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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. OMG, Clara hasn’t had sex in three weeks ! Call the Cops. The more she complains about it, the more he won’t do it.
  2. Oh goody. She’s going to fix everything up, haha.
  3. Oh goody. She’s going to fix everything up, haha.
  4. Haley has been doing all the work? How could that be? She’s gone half the time with the girlfriends. She was busted with Dr.Viviana, so she had to cry. If you don’t need the money,leave now. It’s pathetic watching her. She is in pain just sitting there with Jake, and it’s very obvious. He should have told the doctor what she did all along. That was very important. She is not trying at all. He’s gentleman enough not to blow the whistle on her. That was a wasted visit. She wasn’t honest.
  5. Oh goody. She’s going to fix everything up, haha.
  6. Jake should get a divorce and ask Haley’s girlfriend Caroline with the long nose, for a date providing she’s single. Jakes 80’s house and neon isn’t why she doesn’t like him. Am I going to throw away all my husbands baseball cards from the 70’s? Am I going to throw away all his favorite t- shirts that are frayed a little? NO. Is he gonna throw my Barbie dolls out because they are old? All excuses. They are not reasons to not like him. She didn’t like him from minute one. Cut the shit. She’s going for drinks with the girlfriend for seven years to bars I assume. She didn’t meet anyone she liked in seven years? She belongs single with her drinks and dog. Pretty soon she won’t have anymore single girlfriends to have drinks with at this rate. She wanted an apology because he had her number and told her the truth? She should have apologized to him for leaving him all week to see the girls. Who does she think she is? Paige is book smart and that’s all.
  7. Cal .. I don’t even know what the heck he’s talking about most of the time. A lot of jibber jabber. When he leaves, I think “say what”? “Come again”? Another blowhard. I want to hear him say just once “dump the jerk”.
  8. One thing I agreed with Chris .. when they got off the RV’s and Virginia and Clara were telling him how they were worried about Paige, I thought it was none of their business. Paige is a big girl and can take care of herself. Then Chris said to Virginia she should butt out .. it as none of her business. He was right. Since when are they so interested in Paige? They only met a few days ago. Mind your business is right. Eric acting like a little girl. A good wind could knock him over. Virginia is a drunken mess. Eric should be ashamed to be with her. Paige is not their business. Straighten out your wife why don’t you? I learned my lesson about butting in. My sister in law complained to me everyday how bad her husband was and she was done with him. 3 days later, they both came over to our house together. I pulled her aside and asked, I thought you were done with him? She replied “. Don’t you want me to be happy”? That was it. After she took up all my time crying on the phone for weeks, she went back to him? They wound up divorced soon after he gave her a black eye.
  9. Yeah, and why tell Ryan? She scared the crap out of him. People do not like to be pressured. Especially so early in the game. No wonder he is taking his time. I don’t think he’s interested in her, for sure now. He needs a partner who is a little more quiet, like him, who doesn’t blab right off the bat. She’s too much for him .. maybe. To boot she said she’s had men all colors of the rainbow. That probably went over him like a lead balloon. What guy wants to hear that? A wife especially. She reveals too much.
  10. I think Chris and Paige are a hoax. Nobody can be that stupid. I fast forward both of them. Same ole. Oh, and I don’t do SM or the others, so I’m out of the loop about what’s said about them. All I know is I can’t stand either one of them.
  11. Yep. Everyone has some sort of issues, some annoying, some tolerable. Blind dates would be better. You could get a feel what the person is like. I doubt any of these will make it . Everything is bothering them already. I have no idea why they were matched in the first place. Just because the experts have degrees doesn’t mean squat.
  12. If they don’t use birth control, I don’t feel sorry for them. Yara is going to walk around New Orleans with a baby carriage, stuck in an apartment? I don’t think so. Meanwhile he’ll be going to the strip club throwing dollar bills around the place. He HAD to go to the club when she just came home from the hospital. Yah .. o.k.
  13. Marriage is not for everyone. Look at the divorce rate.
  14. I hope she’s pregnant and comes back to control him.
  15. Truthfully, I think she doesn’t care what he thinks anymore. She’s not getting what she wants, so eats donuts in front of him. He probably wanted a “ pure” woman for a wife. He’s very particular with everything. She blabbed about all the men she’s had. He probably didn’t care for that. Again, the experts screwed up.
  16. Where are the experts all of a sudden? Out to lunch? You have newly marrieds that are having issues all over the place and no expert to be seen. You have a religious one who goes by the book, a hotsy totsy sex therapist who’s needed ASAP, and a phd who’s slept with practically everyone on the planet. They’re useless anyhow. Fire them.
  17. She should have never slept with him in the first place. That was a green light for him. Men think differently than women. Then again, I don’t know how things are done nowadays. Maybe it’s the norm. I only slept with one man. Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing, not knowing what other men are like. Did I miss out on the fun? My Ex never married. I could have had an affair with him very easily, but I couldn’t do that to my husband. Kill me, lol.
  18. Maybe she’s pregnant and will be back next season. “Hi Michael” .. you’re going to be a Father”. Surprise”!
  19. If Rebecca could shut up for five minutes, maybe things could get done. All she does is complain and chew her lips.
  20. Plus, he had the neighbor go to the bank and have the plane ticket put on her phone. Wonder if he left her some money for a sandwich when she got to who knows where.
  21. I can’t stand Mother Betty. Brandon looks just like her. A bird. A cheap bird to boot.
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