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Everything posted by Harvey

  1. The show's production has been put on hold because of the corona virus. I am curious how will this interfere with the future of Bob and Abishola.
  2. I liked how Tammy was constantly empowering the baby. If Tammy raised a child she would grow up to be totally self-confident and sure of herself.
  3. I feel like it is in-character for Wade to not know that is an option 😄 .
  4. Aww. "Did you just get your chocolate in my peanut butter?" was an adorable line. And Karen randomly spooking a maid was so funny 😄 I am not sure a pregnant Demi should go to a mosh pit. It just seems like an irresponsible thing to do. And Grace is so right, who wants to stand after 8.30? Or before? 😉 I love that Val had the same hairstyle that Karen often used to have in the original series. It looks so good!
  5. Christy introducing herself to Sophia as she does in her AA meetings was hysterical 🤣 The part where she met her law professor at the store was really good too, I liked how she played off the situation and appeared in a sympathetic light. She has enough on her plate, she really does deserve a break. I also liked how each woman got to shine in this episode, and all of them had great lines. Christy was constantly sneezing and talking in that sickly voice while being in Margerie's house so the show was consistent in regard to her allergies.
  6. Grace looked so pretty in her first dance dress! I was happy for her. The scene where Wade went to Jill's grave was so beautiful. I wish we had more scenes like that through the season, if you think about it the only other time we see Wade be wistful about the loss of his wife is in the episode where he is looking for Jill's recipe book for a thanksgiving meal, and the moment when he finally finds the book was so impactful - but very brief. I want more! So please be renewed 😉 .
  7. I bet that guy was scripted by Wunch to make Holt mad. Holt's funeral speech was surprisingly emotional, but I suppose it was what the occasion asked for. At least he got closure. Did anyone think that Boyle saying the “you don’t have kids” line may have hurt Jake’s feelings? I am happy Jake & Amy got what they wanted in the end.
  8. I was really willing to be patient and give the show the benefit of the doubt, but it's just not getting better. Can we take this cast and put them into the hands of actually competent writers?
  9. Good episode. Loved that it was mainly about Johnny and Moira, with David & Alexis as side characters. Nice to see David, Alexis, and Stevie show so much care towards their parents (Johnny is basically a father figure towards Stevie.) I am mildly disappointed that Moira isn’t doing the show again, though I obviously get why she can’t. I hope she has an acting comeback! There has to be something pushing the Roses away from SC, even if they don’t leave. Where was Patrick during the tasting? They’re really delaying giving them any challenging interactions. Anyway, “Gave up the drink. Strictly a wine and scotch man now” was an amazing line.
  10. Finally, someone said it! I had no sympathy for Leif either. He is a bad, self-absorbed person and it is good he got knocked down a peg. No one in the real world has to accomodate his lame inferiority complex, specially not at a workplace. People like him would make horrible managers, projecting their issues onto the employees working beneath them.
  11. I loved Gemma being so into Malcolm's relationship. This kooky side of her is so entertaining like when she wanted to make the Paris job offer go away with a phone call, and those balloons were just hysterical. And I always enjoy these random mentions of the strange life Gemma and Dave lived before they moved to Los Angeles. Calvin did really great with the commercial on his own but it was a little sad to watch him deliver his lines with no one responding to them. I liked the perspective Grover gave to him, and just in general how these two get along. They have so many good scenes together. It shows that Calvin already did a great job raising two sons and he can talk to Grover in just the right way.
  12. Maybe he is overcompensating on the bro behaviour as an adult because he missed out on it as a kid. 🤔
  13. Kemi giving a hard time to Ogechi was so hilarious. I envy her confidence. And she is always so pretty when we see her outside of her Hospital scrubs. She might become my second favorite character after Olu-Tunde's amazing combo. I did not like how condescending Bob was at the dinner table when Abishola invited him to church, and it also felt a little out of character. He seems to read social clues better on other occasions but he just said too many of the wrong things there for no reason.
  14. "I was america's baby one time" awwww 🙁 . I still like Maggie more than Baby Yoda...
  15. Every song sang by Zoey's dad is a treasure. I enjoyed the All I Do is Win throwback. Keeping track of the song callbacks and references is something I’m gonna love.
  16. That sounds like an amazing episode.
  17. They did not tell us and probably never will because then he would be defined by the event that caused him to end up in the chair.
  18. Slightly random but I am someone who is currently going through the same thing Tammy had to endure in this episode. A guy is ghosting me just waiting for me to push harder to be with him. So I try not to care as much as possible and just distract myself with other things. He will not win!
  19. I keep wondering what the reprecussions of this plotline will be after Holt returns to being their captain sometimes this season. The relationship dynamcs changed up now that our main characters outrank Holt and once he goes back to being a captain, I can see him not wanting to let go of the comradery he gets to share with the gang now.
  20. Bonnie giving Adam her phone only for him to give it back instantly was so weird and funny🤣.
  21. The joke about Grace drinking a diet Dr.Pepper at the Gym was hilarious 🤣. Now I want to try badger stew. Jack's storyline is not very funny, I wish they didn't spend so much time on it.
  22. So October passed and there was no heist? I liked the bit with Jake "kidnapping" Amy out of the office, with Amy noticing Jake standing in front of the elevator it was so funny how bad Jake was at it and I lost it at the "I broke several lamps" line 🤣. Charles drinking from the guinea pigs' water bottle was adorable and the speeches at Hitchcock's wedding were great as well. Overall a really good episode.
  23. Next week's episode is actually the season finale. Please, please be renewed! I am really rooting for this lovely show. I continue loving the grief group. It's so nice and not something I ever heard about it in real life. It's entertainng how the asian Lady is always semi-throwing herself onto Wade and the exploration of the dynamic with Caroline was really interesting. I liked how mature they were about it in the end. Not everyone can do no strings attached sex and that is okay.
  24. That is very clearly what they are stepping up since an influx of tourists is necessary for Johnny's motel business to bloom and it might give some traffic to David's store too.
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