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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I don’t know Rob (leah’s husband), but for some reason. I like him. They’re not divorced?
  2. Dorinda should take a walk down the Yellow Brick Road, them maybe the Good Fairy will knock some niceness into her head. What’s wrong with Tinsley liking Disney? I’m old, and I love Disney. I still go on all the rides and love it. Every year. She’s such a snob. Wake up John, and smell the coffee. Dorinda is making an ass out of you. While I’m at it, she thinks she’s just as funny as Bethenny. She is not funny. In fact, she’s a downer and annoying.
  3. Leah is a Wild Child and always was. The husband, who looks decent, and her Mother are still keeping eyes on her. I don’t blame them being she has a daughter to grow up. So far, I don’t see anything extrodinary about her, except daring.
  4. She’s divorced a long time now. Why is she still so entitled? How long is she going to pull this Countessa thing? Or should I say Cuntessa? She was embarrassing going after the male groomer at Ramona’s house. I was ashamed for her. She’ll screw anything that’s not screwed down.
  5. I agree with you about John. Dorinda just might be going thru the change, but I think it looks like she’s on the wagon too. A double whammy.
  6. “Starting”? She’s o.k. If you like a drunken woman who hits below the belt out of jealously when things don’t go her way or you don’t agree with her. She’s scary as hell. Don’t cross her. She will cut you to ribbons.
  7. Nobody else wants her. She’s lucky he wants her .. for some reason.
  8. Dorinda acts like an old fart. She’s a bitter woman because she’s not boating on the Riviera. She hates her life.
  9. I guess she’s the new Bethenny with the “ thinking heads”. Maybe you can’t have a drunk criticizing the others. I don’t see her drinking anymore .. maybe water.
  10. I just now realized Ramoaner is a pain in the ass. Not only is she not all there in the head, but she’s a lousy hostess, leaves her friends to go on a secret date, orders oysters for herself,and makes them clean up in her house when she disappears. I seriously believe she thinks she’s above them all, and they are beneath her. Delusional. Also, I doubt those wealthy so called “friends” would let her in their circle.
  11. I LOVE all Johnny Cash songs. Love that movie too with Joaquin Phoenix, who should have won the Academy Award. He was robbed.
  12. Oh shit. I knew something was amiss. Boof. You are right. Maybe he got fed up and figured the show was going downhill anyhow, so quit? She must have a microphone in her ear as she takes long pauses. She’s acting weird like before when she had the breakdown. I can’t see her coming back and doing an hour. I think most watchers are of a certain age and don’t know the names of these rappers. I don’t. She’s losing friends by the minute and doesn’t care.
  13. Ha, now I get why Denise and her husband got married. They are both NUTS. And here I thought it was just her. Maybe they think having sex fives times a day will let them live to 100 or 200.
  14. Thank you. Exactly how I feel. My eyes hurt from all the sparkles, beads, diamonds, clothes, houses, cars, glam squad, etc. who can identify with them? N.Y. Is soo much different, in a good way. I’m trying real hard to watch this. And Dorit. Aren’t her and her husband crooks? She walks around like she’s the Queen of England or Australia or wherever her accent takes her.
  15. Erika can’t blame her Mother because she can’t sing. My Mother was the same. Never gave me any credit. I understood, because she was just an unhappy woman. Mauricio .. you can put your shirt back on. We’ve seen enough. You’re not that much. Dorit .. I never know what accent you’re going to come out with. You’re from Connecticut. Cut the holier than thou shit and be yourself, wherever you’re from. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the only real ones are Erika and Lisa. Just MO.
  16. Thurs. who’s show is this anyway? Nordsman? Or Wendy Williams? Normal hosts do not have a Wingman giving information thru out the show. I came on late. What’s on that blue plate? BTW, it’s now “The Nordsman Morning “ show. I hope he gets a big raise. Who’s Ray J? She’s making mincemeat out of him, whether in fun or not. Why is she talking very slowly? I think I am answering my own question. Twenty lousy minutes and I don’t even know why I am watching. Seriously.
  17. He’s such a doll, I’m sure someone will pick him up when she tanks.
  18. You know those younger men are laughing inside. Luanne must have a magic mirror that shows her twenty years younger. Take all the makeup away and they look old. That groomer didn’t want any part of LuAnn. She’s in LaLa Land like Sonja and Ramoaner.
  19. It works. I had a baby blue little number that got me pregnant for the third time after he said “ no more kids”. Worked like a charm, not kidding. Men are VERY visual. I still laugh how easy it was. Trickery.
  20. So true. Thank God for Grandmas. One time she even stayed overnight with the kids. We beat it out so fast, my husband thought he was going on his honeymoon again, lol.
  21. I don’t know, but I think he sent her a nice pair of lounging pajamas. I wonder what his wife thought of that?
  22. You read my mind. I was just going to post the same thing. John Oliver???????? I don’t get it. How long do you give it? Till the presents cease? Hahahahaha
  23. I’m not a drinker .. never was, but I told my husband,when this crisis is over,I want to go to a nice restaurant and have the biggest Bloody Mary with the ring of salt around the top and lemons floating around. I just feel like one. Maybe a shrimp cocktail too. Then my feet will blow up, and my blood pressure too. Lol.
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