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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I think I lost my post somewhere, so I’ll repeat. I think Olivia is rigid about things in marriage. She seems to have a chart on what her marriage should be. Meet Mr. Right, get married, have sex twice a week, say Mondays and Saturdays, eat together every night, brush teeth at 10 pm together, probably not have kids. LaLa land, my dear. There is no schedule. You go with the flow .. everyday is different. She’s very nice, but not for Brett. I think Brett would prefer the type of woman who is more open to things. We will see. I might be wrong. Just my opinion.
  2. She wrote a book too? Why am I surprised? Now another show about her and the new baby I heard. Ambitious little bugger.
  3. The show is probably trying something new .. mixing it up. No sex for a few weeks.
  4. That was an interesting ride or whatever it was. I love that resort. Do they cater to cranky ass seniors? My husband has jumped out of planes in the Army, but would not go on any of those rides. I would tho. All of them while he read the newspaper, lol.
  5. Haha .. I’m watching Seinfeld right now. You can’t beat that Larry David. Genius.
  6. I can’t believe she said that on t.v. Like it was nothing. Now for sure I won’t watch her. What a ditz.
  7. I thought for sure Amelia and Bennett would have sex already. Everything fell into place from the beginning for them.
  8. Is this a toothbrush commercial or what? Well, that was a bunch of nothing.
  9. That’s a lousy crack right there. He’s only four years younger than her. He should ask her why she’s always holding her pillow. She’s probably tired from eating all those carbs.
  10. You said it. What the hell were those experts thinking? Christina has to be a babysitter, teacher and protector with this guy. Are they kidding? Is he all there?
  11. Too much talking with these two. If she’s so skeptical, she shouldn’t have gone on this show. Henry too.
  12. “Roll the Clip”. As Jamie says every 3 minutes. Ugh!
  13. After watching again, I think Amani might be a little too sophisticated for Woody. His energy might be too much for her. She seems more subdued.
  14. I HATE when I’m driving to my daughters house without the husband, with my oldies on the radio, and some asshole is right up my butt in his big truck. Or anyone else for that matter. It just takes the joy out of being by yourself taking a leisurely ride. Everyone in a hurry, and then you meet them at the light anyway. I’m new here, so you all must have heard this a million times already. Sorry.
  15. Yes, I don’t answer numbers that aren’t familiar, but lately, the doctors have a certain service to remind you of an appointment which look like a telemarketer. I think the doctor's offices must sell the numbers. I don’t go anywhere else lately except doctors, lol. Where else are they getting our numbers? QVC, Kohl’s,etc.? Amazon?
  16. I have a novel too. The night my Mother was buried, late that night, it was pouring rain and the winds were howling like in a movie. The tree were shaking and there was thunder and lightning too. I was up and could swear my Mother went up to heaven in the midst of all that. Her grave was the only one under a big tree. Weird, I know, but I believe in certain things. We don’t know what happens. Sorry to anyone who is grossed out by this.
  17. Coltee really thinks he’s so gorgeous. Guess, out of the trillion American girls in Vegas, he has to go get a green card wannabe who just wants to get here no matter if the guy looks like Frankenstein, and pretend they really love him.
  18. I’m so sorry I stayed at my sisters house in Florida for two weeks. We bought the food, I cooked the food, I cleaned up, blah, blah. To boot, she doesn’t have house sprayed, so my husband said he saw palmettos walking around at night. Staying in a hotel next time. I live up north and still have my house sprayed for spiders every year.
  19. What could possibly be the Silva sister’s storyline? Who could slather on makeup the fastest? I can’t stand them now. Their own show? WTF?
  20. How about any job while she’s waiting. In a beauty parlor, any place where you can work off the books. She just wants to mooch off everybody .. any guy .. her girlfriend again, like it’s coming to her. Instead of saving her money from her Father, she gets unnecessary surgeries. Some Americans can’t even afford a cell phone. She has an I phone, nails done, etc. I wish they would deport her. I can’t stand to look at her face anymore.
  21. Please don’t beat yourself up. Your Mother knows you loved her. My Mother died watching her favorite soap opera. She called me three times that morning for no reason. I should have went over, but I was busy with my kids. I felt the same way.
  22. Welcome to the Club. I always say “it’s a man’s world”, no matter how you put it. After all our houses and kids out of the house, we bought a condo. They do all the maintenance on the outside. Now, my husband watches or plays golf all day. And shops and goes to CVS. That’s it.
  23. Does anyone here wonder what Libby saw in Andrei? Why did she go on an international site? Did she just realize what a shit he was after the marriage or what? She’s a pretty girl. I don’t get it.
  24. I held my pee all morning and made my husband speed to the doctor. Wouldn’t you know it, it went all over except in the little cup. WTF? Null & void. Wasted appointment that I had to wait weeks for.
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