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Posts posted by CarolMK

  1. Ugh, Frank naked and having sex. I need brain bleach after seeing that one. Please show, I've been a fan from the beginning, don't make me stop watching because 

    of that mess.

    Speaking of sex, I think Lip needs a break from it too. The scene where he's trying to get himself off was just sad and desperate. Same with Debbie and the guy who

    picked her up at the baby store. 

    Frank taking over for Carl is borderline ridiculous. Why isn't Frank running his own stuff to try to make money?

  2. I'm enjoying this season so far, but I just feel like it's focusing only on the AA meetings and Christy and Bonnie's friends. We don't see Christy's kids much anymore, and we no longer see anything about Christy and her job at the restaurant. Is Bonnie even working now? I"m starting to feel like this show has turned its focus solely on helping other alcoholics and while it's interesting to watch, it isn't the only topic that I want to watch. 

  3. Even though Dottie did fairly well overall by the end of the episode, I don't think she will be able to keep the weight off for the long term. We saw how much difficulty she has coping with her older son's special needs and when she becomes overwhelmed with stress again, she will again turn to food unless she goes into therapy to address her issues.

    It didn't say what her husband does for a living, but it always amazes me how the participants on this show are able to order pizza/fast food on a whim. It's about twice

    as expensive as frozen food, and if a person doesn't want to cook,  how difficult is it to heat up a frozen meal in the microwave?

    • Love 1
  4. Maybe I'm the only one, but I genuinely felt sorry for Fiona when they were evicted from their house. I work at a foreclosure firm and I see how it affects people who lose their homes, frequently because of circumstances beyond their control like job loss or illness. It really sucks. Also, it might be a small thing, but I kind of enjoyed seeing Debbie call Frank "Dad" and I could see that he did too. Maybe this cancer conceirge job is one of the most positive things that's happened to him.


    I hope that Lip and the professor storyline is now over. She was an idiot and deserves to lose her job. I enjoyed seeing Ian with a new romantic interest and also a possible new career path. A firefighter would be a perfect job for him and he'd feel much better about himself than he has in months. 


    Vee was great, along with Kevin. Now I'm wondering if this will be the last we see of Chuckie.

    • Love 1
  5. Seriously, why is the rehab program 6 months long? I had a relative who went to rehab centers for alcohol 4 or 5 times, and each time I think it was about 30 days long. If he wasn't Josh Duggar, who could afford to be in a rehab center such as this one especially when he isn't  working and has a wife and 4 kids at home with no money coming in? 

    • Love 2
  6. It seems to me that the writers had Season 1 pretty much set as to how they wanted to present it with all of the characters and their points of view. However, I've gotten the feeling that Season 2 has been more that the writers are making it up as they go along, based upon...what? Ratings? Audience reaction? It seemed like Season 1 flowed along evenly and made sense, Season 2 just doesn't make sense to me, no matter how hard I try to relate to it, it's just not adding up. I can't imagine what they're going to do with Season 3 and if they keep stringing along the courtroom story of whodunit. 

    • Love 1
  7. I think Babs was the funniest character on both shows this week. In the first episode, she embarrasses Whitney by telling her that her husband gets exercise by chasing her around and going to bed with her. I laughed out loud when Whitney cringed. Also, when Babs was admiring her husband (his name escapes me, sorry) in the karate outfit, and she said that there was something about a man in uniform, I also cracked up. Go Babs, you're entertaining me more than Whitney lately.

    • Love 4
  8. I got the descripted narration too, and was wondering what in the world it was? So not everybody heard that? Oh well, I'm having fun watching the show, and even my 18 year old son is watching it with me, he was a huge fan of both Full House and Drake and Josh about 10 years ago. 

    I like seeing the relationship between all of the main characters develop. Even the coworkers at that party were pretty amusing. And that last scene in the beach going into the ocean, I just thought that was perfect. 

    • Love 1
  9. The one factor I'm having a hard time believing is how much Max is into Helen. Even though he had a relationship with her back in college and now still has feelings for her, all those praises in bed? A rich middle aged guy like that would be wanting a woman 15-20 years younger than him, just my opinion. 

    Then again, I'm still surprised at how much Alison is into Noah. No matter how the show portrays him, I'm having a difficult time coming up with any sympathy for him. The fact that Helen seems calm in pretty much all of their scenes together is also puzzling.

    • Love 3
  10. Actually, I'm going to have to defend Jessa on knowing how to count. If anyone watched the episode where the Duggars were having a yard sale and donating the proceeds to the Arkansas hospital where Josie was as a premie, Jessa was running the cash register most of the time and making change and I think she did have a hand in the final tally at the end, along with Jinger helping. The two of them also worked in the coffee shop that other time and were also handling money. I do think Jessa is smart and could certainly help Ben run a business of his own (such as the windshield business), if they were able to take the initiative to start a business like that. Michelle put Jessa in charge of homeschooling the little kids because she was probably the one most capable of it. That said, I'm not a fan of the stuff she puts on her social media, although I admit I only read about it here. Again, I blame Jim Bob and Michelle for squelching any desire she had for a career. Didn't she once say she was interested in doing hair and makeup, years ago? That would never be allowed in Duggar world. 

