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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Ramona can be a ditz, but at times, she does have good judgement and does the right thing. Walking away is the best you can do, if you can do it. Speaking of her, I have been watching Hulu and all the episodes from the start. Every season, Ramona has a birthday party for herself. I don’t think there has been one year that she hasn’t. Just noticed this. Plus, I think I have just answered to your previous post about Ramona walking away from Dorinda. Duh.
  2. Nothing is working. She should just go back with John and work in the cleaners and occupy herself and STFU.
  3. Haha..yes. Ever since Mario left her, she’s dressing to kill. Tight, boobs hanging out, high heels, etc. I don’t know where she gets the energy. I can’t understand why she needs a therapist. She answers all her questions herself.
  4. Maybe, or Jamaica Bay, near JFK Airport. Lol. I have to watch The Godfather.
  5. How about those skin tight leggings of white no less that the teens wear. They make your hips and ass wider. Maybe she raided Hannah’s closet.
  6. Lol to everything. Leah must have low self esteem. She always has to call attention to herself by being edgy and weird. Thus the shirts and constantly talking about her vagina or ripping a place apart. A normal person doesn’t do those things. They don’t feel the need to call attention to themselves. They are confident.
  7. What person in their right mind would walk around in a shirt like that? If I wore that shirt in the city, I’d be afraid someone would kill me. Or take me to Jersey and leave me in the marshes.
  8. I’m wondering how turds are coming out. Does she not wear underwear? Or, how about seeing a gastro doctor. Disgusting .. then leaving it on the floor for someone to pick up. Who needs to see this? Sonja is another one. Dogs shitting in the house over the carpets, then not picking up in the backyard of her townhouse. Do they expect the interns to do all of this cleaning up?
  9. You are probably right, but what she did to Tinsley was over the top mean. In fact Dorinda was at the point of insanity the minute Tinsley came into the picture. It was not normal, and I’m surprised at Bravo for letting that to continue. The girl was a punching bag and had to leave the show mid season. I really think it’s backfiring on Bravo for letting Dorinda act like she does. A lot of posters have left because of Dorinda. Every week it’s the same thing. Dorinda getting plastered and acting like a house on fire. There is nothing nice about this show anymore. I just can’t wait for the reunion. I have a feeling either Dorinda or Tinsley won’t be there. It will be explosive. The ratings will go up 120%.
  10. I only hope Bravo knows Dorinda cannot come back. People have had it with her. She is the type to own you if she invites you to her house and makes you a chicken. She constantly reminds a person what she has done for them. If Richard hadn’t died, maybe they would be divorced by now. She loves John, but doesn’t like the way he doesn’t have class. Richard had class, and that’s what bothers her. When she moved from up town to her mid town apt, she walked all over the neighborhood and introduced herself in the stores. Really, who does that? Did she think she was royalty? She hates her life and has hate in her heart as she is envious of the others that they are coping and have jobs and interests. She is an average New Yorker and hates the fact. You can see it in her face. I don’t know how the women let her get away with her shit and bad behavior. Nobody is stepping up. I hope Andy does.
  11. I swear, waiting and going for test results will someday give me a heart attack. I can’t eat, sleep, or function until I hear the results. The last time I went for a lung ct scan and the dr. Told me everything was fine, I broke down sobbing from relief. Dr. Probably thought I was nuts. Pray for you to get good news. I know how you feel. Waiting is the worst.
  12. What’s the opinion here. Do posters think Dorinda will be fired or not? I’m sure Bravo can see viewers have left because of her.
  13. I go for that, but my dickrod would have to have a state of the art golf course or else he will schrival up and drop. He’s playing tomorrow morning and kissing my ass all day .. he’s sooo happy. He even said he will take me for a ride to Cracker Barrel in Connecticut. He acts like it’s Europe or something spectacular. I can’t win.
  14. Everything is just so sad lately. Covid, people going thru tests, pets. It’s just too much already. 11 times. I’m sure you’ll be getting another little cutie soon enough. Take care of yourself. ❤️
  15. Oh geeze .... my Grand dog Tank is in the same condition as we speak. My son in law got him and his sister Lucy (2 labs) the day after he came home from Iraq. He went upstate for one, and came back with two, brother and sister. We dog sat for them every weekend. Lucy died last fall, and Tank is heavily medicated. My son in law just can’t let him go. He sleeps with him. Who is it up to, the Vet or the parents? I’m crying already, and feel so bad for you also. 😪
  16. Apparently, you did miss something. I liked John also until I watched how he ripped Bethenny up about her business out of nowhere. The episode when Dorinda had her Bra party. He was vicious, and shocking and not the gentleman everyone thinks he is. It’s on Hulu now, maybe around season 7 or 8 or somewhere around there. Actually, it’s on You- Tube, Season 8.
  17. Bring in Bethenny for one day. She will take care of Dorinda just like she took care of John with her words at Dorindas bra party. She’ll squash them both in one swat, right to the ground. Dorinda and John are both like gangsters and belong together. They both are POS’s.
  18. Yikes, I didn’t mean to say all men are weird. I love men, but sometimes they just don’t think the way we do ( most of the time). No offense to the men if any happen to be on here. Lol.😅
  19. Good for you. I have to laugh at the stupidity sometimes. Whenever the husband have a big fight, after a couple of days of not talking, I say to him “are you ready to apologize to me”, and he says “ I apologize”. Then I say “ for what exactly” and he says “ whatever the fuck you’re mad at today”. He never has a clue. Completely wired differently in the brain. P.s. he would NEVER go to councelling.
  20. @Jynnan tonnix .. I’m so sorry for your troubles. I am married a long time. It wasn’t easy. Men are weird and lots of times selfish to our needs. This pandemic is making everyone crazy. I asked the husband a hundred times this summer “let’s take a ride upstate” for a few days. He replies “I’m tired” or “ I don’t feel that great”. But, when his buddy calls him, he goes out in 95 degree weather and plays 18 holes of golf. Thank God we have a Gardner and a Son who takes care of the grounds or else the greenery and flowers would be dead. I can’t do it anymore due to back problems. If the husband didn’t have golf, he would be on the sofa in a depression and just give up. Hope you can find an answer to your problem. 😻
  21. I still remember the scene where Harry was making a barbecue in the back yard. He looked happy, until the both girls ate NOTHING. Lisa too. He looked like he would cry. The nice family dinner that he made went kerput.
  22. So, 20 lashes for me. Where are my manners? A very nice person and friend told me about this thread, so I came on here and have been babbling for awhile and didn’t introduce myself. I’m sorry. My name is Silver Bells ... pleasure to meet you all. I’ve said before, this is the kindest and nicest thread with wonderful caring people. I can come on here without judgement and spill my guts out. Things I wouldn’t dare tell my friends or relatives, I can say on here. It’s a go- to when you are feeling down and out. A special place. Luv you all. Hello to everyone. ❤️
  23. I agree with everything. I was shocked when I heard Erika was chosen for Cabaret. I felt like it cheapened Broadway which I frequent. Since then, which she didn’t finish because of the epidemic, she looks different with much more makeup, and a fuck face on with her nose up in the air. Her hair is always just so, and her clothing and demeanor has changed. Guess she thinks she’s a star now. She acts like she’s Bette Midler. Btw, Denise is the Star of the show, and who cares what she did. Rinna needs a burger. Her lips are bigger than her body.
  24. I just came on too. Dorit and her hair clips, designer this n that. I can’t stand the woman who talks with a different accent like she is somebody very important. She’s just a girl from Connecticut, who married someone with some money, or maybe a crook.
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