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Everything posted by annakate

  1. My one kiddo..the one who doesn't do the perfect stuff in life...actually does the perfect stuff for my bday and mothers day...His cards don't sound a thing like Tim's. First he can take 10 bucks and buy a much more "me" gift then the others. Everyone has love...some just are more thoughtful. I wish them all well..and hope beyond hope.....you know what I mean
  2. I don't care about Bert and Ernie's sexuality. They are great friends. They are kind. I lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with six other "girls" during college....If any of the group had same sex relations or relationships ...good for them.... Honestly, I am really asking...was there this kinda question about Laverne and Shirley? I do think Sesame Street addresses the real world in a child friendly way. I have gay friends and while I don't remember my children ever asking about any of them or their relationships...if they asked do Bob and Bill sleep in the same room...I'd answer yes. A small child doesn't care about actual sex lives...LOL. I don't talk to my acquaintances about my sex life with my husband or wonder about anyone else's. If Marie introduces her wife or friend Joan....I am interested in meeting Joan, not what they do in bed..... Sesame Street shows the real world...people are different colors, people are poor, homeless, gay, straight.....and we all live in this world
  3. I don't think we need to pick on their lawn....honestly, shouldn't they focus on the kids and if the lawn isn't perfect who cares.
  4. VI think Anna needs to go darker. I was born blonde, then went strawberry blonde then brunette naturally. I spent too many years trying to be a blonde and when I went back to an enhanced brunette I looked so much better. The shape of her brows are good...just too light. My unsolicited advice...go reddish brunette and buy a medium brown or auburn brow pencil,,7 bucks for a revlon one with a brush at CVS. Anna's hair is pretty...not looking like she has a foot that needs to be cut off. Dump the blonde and the husband... Please don't let any Duggar hate turn you off to Samaritan's Purse...A really good organization. Little shoeboxes of joy for the poor in other countries and while it is about spreading God's love, the shoeboxes are about giving kids little things they might enjoy...not just tracts
  5. New bumper sticker (if I'd put a bumper sticker on either my 15 yo car or 1 yo SUV or the 20 yo truck we only drive to the dump) MY BEST EVA' HUBBY CAN BEAT UP YOUR BEST EVA' BABE
  6. Bless you Rescue Mama....You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Derrick does vacuum so there is that....Does your (my) best hubby eva' know where the vacuum is...but then again he washes dishes so ... I really want to see them succeed. Such cute kids and I do see some potential...Just stop setting up the kids being into stuff...that happens naturally, slow down, enjoy your kids...not every.little.thing is exciting and yah!!!!
  8. I have a coworker...young, married with new baby...adorable little family....I have seen his cell phone light up with texts from "Babe". That is cute. In all the time I have worked with him he only refers to his wife as "my wife" or her first name. She might be Babe to him but he doesn't have to tell us that....we see that in the respect and love he shows when he talks about her and their life. The overly dramatic Babe, Best Eva' stuff.....it seems so showy and fake.
  9. Hubby and Wifey makes my teeth itch! If my husband ever called me his Wifey.....ooh, yeah I wouldn't marry a man who called me that. When I talk about him, it is normally, "Joe and I,(except Joe isn't his name) or if the person doesn't know him.."My husband Joe and I...." And honestly I doubt he is the "BEST hubby ever", he's wonderful but it's a big, big world of husbands...he is the best for me most days, and I think I am a more than adequate wifey but thankfully he has a little bit of blind love for me, so when I don't lotion up he is still in love with me....LOL...YAAAAHHHH!
  10. Point taken! Shown up again 🙂 . Sew Sumi you are always pretty spot on....I am trying to see all sides and be fair. I know parents work and if you keep kids home for every runny nose you'd lose your job...but wait...JOB? They should have stayed in the car or at home because they have nowhere they HAVE to be. I was fortunate that I didn't have to send my kids to daycare or school sick but many parents have NO choice so I get the anger. I did after my kids were grown have a corporate job where being out without notice was LITERALLY (in the real, not fundy sense) punished and it was the worst environment ever. I did attend meeting where I had projectile vomited in the restroom just moments before. I was in management and had to write up employees for calling out. The day an employee was in an accident, took a cab because her car was left on the side of the road totaled and had glass in her hair and blood on her clothing and came to work and was supposed to write her up was the day I left. Went back to school and changed careers....best move ever but not everyone has that choice. Anyway...keep those snotty noses in the car or on your property and buy some Lysol
  11. I think they look like they had a good night last night....and shouldn't be posting photo's in the AM....You gotta wash that fun off, YKWIM? A fun night (Is it fun for both of them? I hope) does not look like a movie scene in the AM.
