy, yet enjoyable, tv.

    • LOL 3
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  8. Captain Lee should have told Rachel to go fuck herself.  I agree with Eddie -- she does not deserve to come back.  

    Captain Lee should still be looking for another chef and then fire Rachel's ass.  How could you possibly trust her?  Who knows when she'll get anxious/stressed/upset/drunk and quit yet again?  

    Fuck her.  I hope these charter guests are a nightmare.

    • LOL 3
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  9. Can the show just change Cabbage Patch Sarah's profession from "waitress" to "reality show 'ho"?  Clearly she is going to ride this train until it goes off the tracks.  Along with the leaping leprechaun she's married to and Brittany and Marcelino.  

    And of course Chon is out of prison and trolling for Lacey.  

    • LOL 4
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  10. So Density says it's weird for Kelly to not allow the kids to see Shawn . . . but it's perfectly okay for the kids to see Shawn and Kelly not communicating per Dictator Density's orders.  

    I don't get it.  Does Density's vajayjay shoot out gold bricks or something?  

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