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Tech Noir

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Everything posted by Tech Noir

  1. Erm. I actually find him VERY attractive but it looks like I'm alone in that.
  2. I love this show but am a little critical of the writing this season. It feels a bit rushed. I know it's there's only 3 episodes left but I when Dr Sweet told Vanessa he loved her I yelled "WHAT. TOO SOON, DRACULA, TOO SOON!". I was a little surprised that they did it right there on the floor, but it's Vanessa and she was into it so there you go. Poor Vanessa. But also, get it, gurl. Byeeee Hecate. No tears for you. Who is this new woman Catronia? Why is she wearing so much make-up? Is there a Sephora around somewhere (in Dorian's mansion maybe)? I love makeup and all but hers was so modern looking it pulled me out of the story a bit. I love the idea of Vanessa having more women companions. There is a Robert Louis Stevenson called Catronia. I haven't read it but it was published in 1893 so the timing is right. OR (this is a stretch but) ... in HG Wells novel "The Time Machine" the protagonist has no name but in the 2002 movie they gave him the name "Hartdegen". Coincidence? Or maybe just the writers playing with us because they know fans google everything? IDK but if they bring time travel into this show I will lose my shit because I am obsessed with the idea.
  3. That movie was a pretty faithful adaptation of the book. BUT - the original Mina is Mina Harker once she marries, but her maiden name is Murray, which of course is Sir Malcom's surname. So yes, I think it is likely that is who Dracula is referring to here when he talks about his wife. Dr. Seward (Patti Lupone) is also in the book, but they have changed the gender here. One character that they have not introduced (unless I am forgetting something from the first season) is Lucy Westerna, who was Mina's friend and Dracula's victim before her. Blood orgy. Eye roll. True Blood did it better. All I could think about was how terrible that would smell. And how sticky! Blood dries quickly on the skin. Also! My current wild theory is that Dorian and Lily's pet murderer Justine (I agree with Buddhabelly, the Claudia vibes are strong), will rebel against them at some point and start killing women, thus becoming Jack The Ripper (many theories out there on ol' Jack but I've never heard one that suggested he was actually female, so I think that would be an interesting twist). The Ethan storyline is dragging a bit for me, TBH. But I dislike the character of Hecate Poole and the actress who plays her, so I might be checking out because of that. On a shallow note: Dr. Sweet/Dracula is tall, dark and HOT, in my opinon. :P
  4. Good interview about this with the showrunners here, for those interested. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/06/americans-nina-dead
  5. I second that emotion, Shriekinggeel. Same. So rare these days that a show can make me do that. Good job show! But also why you gotta be like that, show? SAD FACE.
  6. I love this show so so much. BUT. No way in a billion years would those two baby faced teens made it into a strip club without being carded. Are they 21? They are not. Did they even have ID on them at all? It just would NOT happen. The stripper seemed to have hurt feelings that Norman wasn't into her at first. What? Pretty sure the only hurt feelings she should be having are about the total absence of actual cash in the room. Unless stripping is quid pro quo these days. Also! I'm sorry, but the second that screwdriver came out of his pocket she would have been out the door/beaded curtains. That's a weapon! Oh I have no cash but let me just put this effing screwdriver on the table here while you take your bra off. NO RED FLAGS THERE. I enjoyed the rest and Norma/stripper was hot, but the stripper and the club was so unrealistic, I actually thought it was a dream sequence for a while.
  7. Yasssss, that was some real chemistry between Bruce and Selina. Finally. I really enjoyed Bruce and Silver, too actually. His reveal of the fake-out, her begging him not to walk away, him giving zero fucks. Loved it. Don't love the monks, though. Kind of boring. Shades of GoT. Also making me think of BtVS for some reason. I don't think like or dislike is a thing for him anymore. I think his hatred has consumed him. He was a bit of an anti-hero for the first season, not a fully formed villain, yet. Humanized by his love for his mother, bullied by bigger baddies etc ... but now he's finally gone full Penguin.