    • Love 5
  11. My guess is that if the new specials feature only the two married Duggar girls, and no Jim Bob and Michelle, it might have the potential to do fairly well. I think a great deal of viewers, myself included, were sick to death of Jim Bob and Michelle proselytizing to the world. On topic here, I also think if any of the lonely J club kids are included on the show, the ratings might in fact actually go up if the specials truly focus on the adult Duggar kids and their own interests and lives, not their parents. 

    • Love 7
  12. With Jill and Jessa getting their own TV specials now, I bet that Jim Bob is now busy searching for suitors for Jana and Jinger. It'll most likely be the only way this show will stay on the air, if viewers were watching for the older daughters. I would not be surprised if TLC granted them an entire season of Jana or Jinger's courtship, engagement and wedding specials. And of course the upcoming baby specials shortly thereafter.

    • Love 1
  13. I see that Jill posted a picture of her and Derrick sharing their donuts with a hungry family. That's great, and I applaud them for sharing, but really, wouldn't it be better if they spend a few of their own dollars helping this family rather than "donating" something that they themselves got for free?

    • Love 9
  14. I'd have rather that Jill and Derrick had the kids play dress up for the fun of it, not for the sake of getting free donuts. It's as if they're teaching the younger generation to be grifters. Then again, they may have to, Jim Bob's fortune won't last forever as his family continues to expand and if he refuses to allow his remaining kids at home to obtain a real education, this is what they will have to look forward to. Essentially begging for a living. 

    • Love 6
  15. I find it highly amusing that the Duggars dressed as pirates for free donuts ...do they even know the history or pirates and the horrible things they have done to people? Yet they feel women should wear skirts at all times to please God...what's pleasing to God in dressing like a pirate? The hypocrisy, it's just amazing. 

    • Love 11
  16. I like Whitney too, overall. She kind of reminds me of my nieces who are in their late twenties with her bubbly energy and manner of speaking , which is very different from my son's who are in their late teens. I wish I had as much of a positive attitude as she does. Yes, I agree with Christi who mentioned my 600 Lb life and how depressing it can be, since most of those people have just about given up hope and are truly desperate. Whitney isn't desperate and I don't think she's the kind of person who  would let anything stand in the way of her goals. When Ruby was on the Style network a few years back, even though she was a lot closer to my age, I like her but found her way more annoying with her butchering the English language and talking in a high pitched tone all of the time. 

    • Love 1
  17. I suspect the reason Babs wore pantyhose with her bathing suit is because she knew she'd be filmed for the show and there was no way she was going to be comfortable showing her bare legs on camera. She's in her mid to late 60's, maybe she has varicose veins or something like that, but that's how she dealt with it. It was pretty funny, and probably not at all a southern thing, just Babs not wanting to be embarrassed about her legs.

    • Love 6
  18. I'll give Whitney a pass on the plus sized clothing, because honestly, she won't be in regular sizes until she's around 200 lbs or less, actually, probably more like 180 since she's only 5 ft 2. It's going to take her a long time to lose that much weight , years probably, unless she has weight loss surgery. And since probably a lot of her audience is plus sized females, from a marketing standpoint it makes sense for her to come out with a plus sized clothing line. 

    • Love 2
  19. If baby Izzy is sleeping with a bottle at night, does this mean that he's weaned and Jill is trying for number 2 already? I do hope that Derrick has the common sense to put his foot down and tell Jill that they're not having 19 kids. He seemed overwhelmed when they were at the Duggar household a few times and the younger siblings were swarming all over him. 

    • Love 5
  20. I'm wondering which sister-mom is going to be recruited to help Jessa when she has her baby. Joy was with Jill in South America, and as far as I can tell, Jill will be going back, right ? So will Joy and Jill even be around when baby Seewald is born? I've read elsewhere that Anna is getting help with her 4 little ones from Jinger although I can't figure out if Anna is in the Duggar's home or if she's living elsewhere. So does that mean Hannie is going to be staying with Jessa? How old is Hannie now, 9 or 10? I guess it's not too young in Duggar world to start caring for a newborn. Jana runs the household, so she can't leave for an extended period of time, it's been shown on their tv show many times that Michelle is incapable of running the house with her smaller kids by herself. 

    • Love 2
  21. Whitney has been out of the house before, didn't she go away to college and then for a while, she was teaching English in Korea? I also read somewhere that she had a radio show after that. I think she moved home with her parents for a brief period because of this TV show, her parents were part of the cast and filming the dynamic between Whitney and them created the storylines in season 1. I'm sure she didn't intend to keep living there indefinitely. And I still think something is going on with Buddy, behind the scenes. 

    • Love 2
  22. I've read that the ratings for season 2 are even lower than they were for season 1, so I'm wondering if it will be cancelled. I haven't seen any advertising for this show, either....are there about 3 episodes left now? I guess we'll find out if it'll be back next summer by the fall. Part of the problem is that the show may not know what it wants to be exactly...comedy, drama, or somewhere in between?

    • Love 1
  23. I like her mom Babs better than anyone else on the show. But I don't know if we'll see her as much now that Whitney and Buddy have moved in together.


    I have a feeling that this best friend of hers is actually much more of a romantic relationship than she's willing to admit.

    I feel for her on the prediabetes issue. And it is hard, watching what you eat all of the time without becoming obsessed with it. That part is difficult. However, Whitney probably needs counseling to address her emotional issues with her weight rather than just seeing the dietician. you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

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