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Posts posted by psychoticstate

  1. Is there any way we can get 2 hours of our lives back for that shit show?  Honestly, boring beyond belief and a complete waste of time.  We were there for the entire season, we don't need the recaps.  And I'm guessing the MAFS-ers don't need them either.  Although maybe Chris does (because he wasn't there) and Virginia does because she was lit a lot of the time.

    I will say that Virginia in her flapper dress looks good.  Especially when compared to the clip from the second honeymoon/couples trip where her face looks bloated and broken out from all the non-drinking and the non-stressful situations that were apparently not going on, if you believe Virginia and EriK now.  Yep, they are claiming that Virginia really doesn't party, really doesn't drink and they have resolved absolutely everything.  Where is Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal for comment because I still remember Pastor Cal's expression when Virginia said that getting wasted and passing out drunk on a male friend's couch was routine behavior for her.  

    So EriK and Virginia are so totally in love and everything is great but I did notice that EriK had his legs crossed and kept his hands pretty much firmly on himself, not on Virginia.  EriK's mom comes out and . . . whatever.  Nothing against her, but we really don't care since EriK and Virginia are rewriting history.

    Ryan and Clara are next and honestly, I think Clara looked better on Decision Day.  Ryan isn't wearing that ginormous bow tie but he's got some stupid hat on and his mustache makes him look like he should be working at Farrell's circa 1980.  I hate to tell him but it makes him look even more wee than usual.  Unlike EriK and Virginia, Ryan and Clara are sitting close and are all touchy-feely.  They are still married and they are going to have a vow renewal ceremony (sometimes the kiss of death, like tattooing someone's name on your body.  Just saying.)  So Ryan still hasn't dropped the L word to Clara (but she's still going to have a vow renewal?  Huh?) but under pressure from Host Kevin, Ryan gives in and says it and Clara is literally geeking out.

    Vincent and Bri are still together.  No surprise, I guess.  Bri has cut her hair and who can blame her since Vinny likes to come at her with scissors?  Or maybe Vinny cut it?  Maybe that's one of his 10 jobs now.  In any event, it's super cute and she looks amazing.  Kevin gives her some mini Spanish test and . . . whatever.  This is boring, y'all.  

    Maybe everyone should have brought their pets with them.  

    Then we see a film or something from some girls' trip everyone did (but Clara, who was working) to Mexico.  Haley is wearing a stupid captain's hat (maybe she and Ryan should have been matched over their fondness for wearing stupid hats) and she is overdoing the "I am great and awesome" shtick by being front and center (and that includes her teeth).   Why didn't Paige receive a message from God to shove Haley into the water?  

    Then the "girls" are sitting around and having a gossip session -- with the cameras, with us and with Kevin.  Blah, blah, blah.  We don't need to see some never-before-seen footage of Paige saying that her friend was asking her about oral -- anal -- okay, whatever -- with her then-unseen future husband.  Somehow I'm thinking this is not in the Bible.  And you probably don't want Chris to see this because he'll definitely be calling you up again.  

    So Kevin asks Haley to help salvage Jake's reputation and Haley says that the sex was terrible and that's that.  (Okay, maybe not in those exact, exact words but she pretty much said there was no fire in the hole.)  She tried, don't you know, to make an emotional connection and a physical one (drunken Vegas sex counts as an attempt to make a physical connection?) but she just couldn't do it.  I guess leaving your new spouse in the hotel room while you go out to eat and drink with the other couples and then switching your seat away from your new spouse on the flight home now counts as trying to make a connection?  Haley . . . please.  We watched the season.  

    Sigh.  Then Chris and Paige are brought up and to no one's surprise, Paige took a page (no pun intended) from Haley's book and tried, tried, tried again with Chris.  Paige is a dumb shit.  Chris talks about himself in the third person and says he's not worthy of someone of Paige's caliber.  Well, maybe Chris did learn something on this show.  But again, Paige is a dumb shit.  Chris doesn't want to talk about Mercedes and Mercedes' Mercedes because it would be disrespecting Paige.  Not telling the world that you've hit it twice on the wedding night or that you find your new wife's face ugly -- that's not disrespectful but talking about Mercedes is.  You know, the more I see Chris and Paige together, the more I realize they are actually perfect for one another.  Both dumb shits.  

    So Pastor Dwight is brought out and despite claims that Dwight and Chris haven't seen each other in ages, they are clearly shopping together because their outfits are soooo similar.  They need to take Paige shopping because her outfit is horrific.  So while they are fighting, Paige is sitting there with a big smile on her face.  Girl is loving it.  Again, she's a dumb shit.  And like Chris, she is refusing to speak of why she continued having sex with him after he was exposed as an obvious dumb shit.   That's okay, Paige.  We know why.  And it has nothing to do with God, girl.  

    As has become par for the course, Chris gets miffed, climbs on his Huffy bike and pedals right on out of the studio, headed for the parking lot.  Like, we couldn't see this coming from a mile away.  Why didn't they just go ahead and sit up filming for their portion in the parking lot?  It would make his walk a lot shorter.  

    So this crapfest is continued next week for another two hours.  I guess we'll get more of the Chris/Paige nondrama drama, as well as Jake and Haley before all the couples will sit down together.  

    If I've said it before (I have), I'll say it again (you know I will).  I hope Jake absolutely massacres Haley.  I also hope the others MAFS-ers will say something about Haley's so-called nonstop efforts to "try."   It's bullshit and they all know it.  It will be interesting if the other women call out Haley.  They were getting her side of it throughout the "experiment" and now they've had a chance to watch most of the season's episodes so it will be interesting to see what their take is (besides they were a poor match from the start.)  

    I'd like to say that I won't be bothered with part 2 but I know darn well and good I'll be there next Wednesday night for more punishment.   


    • Love 22
  2. Episode MVP is very clearly Dr. V, who SO ISN'T HERE for any of Chris's revisionist, con artist, whispery, fake crying bullshit.  She also wasn't here for any of Paige's woe-is-me, so wanting to continue to be Chris's victim nonsense.  

    So let's start with these two twats.  Why were they even present on Decision Day?  Wasn't their decision day like a month ago?  Actually, wasn't it pretty much when Chris decided Paige was too ugly for him and he took off for Chicago from Vegas?  

    Anyway, did Chris inflict himself on us only so that we could hear that Mercedes's fake pregnancy ended in a fake miscarriage and he could fake cry on tv and have a fake panic attack and then fuck with Paige all over again because Paige showed up looking good and happy?  And Paige, who needs therapy more than any person I've ever seen on my tv, thinks Chris has turned some corner and now she's doubting her decision to divorce (again).  Girl, the only corner Chris is turning is the corner of Let Me Fuck You Over and How Stupid Are You.  

    Honestly, I'm not surprised this fuckery went on for 6 hours since Chris has a limitless capacity for bullshit and Paige has a limitless capacity for being dumped on.  