  8. Fun fact: Sheik condoms are named after Valentino and his role in "The Sheik"! Adored, indeed. ;) Fun fact #2: Clara Bow starred in a film called "It", and the press referred to her as 'the It girl", and so a phrase (which means exectly what Captanne said) was coined. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_%281927_film%29 Poor Clara Bow. Everyone loved her until movies had sound, and then she couldn't get a job becasue her voice was apparently incredibly grating. She dided alone in a sanatorium. The real Natacha Rambova (Valentino's wife ) ... gorgeous, I can see why Ryan Murphy was inspired. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/05/3f/95/053f95abfc46b52033e39c33b1128c45.jpg Can I say -Gaga's acting is lukewarm, yes ... but I will take her any day over Emma Roberts or Tessa Farmiga. Ryan Murphy loves the actors he loves, and he gives them jobs and I totally respect that - but I think he loves them for their real life personality and not their actual talent. Speaking of which, I tihnk he's friends with Gwyneth Paltrow and I wish he would get her on this show so I can live vicariously when she meets her doom. :P Off to watch "Se7en"!
  9. This episode was sooooo terrible. Besides the bad acting and random use of historical figures (and also the anchronistic use of 1980s music in 1920s period scenes, whihc I realize is my own personal hang-up but it really makes me crazy and IN FACT was the reason I had to bail on Freakshow last year because it was happening every episode) ... besides all that, the exposition! Ugh. "I was on a train and I sensed a presence blah blah FW Murnau blah blah Nosferatu blah blah vampire cakes." STOP. Show me don't tell me, Murphy. Also between this and all the cable shows of the last 5 years I am totally desensitized to orgies, which is kind of depressing.
  10. That was Rob Knepper (Carnivale, Prison Break etc) and I squeed so hard when I saw his name in the credits. We barely saw him, though, so I wonder if he'll show up again. He usually plays pyschos or bad guys. I was SO into this whole episode. Gaga is Liz Taylor's drag mother! Bomer and Bassett had chemistry!And Ryan Murphy was pandering to all my revenge fantasies (die homophobes! die millenials!) and middle aged mistrust of young people. Right there with you, mercfan3.
  11. Amazing. That was the best hour of TV I've seen all year. Freddie Highmore's perfomance in the kitchen as Norma, wow. And Farmiga all the way through was just perfection. The writing, the action, the editing, all the actors. UGH, HATS OFF TO THE WHOLE TEAM. So good.
  12. YES. The whole backstory thing has always bugged me. Actual make-up artists working on films get a script. They don't invent back stories for charatcers, they create characters based on information laid out by the writers/director/actors. They also don't do outfits or hairstyles as there is a costume designer who handles the wardrobe design, and a hairdresser who handles wigs etc. Yeahhh, I know, reality shows are not actual reality and that would be boring television (but the backstories still make me roll my eyes). Aw. To me she just seems serious and reserved. So many artists are introverted. Not everyone can be adorable and bubbly.
  13. I just can't get too invested in whether or not people's designs are super original when the challenge is something as over done as 'creepy doll'. I mean, the concept itself is just so played out. I agree with the judges almost all the time, that panel is one of the things I respect most about this show. Their opinions ARE based on knowledge that the viewing audience simply does not have. As mentioned by another poster, Glenn's comment about technical skills/viewers at home was very telling. I thought the right person went home. I don't have strong opinions about who should win, I think everyone left does good work. Although Darla's painting skills seem tome to be a little bit stronger than the othes, and Emily's hair skills cannot be matched. Top 3 could really be any combination of those that are left! This show repeats itself a lot. I think they should have one season a year instead of two, maybe then it would feel fresher.
  14. Just once I'd like to hear the 'your good looks are a weapon, learn to use them to your advantage, my dear' speech delivered by a man to another man. On any show. Even better if it comes with that weird sexy edge they gave that whole Barbara/Selina scene. Imagine Rick saying that to Daryl on Walking Dead. Or Walter White to Jesse Pinkman. Roger Sterling to Don Draper? COME ON WRITERS, WORK WITH ME HERE.
