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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I have a feeling the Australian girl is having second thoughts after seeing and hearing about her health condition. She didn’t look too thrilled with all the medicines she has to take and do everyday.
  2. Wow .. she looks so much better. Tom would have liked her this way.
  3. Yep, and for much less money and no plane fare. What a doofus.
  4. Baby Love should go home, buy a vibrator and call it a day. Stephanie has a very serious blood disorder and should not have traveled around the world to meet what’s her face.
  5. WTF .. I knew it. Five seconds of Darcy. Sorry Darcy fans, but she looks horrible. Shes supposidly 45? More like fifty and going thru menopause. Bloated face, lips had too much Botox and weight gain. She’s had it.
  6. OMG .. Howdy Doody, Clarabell and Princess Summer, Fall, Winter Spring, LOL.
  7. What bullshit! Where’s Darcy? I’m waiting. They better not show her walking in and then just cut it.
  8. His fourth time trying to meet her ? Get me a hammer to knock over his head. This cannot be for real .. can it?
  9. Speaking of the girls, I was watching something on Netflix filmed in London, and somebody had the same hair as Taylor. It must be a new style going around ( mop hair).
  10. Yes .. Queens, then L.I. , haha. Going nuts out here like a prisoner with this virus thing. Every day is the same. Looking forward to my buddies coming back (N.Y. Housewives) this week or next. 😀
  11. And who is she???? A woman of the world? Little snot nose.
  12. That was nice! I’m feeling a bit scared here in N.Y. Twelve guys where I live were playing golf yesterday here and got in trouble with the HOA. They weren’t six feet apart. Someone snitched, but that was a good thing. It spreads like wild fire.
  13. These spoiled (some, not everyone) millennials crack me up. They have everything, but still complain. In my day, my mother worked, never came up to school to see me in a play or whatever, I never had beautiful clothes, was on my own most of the time, had no money, blah, blah blah. Went to school, nobody helped with my homework, and I always went to school not knowing my stuff. Still, I got a good job, worked and got married without any help. I’m sure I’m not the only one. There are up and downs in life. You have to figure out things by yourself. It makes you stronger. Katy seems to have had everything. Maybe too much, as she doesn’t know what the hell she wants and needs to come down from her Ivory Tower. Being humble makes you a better person. She is too spoiled. Who is she to make judgement on him? He seems to have it all together, not her.
  14. I hope, but he does seem to be completely into her .. no? When will he finally come to the realization that she’s not good for him? I hope sooner than later. She does want a baby, so ....
  15. Plain and simple. Katy is a Kill Joy. Nothing pleases her. She is not for Derek or anyone at this point. She needs therapy on why she can’t find joy in her life. If he stays with her, she will ruin him with all her negativity.
  16. And those so called experts didn’t pick this up? They are useless. That new therapist went way too easy on Zack. It was a joke.
  17. If Mindy is so shy and doesn’t show much emotion, why did she go on this show? Don’t make sense. Zack too. He doesn’t look people in the face when he talks ..always looks away or down. Maybe Mindy went on looking for real love,and Zack for exposure? Mindy didn’t deserve this. He is a bad guy.
  18. OMG, just watched the video with sound on (I’m brave). She was actually eating lamb chops and fried crab or something. Syrup on the chop and hot sauce on the crab and started choking on the hot sauce. I don’t get why she did this. To stay relavent? So we don’t forget her during this virus? Wig, makeup, and wearing a black designer creation with boobs out. Still don’t get it. Why eating while talking? Yes, comments on the bottom .. all Wendy lovers.
  19. Who is she to say what I should watch? Yeah, watch the news all day and get depressed. All she talks about is food. What she really needs is a big vibrator, then maybe she will shut the F up. Dr. Oz is on every minute. Another fame whore. He says the same shit every day. Can’t stand both of them. Yes, she probably got tired of the cats already. Too much trouble to open up a can and pour some water in the dish. Sickening. She’s worried about relish for her eggs. I’m surprised she’s not 400 lbs by now. How u doin Big Kev?
  20. There must have been slim pickings during the interviews. This bunch was the worst. Whoever picked them should be fired.
  21. Katy is immature and annoying. Just my opinion of course.
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