    Moving on.  Clara looks great and is still under the non-dickmatized delusion that she and Ryan have the best marriage EVAH so of course she says yes.  Ryan, looking like some Howdy Doody like ventriloquist's dummy with that ridiculous bow tie (which was nearly bigger than his head), has an expression that I assume I would have should I ever encounter someone in the woods wearing a potato sack over their head and carrying a bloody kitchen utensil.  He does not look happy.  He stutters all over himself before saying that sure, yeah, he wants to stay married too.  The experts pop the champagne -- maybe because they all need to get drunk (I know I do after watching this episode.)

    Jake and Haley are basically a waste of time, other than Haley wearing her "fuck you" outfit and Jake wearing his "I see through your bullshit" glasses.  Jake looks nice but I'm not going to lie.  Part of me was wishing he had worn a neon 80s style shirt just to mess with Haley.  And maybe some tennis shoes for once.  Ha.  No exposition is necessary to know Haley's decision because girlfriend can't even be bothered to wear her wedding ring to decision day.  

    Haley tries again to get on our good sides by pointing out how much work she did in the marriage -- I mean, I'm sure it took time, y'all, to call her mother in 'Bama to get the bracelet back -- and even conceded that their wedding night was fun.  But she can't help herself and she has to make her stupid faces and eye gestures when Jake is making his statement for pain and suffering.  

    So both say no, to the relief of us and the experts, and then exit stage left with Jake not even holding the door open for Haley.  Ha ha.

    So we already know what EriK's decision is going to be.  He pretty much told us two weeks ago.  So drunken antics, allergies and 50 animals in bed with him and Virginia be damned, that boy wants to be married that badly.  He's sweating bullets though because he honestly has no idea what Virginia is going to say.  Neither do we, EriK.  That's how drunks roll.  

    EriK not only says yes but he "proposes" to Virginia with what looks like a Jelly ring.  It is red or orange to remind Virginia to phone home?  Or at least call an Uber when she's preparing to pass out drunk on a friend's sofa?  

    So Virginia is practically chewing her lip off and will soon start on her chin if the experts don't press her for a decision (did she miss breakfast?).  She fairly quickly and irrationally says yes and then is super happy because that means that bottle of champagne is going to get opened!  EriK is thrilled and happy at the prospect of being a lifetime designated driver.  

    Brianna and Vincent.  Brianna is dressed to kill and Vinny looks like Vinny.  Both of them start out by saying what annoyed the shit out of them about the other.  Bri is a strong woman and nobody is going to put her in a corner, even if they are a good dog daddy and are teaching her Spanish.  Vinny doesn't like Bri's tone (but he probably likes her paychecks.)  So even after not liking that Vinny doesn't like her strong personality, Bri decides she likes who she's becoming with Vinny and her answer is yes.  Vinny has something to say to her before he makes his decision and it's a cheesecake proposal, with the cheesecake under his seat (hidden probably because Vinny is scared of cheesecake, since he's scared of everything else).  Bri says she'd rather have a cheesecake than a ring (girl, we need to talk) and everyone is happy.

    So there's still something like 15 minutes left to the episode, even with the ridiculous amount of commercials.  It's so the MAFS-ers can meet up for us one more time.  Haley brings Sophie as her "date," but we can all see that Sophie would rather be with Jake.  Jake sits pretty much as far away from Haley as he can and still technically be on camera, counting down the seconds before freedom.   No one really asks what their decisions were because DUH.  I mean, Bri asks Sophie but Sophie has the good sense to say nothing.

    Paige shows up solo and tells everyone that she and Chris are getting a divorce (DUH part 2.)   She tries to explain some of the outright lies Chris was feeding her, about how she was the best thing he never had, and Virginia wants to know what in the sweet hell she' talking about (because drunks have no filter).   Paige puts on her little girl voice and says it's Chris's place to spill what he's already spilled on camera and the rest of the group look anywhere but at Paige and drink.  

    Then Chris shows up and everyone looks surprised.  Someone must have invited him - or told him he couldn't collect his paycheck unless he showed.  He's still on his Apology Tour of 2021 and apologizes to everyone present for subjecting himself on them during the season.   EriK shakes his hand (wash it later, EriK.  20 seconds) and Clara slams a bottle of beer versus actually having to make eye contact with that male Succubus.  

    Chris congratulates all the couples who didn't get their exes pregnant (fake) and bail on their new spouse at the airport and says he really wishes he could turn back time and move into the apartment with Paige.  I'm sure the "experts" wish they could turn back time and boot your sorry ass out of the auditions, Chris.  

    So everyone gets up to leave and, of course, Paige and Chris are all smiley with each other and leave somewhat together.  Because Paige is glutton for punishment who will never learn.

    The only thing I want to know is if Chris got that new Benz back once his baby mama wasn't going to be his baby mama. 

    Reunion is next week and I frankly hope we will see Jake let loose on Haley.       

    • LOL 5
    • Love 16
  3. Sydney is clearly nuts but for Gary and Alli to suck face all over each other at the dinner table, directly across from her, is pretty rude.  Actually, it's pretty rude in general but especially since Alli claims that she's being so considerate towards Sydney.  If she were truly considerate, none of that would be happening in group settings.  Honestly, if they are so into each other, wait the whole two and a half or three weeks that's left in the charter season and then do whatever you want.  (I think we all know that it's very probable as soon as Gary gets into Alli's pants, he'll lose interest.) 

    As far as Gary's age, I think he's probably early thirties.  I took his statements to mean that his father left him and his mother very early on and just wasn't much of a presence, with Gary basically giving up on the relationship around 13.  

    I'm always amazed at how the crew acts as though they've been working for six months solid after a two-day charter and therefore they need to do their best to destroy their livers completely on their night out.  

    • Love 7
  4. Well, this was two hours of bullshit filler, to be followed next week by more bullshit filler until we can get to the bullshit Decision Day.  Awesome!

    Someone posted upthread (apologies, I don't recall who) that Vincent has a bit of a mean streak.  Thank you.  I couldn't put my finger on what it was, other than being moody but that's it.  He does seem to have a mean streak.  Brianna doesn't need that.  Nor does anyone else.  I was HORRIFIED that he cut her braid, after telling her she was going to get a good surprise.  HELL, NO.  You don't mess with anyone's hair.  And you certainly don't cut it, even if she has said that she was going to take her extensions/braids out.  I'd be walking right there.  

    If Vincent doesn't understand that saying you're not organized is not a harsh criticism - or even necessarily a criticism - he needs to stay single.  It's a fact.  Some are incredibly organized, some aren't.  No biggie.  Kind of like Ryan being incredibly goal-oriented and driven and Clara just wants to be happy and enjoy her job.  Nothing wrong with either.  

    Erik clearly wants this to work out so badly that he's willing to overlook Virginia's cats sharing a bed and Virginia's alcohol consumption.  He is obviously going to say yes but I don't think Virginia will (nor should she).  I did notice that her friends did not get it at all.  They were questioning if Erik had a problem with Virginia getting wasted and passing out on friends' couches as an issue of trust.  No, drunks.  It's an issue of maturity and alcoholism.  

