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Posts posted by CarolMK

  1. Just wondering, has Anna given any talking heads during this season of Counting On? I've seen her and the kids on the show in the background but I don't remember any interview. Josh has been back since they started this season, maybe that's why we haven't seen her as much. I wish we could find out where their family is living since I really don't think all 6 of them are back at the family compound.

  2. Regarding the ratings, is there really any danger of it being cancelled? Somehow, I don't think TLC will ever give up on the Duggars because they've been filming them for so many years and it was a highly rated show back in the day. I'm sure the Duggars could well afford to give it up, but Jim Bob is greedy. Especially since it looks like he's going to have to provide some type of housing and cars to all of his children after they marry. Many other families that are in the same religious faith will probably just end up having some of their kids staying at home forever and never marrying. He seems to actively want his kids married and starting families of their own. But he doesn't seem to care whether or not they can provide for themselves, that's what TLC is for.

    It will be interesting if Jinger and Jeremy do manage to make it on their own, even in a small apartment, with no interference from Jim Bob and Michelle. They might even decide to just have a couple of kids (anyone know how many siblings Jeremy has?). 

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  3. Guest house? That's more like a mansion! Guess Jill must indeed be the favorite child. Or else Jim Bob is dangling the carrot that makes sure Derrick doesn't take Jill away from home to Central America ever again. 

    Too much Ben, though I admit he's more interesting than most of the Duggar brothers. Jim Bob better get one of them married off soon before all the girls are gone, or Josie will wind up cooking and doing their laundry for them at age 10. They seem to be incapable of doing it themselves. 

    I"m still wondering where Josh and Anna are living. I've seen rumors more than once that Jim Bob bought them a house, as a bribe to keep Anna from leaving. But I have to wonder if they're actually living in John-David's house. Have we ever actually seen his house on the show? I guess he owns it but isn't allowed to live in it.

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  4. Hm, I thought Smuggar and Anna were living in the guest house. I guess the rumor is true that Jim Bob bought their family a house. 

    New York City? Maybe it's true that the wedding will take place there, though I can't imagine the cost being picked up by TLC.

  5. I have a feeling the reason we haven't seen Grandma Mary is that she isn't being paid by TLC anymore to appear. I saw something to the effect that Jinger will have a much smaller wedding than her sisters did because the budget for Counting On isn't as high as it was for 19 Kids and Counting. 

    Speaking of missing Grandma, it appears that cousin Amy and her husband disappeared as well, if he was ever on the show to start with. I don't remember if he was or not. 

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  6. There were hints that the wedding might be in New York city though I wonder if that's just a rumor. If so, it might not take place until the spring and another season of Counting On. Didn't Jill and Jessa each get an entire season on 19 Kids and Counting about their courtships/engagements before the big event?

    One thing I'd love to see if the party guests having access to an open bar. Jim Bob and Michelle would have steam literally coming out of their ears. Or maybe there will be two weddings- the fundie one for the Duggars and the tv show, and the real one that will take place with Jeremy's family, not the 300 fake friends that the Duggars have who show up to these events with their dozens of children.

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  7. I think the fact that Jeremy had an apartment of his own wowed Jinger, never mind its size. Think about it, she probably had never met a man who lived on his own in her life before him- pretty much, everyone in their circles lives with parents until marriage.

    I also think she calls Jeremy "babe" not only as a term of endearment, but to grate on Jim Bob's nerves. It's her quiet way or rebelling. Go Jinger!

    • Love 15
  8. How many grandchildren is this in total for the Bates- this will be # 6? I guess in 20 years time, they'll easily have over 100 grandchildren. Family reunions will have to be held in a place like a fire hall or outdoor lake with picnic facilities. It kind of boggles my mind.

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  9. I personally think Jim Bob doesn't like the fact that Jeremy is independent and self-supporting. Yes, he has a one bedroom apartment but he does have a job as a pastor at a small church. It's very likely that he will be able to move on to a larger church in the future, and I think that is likely considering he's on the Duggars show now. People will show up at his church to hear him preach (why wasn't that shown on this episode??) and those who like him will continue to attend. Jeremy doesn't need to move to Arkansas and kiss Jim Bob's ass, plain and simple and I have a strong feeling he and Jinger will do things their way once they're married. If Jinger decides to pursue photography or get a job in a coffee shop, Jeremy will be okay with that. 

    • Love 7
  10. If the Duggars are granted guardianship, I wonder how their 8 year old grand-nephew will adapt to their household. I'm sure he was raised in a totally different environment, if the story is  true that his own mother was 15 and a single parent when he was born. In this case, I do wish all of them the best and hope it turns out well.

    It's been said that Josh and Anna no longer live in the home, but do we know if they live on the premises or not? I've seen reference to a "pool house" though I can't imagine that being large enough for a family of 6 people. Also, I read elsewhere that Jim Bob bought Anna a house, maybe for tax purposes in light of the fact that Josh is now being sued. Can't confirm that though.

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  11. Maybe I'm the only one, but I don't get a creepy vibe from Jeremy at all. He seems to be very much in love with Jinger- maybe it's his first truly serious relationship. I think, like Derrick, he isn't too fond of Jim Bob and likes the idea of living far away from the Duggar clan. Even in a small church, he will have a modest salary and he and Jinger can probably find a reasonably sized house. Also, they may not decide to have a dozen children either. Technically, under their bizzare rules, isn't Jinger under Jeremy's headship once they marry? So if he decides they only want 2-3 kids, she'll have to agree to it. Speaking of kids, anyone know how many siblings he has?

    I need to ask again, how exactly did Ben and Jessa get to know him if he lives in Texas? Online ministry support group or something like that? I've seen where Ben has stated he wants to become a minister, maybe he got in touch with Jeremy for advice.

