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Posts posted by CarolMK

  1. It's probably just as well that Brandon's family doesn't have a blog. They probably want to have private lives. 

    I do wonder how the ratings are for the Bates show, especially now that 19 Kids and Counting has been cancelled. Have

    those viewers found this show yet.

    Also, will the wedding be shown for this season or will it not make it to the air until it comes back, perhaps in the fall?

    I predict the Bates family will have another courtship next season. Possibly Nathan. Or the one older girl, is it Tori or

    Carlin? I get them mixed up. Lawson is older but he doesn't seem interested in courting, he's more focused on his career, I think. 

  2. I have to wonder what type of job Jim Bob is going to find for Josh now. There will definitely be something coming up in the new few months. I don't think it will be politics or running another car lot, but whatever it is, I'll bet Jim Bob has his hands in it.

    Also, I'm wondering if Anna is going to continue to want as many kids as possible now that she has 4 kids ages 6 and under. Especially with homeschooling, you literally never get any kind of break from kids all day and all night long. Hopefully she's not headed for a breakdown. And if Josh really doesn't want that many kids, he should tell Anna and do something about it. Nobody is going to care at this point if they don't have 19 kids, after all, that was their parent's claim to fame. And I believe that Anna's mother didn't get married until she was about 25 or 26, she's older than Anna's dad and probably why she "only" had 8 children. 

    • Love 4
  3. I'm worried about Jinger too, she looks alarmingly thin. No idea at all what her weight is, but the only thing I can recall is the time that Jim Bob pretty much forced the 4 older girls to donate blood for Josie when they were in Little Rock...does anyone remember that? It was over 5 years ago and I think Jinger was 16, so Jim Bob would have had to grant permission for her to donate. You have to be 110 lbs in order to donate for the American Red Cross so if she was about that weight then, she certainly isn't now. 

  4. Is anybody still watching this show? I have seen all the episodes this season and it seems to be getting weirder, if that's possible.

    Last night's was about how Lina makes her daughter go on a playdate in order for her to ask the mom if they can use her beachfront condo for a spring break vacation. The oddest line is when Lina tells her daughter (who's maybe 7 or 8) how many shitty moms she has had to put up with because of her. Way beyond satire, it's crossed a line from being funny, if dark, to being simply mean.

  5. Just a guess here, but I'm certain a 5 year old isn't capable of making decisions for themselves like becoming a child activist. I had heard of Jazz years ago, maybe on the Oprah Winfrey show or another talk show. I assume it was the parents who either went to the press or they agreed to do interviews about Jazz. Similar to Shirley Temple becoming a movie star back in the 1930's, she was the youngest star at the time and was already at 5 years old, but I don't think Shirley decided entirely on her own she wanted to do this for a living at 5. Her parents must have had a big say in it. 

    In my opinion, with any minor involved in a television show or movie, the parents have to be careful that their child is not being exploited. Was Shirley Temple exploited? I'd say yes, certainly, as she began dance lesson and auditions at the age or 3, according to my research. The Gosselin family ? again, yes, I think so, they appeared on camera with their private lives completely exposed starting at the age of 2. All those embarrassing moments like potty training and tantrums are forever out there on the internet for the world to see. What about Jazz? At her age, hopefully she is not being coerced into doing anything that she doesn't want to do. She does seem very mature, well spoken and thoughtful, but she is still only 14 years old. I hope that she doesn't regret going public in the years to come. 

    • Love 4
  6. I read something about Lindsay. It says that she's an actress and was in a movie in 2013...I forget the name. Also, she's been a professional wrestler, but not sure if she's still doing that.


    I don't like Coco at all. She's too demanding and forward on her dates. I get a weird vibe from her, like she's expecting too much too soon.  I really like Nancy but agree the prom date seemed staged. He seems like a nice guy though, so hopefully she enjoyed it. I also heard her say she is the 20th best basketball player in the state, so I wonder if she'll play professionally after college.


    My last question, wondering if anyone can answer this, is it possible to stop growth by the time a person goes through puberty through the use of hormones or is it not usually done?