    Speaking of Erik, did anyone else notice that up until this week, Erik's wedding ring was black and last night it was silver/platinum?  

    I love how last night Jake and Haley were saying they should be cordial, really consider the future, etc.  Shouldn't you have been doing that the entire time?  And I direct that mostly to Haley, since I think she's been terrible to Jake.  I think the only reason they both seemed smiley and happy is because they both know this farce is nearly over.  

    I think Ryan and Clara have the best chance to make it, provided that Ryan's decision not to have full-on sex is not due to any repression issues, hang-ups, confusion, etc.  He definitely needs to lighten up, though, and as someone else wisely said, get out of his own head.  

    I have to wonder why the "experts" didn't match Clara with Erik - seems like they would have been a good match, given their careers in the airline industry and the desire both of them have to be married and have a family.  

    Jake continues to be my favorite MAFS man this season.  He's a great dog dad, he has a sense of humor, he's loyal and seems like a good guy all around.  I think Haley made a big mistake. 


    • Love 16
  5. On 4/24/2021 at 4:50 PM, Mrs. Button said:

    I'm not a betting person, but as a female I know looking at her expressions, there is NO way she got any pleasure from that experience, only regret. Half the time she looks ready to vomit around him.  


    That being said, I can't really blame Haley for not want to hear Jake relive his greatest grievances hits on a long plane or car ride either: The bracelet! Attraction! It's Just a Hug! As though endlessly rehashing them will lead to some sort of resolution or apology. It's just not going to happen. Oh, and if he is 39 I am 29 (I am 51). 


    I don't know if I would say that.  I think if the experience had been bad, she wouldn't hesitate to say so (and would frankly make more sense than her "Jake likes the 80s?  Ewwwww!" or "Jake doesn't wear tennis shoes?  Marriage over!")   She has zero problems criticizing Jake to anyone and everyone about anything and everything so I think she would at least hint about it, if not come right out and say it.   

    Neither of them said anything about it to the "experts" either. 

    As far as not wanting to hear Jake relive anything, the fact is that Haley doesn't want to hear Jake, period.  She has said in at least two episodes now that she has tried but I've seen zero evidence of that.

    On 4/24/2021 at 5:34 PM, Silver Bells said:

    But remember he said he was done on Day 4.  Right after they slept together , he was done.  The million dollar question .. what exactly happened that night?  Either she was not satisfied or he wasn’t satisfied.  Or, what else can it be for him to say “Day 4” ?

    I think Jake said he was done after Haley claimed she wanted alone time downstairs during the honeymoon and he discovered her hanging out and eating with the other couples. 

    I don't blame him for that one bit.  Even if she ran into the other couples, she could have called upstairs to him and let him know -- or just gone upstairs and told him.  

    On 4/27/2021 at 10:14 AM, Jeanne222 said:

    Made me think!   They should all say goodbye!  None of them seem to be matched well.

    I think Clara and Ryan will continue to try so yes to them.    Clara likes Ryan. 

    Brianna might want to go on she likes having a partner but Vincent who knows?   Jake and miserable no and no!

    Virginia and Eric should say no but he's loving the sex and she likes him gone so she can...whatever.  So that one's a draw!

    I wouldn't be surprised to see Chris and what's her name try again for a season twist!!!

    See, I think Vincent will say yes.  Brianna should be on the fence.  He's too rigid and unmoving when it comes to certain things (where to live;  must have biological kids), he's very moody when he's put in a situation to try something new (something she enjoys doing), and he seems to have some champagne tastes on his Boone's Farm budget, while knocking Brianna for what she spends on clothing and hair.   I don't know.  I don't think he's a bad guy but I'm not sure that their differences won't tear them apart in the end.  Her goals seem to be traveling and having adventures and his goals seem to be a shit ton of kids and leaving a legacy.  Nothing wrong with either but they are not compatible and neither should have to change what they want to accommodate the other. 

    I think if Ryan goes first and says he wants to stay together, Clara will agree, whether that is what she truly decided or not.  In that way, MAFS should really film each spouse separately with their decision and then play it when both are present, that way no one can change their mind and buckle under pressure.  

    I think both Ryan and Clara are nice people but I'm not sure Ryan can give Clara what she most wants, which is a passionate sex life.  I find it interesting that they have apparently not discussed WHY Ryan is hesitant to take it to the next level, especially if they are having some kind of sex.  Does he think it's dirty?  Some other hang up?  Dr. Viv is supposedly the sex expert and even she wasn't exactly inquiring what the hold up is.  She should have seen big, huge red flags over Ryan's previous girlfriends waiting for two years and/or not having sex at all during that time.  What gives?   And if the "experts" knew that Ryan moved that incredibly slow, what were they thinking matching him with someone who admits she moves really fast?  

    No surprise that both Jake and Haley will ask for a divorce.  I wonder if both of them will just let the shit fly on Decision Day.  I hope Jake does.  I think the only surprising thing would be that one or both of them hasn't already contacted an attorney.

    Why even bother with Paige and Chris?  Paige should already have an attorney hired by now.  She's been "done" at least three times and we haven't had to see her or that tool she was convinced God sent her for the last several episodes so no need to see either of them on Decision Day.  

    For me, the biggest wildcard is Erik and Virginia.  I think they both like the idea of them being married but they both know they have some pretty unsurmountable problems.  Erik wants kids and pretty soon.  Virginia isn't sure if she ever does (and it's okay if she never does so shame on Pastor Cal for telling her that hey, everyone worries that they are going to eff up their kids before they have them!)  Virginia wants to party all the time and maybe she can squeeze Erik in there, in between her bar hops and crashes on the sofas of friends, but only if he meets her at the corner bar.  Erik wants to live in his condo until they figure things out, Virginia is dead set against it for no apparent reason and has no solution.  Erik is allergic to Virginia's cats and doesn't want them sleeping in the bed with them, Virginia refuses to bend on the issue. 

    If they were dating, they'd be done by now.  They act like two people in their twenties in a dating relationship who fight, make up, fight again, make up, cry, yell, fight, make up.   To be like this a month into their relationship/marriage is not a good sign for a healthy, loving and lasting relationship.   If the "experts" were true experts, they would intervene and suggest to  Virginia that she needs rehab and some therapy to help her with anxiety and the issues she has with her upbringing.  

    I actually hope these two decide not to stay together because they just aren't good together.  They may not be as surface toxic as Haley and Jake or Chris and anyone but eventually they will be.  

    • Love 4
  6. 15 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    She has a lot of nervous tiks. Including picking at her zits. Looks to me like she may have more going on than just the alcohol abuse. Just to be fair, I think Erik likes his booze a little more than he is letting on. He doesn't want his bosses and peers to know but we have all said that he has appeared to be drunk on several occasions.  

    Ok, I'll agree maybe Bri should not "surprise" Vin ever again with her planned outings without them being Vin approved first.  Hopefully she gets it now. Discussing with Vin what they want to do for fun is reasonable except one thing: Vin doesn't want to do anything. It's not just the horse, it's everything. He's a dud. He pissed me off when he said they would be living in his one bedroom apt. because he likes it. Bri has a really nice 2 bedroom in the same neighborhood but he insists they live in his one bedroom. I don't like this guy. 


