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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Yep .. to tell the truth, I don’t think any one of the couples will stay for the long haul. Even Jessica and Austin. She put him on the spot on the couch. Not good. When first married, I hardly saw my husband as he worked nights and I worked days. Jessica is whining already that he has to be on the job more than she thought. So what? You can’t have everything. She wants everything her way.
  2. All I saw was legs and not a pretty sight. She’s probably retaining water and shouldn’t expose them so blatently. She’s hogging up the camera.
  3. I thought so too until I read the article in either Newsday or I saw it on one of the Entertainment shows on tv.
  4. Two annoying things tonight. Jamie sitting on Unfilttered with her dress up to her whoha, and Taylor’s hair getting bigger.
  5. It’s so cringeworthy, I’m wondering if it’s real or producer driven. Who could be that desperate? I actually look away when they are together that way. Pathetic. The fact that she shows no anger or screams or yells at him is unbelievable. She shows no emotion .. just sits there and ponders. It makes me crazy. What person can sit there and take that abuse? Someone has to set him straight, not wishy/washy Pastor Cal. Each season, there’s always one like him in the bunch to give us ulcers.
  6. What’s with Bravo? Where’s Southern Charm? Is N.Y. Housewives the only show coming back? I’m forced to watch the crap shows 90 day fiancé, Married at First sight. So many commercials. Andy has the virus in the city. Hope baby is ok. He’s a chunker cutie with all that black hair. Adorable.
  7. Geeze, I haven’t thought about the mail .. who’s touching it and where it came from. My husband also goes to the store in the morning, gets the mail, etc. if we get take out, who knows who’s packing and preparing it? You can’t win if you think about it. Another two or three months I’m thinking .. maybe more.
  8. Thanks for the tip. Actually, I have both in the house. Yum. 😋
  9. Watch from the beginning .. it’s good. Hardly anyone works, except Cameron. The scenery of the houses is great. Old Southern mansions.
  10. No .. THANK YOU. For your dedication and bravery. My son in law, a N.Y.C fireman is sleeping in his basement and won’t go near my daughter and two Sons as there are cases in the firehouses. He was in Iraq for a year and now this. Crazy.
  11. I’m back on Pepsi. Oh sooo good. And watching everything on Netflix & Hulu. Very unfulfilling tonite. A million commercials, and not much revealed. My husband was waiting for the train to come in and was so mad when it didn’t. We hate Varga and all her inquisitive friends, or should I say the jury? Why do they all have their friends ask questions? Husband bought two giant bags of Lays chips, but they were out of dip. He’s mad. Lol.
  12. Yes, you’re right. Producer driven. They had nothing going on, but carried the dreams conversation too long. Boring. Posters are smartening up. Katy’s over the top acting wasn’t that great also.
  13. We all have dreams. Dreams are good. They keep us going. Whether we get them is another story. I’m still waiting. I just hope Katie doesn’t squash little kids dreams. She’s a therapist? I can’t see that.
  14. Geeze. At least they should buy Stouffers. $2.19 at Walmart.
  15. Like I said before,she lowered herself. He was just not into her. Plain and simple. Zack gave no answers, just went along moping the floor with her and bullshitting his way through his sit downs with the experts. He did it for exposure and money. Pathetic.
  16. First the dishwasher, then “ did you make the bed”, then “did you cook”, then “ did you do the laundry”. What next? It’s only the beginning. Then things start to go south. That kind of shit can wear on a person after awhile. He has a job too.
  17. Does Ed think Rose was a hooker? I wouldn’t trust a test there either. I don’t trust either one.
  18. True. She’s blatently picking on him. I don’t think she’s happy within herself, therefore everything bothers her. The first boyfriend left, so she’s acting out on her new marriage, which she went into for spite. She’s used to getting her way, therefore picking on everything he does and wants, including his dreams. She’ll never be happy with anything, IMO. Derek isn’t her problem, she’s her own problem. Another guy wouldn’t take her nonsense. Derek is too nice and doesn’t deserve her shit after he does the right things for her.
  19. Yeah, now I remember LuAnn always leaving the kids with the housekeeper and going out. They are all tight out there in the Hamptons. Bethenny, Christie Brinkley, Martha, etc. They are in the local papers frequently. Sonja is probably there staying with someone. Bryn probably with Bethenny.
  20. Well, my daughter told me Ramona is in Florida with Mario and their daughter. Maybe he’s finished with his young girlfriends and will go back with her? I hope. Bethenny is cooking with Martha Stewart in the Hamptons, and Andy Cohen has the Corona Virus. I think most of the N.Y. Housewives are out of the city and in the Hamptons. Most have their kids home from College. Maybe those who are stuck in their apartments are miserable if they stood in the City. Why Luanne? She doesn’t like to be with the kids?
  21. The last time I had bronchitis, I couldn’t breathe so they gave me the inhaler. I couldn’t walk four feet without getting winded. I’m scared of that feeling like you are suffercating and feel sorry for people that have that often.
  22. Well, there you go. She wears her comfortable clothes at home. But, to us, she’s on the t.v., so she should look a little bit nicer and get rid of those baggy drab bottoms she constantly wears. Then, she goes to bed in them. Gross. Sorry, but true. I’m putting Mindy’s bed wear to bed. LOL.
  23. When Meka is on “Unfiltered”, she is lovely and speaks in a normal tone. When on the show, she rattles off very fast and long and is quite annoying. Anybody would go nuts listening to that all the time. She has to speak softly and make it short.
  24. What the hell. Is there a ghost in here? I just posted up there, lol.
  25. He is. He Could do much better. I don’t understand what he sees in her actually. She’s always criticizing him. I think she still has her ex on her mind. I have a feeling she will wind up with neither one of them with that pompous attitude. She thinks her shit don’t stink, and in reality, she’s not all that.
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