  12. I really don't have have an issue with taking the kids out in the car for some fun in the car with colds....They could be sent into the yard to make mischief with coal. I do think it is odd to point out that you are watching church by live stream.....I do that on occasion, I go some Sundays and some weekends I frankly sleep in. I never post about it. (No one but God might give a darn and I am thinking God knows my heart). I think there is a fine/weird line between sharing a scripture that inspires you, inviting people to a coffee clatch/prayer group/bible study and taking pictures of you and the hubs praying or watching church....maybe just me. Thanks Jill for not taking the snotty noses into church to share the free after worship fellowship (free) food.
  13. I don't have the Jasmine hate about the front yard gathering spaces. I feel like it is a California thing. We use our front porch all the time...but I also live on what was a farm and our neighbors that drive by are few.
  14. I am shocked after some talk of codes that there weren't outlets.I forget the code here (east coast) but I know my pre civil war era home now has an outlet every so many feet in each room, except one hall because in doing any minor updating you had to bring that to code. My Dining Room used to be a sleeping porch and we have not yet changed the curved ceiling and raised the floors to level because of major changes to fit current code (not unsafe, just different now) It moved it to the end of the list. I didn't like the stop work "prank" either. I am partial to Jasmine and Mina, I guess because I watch their shows.
  15. You know what is REALLY hard???!!!! Being a #manmom + stepmom +grandmom......You have to listen to them whine and then you offer to take the grandkids of their hands or if they don't have children you buy them random gift cards for gas or the car wash....It is UddERly (ha,ha...I buy ChikFilA cards) exhausting....Get over it Jill.
  16. https://wtop.com/anne-arundel-county/2019/10/1-injured-in-golf-cart-crash-at-maryland-nudist-resort/ off topic...but interesting....
  17. So they shouldn't wear cheap flip flops but if they wear 150 dollar shoes then they are horrible people. On average I spend about 70 dollars for a pair of shoes but I do have a couple upwards of 200. I have zero guilt. I wear them for years....there is something called cost per wear. And Jinger never said buy used and save the difference...that is on Jim Bob. Besides I don't want shoes from my best friend let alone the thrift shop...buy a used sweater not shoes
  18. I really like the Hobby Lobby Shelf, but as the above poster said, I'd use it for something else. No doubt at my house some piece of fruit would go bad and ruin the wood...and then people on the internet would talk about what a lazy, wasteful person I am! 🙂 I might have stood on a trash can before to reach something, but for the love of all that is holy, I would have never have allowed my children to do it and would flip if I saw a picture of my grandkids doing it! That kind of stupidity is reserved for adults that are supposed to know better!
  19. For the love of Pete is all I can say! I hope the "photographers" who took the "updated" family pictures don't depend on photographer to pay the grocery bills! Good on Jill that she is SO excited her son is getting SO much knowledge SO he can support them when the grifting dries up.
  20. I do say outta and I have a masters and work in a medical field
  21. I am torn between this stuff happens and your house isn’t that big. Parents fail All The Time but I don’t get making it public....granted I am old and I didn’t have the option to post one of my kids at the er with a mandolin cut because I decided to shower !
  22. I think Jill looks pretty good. The new bra is helping and the clothes fit well. I can't with the shoes but I don't blame her for wanting to be comfortable at home. I'd have thrown a pair of those wedges she likes on for the photo and then gone back to my comfy shoes (and frankly my yoga pants and tshirt).
  23. Thank you, for the love of all...wash your face, wash your hair and cut it...you are cute...you just need a little tinted moisturizer and mascara and lip gloss.....and clothes that fit.....Dariafan.....I wish we could do this....if you want it Jill...we are here! Thank you, for the love of all...wash your face, wash your hair and cut it...you are cute...you just need a little tinted moisturizer and mascara and lip gloss.....and clothes that fit.....Dariafan.....I wish we could do this....if you want it Jill...we are here!
  24. They couldn't go inside the air conditioned church with the kids? They had to be saved with water and food? I really want to help Jill with her hair and 5 minute makeup and some clothing tips.....she doesn't have to be that darn dowdy and she has cute kids.
  25. I am protestant; if I attend a Catholic service I go up for Communion but ask for a blessing and do not take the sacrament; I only take the body and blood in a protestant setting. That is just how I (those in my denomination, in my parish do it). I can't imagine if I was an "unbeliever" I would get in Communion line...Communion is for those who believe Jesus is our Savior...My Opinion and beliefs only
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