    Didn't Virginia mention she had depression?  Or maybe it was just anxiety?  Anyhow, I have to wonder if she's on meds for that.  Combining any prescription meds with alcohol (and especially gallons of alcohol on the regular) isn't good.  

    I have to wonder if the experts had any idea about the extent of Virginia's partying.  Surely if they did any kind of home visit they would notice the empty liquor bottles, the many, many tumblers, etc.  Didn't they use to talk to friends/family way back in the beginning?  Surely if they had done that, someone would have squealed about how much partying Virginia likes to do.  

    Vincent is just as rigid and unmovable as Erik appears to be -- although as I said upthread, I wonder how much of that is truly Erik's personality and how much is a reaction to the drunken, childish behavior of his wife.  We've seen flashes of Erik's anger (and I don't like it) but he has offered to accommodate her dog and cats and to do whatever to his condo while they are there so that she feels at home (although she won't tell him exactly what it is she wants.)   Erik isn't insisting they move into his place because he doesn't like Virginia's or anything like that -- it's because he owns his place and they wouldn't be paying rent.  

    In comparison, Vincent is telling Bri how it's going to be (absolutely do not like that.)  Sure, he seems chill and easygoing but he's pretty rigid.  He and Bri have apartments in the same neighborhood but he's not willing to discuss where they will live because he likes his apartment?  Common sense says that in this situation, you should choose the apartment that's larger.  

    I agree with the don't surprise people with events you're either uncertain they will like or they are afraid of kind of thing.  I am curious to know how Vincent could have prepared to go horseback riding though.  Hypnotherapy?  Watch a YouTube video?  Go to Six Flags and get on the carousel?  

    In any event, Bri clearly wants to be out and about and is very adventurous while Vincent prefers to stay home.  Nothing wrong with either but it is a pretty significant lifestyle difference.  Probably yet another (unsuccessful) instance of the experts thinking that an outgoing person is going to draw a shy person out of their shell.  

    • Love 12
  7. 32 minutes ago, nell said:

    Jake, get some table manners!  Your fork is in your fist and you're all over the table with your arm.  I would hate to have a meal with you - grow up - get a book on etiquette if you don't know how to conduct yourself.  Haley's a pill, but no woman with any snap is going to go for a man who acts like a slob.

    Haley continually puts her shoed feet on sofas and chairs, which grosses me out far worse. 

    • Useful 1
    • Love 17
  8. 11 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    Virginia knows she doesn’t like Erik but I don’t think she knows she does t have to stay. I also get the vibe that Erik “my family owns a hangar” thinks Virginia is beneath him. Just a vibe I get - he’s never treated her as an equal.

    They’re also a classic example of “actions speak louder than words” because they say they love each other but there is absolutely nothing loving about the way they interact. You see couples sometimes that aren’t talking but you can tell they love each other. I get none of that with them. They look like a couple on a first or second date, which is basically what they are.

    Regardless of anyone's feelings on Erik, he seems like he's fairly intelligent and well read.  Virginia?  Not so much.  I think Erik might like to have more in-depth conversations than she's capable of having -- that makes them a mismatch.  

    I don't know if Erik is normally as bossy as he comes off in this show or if it's just his reaction to dealing with his (often) drunken child wife.  

    I understand that Virginia doesn't want to move into Erik's condo.  I also understand that Erik is saying he owns his condo and it would be foolish to sell it until he/they are sure this marriage will last.  He has said that he will give Virginia what she needs in order to live there so unless he's lying and/or saying something entirely different when the cameras aren't there, I don't understand what the issue is.  I mean, other than Virginia very clearly not being ready for marriage.  Or sobriety.

    9 hours ago, endure said:

    I'm sure many people take antihistamines or get allergy shots and it doesn't affect their ability to perform their job.  If the issue is drowsiness, there  are many that don't cause that now.  But I agree marriage is often about compromise and the bedroom should be off limits to cats maybe.  If some nights she just wants or needs to cuddle with her cats have a second bedroom.

    I am a huge pet person, always have been.  Have had dogs and cats.  I am 100% Team Erik on this issue.  

    Erik is not saying the cats can't be in his house, period.  He's saying he doesn't want the cats in bed with him.  To me, that's enough right there (and again, I'm a huge pet person.)  But Erik is allergic.  He shouldn't have to take meds because Virginia refuses to let the cats sleep outside of the bedroom.  That's inane.  

    I'm amazed that Erik didn't absolutely lose his shit when Virginia was refusing to see it from his perspective and speaking in baby talk to boot.  He needs to just go ahead and throw in the towel.  She's made it clear she's going to choose her cats and her alcohol over Erik.  Game over.  

    7 hours ago, princelina said:

    So right after "Pastor" Cal lectures us on how they have to have an adventure date with their spouse - we see crabbing, horseback riding, paddle boarding and . . . Virginia and Erik drinking on the beach 🤣

    Sending Virginia to the beach with only one bottle of alcohol to share with Erik was taking her out of her comfort zone.


    ETA:  "Forcing" Vincent to ride an animal he's terrified of is not just getting him out of his comfort zone.  It's cruel IMO.  I'm not afraid of horses but I'm with him on jumping out of a plane or bungee jumping.  Not going to happen.  No way.  

    I'm glad that Vincent at least did ride the horse and got the experience but they should have allowed him to just walk the horse by the lead if that's what he wanted to do.

    I felt very sorry for Clara.  She wants validation so badly and Ryan just won't give it to her.  Her letter was very sweet.

    Was I the only one flicking off my tv when Haley was on?  Okay, just me?  Seriously, she's a buzz kill.  Seems like she only came on the trip because she wanted to bitch about Jake (that and maybe she was contractually required.)   While I think both of their letters were nice, she shouldn't have been shocked that Jake left early.  I mean, I probably would have told someone I was going - not necessarily Haley - but that's just me.  

    Ironic that Jake and Haley won the little couples' game.


    • Useful 2
    • Love 15
  9. 20 minutes ago, Lassus said:

    I think she said that in a talking head, not on WWHL.  (Not to dispute she came across well on WWHL, which she did.)


    You may be right.  I started checking out by the time WWHL came on.  

  10. 5 hours ago, Lassus said:

    I mean, there's a subjectivity scale, but even if Dani is a far far far better personality, I personally would say Sydney is the most attractive female on the boat currently.  YMMV, etc.  To be clear, it's not an excuse for her fascination with GARY, for god's sake.  Yikes. That dude is short and greasy and annoying, empirically.

    Dani was pretty nice on WWL talking about Jean-Luc, but even she knows he's a tall, pleasant fuckboy.  And he has no work ethic at all.

    I love Glenn, we all love Glenn; but the editors have made him seen a bit too hands-off this charter.  There IS a boss on board, and he needs to care in my opinion a WEEEEEEE bit more about his staff, etc.