  15. I think the thing is this - this type of make-up artistry is a relatively small field. Face-off runs a season twice a year. So they are looking to get 24 people on the show every year. They have to be American, so that whittles it down even further. And auditioning is quite a process. Most professionals are working too much to have the time to do a show like this (assuming they are even interested). Personally, I think if they only did one a year they would get a slightly more experienced group.
  16. When Sarah Newlin saw Eric in the hallway, it reminded me of another Sarah trying to escape bad guys only to saved by an even badder one. Specifically the scene that's 4:42-5:00 in this video ... http://vimeo.com/12078669 The Yakuza just marching in and openly spraying everyone with bullets seemed kind of sloppy for an elite organzied crime unit. Darlene's bit about putting on Terry's jacket to 'feel his arms around me again' made me tear up. I'm such a sucker for sentiment.
  17. Word. He was amazing, communicating so much with almost no dialogue. Oleg is so sinister and charming! I love it! I hope he stays around for a while. Sadly, I cannot say the same of Martha. I find her annoying, not sure if I am supposed to or not, but that's how it is. I really hope they wrap that storyline up soon. Bitchin' Camaro, Phillip.
  18. I spend wayyyyy to much time thinking about this kind of stuff. I have a taste for all things retro (observe my icon! Marlene Dietrich, as mentioned by YellsAlot in the post above) so my pick for a drag name is Mildred Fierce. She would be arch, campy, drunk all the time and filthy rich. A little bit Sunset Boulevard and a little bit Grey Gardens. Turbans and kimonos and martinis, oh my.
  19. I fucking love this show so, so much. Seriously, it is the only competition show I can watch. I am a married straight girl, but if I were the opposite of all those things I would be throwing myself at Bianca. Hope she wins, but she is top 3 for sure. I also have strong afftection for Adore, who is HILARIOUS. Sometimes she reminds me of the Dalia Royce charaacter on the show 'Suburbagtory', only less bitchy. Speaking of bitchy! Darienne Lake is it. But I can tolerate her arch side eyes and her bitchface better than Courtney's tiresome and predictable West Hollywood bullshit. So. Boring. Be a funny girl, be a mean girl, be an airhead, be a diva, be whatever but make it entertaining! Goddamit.
  20. Her name is Jodi! According to the A&E website. I am going to guess that KR has had a little work done also, which would contribute to her looking younger than VF, who I think is mostly au naturel. http://www.aetv.com/bates-motel/cast/kathleen-robertson Anyway, they both are good looking women, it doesn't really matter, I just thought it was interesting that Dylan's mother and Dylan's love/sex interest are played by actresses the same age. Emma is adorable, I really hope her and her cardigans make it through this series alive. Also - why does Michael Vartan look so different? Has he been ill? I didn't recognize him when I first saw him, and I very familiar with his previous work.
  21. You are probably right but it did make me wonder if they were sliding a little extra subliminal mommy squickiness into a show already RIFE with it. Also, although the internet claims Kathleen Robertson and Vera Farmiga were both born in 1973, that does not mean it's true. I have always been skeptical about Farmiga's age, I think she shaves a few years off. I would put her more at 46 or 47 than at 40. Lol. True. That business aboout the see through curtains! Hot!
  22. So, the actress that plays Norma and the actress that plays sexy blond pot boss are the same age. Coincidence? I think not. She is the same age as your mother, Dylan, do you hear me? Cody is so, so annoying. The actress is just too good at playing a disaffected Millenial brat. Good job, but get off my TV before I reach through the screen and strangle you with one of your gummy bracelets. Speaking of actors being too good, hats off to Freddie Highmore! When Norman goes dark side he is truly scary.
  23. Oberyn was serving just a touch of Desperado era Anotnio Banderas. I enjoyed him! I am not opposed to major style changes for characters but Jaime's new caesar cut makes him look like Denis Leary circa 1999. Team Arya all the way, as everyone seems to be. Also - I find I have zero interest in the Wildings. I don't really care about the new cannibal tribe from Terminus or wherever. Is that just me? I don't know why ... unless maybe it's just one too many storylines. Sometimes I get plot thread fatigue.
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