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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. When is “the Women” on, and what channel? Anyone know?
  2. You just might be right. I’m watching the reruns and it didn’t look like Dorinda drank all that much as lately. The reruns are so funny. I miss seeing Sonja having dinner parties at the Morgan townhouse, and dinner parties at other houses. Ramona and Sonja were Lucy & Ethel, always jabbering and arguing. LuAnn had a storyline with Tom, and Carole with the chef. The scenes were so much better than now. There’s not much going on at all now. Maybe they have exhausted everything?
  3. Thurs. Wendy really lethargic today. Not a good look for t.v.
  4. You don’t have to put up a fight, as I agree with you. I just said to the husband the other day, we have pizza and lots of Italian food here, but nothing Southern. I want fried chicken, bisquits, man n cheese and all the wonderful Southern food I see on t.v. Plus, all the bbq with all the fixings. I crave all that food. They are opening a “Texas Roadhouse” here. I just hope they will have all that southern food.
  5. How about “Gaslight” and “Saratoga Trunk” and all Ingrid Bergman movies .. and All the “Thin Man” movies. I have them all on my DVR. “The Lady Eve” with Barbara Stanwick. Shut me up. One last one. Lana Turner and Fernando Lamas .. dancing to “The Merry Widow” her in the white gown. He was gorgeous!!!! Ok, I’m done. I’m a romantic, lol.
  6. I’m not crazy about Denise, but, I love the way she has nothing to prove. She’s true to herself and confident. She walks around in jeans and a t shirt because she can. She’s an an actress. Dorit on the other hand is always over done with the makeup and hair pulled back so tight she gives ME a headache. She’s a crook, but dresses like an actress. And that voice. Is she of any importance that I don’t know about? I just started watching again last year. How did she get on the show? The rest are just annoying except Erika. Kyle is trying to be LVP.
  7. Haha .. good one. On every franchise, everyone is a designer now with no degree. They even have fashion weeks in New York City. What a crock. I had to laugh at Kyle’s fashion show, and Sonja Morgan’s. They act so professional, lol.
  8. I wish they showed more of Erika and Tom. I like seeing their house, and the way they talk is soothing. The rest of them are so pretentious.
  9. Every time I look at her, I think of a vagina. Those lips are putrid.
  10. WTF with Kyles boobs hanging out of her suit? What’s with her lately?
  11. Kyle looks like Morticia Adams. She must have PMS lately. Why all of a sudden is Denise worried what her kids are hearing? They all must hear the house practically falling down all night long from sexy time.
  12. Bette Davis dancing in the Black gown with Henry Fonda in the ballroom just them two. The best, lol. One of her many Southern movies.
  13. How come Dorinda is all over the others faults, but none of them are telling her of her faults? Scared to speak up? I’m remembering when she went to Puerto Rico for Bethennys big meeting. Dorinda came to the Supper meeting high as a kite, then let Bethenny have it, then walked away. I think that was the only time someone told her she needed help. She’s probably been this way long before Richard. Who really knows how their marriage was? Richard might have been disgusted with the way she was. We don’t know. I don’t think this side ofDorinda came out of nowhere or just because Richard died. Where are all her friends and important people now?
  14. I don’t know which I hate more. Kyle’s bangs or her splits.
  15. Talking about memories, I just binged on two black n whites this afternoon on TCM .. Alice Adams and Saratoga Trunk. They are real old, but I just love them.
  16. I agree. To me. Erica seems truthful. Some of the others go out of their way talking about how much sex they have. (Denise Richards). She’s not even married a year. Piftt. See me in ten years .. if you make it .. which I don’t think you will. IMO.
  17. Watched for five minutes today (Tues). She’s depressing. She said people were very nasty to one another on the outside. Haha .. look who’s talking. She’s been nasty to her audience while doing “ Ask Wendy” all the time. I would be petrified to ask her a question. What a hypocrite. She needs to go back to radio. I doubt any guest would come on her show anymore. She’s insulted everyone. Where’s Boof? Did she get rid of him with the kitties? I hope Boof found a nice gig somewhere. Guess he got tired of being her errand boy.
  18. My icon answers don’t always take. If I press “like” or maybe “laugh”, at times it doesn’t take. Plus there is an “x” on top of the heart icon.
  19. I can’t believe Stephanie flew around the world to do nothing but watch animals. Plus, why when she meets anyone for the first time does she have to tell them all her health issues and needles she takes.
  20. I went to bed early. My husband watched till the end. I can’t believe he likes this shit show, lol. He likes Pillow Talk also. Go figure.
  21. I went to sleep early. My husband woke me up to say “hurry up, Lana is appearing”. I jumped out of bed to see a blonde woman in a black coat far away, walking towards him. WTF? Who knows if it was her. Maybe a hoax? Maybe a pregnant woman? Lots of possibilities with this show. I can’t stand him anyway .. he’s so stupid. Keep shelling out the money, you ass. Oh, sorry. My husband just said Lana hugged him. We still don’t know if it’s Lana tho.
  22. I love Beth Stern and all she does. We adopted a cat from North Shore. They were so thorough with everything, even calling us up a few times to see how the cat was doing.
  23. I’ll join you. First, I’d have to lose 50 lbs, then I’d have to have guys lift me up and probably fall down, and I can’t sing for shit. That takes care of the career. In the boyfriend dept. I’d have to learn some tricks, a three some or whatever they call it. Too much trouble in the long run. Plus, I like to put my pjs on about 4 p.m.
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