    Respectfully disagree about Sydney being the most attractive.  I find her the least attractive physically.  She has more of a cute look, I guess, but her features seem verging on the masculine to me.  I don't like the tattoos that Alli and Dani have, JMO.  But I find them both far more attractive than Sydney (and not meaning personality.)  

    I too thought Dani came across very well on WWHL.  I think she pointed out that she just turned 33 and she's thinking of a serious relationship/marriage and having a family, whereas someone like JL, who's 24, probably isn't.  At least that's what I got from what she said.  

    2 hours ago, jmcd44 said:

    I also enjoy seeing him squirm. And I don't actually think he has done Sydney wrong-he is annoying, but he told her right away it was a one night thing and then talked with her again after she jumped in his bed. But something about his hair with how he wears his hat (superficial I know) just makes me want to see running from Syndey.

    And I think Syndey is very pretty, but her attitude distracts me from her attractiveness. I want to think it is her age that makes her such a "pick me chick", but I hate that look on women. (I am a woman and I 100% did that in my early 20s) But I have never in my life seen someone so dedicated to staying up to prevent two people from hooking up.

    I used to smoke (3 years and counting smoke-free but I LOVED it) and I always smoked between the main course and dessert at restaurants. 5 minutes tops. And no one ever waited for me-and I would never have expected them to.

    Re: Dani and JL:

      Reveal spoiler

    This is very very much an unsourced rumor on the internet, but there is a picture going around of Dani, possibly pregnant, at the medspa she works at. And the rumor is JL is the dad and he wants nothing to do with the baby. But again-rampant gossip.


    Gary is a Class A douche but he was upfront with Sydney.  He told her right away that it was a one-night stand and it wasn't going to be a charter-long thing (so certainly not moving to Florida and working with Sydney and having a family or whatever other delusional she puked up last week).   His mistake was hooking up with his deckhand, period.  And especially on day one.    So now he pretty much deserves whatever he gets.   And I stand by my comment above that Alli is just as much an asshole as he is if she's watching this unfold and she's still participating.   Honestly, if Daisy is right and Alli is not serious about Gary, she's an even bigger asshole than I've given her credit for.  I mean , we know Sydney is nuts but she's obviously run around and written her name with Gary's on a heart everywhere she can find so Alli should back off.  All of them have only known each other for three weeks, for heaven's sake, and they have three weeks or so to go before they go their separate ways.    

    And why did Alli make that comment about if all Sydney and Gary did was kiss it's no big deal or something like that?  If memory serves, Sydney told Daisy and Alli when returning to their cabin that she and Gary boned.  Sure, they may not have kissed but they did the deed.  So Alli shouldn't want to go there at all.  It's GARY.  I don't get it.

    Sydney proved how immature she actually is (I mean, besides the stalking and psycho shit) by claiming she doesn't need boys to be happy.  First, we know she's lying.  And secondly, you're something like 25, right?  You should be with men, not boys.   Anyhow, Sydney clearly places her self-worth and value on whatever guy (we'll say that) she's with.   And the bar is obviously set low for her to be obsessing over GARY.

    Honestly, I feel sorry for Colin getting woken up every time a drunk Sydney knocks on their door and crawls into bed with Gary.  

    • Love 14
  11. On 4/18/2021 at 3:19 PM, Silver Bells said:

    Two months after I met my husband, he gave me a gold bracelet with turquoise stones in it.  It came from the Diamond center in N.Y. and was in a small square box.  I wore it everyday to work and he was thrilled.  He was happy he picked a nice thing.  Men notice these things.  If I hadn’t worn it, he would think I didn’t like it and it would hurt him.  I would have worn it even if it was a rubberband.  She should have put it on right away.  Takes 3 seconds to fasten.  First she had to look see if it was a necklace or bracelet.  Even if it was a necklace, I would have worn it.  Paige wore two.  Smart.

    I agree.  I understand that Haley wouldn't have chosen to wear any necklace with a high-necked dress but even going on the assumption she assumed the bracelet was a necklace, she could have tried to wrap it around her wrist as a bracelet or draped it in her flowers.  I would have made the effort to show that you wanted to wear the gift somehow on your wedding day.

    Of course, if Haley had planned on doing that, she would have found it was a bracelet. 

    • Love 6
  12. On 4/18/2021 at 12:27 AM, buttersister said:

    Haley v. Jake. This display of their worst characteristics seems to have accelerated drunken honeymoon sex. Which for Haley was clearly bad. Very bad.

    So she's out of Dodge as far as physical or emotional closeness with Jake. And every one of his insecurities gets exacerbated and here we are.

    Braceletgate: Perhaps she thought of it as she did his hat (keeper gift, not for the wedding). Not necessarily what I would have done, but then, I would never go on MAFS.

    Either Dr. Pepper or Dr. Viv had a little session with Haley in which Haley was reminded of how she jumped on her Huffy bike and pedaled the hell out of Dodge on many of her past relationships, or dating experiences.  And this was apparently something Haley said herself during her initial interview process.  I think that given that things seem to have really hit the skids after Vegas, the "experts" should have found out from Haley if she bolted after having sex.  

    From her own words, she seems to have been very, very hurt by the relationship that ended when she was 20 or 21.  I don't think she's gotten over it or through it and it's negatively impacting her and her dating life now.  She may be unconsciously protecting herself by finding fault and shutting down whenever she gets serious or intimate with someone.  

    For Jake, who felt that they were making a connection in Vegas, to have her go extremely cold on him and after they had sex, must have been very confusing.  

    • Useful 3
    • Love 7
  13. 7 hours ago, RoxiP said:

    My daughter referred to it tonight as Below Boring.  

    I thought Sydney did look nice going out on tonight's episode but she is just a stalker. 

    I don't like Gary but the difference between him and JL is that he does his job and JL does not.  

    Below Boring, ha ha!

    I have to disagree about Gary doing his job, unless his job involves watching Alli in the laundry.  Maybe ten percent of the time he's working - if that.  He takes a lot of smoke breaks and shadows Alli to remind her how much he likes her.  The only time he really appears to work is if/when they're docking, unless it's the editing monkeys.  

    I'm undecided on whether JL is just plain lazy or has had no real direction and isn't the type to ask.  Gary knew JL was "green," so part of Gary's job is to teach him.  I don't understand why the person on anchor/night watch is now supposedly responsible for doing all this cleaning on deck.  We've never seen that before on Original Recipe BD or Med.  I mean, what is the rest of the deck crew doing all day?  

    Pretty rich of Sydney to complain about the state of the deck after she, Gary and Alli left the place in a mess and it looked like it was JL who got up and cleaned up after them.  I wouldn't have.  Let the three inconsiderate drunks who messed it up get up and clean it.  

    Sydney, the naked boat baby, is not only a stalker but completely delusional.  The better catch?  Better looking?  Gorgeous?   Um.  Okay.  Exactly how is Gary such a catch?  Frankly, I think Gary and Alli deserve each other.  They're both assholes.  Even if Daisy is correct in that Alli has no real feelings for Gary and is just flirting and having fun, Alli knows that Sydney does have some very stalkerish, unhealthy feelings for Gary so Alli should back off.  Bad enough that Sydney is your coworker but they share a cabin too, so come on, Alli.  

