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Posts posted by CarolMK

  1. So I checked and Greensboro to Charlotte is about 90 miles. She's really going to commute 180 miles round trip every day to arrive at a 5 am job? Something isn't adding up there.

    Maybe it's just me, but I don't think Whitney and Buddy should be roommates anymore. With both of them in relationships, it's just creating a weird dynamic. this isn't college, they're all in their 30's now. 

    By the way, I've followed Whitney on Facebook and from what she has posted, it appears that her relationship with Lennie is real. Through a mention on her page, I saw a link to his and he advertises his artwork and talks about Whitney on his page as well. Something about how Whitney went to South Africa for filming of her show. So as weird as it may be, I guess Lennie is really her boyfriend. 

    • Love 4
  2. I'm starting to think that Jeannette needs therapy. She also needs something else to focus on besides her kids. She herself may go into a serious depression when Jazz leaves for college. And I think she's pushing Jazz way too much to do things that Jazz doesn't necessarily want to do. The scene in the hospital where Jazz was waking up after surgery- just ugh. 

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  3. Why did she give up her original radio show job? She was in Korea for awhile, from what I remember, years ago. Did she come home to her parent's home from Korea broke and out of a job or did she work in radio in the US?

    Tuna and noodles- didn't look good how she made it. The tuna casserole we grew up on had cream of mushroom soup, peas, mushrooms, noodles and tuna and it was baked with some breadcrumbs on top, no cheese. I don't know how many calories hers had, but I imagine it was a lot. If she was hungry and in a hurry, what about making something like an omelet? But I guess she was expecting to show up unannounced at her parent's house for dinner. 

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  4. I thought I read in the other thread about this show that one reason a trans person might choose not to do bottom surgery is because there is a strong possibility that the person will no longer be able to achieve orgasms. Of all the changes that a trans person undergoes in their lifetime, this surgery is the most drastic and life altering.

  5. I don't think facial surgery is going to help Lindsay's career honestly. Being on this show may already have given it a boost. Sounds like she never wants to have a "real job". I'm wondering about Bryan now. Why didn't he decide to get a full time job before he and Hayleigh got married? It does seems a little strange that they married when he was 31 and she was 22. They met 2 years before that in church, but that's still a significant age difference. As much of an ass as her father appears to be, I can see why he wanted them to wait at least another year.

    Kayta and Julie at the fertility dr yet neither wants to  be pregnant. That was weird.

    • Love 5
  6. I'm having a hard time believing everything we have seen on this show. It looks like Hayleigh and Bryan's apartment is beachfront, so why not live away from the beach in a 1 bedroom rather than a 275 ft studio? It looks more like a cheap motel that they're living in. I also don't really think that the lesbian couple is seriously looking for a random donor in a bar and would resort to finding one in that manner. Reality tv can be pretty fake sometimes but it seems that they are just inventing storylines. However, I do believe Lindsay definitely has a drinking problem and her so-called boyfriend doesn't actually like being on the show. Maybe he's another actor just trying to get on television. 

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  7. I was also wondering what Whitney said about when she first started gaining weight- it was when she went away to college, wasn't it? She put on over 100 lbs in a year or so. She blamed having PCOS for the weight gain, but as I remember she said nothing else about why it happened. I know I gained 20 lbs my first year away at college since it was always served buffet style . She mentioned she lost 100 lbs sometime after that and then gained it back but I'm not exactly sure of the timeline.

    • Love 2
  8. Does anyone think that maybe Whitney has binge eating disorder and we're just not seeing it on camera? At her weight and age, if she were following a diet of 1500-1800 calories a day, the weight would be coming off really quickly. But I don't think she's ever addressed what exactly she's been eating, she just has made references to eating healthier and not being pre-diabetic anymore. I too remember Ruby. She admitted later to cheating, both on her diet and when she was weighed for the show. As I recall, Ruby did lose over 100 lbs during the first 2 seasons but she stopped abruptly after that and the show was cancelled in season 4. 

    • Love 3
  9. At the moment, none of the Duggars kids are home are courting, are they? And if neither Jessa nor Jill are pregnant, I can't see how many story lines are left for the show. In the early days of the Duggar shows, I think Michelle was pregnant in practically every single episode and gave birth on camera at least 5 times.

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  10. I thought there was a lot of negativity last night. One thing that really bothered  me was how Jazz's mom told her it would be $20,000 to get the hormone implant done since their new insurance doesn't cover it. I would not have felt comfortable discussing the sum with my teenager, let alone broadcasting it to the whole world. Also, the ongoing discussion about Jazz's depression and the threatening phone call made me wonder if I really want to continue watching this show.

    I'm glad Jazz's dad chose not to attend the meeting (or confrontation, couldn't tell exactly what it was supposed to be). He clearly is not as comfortable as Jazz's mother is with public discussions. I am wondering how all of the media  attention and the show are affecting Jazz and her brothers now.

    • Love 3
  11. I was wondering if this was something new where Dr. Now threatened to discharge Pauline from his practice. We saw it happen with the one woman a week or two ago (can't remember her name) but I don't recall in any previous season where this has happened. Is the show playing up the drama for the cameras or does Dr. Now reach this point with some of his patients and we've just never seen it before? 

    • Love 3
  12. Wow, preeclampsia is serious. Is there any way to treat it besides delivering the baby early? I remember when I used to follow the Duggar family years ago on TLC, their youngest daughter  had to be delivered at 25 weeks due to the mother having severe preeclampsia. She had to stay in the hospital for about 6 months until she was allowed to come home.

  13. I wish that we knew exactly what Dr. Now's diet is for his patients, because it does seem that a lot of them have a hard time sticking to it without some form of cheating. So far I think I've seen it's supposed to be 1200 calories a day, with 3 meals a day, no snacking, and either low-carb or no carb. Although the calorie count might be lower than that, at least in the beginning. I'm hoping for the best for Laura because she did make significant progress the second year. Marla finally did too, once she changed doctors and finally was able to start walking again. I wish we knew what prohibited her from walking to begin with since pretty much all the patients except Penny were able to do some walking when they first saw Dr. Now.

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  14. I only made it about halfway through this episode and had to turn it off, it was so depressing. I'm thinking that Sean may be mentally ill, or something else is going on with him, that allowed him to get up to that size and become bedridden at such a young age. Was the father actually abusive? Did he have any siblings? It didn't seem to make sense to me as to why he gained so much weight as a child.

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  15. In addition  to the fetish club being weird, is it normal in Japan for people to bathe together like that in public? that seemed extremely weird to me. 

  16. Was it Randy, his two sisters, his parents and about 6 kids that lived in the house? Did either of the sisters have a boyfriend/husband? Maybe they are both single moms and can't afford to live on their own. I did also notice that both Randy and his one sister worked for his dad in their hardware store. Geez, talk about an extreme case of  co-dependency in the family.  It seems like Randy gained weight as a kid at his father's encouragement in order to do well in sports and he was never able to change his behavior after he grew up. 

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