  7. I just wanted to thank everybody here who have helped to educate me about transgender people. I have really learned a lot, both from all the people here and from Jazz and her show. It seems like it has taken quite awhile to finally see a television show about it but it's a very good thing. So many people are just not aware and ill-informed of the issues that they face so it's very important that this show is being aired. Kudos to Jazz and her family for being brave enough to agree to do this television show, like many other have said, TLC does not have a good track record when it comes to minors. 

    • Love 4
  8. I still can't believe that these two are actually grifting for donations via their website or youtube channel. Even big stars like Robin Williams and Michael J Fox have had television shows cancelled. No one is immune from the possibility of their shows ending, yet I think Jim Bob thought that they were so popular and beloved that they would be on the air until all their kids reached adulthood. Another problem with reality tv, unlike actors, who have been trained in what to expect with the industry, sudden fame for ordinary people clouds their judgement and inflates their perception of themselves. Hopefully they'll eventually fade away. I know I haven't been keeping up with all of the news of this family since they'be been off tv, maybe most of the world will do the same.

    • Love 10
  9. Hearing the news about Josiah and Marjorie makes me realize that it really is a good thing that the show ended when it did. Who knows how many more of their kids would have been strongly encouraged (i.e. forced) into a courtship/marriage for the sake of the tv show. That's what I think happened here and I'm very glad that TLC pulled the plug.

    • Love 18
  10. Were all the people at the support group quite a bit older than her? It seemed like a couple of them might have been in their 20's but the rest were older. It would have been nice to see at least one other teen though I guess it might also be hard for them to appear on camera as well. 

    The leader seemed really great, though it was a shame as to how her plastic surgery went, and wonder if there is anything she can do about it now. 

  11. My sister and I were talking about this show last night and she believes Jazz needs to be on hormones for life because men produce testosterone their entire lives..and she mentioned Cait Jenner is 65 and still taking estrogen, so it does make sense. We were commiserating on the whole menopause issue, she's just now finished at age 56 and I'm 52 with no end in sight as of yet. The fact that Jazz's doctor did not want to increase the estrogen level too quickly because it would affect her height was something I didn't know previously. I started my cycles a month after I turned 12 and stopped growing by 14 and ended up at 5'4, the shortest in my family where everyone else was 5 '8 or taller (including our 84 year old mom). Jazz is only 5'1 and 14 so I wonder how much growth she will have in the future. 

  12. I read somewhere that her nationality is Brazilian and Italian. 

    I'm wondering if this show is placing way too much emphasis on Jazz being interested in boys and dating. I have 2 sons, both in college now and maybe it's just our town, but neither of mine was interested in girls until they were 16 and 17. One has had 2 relationships and the younger one has been on a few dates, no serious girlfriend. Do all of Jazz's friends have this much interest in boys now, (since they're only in 8th grade) or is this something the show has played up for drama?

  13. I'm having a hard time believing certain storylines on this show. First of all, Carly and Suzy know damn well what their agreement is on the child support/school fees issue. My brother was divorced and had to pay a set amount for child support but was not ordered to pay for private school or college. I guess maybe he wasn't earning a lot at the time, but he and his ex had an agreement and they stuck to it.

    Also, I cannot believe Lathan hasn't mentioned to his new love interest that he is transgender as well. So , he and Chris are both female to male transgender, right? I don't know how long they will wait to find this out. Chris strikes me as very feminine, I would never have guessed him to be a transgender male, but it's much easier to believe with Lathan. 

  14. I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle will still be able to get speaking engagements 3 or 4 years down the road. I think being off tv is going to impact them more than they think. TLC did keep around the Roloffs and Kate Gosselin for specials several times a year, so they're still in the public eye, but I have to wonder if in 5 years's time, whether the public will even remember who the Duggars are. My mom was in the hospital recently, and I found a book in the library about Jane Pauley for her to read, Jane wrote it last year. I remembered the name but had a hard time remembering who she was and what television show she was on. 

    • Love 4
  15. I don't know that an Amy Duggar wedding would really be all that much different from her cousin's, honestly. The trend in that family seems to be to invite as many people as humanly possible (Jill invited 3,000, really?) and to do it as cheaply as possible, and to not even feed their guests. Maybe Amy should grab her Dillon and head down to the local courthouse ASAP before he changes his mind. Her track record with boyfriends hasn't been very good, I don't think any of them hung around longer than 6 months.