    I'm with Dani and Natasha that the 20-minute smoke break was rude, particularly when dinner was being held.  Five minutes is one thing, no different than someone getting up to hit the restrooms but 20 minutes?  And then the gossiping is denied when that's all the smoking group did.   

    Overall, I think Daisy is a fairly good chief stew, although I do agree with whoever suggested it that she gives Alli special attention or favoritism.  They do seem to be gossiping and chatting a lot while Dani, I assume, is working.  Aren't they now halfway through their charter season?  So shouldn't Alli, at this point and using BD logic, be able to work nights if necessary?  

    I like Captain Glenn but I really wish he would sit down with this group and basically tell them he doesn't give an eff what their personal issues are or anything else.  They are there to do a job, so effing do it.  

    Finally, I do like Dani and JL together; they're cute.  And I hope Sydney goes full on psycho to Gary because I enjoy seeing him squirm.   

    • Love 13
  14. 15 hours ago, Crashcourse said:
    5 hours ago, Mean Jeanne said:

    These people are boring the hell out of me tonight.

    And speaking of boring, enough already with the Haley hate. She got stuck with a guy she finds repulsive, and she’s been a lot nicer than a lot of people would be, myself included. I wouldn’t want to be with him either. It’s called chemistry people, it’s either there or it’s not.

    Disagree.  Jake wasn't "repulsive" enough to keep Haley from sleeping with him in Vegas.  And regardless of why she doesn't care for him or find him attractive,  she should be a fucking adult about it.  Quit tearing apart his fondness for the 80s or the clothing and accessories he likes to wear.  Jake has given her several opportunities to just be up front with him and admit it's not there and never will be but she won't own up.  I suspect she doesn't want to be the "bad guy" but her words and actions are showing her to be just that. 

    The problem isn't that they are different people -- the problem is that Haley decided almost immediately that Jake was not what she expected and wanted and that's the end of it.  That attitude could explain why she's been single for 7 years (and not by choice, according to her) and why she needed the MAFS "experts" to find her a match.  She comes off high maintenance, prissy, judgmental and completely unmoving.  In other words, a diva, to quote Jake. 

    Ryan seems like a nice guy but he needs to be pinned down to exactly why he's not interested in having sex with Clara and if he ever will be.  If everything is great and their marriage is a 10, then why not?  I understand not wanting to be intimate on the wedding night and waiting past the honeymoon but they are 7 weeks in, with Decision Day looming.  

    Eric and Virginia are a lost cause.  She needs therapy for everything in her life up to this point.  Eric is no prize but I don't think he signed up to be a babysitter or a designed driver.  Virginia may be 26 but she acts 14.  Eric's SIL sees the writing on the wall.  This match is doomed.  Abandon mission, Eric.

    I like Brianna but I'm not sure about Vincent.  Do they really need an "expert" to discuss that Brianna wants Vincent to wake earlier than he usually does?  Seriously?  It worries me that when they were talking about children and Dr. Pepper asked about adopting, should pregnancy put Brianna at risk that Vincent did not immediately say Brianna's safety came first, period.  No, he looked concerned and then said he would have to think about that because he had never considered adoption.  What?  You shouldn't have to think on that at all.  Your wife should be so important to you that her safety is more important than biological children.    And yet another event where Vincent is going to pitch a tantrum because he's uncomfortable doing something he's never done before?  Seriously?  I think Brianna deserves better than this moody downer.

    Just go ahead and bring on Decision Day, show.  I think Brianna and Vincent will choose to stay together.  I'm leaning towards Clara and Ryan choosing to stay together, although I don't think it will last.  I'm on the fence with Eric and Virginia.  I think Eric wants to fight for it since he's been divorced but Virginia may realize that she wants to party more than being married to a father figure.  Jake and Haley are so obviously done.  I hope Jake lays it on all the table.  I don't understand why MAFS is even bringing Paige and Chris back on D-Day since they've been done.    

    • Love 17
  15. I fell asleep during this so I'm only going to comment on what I remember (seems to be the BD way, right?) 

    The naked boat baby (Sydney) needs therapy.  She seems like a Stage 5 Clinger that's verging into stalker territory.  And she's very immature.  It was a one-night stand and it's GARY.  Perfect example of why you don't hook up with your boss.  Her only saving grace, IMO, is that she does seem to work -- when she's not obsessing over Gary, stalking Gary, drinking and/or involved in some kind of shenanigans.

    Gary is the worst.  A shitty bosun or first mate - whatever it's called on a luxury sailboat.  How many smoke breaks does he have during a work shift?  He's like Jenna from last season, always hanging around the galley to moon over Adam -- Gary is always hanging around the laundry to moon over Alli.   And he should have been fired for being drunk and disorderly at 2 am and then jumping into the water, along with two co-workers, one of whom is his deckhand.  

    Daisy is clearly a better person than I am because I would have knocked Alli into next week if she had woken me up to moon over Gary (GARY!) at 2 am and then stumbled back into their shared cabin.  Hell, no.

    Regarding Alli and JL, I'm totally Team JL on waking someone up to get them to party with you.  No.  Absolutely not.  I did find it hypocritical that Alli was so upset that JL told her to "F*ck off" after she woke him up and then kept egging him on but was fine with telling Gary to "F*ck off" over Gary allowing Sydney into his bunk.  You can't have it both ways, Alli.  (Disclaimer:  I do believe that the "F*ck off"s were appropriate in both cases. )

    I like Dani, I like JL, I like Daisy and I like Captain Glenn and that's about it.  The rest of them suck.


    • Love 17
  16. 8 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

    Or, when he does pitch in to shuck the oysters, eating half of them.  Hey, maybe that's what happened to the missing pita bread on a previous charter!  Natasha did put out twice as much as the guests got, but Gary got to them in the meantime!  

    Daisy has never said someone should drop deck work that they're in the middle of to help out.  Gary's an ass.

    Ha ha!  Truth! 

    • LOL 1
    • Love 2
  17. What I wouldn't give to see Kate go off at Gary and the deck crew -- minus JL, who does seem to pitch in wherever he's asked without complaint, and Sydney, the naked boat baby, who does seem to work when she's not drunkenly jonesing after Gary.   Team Daisy on this one, since they had 9 charter guests and 3 interior stews.  Deck crew has 3, plus Colin and then Captain Glenn, who doesn't seem to have a problem pitching in.  This particular charter gave zero fucks about the water and the toys, other than the snorkeling on the last day, so the deck crew should have had almost nothing to do as it relates to the guests.  

    Speaking of, I thoroughly disliked these guests.  High maintenance, snooty, annoying posers who left a shitty tip.  And really Barrie?  You're going to propose to your boyfriend (and your daughter's former boyfriend) during your ex-husband's birthday party?  Could he not have proposed the night before?  Or was he worried that he would be refused and then have to deal with the after effects for the next day or so into the cruise?  (Didn't that happen on BD OG where someone got refused?) 

