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Squishy Tomato

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Everything posted by Squishy Tomato

  1. What does Yazoo mean in american culture? Where I'm from it's a brand of chocolate milk. Are we talking about the same thing? I also currently live in a country where tipping is not the norm because waiters, cleaners, etc. get decent salaries in the first place. You only tip for really exceptional service. Therefore I might not be so switched on about when to tip in other countries, although I hope I would have read a guide book beforehand to figure it out.
  2. I like Deavan. I feel I may be alone in this. Jihoon is hilarious but she has her work cut out if she wants to stay with him. I was sniggering last night because the dutch subtitles translated "extra snug" as "extra large". I take birth control pill, but every guy I slept with brought their own condoms (how would I know what size to buy in advance???). I always assumed from this that all guys carry a condom in their wallet just in case.....perhaps I have limited experience 😅 The comment about why don't you find a nice Jewish boy in Brooklyn was, I thought, totally said tongue in cheek, also the comment about a bris. The guy was winding her up. You know, seeing how delusional some most of the people are on this show *coughjennycough* it has made me question what major aspects of my self or circumstances might I be deluded about?
  3. He did eventually acknowledge he was an idiot, but at the time he only had a bruised ego and was reacting on emotions. He wasn't able to process what she was saying. I'm not saying I don't think he's a doofus because he is, or that his behaviour was good...as a relationship coach he ought to be able to manage his responses way better than this....and his "you're heartless" rant was melodramatic bordering on abusive...but to me, avery did come across as arrogant and superior, and l can totally understand why her tone riles people up, and why in that moment Ash didn't want to be attacked in that manner.
  4. What was the point of this episode? Why not make Part 2 of the Tell All an hour longer? Did the producers find a reel of video that accidentally got left out of the original tell-all? Also, maybe I'm going crazy but I was sure the scenes with David's friends were already shown on the previous episode. The questions I'd like to know are how did David meet the guy with the Ukrainian wife? Did she trigger his fetish for Ukrainian women, or did he meet one or both of them through his catalogue dating experiences? I wasn't a fan of errka during the season but she came across as a really sweet girl during the tell all. I think by the time That Most Useless Host gave her the chance to speak, her mind had gone blank of all the things she actually wanted to say. They could have given her a one on one interview without stephanie and her banshees. Did stephanie choose the most ugly people possible to be her friends? (Inside and out). Stephanie waving "Yes, bye-bye" (sorry that was last episode) when Errka said steph always had to have the last word showed exactly what a nasty piece she is. Oh and it's my experience that narcissistic people love to label other people as narcissists. I don't care for Ash but I totally agree that in the moment when he was upset about screwing up his presentation, he didn't need avery to be harping on and on about what he did wrong. It came across as mean and arrogant. Tell him later he was a douchebag but in the moment...be kind. Give him a hug. Plus the moment anyone starts talking about "energy" in a non physical sense I immediately roll my eyes. Tom's letter was nasty and Farcey did well not to read it. I hope HE ends up miserable and alone when he's 55.
  5. Mmm...if you're immunocompromised it's probably not the most sensible thing....
  6. She also thinks it's perfectly fine to put dirty suitcases and dogs on her bed....
  7. I'm sure she only said "yes" so that she could keep the ring. Hahaha. I apologise if this has already been pointed out. Episode only just aired last night in the Netherlands and it normally taiss me a week to read the whole thread...
  8. Also I forgot to add my hypothesis re david. I think he saw caesar and maria on the last series and realised the 90 day producers could help him find lana.
  9. Does this series never end? I was sure 3 weeks ago with the episode where they all split up it must be the season finale, yet here we are, still chugging out episodes. There's a lot of sensitivity here about what constitutes stalking. My opinion: when somebody ghosts you, you are always left wondering what that means. I had one friend who disappeared for a year then contacted me out of the blue with a message apologising and saying it was because he'd had a severe depression with paranoia. If someone blocks you, that's a clear message. If someone tells you directly, "don't contact me" then you know. Geoffrey did neither of those things and therefore I can understand the logic of wanting to try one more time in person. Plus, his reaction to varya coming has basically been positive. As for Pick Me! Mary: He's Just Not That Into You. Move on!! I have no sympathy and she's coming across as a bit psycho in her desperation. I could never believe a guy loved me if he had proposed to someone else the week before. Whoever said she looked like Pebbles flintstone cracked me up. Meanwhile Geoffrey is nothing but a big baby, sulking when varya doesn't do things exactly the way he wants. And he is a jerk to take varya to meet their mutual friends the same night ESPECIALLY when Pebbles was invited and they're going to be on her side. Stephanie - go away already, your voice is horrible I thought ed's mum looks very nice for her age. Just goes to show ed's neck deformity is not what makes him unattractive....
  10. I am still working my way through all the replies but re: Ash's Australian passport. I'm considering getting a dutch passport since at this point I'm embarrassed to be British. It does say on the dutch immigration website that it can take up to a year to process your application. Now my (British) friend went through the process and got his passport in about 3 months. So the point is...I can believe that it takes up to a year for Ash to get his Australian passport. However none of them can do maths because if he already sent in the application 2 months ago then he should be done in under 10 months- not one year. I'm also wondering with that amount of time is it really so difficult to visit on his Mauritius passport? Or did he have to hand that in while waiting for his Australian one?