    • Love 4
  16. There is a new family in the works for TLC, the Casons, who have 17 children and an 18th on the way. They're from California and now live in Indiana. Pretty much a mainstream family, they were featured on something called Kids by the Dozen awhile back. The mom, Christie, has admitted that 3 of her kids are gay. She has one married daughter and 2 grandchildren also, I believe. Not sure when it's going to air, but Christie confirmed it on her Facebook page, her husband is Dave Cason.

    • Love 5
  17. This is the best thing that could have happened to all of the kids remaining at home. Hopefully a few of them will make their way away from it and build their own lives. It's possible the littlest ones may not have much in the way of memories about the show as the years go by and so hopefully they won't be affected very much from its demise. It might be tougher on the middle aged kids, but I'm sure Jana and John David are breathing huge sighs of relief.

    • Love 3
  18. I'm around Carly's age, and have one teen and one young adult son and I was curious about this show because I wanted to find out how Carly decided to transition and what built up to it over the years and how she handled it with her ex as well as her relationships with Ben and his older sister. But I don't think they're showing enough of this. I actually found the new show about a transgendered teen "I Am Jazz" on TLC much more focused and informative about how Jazz is dealing with living as a transgendered teen about to enter high school. The show focused much more on her family relationships , not so much her friends, and that was nice to see.

    • Love 2
  19. I guess everyone has given up on this show? All I can say is that I think the one breakup between Ayton and his girlfriend seemed staged. The breakup between Ben and Danielle seemed more real, but it seems like it's been more of a friendship than a romantic relationship anyway. It bugs me that Danielle looks at least 5 years older than Ben although she's supposed to be 18. 

  20. No, not the season finale, there are still a couple more episodes , at least according to my DVR. The ring was very pretty but I myself could have done without the scavenger hunt. Then again, I'm certain that no matter how Brandon proposed, Michaela would have said yes. I did notice that Brandon calls her Michaela, not Michael the way the rest of the Bates do.


    Baby Allie was adorable. Nice to see that Kelly and Gil went by themselves to see her and give Alyssa and John a break. Didn't the Duggars insist on dragging the entire damn family over to Josh and Anna's the day after she'd given birth every time?


    I also wonder what do Brandon's sisters do in D.C. Is it the one who has the apartment or 2 sisters? One of them was wearing jeans. No big deal to me but I guess she's not fundie.

    • Love 2
  21. One thing that I think the show should address is Carly's alcoholism. I wonder if any of that had to do with the divorce. She made it clear she was drinking heavily when Ben was younger, and I wonder for how long and did she ever go to rehab, is she sober now, etc?


    Danielle's dad apparently has been transitioning longer than 10 years, because didn't Danielle say it started when she was 7 and she's now 18? And episode one it was shown that Carly was helping out with bra shopping? That seems like a long time to wait to start finding bras, so I'm not sure about Daniel either. 

    • Love 1
  22. I really wonder how long they have had these plans in place and if it had anything to do with the recent scandal that came to light just a few weeks ago. I think they planned to do missionary work at some point but I wonder if it was supposed to be this soon.


    Anyway, I wish them both well. Jill appears to know some Spanish, having had lessons from Marjorie's mom previously and she seems to really like the kids that she met at the orphanage. Derrick must have some idea of what he's doing, having served before in Nepal...hopefully both of them will do a better job than Jim Bob and Michelle on their previous trips.

    • Love 2
  23. I did some research about this show and was surprised to find out that Sutton is actually 30. Ben is only now 17 so I imagine she's been gone for quite a while living in New York...probably several years, but has been coming back to Chicago to plan her wedding. no idea where her fiancee and his parents are from, but they didn't actually meet until now? Also, Carly is 49, and Suzy is 58 and they were together for about 20 years before the divorce when Ben was 13, although they made it seem like this separation/divorce had literally just happened. I doubt she knows Ben's friends or has been involved in his life much at all, and it doesn't appear that her biological dad is in the picture at all if she feels her grandfather Ron is her closest father figure.

    The weirdest thing is finace's parents asking Carly about the upcoming surgery at the dinner. Very strange, and I wonder why were they were even told about that part. Pretty personal of her to keep pursuing that, unless it was producer driven  I'm also finding it hard to believe that Ben has actually been dating Danielle for a year already. 

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