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Posts posted by CarolMK

  1. Sabrina probably came back to the show because she really needed the money. I don't know what other type of job she has, if any, and I really don't know how much each person is paid per season. Let's say it was a total of about $25,000. That amount could make a difference in proving she can support her daughter. 

    Looks like Jeremiah has been posting his wedding photos all over Facebook. I guess he wants his fans to remember him if he never makes it back to the show. I always suspected he was a bit of a fame whore, now I know it's really true. The other participants don't seem to  do that, they keep their social media private for the most part. 

  2. In regards to the acne, I think it is genetic. Both of my sons, now 19 and 22, had to go on Accutane in their teens because nothing else worked for them. The dermatologist told us they were at high risk for having permanent scars, so luckily the medicine worked well for clearing it up permanently. I guess the Duggars don't believe in dermatologists though. I'm glad they earned enough from the show for all of the kids to have braces, because it seems like nearly every one of them had to have them. I can't remember if the money was there when Josh and John David were younger because I don't think those two had them. 

    I don't think they believe in any kind of physical or occupational therapy either, or Josie would be functioning better for her age. Too bad she isn't in a public school, I'm sure she could learn much more than the Duggars will ever teach her.

    Ben is starting to grow on me as well. He doesn't come across as smug or pretentious or holier-than-thou, (although I've read he comes across this way in his writings). He seems to have some interests in doing something with his life but he's been stifled by the Duggars and the tv show. I remember when he first met Jessa, he was installing windshields with his dad, wasn't he? Then later on it was reported he was selling insurance part time, and he even had a woman who was his boss. It is possible he's still selling insurance now?

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  3. Geez, Jinger, you CAN learn how to cook. It's really not that hard, especially when you don't have a regular job. I learned to make Italian food for my half-Italian, half Polish husband when we got married 26 years ago, and I thought it was a lot of fun. I didn't grow up with either cuisine but was very happy to expand our menu beyond the same 7 dinners my English grandmother made for us while I was growing up (mom and dad both worked full time). Linguini and clams are actually easier than spaghetti and meatballs and chicken piccata is also fairly simple. I suspect Jeremy didn't grow up in a household where everything was frozen and processed.

    Jill looks to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Maybe some varmints like snakes got into their house. 

    I can't stand seeing either Jim Bob or Michelle on my screen. Just go away.

    I guess the survival camp was dreamed up by the producers as a way for the older kids to do something together out of the house. So long as their parents weren't there, I'm fine with it. I hope John David was well paid to make up the lost time from his regular work, not sure if the other brothers have a job now.

    • Love 5
  4. More bad news for Sabrina, she lost custody of Oakley again. This was from Starcasm, but it looks like apparently some friend of hers died in her car of a heart attack just the other day, and her daughter was taken away while an investigation is taking place. It was a male, and I don't know whether or not he was a drug user. She had posted a bunch of stuff on Twitter and then deleted it at her lawyer's advice, but it looks like her court date will be on Sept 7. 

  5. I really think Chester would take Mary back, not only because the two of them still love each other, but also, the Amish don't divorce. I guess they no longer have any kids at home but I'm sure Chester doesn't want to be left totally on his own at home. She won't be able to attend his church but maybe she can find another one in their area.

    I'm not certain that Jeremiah and Carmela's marriage will last. His reference to them being around each other 99% of the time was in reference to , they met sometime last fall and he moved in with her about 2 months later, then got married about 3 months after that. I think she was probably pretty desperate, even though she's young , finding a man who would agree to accept her and her 3 children must be a difficult proposition. I'm only guessing but if all 3 of her kids have different fathers, she must fall in love pretty quickly but doesn't have much luck staying in a relationship. Jeremiah has a bad temper and that's not a good personality trait to have around her kids. Plus he seems to have intermittent work commitments, and still owes child support for his own 3 kids. I really don't think this is going to end well.

    Esther and her friends look to be a really boring bunch. I'm not sure they'd be interesting enough for a tv show. I'm sure that Abe and Rebecca will be fine.

    I wish the best for Sabrina, but it seems like she's hanging on by a thread. Kate will very likely do well in her career.

    • Love 3
  6. I think the series may come back but I have a pretty good feeling that TLC is done with this crew. Judging from the ending credits, they appear to have wrapped up everything into a neat package. Also, the way Jeremiah and Kate were so active on Twitter leads me to believe that they know they won't be on the show again so they don't have to keep their bickering quiet. It appears Kate deleted her Twitter account after all this went down, too. It also makes sense as to why Jeremiah suddenly decided to start his Amish donuts business this past spring, he knew it was over and that the TLC paycheck would be going away as well. 

    I'm sure TLC won't have too much trouble finding another 4-5 formerly young Amish adults who want to be part of a reality show. Let's hope that the next group won't have as many arrest records or drug addictions that will interfere with filming and moving forward with a series. 