  11. I was watching for that too and it got to the point where I wondered if she had alopecia and the pink/purple was a wig.....
  12. It's too bad that varya didn't literally say to Geoffrey "NOT YET, DUMBASS" I'd have a lot more respect for her if she had...
  13. Is taking medications a vice?!!😲 Apart from that I appreciate your insight. I gave up online dating after I realized 1. It takes up loads of time 2. Noone looks like their photos and 3. I only develop attraction for someone after spending loads of time with them in a situation where there is no pressure to be attracted to them
  14. Right Mr Ed. If you walk into a monkey enclosure with a banana in your backpack,what do you expect to happen? At least they didn't steal your clothes, or unzip your fly, or pee on your head (I have witnessed all those things happening when working on a monkey sanctuary). My dog steals bananas when given the opportunity. I can't tell her off because I'm too busy laughing as it looks hilarious to see a greyhound trotting along with a bunch of bananas in her mouth. What a miserable git for not seeing the funny side of that. And if you *really* cared about rose you would take her to a doctor for treatment for her stomach ulcer. Poor girl. You look like you don't smell too fresh either, at least rose has an excuse. I've said Tom is a douchebag from day 1. His yoyo-ing hot and cold behaviour is probably exactly how he behaves inside relationships too and I'm sure miss blondie #2 will be thrilled to see him go chasing after darcey. I'm not into the snarking on stephanie's tum (much as I dislike her). It should not have to be compulsory in our society to have a washboard stomach. There could also be a medical reason too - I had similar proportions to her when I was on steroids, despite exercising every day. Meanwhile I'm curious to see what the sugarplum fairy, aka erika, looks like without the pink hair and false eyelashes.
  15. Stephanie. Can I just say....having control issues has nothing to do with having an illness.... If anything, having a chronic illness has made me more tolerant about not being able to control my environment. I don't flash it around among my contacts (most of them have no idea what my autoimmune thing involves except that i sometimes can't travel or go to social events) and people like stephanie make it harder for everyone else who is living with disabilities to be taken seriously.
  16. Right!? Here in the backwaters of europe, most of us don't have aircon despite regular heatwaves of 30-40C (i think that's around 90-100F??) during the summer.
  17. For those who are irked by rose talking in a monotone - I think this is just a language barrier thing. A lot of languages use intonation differently than we do (sometimes different intonations can mean different words), and she probably hasn't had much chance to practise with native English speakers (for some reason i almost wrote naked instead of native, I guess that would be appropriate in this situation as well). Her living situation is desperate and I find Ed very cold-hearted towards it. I feel a combination of sad and fascinated seeing how she lives. I hope she dumps his ass and finds someone better (like tariq would have been a much better catch). Tom, once again an embarrassment to the brits. Yes it is emotional abuse, when you're already insecure and someone tells you it's your fault because if your personality flaws, that a relationship failed.
  18. You're a great mum. My mum did exactly the opposite of you - bad mouthed my dad continuously, sat 2 metres away when we had phonecalls with him so that we could never have a private conversation, and went mad if we visited him (to the point where I'm almost FORTY and have to keep it secret if we meet up) And yes we all grew up with mental health problems and major insecurities.
  19. Please can you not post spoilers? Not all of us want to know these things....
  20. Did Little Miss "If I Catch A Cold I Could DIE" just go and put her filthy suitcase on the hotel bed? Does TCL request that all the idiots participants do this? I'm fast forwarding through lisa, too cringe to watch. I'm no fan of varya but 1. I agree if you don't know how long you're going to live in a place and you don't have a lot of spare cash, sometimes it's not worth doing renovations 2. Geoffrey has the ugliest eyes I have ever seen, I can't put my finger on why, I want to smash the tv screen when he's on. 3. Someone who tattoos eyelashes on their nipples has no right to criticize others.
  21. What about Ash? He sets off my narcissist-radar. But I wasn't married to one. Had a yoga teacher (who saw herself as a reincarnated guru) who was.
  22. Sorry I'm late to the party....the Netherlands only just broadcast this episode So my highlight of the whole series was when they were doing the interview with Robyn and kody at the end. When Robyn said "God will provide us with a rental" and Kody mouthed "What The Fuuuuu" at the camera 🤣 Seriously these people are so spoilt. I live in a densely populated town, we live in little terraced houses, typically 2-up 1-down (i.e. 2 bedrooms and a combined living/dining room downstairs) and feel grateful just to get out of the rental trap and be in a nice neighbourhood. The kids play out on the road because the gardens are tiny. Robyn does NOT need a 5 bedroom mansion and the point of religion is NOT so that you can get everything you want just by praying. Plenty of kids share bedrooms. If that's too awful to consider, how about Aurora moves in to meri's mansion (and there is no reason why she needs anything more than a 2 bedroom rental) and the 2 little kids share a room. Then get a 4 room rental. Find it hard to believe there are none of those available. Jeepers creepers. Also Auroras panic attack. I figured she might have seen some scary fights between Robyn and her ex husband, which may trigger a ptsd response when she sees Robyn fighting with Kody. I wish meri and christine would go off and find new boyfriends/husbands who can give them the love and special attention they are both (rightly) craving. It seems to me janelle is the only one who enjoys this polygamy thing, which she handles by being emotionally detached from everyone.
  23. Watching this now. Why has Geoffrey drawn eyelashes on his nipples?
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