    Maybe it's the editing monkeys but Gary doesn't seem to work much.  He talks about 14-hour days but every time we see him when he's "working," he's either on a smoke break or he's flirting with Alli.

    Speaking of, Alli, I don't know if she's losing her senses over grief or whatever but I thought she was smarter than to try to get involved with Gary.  Why?  Is it because Dani is having a flirtation with JL?  Is she in competition with the naked boat baby?  Is she desperate?  Is it producer manipulation?  After watching what has gone down with Gary and the naked boat baby, she will deserve whatever she gets at this point. 

    I do appreciate that JL did not partake in their shenanigans and snapped at Alli (I think) when he was woken up.  When interior was whooping it up in whoever's cabin, it was rude to everyone who was trying to sleep.  

    Gary, Alli and the naked boat baby all deserve to be fired for being loud, drunk and then jumping off the boat at 2 a.m., particularly after Glenn told them it was a school night.  Gary especially, since he is a department head.   I think about how Daisy is going to be woken up by Alli and the naked boat baby coming into their cabin at WTF-a.m. -- I hope she goes off on them.  Looks as though Glenn was woken by their behavior so hopefully he will too.  

    I still wonder how Hannah was able to fired (at least per Captain Sandy and Malia the Snake) for having legit prescription meds on board but showing up for duty still clearly intoxicated, as well as with sleep deprivation, is okay.  You would think intoxicated/hung over/sleep deprived deckmates/stews is a huge liability.  

    I think Dani and JL are cute together and don't seem like a producer set up.

    Are we going to have to listen to the naked boat baby question where she stands with Gary EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE?  Somebody please show her footage of Gary telling her their hookup was going to be a one-night stand.  (Although seeing Gary squirm and be super uncomfortable with her stalking is making me gleeful.) 

    I appreciate how Captain Glenn explains all the "captaining" to the newbies and lets them steer the yacht.  He really does seem like a cool guy.


    • Love 16
  18. Oh boy.

    I was team Eric until last night's episode.  Now I understand why Virginia drinks so much -- she's self-soothing.  She seems to suffer from some pretty serious anxiety, which should have been a red flag to the "experts."  I can't imagine how much marrying a stranger and then moving into a "neutral" apartment with said stranger, and leaving your cats behind, would incite anxiety.  I also understand how much  Rockie means to her; I had an amazing little Boston Terrier (like Eric's Tex) who helped me survive a painful divorce.  I adored my BT and I would have thrown down with anyone who criticized him.  

    I already felt that Eric and Virginia wouldn't make it based on her immaturity and desire to party but Eric's rigid military-like stance on everything wont' gel either.  For every good thing he does (like taking Rockie to the pet store, asking questions from a trainer, buying Rockie a toy), he fucks it up by berating Virginia, being hostile, etc.  

    Frankly, Virginia needs to pack herself and Rockie up, go back home and find a good therapist.  Eric can just fly away -- I'll take Tex!  

    Jake and Haley are another lost cause.  I think Jake was looking a bit down after losing to Haley with the go-karts because he knows it's all for the cameras and that's it.   Brianna and Vincent aren't far off when they say that Jake and Haley just need to communicate.  Neither "gets" the other's personality.  And Haley can STFU with her constant refrain of how she's trying and she'll all by herself.  Girl, Sophie is trying more than you are.  And speaking of, Jake and Sophie are beyond cute.  He does seem to be a good dog dad - something that we NEVER see Haley comment on.

    Brianna and Vincent should make it.  I loved their bike ride.  They are doing what MAFS couples should do during the 8-week period.  They are getting to know each other and doing low-key stuff.  Not everything is a major discussion or debate. 

    I think Ryan is super cute with Miska but he seems very intimidated by Clara.  Understandable, since she is coming across as wanting a hard d*ck inside her, whether it's Ryan's or not.  Why can't she just talk to him about why it's okay that she's getting him off every night but he's not laying down the pipe?  She smiles and doesn't say anything to him but it's clear she's simmering and seething (as we saw at the end of last night's show.)   I understand Ryan wanting to get to know her but I don't understand how doing everything but actually putting it in (paraphrasing) is different.   I want them to go the distance, though, because I like each of them and I think they could be a good couple if they would just talk to each other.

    How many times is Paige going to be "done" with Chris?   How many times is she going to tell us or someone else that this time it's over?  Enough already!  Chris should have been unceremoniously dumped in Vegas after Paige found out he wasn't attracted to her, despite hitting it twice on their wedding night, and then that Chris had not only been engaged two months before MAFS but also that his former fiancee was pregnant.  Peace out.   

    Paige's brother and Chris's mother are clearly smarter than their sibling/offspring.  I don't need to see Chris ever again on my tv.  I could tell that Brianna was alternating between jumping for joy and smacking Paige upside the head with a "No shit!" when Paige announced that it was over (again) and she deserved better (duh).  

    Unless the editing monkeys were at work, the previews for Decision Day (which should still be quite a few episodes down the road) pretty much gave away how it's going to go.   

    • Love 6
  19. Paige, you fucking twit, quit bringing God into your clusterfuck of a relationsham with Chris.  This has zero to do with God.  When Chris' own friend, who is a pastor, is telling you to run, you damn well should listen, girl.  

    As it stands, I don't give a rat's ass what happens with Paige.  She'll get what she deserves.  Chris has already said he's still in love with his baby mama, he bought Mercedes a brand new Mercedes and he said to Dr. Viv, in front of Paige, that he doesn't know what he wants.  While Paige sat there with that dopey smile on her face and then suggested Bible study.  No, girl.   You both need an exorcism.

    I feel for Ryan.  I think he genuinely likes Clara but she's so over the top and pushy with sex, I think it's turned him off.  Add to that that Clara has never had an emotional bond with a partner -- yikes.  That's like Chris.  And she didn't exactly help matters last week by talking about his "motivational speech."  She needs to lay off the sex talk and maybe plan something special for him that he enjoys doing, like the donut dinner he planned for her, or going to craft.  Has she done anything for him?  

    I'm not sure about Vinnie.  He does seem to fly off the handle and act immature.  Who cares if you look "stupid" while learning to dance?  I found their blindfolded Q&A with the food cringeworthy.  I hope Vinnie grows up. Brianna certainly deserves better.

    While I do know couples who are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, if Virginia has said flat out that she cannot understand that nor tolerate it, she and Eric are toast.  I think some of that speaks to her general immaturity.  Both partners have to respect the other's opinions and maybe just agree not to discuss certain things or let it turn into an argument.  I don't like that Eric thinks that Virginia should not be friends (Facebook or whatever) with an ex-boyfriend and/or like an ex's picture on Facebook.  That's just ridiculous.  Is that how his ex left, via a Facebook hookup?   He did mention every single previous relationship ended in him being cheated on -- that has to do something to you.  

    I am happy to see that we didn't see Virginia guzzling down an entire bottle of whatever liquor happened to be around.  That's a first.

