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Burning Rubber

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Everything posted by Burning Rubber

  1. Memphis is gorgeous. As is Hayet! Memphis is right, Hayet has no business judging Memphis' divorce when she is divorced herself. Too bad she wasn't quick-witted to turn the tables on her. It reminds me of that famous article "the only moral abortion is my abortion."
  2. Ella, ten lbs won't make an iota for difference. My prediction is that "Johny" will never make it to America. The show is spending too much time on the "pre-meeting" segments.
  3. Jasmine will devour Gino's alive, crack his bones to suck out the marrow, until there is no trace left of him. He seems to lack self-preservation or is blind to lethal threats.
  4. Alina's Turkish friend was the rudest, most hostile friend I've seen on this show so far. I clapped when Caleb cut her down to size, pun intended.
  5. It's so wrong of Ximema to lie about having children, and only telling Mike AFTER he invested lots of money keeping her housed and furnished, indirectly supporting her two kids, flying to Costa Rica and sealing the deal with intercourse. She took away his choice to walk away because he wanted to father children, time after time. He may be painful to look at, but he should not be a simp. Dump her bad-boy-chasing, manipulative, exploitative ass.
  6. She won't even lift her head to eat. Has she considered a funnel?
  7. So far all I have seen is a big thumb sticking out of a feedlot-size tarp.
  8. She's had bypass. I'm having herbal tea and Contrave.
  9. He sure makes learning a crushing bore. Are parents just too lazy to deal with actual schools these days?
  10. The way he's feeding these kids, they'll have their own show in 20 years.
  11. Can Alina have children? Ella's land, ranch and cattle turned my eyeballs into dollar signs, imagine Johny's!
  12. You know what else isn't ideal? Watching this episode after last week's. In fact, last week's episode was a roller coaster ride compared to the doldrums I am currently experiencing.
  13. Salads, vegetables, healthy foods, yeah sure!!! The scale doesn't lie, people do! And the sister goes enables his dumb excuses, too.
  14. Twenty-eight lbs in three months? He's ordering $99 meals for 10 people instead of $100.
  15. He spends all his money on three $100 meals a day. Contrave is working for me, I lost 35 lbs already on 25% of the full dose. I assume all the poundticipants have tried it. Oh boy, he has actually made it back to Texas! He probably gained 35 lbs, that's my wager.
  16. He has zero responsibilities and his family doesn't count on him for anything, stop lying you Ryan clone!
  17. If I had this much for breakfast every morning I would be 1200 lbs. James is really slim considering his menu choices. Maybe he burns calories like an athlete.
  18. Someone tell me if I'm nuts - Amber is massively pregnant in her talking heads.
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