  7. Derrick choosing to go to South America might have been a way for him to get away from his controlling in-laws. Ditto for his appearance. His in-laws can dictate how their daughters wear their hair but they can't say anything to him about his man-bun.  Personally I love the fact that he looks so grungy on TV, in contrast to Jim Bob and his helmet hair. Jim Bob and Michelle must be gritting their teeth every time they see him. 

    I even think now that JD and Jana staying single is probably also an act of rebellion against Jim Bob, especially if he's been out trying to find them suitable mates. If neither of them is interested in what he has to offer, there isn't much he can do about it. 

    • Love 14
  8. I read a few years ago that Kate made 3 million dollars the year she divorced Jon, back in 2009. If it's invested wisely, she might have enough income from that to pay for her lifestyle. I know it's difficult to get a good return if you aren't in the stock market but maybe she has a really good stockbroker working for her. Her house, private school for all the kids, her cars, etc. - must need an annual income of $250,000 a year or more. I'm not sure she's getting that much from her tv show but maybe she is. 

    • Love 1
  9. I read that Josh is going to be on the next episode. I wonder if that's really true or just speculation. Maybe it'll show him and Anna going to marriage counseling? I also saw somewhere that Jim Bob bought the two of them a house recently and I'm wondering if that's true as well. There was a reference that Jim Bob bought the house to make sure that Anna would stay with Josh, though I don't know why anyone thinks Anna was ever considering leaving. It'll never happen no matter what Josh does.

    I'm probably going to be criticized for this, but back in the day, I think Josh was actually one of the best public speakers of all the kids. He seemed to be able to articulate fairly well and could focus on answering  questions from the producers. The rest of them seem to struggle a bit when interviewed, even Jill, who seemed to become more of the spokesperson as time went on. I don't miss Michelle and her talking heads at all , with that baby voice. Luckily it seems none of the daughters have inherited that trait. 

    • Love 2
  10. I have a feeling that TLC was filming the family this summer, getting ready for a new season, and since Colin wasn't there, Kate decided to make it public about his whereabouts. I can't believe this show continues to find an audience year after year. I tried to catch up on episodes from 2 years ago on Comcast on Demand but I just couldn't hold my attention long enough to make it  through a single episode. It was kind of cute the first season when all the kids were really little but it went steadily downhill from there. 

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  11. I think Jill isn't pregnant yet because she might still be nursing now. I nursed both kids each for a year, and my cycles came back at 3 months, the first time, 9 months the second. There wasn't anything different I did except I was almost 4 year older with my second child. Then again, not sure if Jill likes the idea of having a newborn and giving birth in South America. When is their mission down there supposed to be finished?

  12. I have watched Dr. Phil sporadically on and off for years, but one thing I've been wondering is that in the past, about 10-12 years ago, he featured several shows with morbidly obese people, some of whom were bedridden and unable to leave their homes. He had arranged for help for them, but what was the outcome? I only remember the one lady who went from 330 to 750 lbs (allegedly because of a spider bite), a follow up a year later showed she had lost close to 200 lbs. Are there any other success stories?

    • Love 2
  13. If it's the best premiere of the summer, then Counting On isn't going anywhere. I think TLC will have a very hard time ending these long-running series. I can't believe Little People, Big World is still on (over 10 years) with the parents divorced, one son refusing to appear, etc. It's the same with Kate Gosselin, she manages to get a short lived series at least once a year and I haven't ever read a single positive review. Sister Wives is probably the same. The Duggars have managed to be on TLC since 2004-2005, I don't think the show is going anywhere until after Josie gets married. It's going to be really weird by then, having some of the adult children approaching 40 and still living with their parents and sharing bedrooms with their siblings. I also see that Jessa might very want to compete with her mom in having 19-20 kids as well, whether by giving birth or by adoption. She'll be the star of the show by then.

    • Love 6
  14. Does anybody have a clue as to what a 12 week inpatient program could be for adolescents? Possibly for anger issues? That wouldn't surprise me, considering how Kate behaves around her kids. I really also believe that she has influenced Cary and Mady in such a way that they are no longer wanting to have a relationship with Jon. 

    • Love 3
  15. Somehow, I don't get the impression that John David never wants to marry, I just think that he has zero interest in broadcasting it to the world. Same for Jana. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that TLC will ever give up on this family, so like it or not, both of them would have to go along with the dog and pony show if either of them gets engaged. It doesn't seem right, but that's the way it's going to be. 

    • Love 3
  16. I was catching up on old episodes of Counting On that I missed last fall due to my old job, and I remember seeing Jeremy in the grocery store shopping with Ben and Derrick for the baby shower. I wonder how long Ben and Jessa knew him and if Jinger had any interest in him at that time.

    The scene of Jeremy asking Jim Bob to court was pretty silly, especially since Jeremy is a 28 year old man. I'll be willing to be he and Jinger don't save their first kiss for their wedding day.  Let's hope that they don't feel the need to bring it up either. 

