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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Do you know exactly what Sonja got from the settlement? The townhouse and lots of money? I know she blew it away on crazy business deals, etc. Now, she has to depend on a man for support. It doesn’t look to promising with the way she presents herself. Poor thing. Oh no! But Sonja and Ramoaner are a team ??
  2. I’d love to fix that comment for you, but it’s too dirty. Use your imagination. Lol.
  3. I tried to watch BH before. Had to switch the channel. At least N.Y. gives a few laughs and don’t mind if they get crazy. Like Dorinda, who came to the party with “bed head”. Looks like she rolled in from her nap and didn’t comb her hair. It’s been sticking up in the back for a few weeks now. BH wouldn’t be caught dead looking like that.
  4. Lots of kids just out of college and get a job in the city usually have a few roommates to share the rent. Or anyone for that matter.
  5. For a minute, I thought she was the entertainment and was a fortune teller. I hate all these shows lately, but I still watch and snark. What’s wrong with me?
  6. I’m with you 100%. Not funny at all. That’s Bravo. I cannot see any man wanting to marry Leah at all. Her baby daddy has his hands full, but is keeping an eye on her for the sake of their daughter.
  7. Since we’re talking about Tinsley, Dorinda comes to mind. Now, like the other nite, she was blabbering to Sonja on the couch, what a good person Sonja is and she wants to watch out for her. She wants Sonja to tell her everything that’s bothering her about her troubles with the townhouse. There she goes again. She always has to stick her nose is somebody’s business, even if they don’t want to. Yeah, cry to Saint Dorinda, the Saint of everyone’s business, so she can throw it in their faces someday. Why doesn’t she mind her damn business already and look at her own life? Did she forget already that she’s a big drunk and vicious person? No one needs her stupid help when she can’t even help herself? I still cant stand her and her stupid haunted mansion she’s so proud of.
  8. I just watched this weeks episode. I just can’t get over all the plastic surgeries. Brandy, Erika, Kim. They look like aliens ..all the same. I just can’t. It’s too much. Plus, what’s with Erika’s fuck face most of the time? No emotion. She got worse since Chicago. She just sits there staring.
  9. She probably slept with him too. Lu looks like she had some work done around her chin and mouth area. You can tell when she talks.
  10. I can’t wait to see Sonja’s new $75,000 face and neck lift. I thought she didn’t have money. Probably next season. Dorinda looking drab lately. Not her usual self.
  11. Oh boy! All those snobby look alike women are going to be buzzing for weeks to come. Ramona will be mortified. It looks like the Housewives did it on purpose, lol. Ramoaner will be the talk of the town, and not in a good way. She’s starting to get just like them lately.
  12. Speaking of, what’s with all the kissing, hugging, fondling and humping each other lately? I’m not a prude, but isn’t it getting too much? They made a four woman train of humping each other. Elyse too. WTF? It’s so not funny. I think they all need a man and have some good sex to calm them down. The vibrators that they even take on vacation aren’t enough. Maybe they should use two at a time.
  13. That was something a twelve year old would do. Stupid, and so unclassy.
  14. Ramona is getting too full of herself lately. She has the best house in the Hamptons, has the most friends, has very influential friends, is self made, blah, blah, blah. Is Avery a new cast member?
  15. Leah is going to blow those pretentious overly botoxed old ladies away. Hahaha. Her clothes are fabulous.
  16. All Ramona’s girlfriends look the same. Faces pulled up and full of Botox. Scary! They must go to the same surgeon. Lol.
  17. Dorinda is being extra nice and helpful lately ..until the next ten drinks. Is she trying to redeem herself? Only Ramona has a birthday. I never knew she had a sister who looks like her.
  18. When Ramona, Avery and Mario were having dinner together, I wonder if that was before or after she told the world he had a tiny weiner.
  19. Yeah, smoking is something to look forward to .. like a good friend. Especially when you are on the phone. “True Blue”. Lol.
  20. I hate the way she sits. The legs hit you in the face first thing.
  21. The problem wasn’t us little girls, it was the people who used physical abuse to release their tensions of life I guess. All I know is that I must have been depressed, as I used to go to bed very early just to end the day, and that was in first grade. Anyhow, the day I met my husband, my life changed for the better, and I learned to appreciate and enjoy my kids and now my grandchildren. I’m sure people have worse. Isn’t it amazing how we remember every lousy little detail when we were so little?
  22. You’re not missing much. Jamie, as usual is the camera hog and much too verbal. It’s interesting to see her shoes tho. Carrie shoes .. maybe production is paying.
  23. They dragged out the first two episodes, then tonight, left out two marriages until next week. A real pain in the ass. Jamie with the same facial expressions and still a rookie. I just can’t. The hair down to her waist was ridiculous.
  24. Whaaat ? I did not see the pits. I’ll have to watch again, lol. I’m watching so many of these shows, I don’t see or remember what’s what, who’s who.
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