    I love Eric's dog, Tex.  I had a Boston until he died last year - best dog ever.  

    I think it's clear to everybody, including Jake, that Haley has not liked him from moment one.  Her worst mistake, IMO, was sleeping with him in Vegas.  That's something Chris would do -- and did.  Not attracted to Paige but had sex with her anyhow.  Haley isn't attracted to Jake but slept with him anyhow.  Sending some major mixed signals, both of them.  And she's compounding the problem by not being honest with Jake or the "experts."  She shouldn't tell Dr. Viv that she'll do the kiss good morning and good night and then refuse to do it when it's just her and Jake.  She also can't possibly get to know him when she's gone all the time.  That's hardly "doing all the work."  Dr. Viv read her application aloud and it sounds like Haley is a classic saboteur.  She ruins a potentially good thing (probably out of fear) and then promises herself she won't do it next time.  Next time rolls around and what do you know?  I do remember her saying that she had not been in a relationship for 7 years (meaning since she was 21) and her previous relationship lasted five.  So started at 16, ended at 21 when he got someone else pregnant.  Haley needs therapy because that clearly did a number on her. 

    While I think Brianna and Vincent have a chance, I'm not sure anyone should stay together.  Clara and Ryan might have a chance if she can calm down but she also needs help with forming deep emotional bonds with someone.  Jake and Haley should just end it -- he deserves better.  Eric is too controlling for drunk wild-spirit Virginia, who also probably needs counseling for her family history.  Chris and Paige aren't worth watching, much less commenting on anymore.  


    • Useful 1
    • Love 8
  20. Why is Sydney so confused?  Does inebriation cause hearing loss for her?  Gary is major fuckwit but he clearly said that it was a one-night stand.  Does the naked boat baby not understand what that means?   Or is being confused just a natural state of affairs for her?  

    I also want to know how that guest cabin got so dusty before Gary and I'm-So-Confused-Sydney did not have sex in there.  If the interior had already detailed the bathroom, I'd be guessing they cleaned the cabin as well.  Gary and ISC-Sydney should have had their asses chewed for using that room without permission and I'm assuming, again because that cabin should have been cleaned, that they also did not have sex on clean sheets.  (A sheet that Gary wore back to his cabin during his walk of shame, BTW.)  

    Allie is obviously an idiot if she sees how the Gary/ISC-Sydney thing is playing out and she still wants to take a ride.  Wake up, girl.  Gary wants to bang you and once he's done that, he will move on.  

    I appreciated that Daisy called a staff meeting pronto but I think she had every right to rip the deck crew, minus JL, a new one.   I think Gary is a pretty shitty supervisor to JL - he's very condescending - but JL is too laid back.  Forget your coffee, you're 15 minutes late for your shift!  Maybe JL will get his act together now that he's in a bed that's only a few inches too short.  

    I did love that Glenn told JL not to worry about waking him up.  He does seem like a genuinely nice guy and a good captain.  And he reads - unlike the other drunken horny toads on board.  

    Speaking of, if I were the owner of the Parsifal, I'd be horrified that the crew tending it was doing so drunk and/or completely hung over.   



    • Love 11
  21. 10 hours ago, pieinmyeye said:

    And High School Yachties sails on.........

    Nailed it.    Watching their free evening on the yacht was like spring break in Florida in the 80s.   

    I must be old because I cannot understand why anyone working on a yacht would think it's a great idea to drink with your coworkers to the point of an inability to stand and/or to hook up with your coworkers.    Is one or both a requirement for the job?  Is it a question on the job application? 

    Jean-Luc seems like a nice enough guy with bad taste in tattoos who needs to learn moderation in his drinking game.   As neither Gary nor Glenn were yet asleep, it wasn't that big a deal in my book to ask where the covers were (although you really should knock on the door first IMO)  It's not like JL woke anyone up to bring up job performance or something like that, GARY.    I cannot imagine having to sleep in a bunk that is eight inches shorter than you are so while I get that he may not want to sleep with the captain, suck it up, JL!  (And Glenn appears to be a very easygoing captain so it doesn't seem like it would be that much punishment.)  I'll give Gary credit (it may be the only credit he gets this season at the rate we're going) in that he actually measured JL's bunk and his own and offered his longer bunk to JL.   

    Speaking of Gary, Gary says he can't wait to blow off steam -- after ONE CRUISE that lasted what?  Two days?  Give me a break.   The most taxing thing he seems to have done was to read off that ridiculous to-do list to JL.  And snarking on JL with Sydney is tacky and unprofessional -- hmm, two words that describe Gary.  (And yet another requirement on the job application apparently is if you are a supervisor, you must bitch about one particular coworker with other coworkers.)  So it appears that Gary was horn dogging after Ally but settled for Sydney.  I'm sure this will end well!

    Sydney tells us that drunken Sydney just wants a body next to her -- I'm sure her boatie parents will be proud of their naked boat baby.  Nothing says job security like screwing your boss, Syd!   Worse (I know, hard to imagine) she and Gary start fooling around on the deck, in front of their coworkers.   This can only go two ways:  Sydney gets preferential treatment because she and Gary have gotten naked together, making life worse for JL or (more likely) Gary will treat her like shit/ignore her while he goes after Ally, leaving Sydney to cry and wonder what happened to their great love.  Oh boy!  Can't wait!  (said with sarcasm.) 

    So Ally is going to see this and still want to knock boots with Gary?  I clearly gave her too much credit last week when I thought she didn't seem bad.  

    Daisy and Natasha are going to butt heads?  Okay.  Got it.   Daisy is pissed about Gary and Sydney using the guest cabin without permission?  Hmmm, sounds so familiar.  

    With the exception of Colin and Glenn, everyone on board is looking to get laid but too stupid to realize they should take it off the boat. 


    • Love 15
  22. 23 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

    I graduated high school in 1985.  I lived through the 80s as a teen.  For the life of me, I can't think of one thing that makes me feel nostalgic at all about that era.  So it's really odd to me that Jacob does.  Maybe it was The Wedding Singer that he saw as a kid and thought the 80s were the greatest thing ever.

    His reaction to Haley was so over the top for two people that just met that it's red flag material.   I really liked him at first, but that was high drama for just a few days together.  

    1986 grad here!   

    I think the issue with Jake and Haley and his love of the 80s isn't so much that his love of that era isn't "right" or is bizarre; it's that Haley (at least on camera) hasn't once even asked him why he likes the decade so much.  

    She doesn't have to share the same fondness but since Jake is her husband, she should at least try to understand why he enjoys it so much.  It's really no different, at least in my mind, than someone who is into football or a genre of books/movies/music, etc.  I learned about football from my ex because he was into it and I wanted to understand something he enjoyed and make it something we could enjoy together.

    I said this in my previous post but have we even seen or been told what Haley's hobbies and likes are?  She just seems so void of personality to me.  At least Jake is trying.  He loves the 80s, he's into his house and obviously loves his dogs - she's not meeting him anywhere on those lines, much less halfway.

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