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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. This show gives you nothing. One minute everything is in shambles, the next morning, everything is fine. Larissa thinks who she is. She comes here leaving kids behind, gets married, starts trouble with the law, gets arrested, gets out and mooches off people, spends money she doesn’t have, and now loves Erikeee again. I hope they deport her. Angela is right. Here in America everyone is equal.
  2. Me either. To me, she looks like she can become very bossy and want things totally her way.
  3. Plus, I should say second, third or forth marriages. A little different, but still the same. Marriage is marriage, but not for everyone .. children either. Whatever. Don’t want to leave anyone out, lol. Singles too, who love their life and wouldn’t change it.
  4. I love all these before and first marriage stories. All so interesting. They should have a thread for them. Courtship and marriage were so different then.
  5. Wow. That was just so beautiful and touching. 👏
  6. This is a first, so maybe the editors are playing with us viewers and making it a first of this kind of thing? Maybe Christina is in on it? My imagination is running wild. It may be a happy ending story.
  7. Yeah .. he’ll magically tell her he desires ten kids .. one after another.
  8. My only thought is .. I like both of them a lot and hope they both come to terms with whatever and have a fun happy life. They both look like nice people. I hated the way the editors made him look stupid getting out of that boat and almost falling. I can’t even get out of that damn thing. Someone has to pull me out.
  9. Please, nobody get me wrong, but Olivia seems a little “old ladyish” in her thinking about certain things. Very regimented. Brett looks like a live wire waiting to bust out. He doesn’t seem to be himself. I may be very wrong, but .... I don’t think they were a good match. Just MO.
  10. I get you .. I’ve been there too. One has to be soooo careful.
  11. I don’t know how my marriage survived in our first home with one bathroom and three kids. Lol.
  12. Yes, I caught that too. It’s been years and she still can’t interview. I think a few of them had sex already and are not sayin.
  13. If you watched the N.Y. Housewives this week, they were in Cancun and went down to this hole on a rope into this magnificent underground cave with beautiful scenery. Check it out. Bat cave and all. 😀
  14. I have to add the best part of this scenario about my mother in law. When she moved from Brooklyn to Long Island, I heard her neighbors threw a block party to celebrate her moving away. How’s that? That was proof how bad she was evenin the neighborhood.
  15. How about taping it? I always tape shows I like even if I watch it. I usually want to see it more than once.
  16. I think you are right about her. The experts paired her with him for a reason. She looks to be kind and patient. If things work out for them, he probably would come out of his shell. I feel very bad for him as he seems like a good guy. She just may have found gold with him. We never know. He just might be a kind and loving husband and Father.
  17. Yep .. some of them like Dorit came from nothing and now think who the hell they are with all their designer garbs. I can’t stand her in particular with those clips in her hair. I think she even picked up an Australian accent there for awhile. Phony baloney. Her husband is a real doll too (cough, cough).
  18. Can someone tell me where last nights episode is? August 13 th. I can’t find it. Is there one?
  19. Sorry up there, but I think it was Erika. To tell the truth, Denise was always a wild child, so I think she did, but who gives a shit anyhow. Where’s there’s smoke, there’s fire. Maybe she was drunk and did. Who knows. I’m sure the rest of them aren’t squeaky clean anyhow. This whole show sucks.
  20. Get rid of all of them pretentious assholes. Who are they anyhow, with their fake hair, designer bags, shoes, clothes and jewelry. That’s all they care about, how they look. Erika too. She got ahead of herself with that thing she calls a show. I lost respect for Kyle when she hopped on Mauricio humping him in her black leather pants at Erikas show. He looked mortified. She’s getting worse and worse. I miss Lisa and her house.
  21. Thank you for that. I find it comforting also. I was afraid I went too far with my story. I didn’t want to depress anyone, as we all have so much on our plates right now in this crazy world. Then again, I believe in miracles too when people are told there is no hope.
  22. I rarely watch this show, but watched a little before. They were in a restaurant in Italy talking about Brandi and Denise. First of all, who an identify with these women, unless you are a millionaire. Fendi, Chanel, Guicci .. that’s all you see, plus more. Erika with the full on makeup and dressed to the nines, plus a new face and attitude since Chicago on Broadway. She was one of many. Lisa Rinna looked horrible with those bigger lips talking and crying to Denise in the morning over coffee. Was it a try out for a soap opera? Then you have new face full of makeup Kyle. All dolled up for a dinner where they still are talking aboutDenise. Thank God they have Denise to talk about or else there wouldbenothing to talk about. I’m a N.Y. housewife fan even tho this was a lousy season too, but for some reason, I could tolerate them more. I’m only one quarter thru this episode and can barely take this pretentious group. Dorit.. I can’t even go there. The only one I could watch is Sutton .. and Garcell. And Denise of course. All in competition with each other. Unbelievable. You all could say “ don’t watch”, but I had to see what’s going on with Brandi. Plus, I had to see if Rinna would eat some Italian food, lol. Or at least a few strands of spaghetti.
  23. He might be on the spectrum. You know, the show has to touch every person to be fair. I can see that.
  24. So, it that how it is now. Get married to someone for health insurance? My niece is 63 yrs old and still looking for a man. Her reason? She wants to retire and have someone support her, preferably someone who has a good pension also. Not for love, but for money. Very romantic. No takers so far.
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