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Squishy Tomato

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Everything posted by Squishy Tomato

  1. I never really understood the hate towards deavan...she comes across a bit zoned out sometimes but she is way more calm than most of the other women on the show...gentle crying instead of histrionics...tries to follow the local culture instead of complaining....I rewatched some of the deavan and jihoon scenes recently and they're hilarious
  2. We are as usual running behind in the Netherlands so this ep aired last night. I stopped reading at page 5, otherwise it takes me 2 days before I can reply...🤪 Ok. Firstly I feel frauded by TLC who promised more Darcy, but we get 0-1 scenes per episode. She makes a valid point re Tom, why should she travel to new New York to get dumped? (Has Tom been taking lessons from Jesse?) Plus, she already made the effort of flying to England to meet him, he can reciprocate this time. I seem to be in a minority, in that I do not like Varya, she comes across as having a very high opinion of herself, and complaining about the way excon puts his arm around her or that the small talk 5 minutes after they met is "boring"...ugh, i bet she was a mean girl at school. Ash is a classic narcissist. "AVOID" sirens going off in my head every time he's on screen. But perhaps avery is narcissistic too and then they might be a good match. Going to be judgey and say that her little kid is too young to be left alone while you fanny off with a creep on the other sode of the world. Sojaboy - ok in dutch "soja" is soy, so in my head he is SoyBoy and I can't take him seriously. He has openly admitted he wants a green card so that he can promote his music in the US, but surely he can do better than that trashcan Lisa?
  3. I turn my phone off at night (or put it on silent) so noone can bother me. I have no sympathy for Tom here.
  4. I am writing this before I read all 9 pages... Tom is a dick for not taking Farcey to a beginners salsa class so that she can learn the basics. Yes, it always feels better to dance with a more advanced dancer but when you go with your romantic partner you're doing it to have fun with them..dumping them by the side of the floor is just rude..the etiquette in most social dancing scenarios is you dance with people above and below your level because *everyone was a beginner once*..also as someone who does competitive ballroom dancing, i can report that salsa is *Very Easy* compared to other dances, at the level Tom is doing it there is almost no technique... it's one of the reasons I don't like salsa, because you go to a class and it's full of guys who think they are the Salsa King just because they know a couple of moves... Tom's sister grew on me this episode, I thought she was very kind to Farcey (and moves surprisingly well on the dancefloor!). I no longer doubt if she's Tom's sibling either because she speaks with the same intonations as Tom and I even saw some similar facial expressions. Thank god there was no caesar on this episode although Tim is coming up a close second for dumbest person on the planet, giving jeniffffer veronica's old engagement ring. I would not accept a recycled ring either! Also Wtf with calling it a "promise ring", she looked so disappointed that it wasn't an engagement ring. It's like jesse and the appreciation ring. Jeniffer can do so much better than Tim, she needs a real man who makes her feel good about herself. If ben only has $800 in savings how the hell is he going to support akinyis Visa application (this is assuming his crates of orange juice are sufficient to win the approval of family akinyi)
  5. As a brit, this is one of the funniest things I've read on here 🤣 the red faces most likely come from years of excessive drinking... (Apart from that, Tom's sister was incredibly rude to Farcey, I would have walked out if anyone spoke to me like that)
  6. I have two exes listed in my phone contacts as "F*UKwit b#stard" and "Total A**hole" I'm not sure I remember which one is which
  7. Deleted because it was a rant about toms sister - wrong thread
  8. My dog buried her face in the sofa during Jenny's wailing. Also - production flew over after getting a frantic phone call from her? Boo, i thought they had someone over continuously. Otherwise they miss actual real-life drama (as opposed to the scripted stuff)
  9. Are they ? I've lived in 3 different countries in Europe and never seen one..... however they were almost everywhere when I visited Japan and Taiwan (with many other options such as heated toilet seat)
  10. I apologise for TMI but as someone who has shouted "stop the car" in order to puke by the roadside, i didn't get anything on my clothes..(i had a virus, not carsick). I thought we heard some pretty realistic retching noises as he was on his way out of the vehicle.
  11. I'm looking at these photos and trying to understand how/why one is a mirror image of the other? (Check the thing above his eyebrow) ETA: I just read on page 4 that the one on the left would be a selfie (gives the mirror image). I only watched this episode 2 days ago (on YouTube!) and working through the comments gradually. I don't find Florian bad looking (compare e.g. sumit, ben, caesar) and tbh most male models are not "all that".
