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Burning Rubber

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Everything posted by Burning Rubber

  1. Am I bad at reading body language? You be the judge! I think his kids and ex passionately hate him.
  2. Gino wanted to knock her up on that first trip HEAD EXPLODES
  3. "Mahogany" could not produce a video that says his name. That clip was super short and not personalized. However one could tell from the lighting that she is equipped to produce videos - regularly. She tells him she's into Jesus because the scammer knows that's what Ben wants to hear in order to send "loans." He's as delusional as he was when he grew up in the cult. He justifies indulging his sexual impulses towards an alleged very young woman because it's "god's plan."
  4. Jasmine needs sustained, intensive psychiatric monitoring. I am not saying this for laugh-emoji reactions. It's very serious, this woman is unlikely to go through life without killing someone. She is a danger. Her tone she was demanding obedience was unhinged.
  5. God help him form an actual full sentence instead of a word salad with ranch on top.
  6. What happened to his leg? He concedes that the last months were a struggle, I wager that he gained.
  7. He wants to be a minister because he's terminally lazy. He's at Dr P, it looks like he has no issues. They are grasping at straws with the dead aunt. He can't verbalize anything. He grunts and makes 5-word sentences. What do you say to someone who has lost a loved one? Hurr durr, mourn?
  8. I just can't with his shit eating grin and pleading the fifth. "A few" cheat days? Goddam liar. He's insufferable. Lies, lies, lies, and his affect is like he just bathed in THC. He's a huge dummy, too. Incoherent mess.
  9. That ceremony is soooooo long! Like the multiple training sessions! This 2 hour show could have been condensed to 5 minutes.
  10. Just what the world needs, another lying, delusional Jesus-man. What wisdom can he possibly impart on others?
  11. If you want your laundry to smell nice, use Gain. Those pellets aren't as good! .... Not more workouts! Ugh! Musa knows she's wasting her time, always postponing the diet to tomorrow.
  12. He's a goddam liar that lies, what an inspiration to a congregation he would be. I love Musa, she's not messing around and she's telling the truth!
  13. He's already planning not to start the diet right away THIS IS NOT GOING TO GO WELL.
  14. Now he's at mom's he's hitting the fries and pizza, AND oce cream. Another one stuck on magical thinking with sky daddy and who wants to be a pastor. His poor wife is really trying to make him eat healthy, it's still unexplained how he accesses all that food he must be secretly eating.
  15. Burning Rubber checking in, I'm on Contrave so I'm eating nothing and you can't tempt me. His body volume is 25% of the total bathroom volume. If he was a woman they would have blurred his titties. "Overwhelmingness" LOL He's so stressed, awww Thank His Noodly Appendages for closed captioning. Proud Sister slash wife is cooking healthy! If he was doing ride share, his fuel costs must have been phenomenal.
  16. Johny's mother must be a cruel hag since his first wife left him to escape thr mother-in-law, and he wants to marry someone on the opposite side of the planet so that wife #2 doesn't have to deal with his mom.
  17. The "expert breakfast" that Microwave Chef Gino prepared was just white sandwich bread "toasted" on the pale setting, and eggs that he stirred before frying. He also made a disgusting mess on the counter trying to impress her with a one-handed crack and pour.
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