    I think most fundie girls would really like John David once they get to know him. He's probably on the shy side, but Jessa could very likely find someone for him. She found Jeremy- maybe Jessa will become the family matchmaker. 

    • Love 7
  12. Was it ever stated why Josiah and Marjorie ended their courtship? I think most of us are speculating that it happened because of Joshgate. I'm really wondering what would have happened with those two if that hadn't happened. I still can't imagine one of the Duggar boys married at 18 but Ben was only 19 when he married Jessa.

    • Love 1
  13. I had missed the spring episodes due to work so I've been slowly catching up on them now. One question I have is, how did Ben get in touch with Flame? The same way he met Jeremy? I remember reading that Ben wants to become a minister, so he's been contacting youth ministers around the country. I guess he met Jeremy first, who was interested enough to come out to the Duggar home to meet the rest of the family . (I do remember he was shopping for Jessa's baby shower and I was wondering at the time who he was). I guess Flame is both a rap artist and a minister as well. Is Ben seeking their advice on how to start a ministry of his own?

  14. Does anyone know if the family will go on performing or is this all completely on hold now? He's being held without bail. Trial could take quite awhile. Toby Willis could end up in prison for a number of years if the charges are true. Will the family be able to function without him? I've always wondered what would happen in families that are run on patriarchy, if something happened to the father, how would the rest of them survive.

    • Love 5
  15. Since it was a minor, this may be why the statute of limitations has not expired. For that matter, what about the Bill Cosby case? I think all of his victims were adults and some of the charges go back 40 years ago. 

    I wonder if the Willis clan band will go on performing without their father. Isn't he their manager, or is their mother also in charge of their band?

  16. I'm not sure that Jeremy and Derrick were exactly fundie light, but it sure seems like many of these families have a lot of problems.

    I wanted to ask about Anna's sister Esther, though I only remember seeing her on the show a couple of times. Didn't she go to Africa with her husband who started a ministry a couple of years ago and has never returned? She had a lot of children, from what I recall, is it about 9 or 10 by now? I wonder how they are doing and if they will ever return to the US. Unlike Derrick and Jill, they very likely don't have enough money to fly their family back and forth to the US.

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  17. I personally think Jana is being very selective when it comes to courting/marriage. She's not going to settle for a man that Jim Bob thinks she should marry, imo, she wants something more. I'm still holding out hope that she can meet Tim Tebow, seems like he'd be great for her. She could leave home and never look back again as he would not be dependent on Jim Bob Duggar to find him a job or home. I also don't think she's going to be like  her sisters who acted like they were 13 and having their first crush when they met their husbands. She's much more practical.

    Seriously, if a celebrity showed an interest in one of his daughters, I'm sure Jim Bob would be jumping through hoops trying to make that relationship a reality.

  18. The Willis clan were similar enough to the Duggars in that all 12 of their kids had J names, they were also fundamentalist Christians and were homeschooled. The parents started them in a family business of being entertainers several years ago but their kids were much more talented than the Duggars. 

    First Mama June, then Josh Duggar and now Mr. Willis. TLC better find out a way to screen their applicants more thoroughly. Hire a private investigator before signing them up for a reality show. 

    • Love 4
  19. Horrible to hear this news, but good grief, it took 12 years for this to come out? If he's guilty and been free all these years while making a boatload of money all these years, well...I just don't know what to say.

    I saw a couple of episodes a year or two ago. Didn't care for the father at all, he reminded me of Joe Jackson, who also forced all of his kids into musical careers (all but one, I think). Very controlling, even if the Jackson 5 was very successful and popular for years, not to mention the success of Michael and Janet, I still believe being child performers damaged many of their kids.

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  20. Since this thread is for other families like the Duggars, does anyone remember the Arndt family? They have 13 sons and one daughter and I think their kids range in age from about 11 to mid-30's. All of them live at home and all of the guys work in their dad's family business of court reporting (and I think they also do a side business of wedding photography). I think they were on Kids by the Dozen years ago. It's amazing that none of them have moved out of their family home to marry, all have the same job and all seem to be content with it. I'm not sure what their religion is, they have home schooled all of their kids and they also have a home church going on as well. The one hobby that they all shared was having their own family softball team. It just seems very bizarre how they live in what appears to be near total isolation from society. 

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  21. If/when Anna gets pregnant again, how will the show handle it? Will they make an announcement that she is expecting baby # 5 or will they keep it a secret until the baby is nearly due? How can they show Anna and the baby on tv without showing Josh? Unless he secretly got himself sterilized, this issue is going to come up fairly soon.

    • Love 3
  22. By the way, it looks like Jeremiah is now selling t-shirts online since it's probably almost time for the summer fairs and the Amish donuts to be over. I saw somewhere that somebody accused him of taking people's orders (and money) and then failing to deliver the shirts. He's had more businesses in the last few years than I can keep track of. I remember he was helping Mary run the bed and breakfast- whatever happened to that? And then he was working with Mary in some type of store before the Amish donut gig (which she also runs with him). Mary was selling her quilts at her store but now I believe she is selling Tupperware at parties.

  23. I saw a reminder of the Andrea Yates case in the news recently, and in some ways this couple reminded me of Jim Bob and Michelle. Of course, we don't know if Michelle was ever diagnosed with a mental illness, but the way she comes across leads many to believe that she in fact does. Her way of dealing with her children seemed to be to detach herself as much as possible as they grew older and training her daughters to assume nearly all of the physical care and the parenting. I think Grandma Duggar made sure she was around the family a lot to keep Michelle from cracking up. She must have known about the nervous breakdown in the laundry closet when Michelle had the 7 youngest kids. Jim Bob is exactly like Rusty Yates, he believed that as a family they should have as many children as the Lord gave them, despite the fact that Andrea's doctor advised them against it. 

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