  12. I know, right!? ....also when they were in the restaurant waiting for Farcey's clone and he told them "We've only been waiting 9 hours" when they'd actually been waiting ??45 minutes? 1 hour?? - i find him very passive aggressive, and the comment about "I would have proposed if we'd gone to gran canaria so you ruined your chance" was just cruel to the point of being abusive.
  13. He is both. Can the producers pleeeeeeeease send in Nev from catfish to go with him to Ukraine. Hell if I was a producer I wouldn't be able to refrain from telling him he's being scammed and please can we all go home and film something more interesting.
  14. The time difference between Albania and the UK is one hour. Poor Tom. Also, a real "English gentleman" would not let his girlfriend struggle down the stairs with a giant suitcase and stilettos.
  15. I thought he might have been on growth hormone as a child. There was a guy in my class at university who had been on it and his proportions were not dissimilar to Tim's.
  16. I'm watching this while eating dinner...apparently I zoned out during one of Grangela's ranting scenes...because when i looked back at the TV i thought "oh it's Darcey" then realised it was an advert for Botched
  17. Agree! Nour is such a shallow, mean girl. I thought people grew out of that behaviour in their teens.
  18. London has crappy parts too, i wish Tom would take Farcey for a night out in Tooting or Peckham the next time she goes on about how beautiful London is. I lived in London for 5 years, and walking home from the tube station at night scared the bejeezus out of me every time. You could tell how dangerous an area was by how many "yellow boards" it had - the police would erect yellow signs at the sight of a crime scene (murder, assault, etc) to appeal for more information.
  19. I just watched this episode.... Do you think the camera crew with Caesar are exchanging glances and trying not to laugh? Tom, if you're going to wear a toupee you can do better than that. And, at least dye the rest of your hair the same colour. Avery's mum: you are pig ignorant with "The whole world is against Syria". Not true. Omar: I will marry you 🤣 - you can come to the Netherlands on their refugee programme. Avery: supposedly a devout Muslim who respects the culture yet showing nicole-esque histrionics that they can't kiss at the wedding (personally I'd find wearing a hijab every day more difficult than waiting a few minutes/hours for a kiss, but whatevs) Poor Akinyi....just elope.
  20. After watching that, I will never ever trust a man who says this to me. (Apologies for the slow response. We are 2 weeks behind in the Netherlands)
  21. This is my first post on here after reading the 90 day threads for years, and i would like to thank you all for the hours of entertainment 🤗 I am from England but live in the Netherlands so darcey's antics take on extra relevance for me. This episode aired in the Netherlands last night, for some reason i found it amusing to imagine that Jesse was watching it at the same time...especially the barber shop scene: "I heard he's a bit of a narcissist" 🤣 Meanwhile i am cringing at Tom because he personifies everything i hate about English men (and reminds me why i stuck around in NL...yes there are plenty of Jesse lookalikes over here). "I will compensate for being ugly by being funny" only it feels forced and that he's trying too hard for the cameras. You are NOT attractive and i would sooner become a nun than sleep with you. Thanks to whoever point out that his krusty the clown mop is probably a toupee. On the other hand, pitching him against darcey is a hilarious combination. He's clearly seeing this like a first date while she gave us the impression that they already had an online relationship. I can't remember who said it, but yes it is normal here that taxi drivers stand by the arrival gate at the airport with your name on a placard - because otherwise you don't know what the other person looks like. One time i went to visit a friend and his mum came to pick me up at the airport; they made one of those signs as a joke... Re omar and avery...i nearly cried listening to him talk about Syria. We have quite a few Syrian refugees here, and when i went to the language school to learn dutch, it was basically me and a bunch of refugees from iraq and syria in the class...lovely lovely people...but there were a disproportionate number who were dentists (also a doctor and a vet) so i did wonder if dentistry is like a go-to profession for them if you reach a certain level of education. And yes, their qualifications are not valid over here, so they have to study for several years to requalify, as well as pass language exams. Sometimes i feel that TLC plays the "conservative Muslim country" card too much...the ones that i met in dutch class and at my work seemed pretty progressive to me. The ladies did not wear headscarves and i never had the feeling of being talked down to by the men. So i think its too early to draw conclusions on what sort of attitude omar might have towards women. I am rooting for him to be a good guy and for him and avery to work out.
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