    Jill looks like she's ready to come home ASAP. No running water for 3 days with a baby in diapers and no a/c? Ugh, how would you even flush a toilet, let alone bathe ? 

    • Love 2
  17. I read somewhere that Jeremiah was kicked out by his first wife, and there were a couple of domestic violence reports. Did he too have a history of excessive drinking? I think he definitely has an anger problem, which I'm sure didn't help things in his first marriage. He seems to have adopted the Smuckers since his own family must have shunned him. In a way I feel a bit sorry for him. He seems to have jumped into this marriage now fairly quickly, and I thought I read he was living with her in Washington state along with her 4 kids. But he's been working on Ohio and Pennsylvania this whole summer with the Amish donuts at various fairs, I guess he needed to make some money when he wasn't filming the tv show.

    Very glad to see Sabrina get her daughter back. Staying sober from a heroin addiction must be difficult so I really hope she manages to stay clean. Maybe she'll get along better with Rebecca now, who was very happy for her as well.

    I agree that Kate is done with this show. She probably just agreed to do it as a stepping stone to what she really wanted, a career in fashion. She doesn't need it anymore to help her career.  I also feel that the producers probably wanted a storyline about Andrew and Chapel but weren't able to do it because of her arrest and his being still in the halfway house. It might have been a very different season if these two were around for filming. It's interesting how I read on Jeremiah's twitter page awhile back that he stated he wanted nothing to do with Chapel because she lied about her cancer coming back. 

  18. Holy cow, look at the difference in Buddy. So it appears he gained a lot of weight since he moved in with Whitney. There has to be a correlation there. My son gained about 20 pounds living away with roommates at college for 4 years and I know a lot of it had to do with ordering pizza. 

    I'm really not sure why they brought the comedian in for part 2, except to piss Whitney off. They went out of their way to bring the both of them back and then asked her to leave- weird. Buddy looked like he had steam coming out of his ears. 

    The one pass I'll give Whitney on our whole No Body Shame campaign is I can see how she doesn't want to obsess about numbers in terms of her weight. Most of us who have been there have struggled, some a lot more than others and it can be very easy to give up when you don't see progress. I know people from Weight Watchers who felt that the scale drove them crazy after awhile and created an obsession to get to and stay at their "ideal weight". For many of us it was next to impossible to fit into their standards of a healthy weight, especially those of us over age 40. 

    • Love 5
  19. I'm in the Philadelphia area and the bare minimum for a sit down reception is at least 50 dollars, plus tax and gratuity. If there is no alcohol it will save some money but most weddings run quite a bit higher in this area. It might be a little cheaper if they rented a fire hall and hired a caterer but I still don't see the Duggars springing for a big dinner. I guess there also wouldn't be any music either so that would probably save $1000. 

    • Love 2
  20. Does anyone think that it is possible to be addicted to certain kinds of food? Not physically addicted of course, but mentally addicted. I've heard of kids that will only eat 3 or 4 different foods but they aren't starving themselves. Whitney could be "addicted" to pizza and pasta, in a sense. Yes, we all need food to live but we don't need unhealthy or junk food.  I'm thinking of the contestants who have been on the Biggest Loser- they are in a controlled environment with no access to junk food ( I think since I've only since it sporadically over the years). Of course those folks exercise for 4 to 6 hours a day too, which is why they have such good results. Maybe Whitney is trying to get well known enough to get onto a weight loss show as her next move? If she can set her mind to it, I can see that she has the potential to do very well. 

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  21. I've read Jeremiah's Twitter page and he admitted that this was not Kate's apartment where they were doing the filming. I wonder if he's going to get in trouble with the producers for putting so much stuff out there. Someone else said on his page that Kate was just doing this show to get recognition for her brand as a fashion designer. It's been rumored she's dating an older doctor, one who did a rhinoplasty on her nose since she had something like a deviated septum. He and Kate got into a fairly long argument via Twitter to the point where he claims he won't be on the show with her again.

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  22. I happened to catch part of an old Dr. Phil episode recently, and he had on a 750 lb woman who claimed she originally gained 400 lbs due to a spider bite. She was almost bed-bound and her adult children were taking care of her. Dr. Phil called her out on her claims since the woman admitted 20 years earlier she was 340 lbs in that she had a problem for years. She did manage to lose over 250 lbs in a follow up shown a year later, in which the doc sent over a fitness trainer who also cleaned out her house of all junk food and also called all the local fast food/pizza shops within 15 miles of her house and told them not to give her any service. I don't know what happened since then since this was about 2007-2008. But the people he had on his show were ready to make a change and  desperate since they had written to him. Whitney isn't yet desperate to make a change as of yet. I think she sees even weighing herself as some kind of judgement or personal attack, hence her "no body shame" campaign. When Will stated several times that his reason for his exercise regime was to get her back to the point where she was able to freely move and dance, you'd think this is a goal that would stick in her mind. She did quit her previous radio show to focus on dance, apparently, so Whitney must have some kind of goal she's going for.  

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