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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Yeah, they’re skipping a week. They do that sometimes when the end is near and they want to promote a new show. The Housewives shows do that too.
  2. I agree to everything you said. Why did Anna have to tell her boys every sordid detail in the first place. She should have told them a good friend was coming for a visit for awhile from another country. She could have had sex with him when they went to school or something. Kids have enough on their plate without a Father and what growing up entails. Why get them all upset with all her business? Kids come first, and should be protected. Now, the oldest boy will have guilt that he made his Mother unhappy and she’s crying all the time. That kind of kid is the type to go and join the military to get away from the disfunction in the house. Selfish mother. I don’t fall for her crying every minute over a guy she hardly knows, and do not like her. P.S. I could just see myself sleeping with a stranger in my bed with my son knowing. Holy shit!!!! My son would raise the roof or leave the house. Shame on her, the horny bitch.
  3. Anna is so unhappy and it’s her kids fault. What a bitch she is. She’s going to ruin her sons just because she wants to get laid, in plain English. Selfish woman. IMO.
  4. I absolutely Love her. She’s beautiful, smart and has a nice temperament. What is she doing on this shit show? She’s too nice.
  5. I am sick of Mursal and Anna passing that phone back n forth. He has zero personality. Her poor little boy desperately wants a father figure. Sad.
  6. Happy New Year everyone. Hope 2020 is a better year! ❤️ Silver Bells (Gem10)
  7. I sent congratulations on your baby boy to Ellee by mistake (on meds). My last grandchild, a boy was also born 5 weeks early . When I went into NICU, all I saw was a lump wrapped in blanket with tubes going in n out, and the biggest full head of pitch black hair sticking up. I was hysterical crying with joy. He was there a couple of weeks also and came home before Christmas. He’s 6 now and perfectly fine. Congrats to you all and God bless the little one. 💕
  8. Yes, Carole. A good example, running around the city and having “coffee” (edgy) with a youngster and talking about it like she was the only one. Tamra too, with a guy who has Afib and on a lot of meds and is probably doing nothing.
  9. At my age, I’ve come to the conclusion that they who talk about how much sex they have and how they do it are all FULL OF SHIT. That goes from Brownstones threesomes too. She wants to project herself as unusually sexy and inquisitive about all things sex. Like it’s the coolest thing on this planet to do. She and her nutso Mother both belong on another planet.
  10. Kelly appears to be a real hot number in bed. One night with her and they are hooked. He’s a good friend of Ramona’s, who fixed them up. Wonder if Ramona tried to hook him, although she’s a few years older than him.
  11. Supposidely Kelly and Rick were in Palm Beach for the holiday, so maybe she didn’t see her daughter for Christmas? Unless she’s been flying back n forth by herself. Someone up thread said Rick is moving to California? He will leave his job for her? Haha, That’s funny.
  12. Me too, about Vikie. She made herself look ridiculous. I would rather see Tamra go before Vikie. I’m sick of Tamra showing off those hard as rocks bolt ons on her chest and her new schtik of tongue kissing Brownstone most of all.
  13. This show and WWHL belong on a X rated channel. I just don’t get why A list stars go on WWHL.
  14. I love Target. Walmart is the cheapest for everything but is always crowded. Kelly might have hit the jackpot. They are jealous. I’ve never seen Shannon on the t.v. selling. Those frozen expensive fish dinners don’t appeal to me at all. Shannon has that jealous fuck face on lately, like she’s better than the rest. She is not better as she hangs out with Tamra, a disgusting low life.
  15. THANK YOU very much. You get my point. One child or twenty is a blessing, but she does complain about them a lot even tho she has nannies, maids, butlers, cooks, goes on vacation without them, goes out drinking with the girls, etc. A different Mother than the rest. I had three kids in a row, my husband worked 4 to 12 shift, I was alone with them without a car and didn’t go anywhere for five years. Going in the bath by myself was my only treat.
  16. What I don’t like is Brownstone and her husband’s story line. Seven kids is nothing special that she has to say it every five minutes. Plus the threesome is their business, but I don’t want to hear about it at all. Putting that on a Housewives show is unnecessary. Two women making out with tounges rolling around is private, and I don’t want to see that either. Tamra looked like she wanted to devour Brownstone. Go get a room you two and lock the damn door. What is Andy and this show coming to? What do Tamra’s kids think about that? No wonder Sydney wants nothing to do with her Mother. Does Tamra think kissing Brownstone in that way is sexy? Eddie should dump the ole bag. Or maybe he wants to join in. OC has gone to a new level. I just hope N.Y. Doesn’t follow suit. Right now, I’m not liking any of them.
  17. Hell no. If they both come back, I’m out. Just can’t look at them anymore.
  18. Why did Shannon giveKelly a dirty look when Kelly mentioned Walmart and Target? What did they mean?
  19. What a shame. Shannon was a beautiful, educated, proper woman, UNTIL she joined the devil Tamra. Tamra taught her to be a big mouth tacky slob of a woman with no class. Her reputation is ruined.
  20. If you’ve noticed, Kelly is quieter now that she’s engaged to a prominent newscaster. I have a feeling she won’t be back. He films from N.Y.C., so I’m assuming that’s where they will live???? She didn’t answer aboutJolie when asked.
  21. Shannon’s face. A beautiful woman messing with whatever because she has the money. Big mistake. She would have aged beautifully without all she did.
  22. What’s to watch next season? They are all annoying in one way or another, and not fun anymore. They’ve done it all.
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