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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Houseguests have been warned about behavior before BB15 and BB21 come to mind. Nicole and Dani were both warned about the comments they made about Ian. Producers also made Tyler stay in BB22. They tell the houseguests they won’t get there stipend. Monte had a terrible social game we saw it throughout the season. Big brother is a social game not who wins the most competitions.
  2. As a Jets fan who couldn’t stand Rex Ryan I’m glad he’s gone. I will say he was a good sport throughout the race. Tasks were a bit boring but I was impressed that the cheerleaders did not get eliminated. Glad Claire and DX survived!
  3. Big fan of the 90 minute episode. I thought Jesse’s idea with the beads was brilliant.
  4. My mom doesn’t watch the feeds and was rooting for Monte she was confused by Taylor winning. So I’m not surprised other people are as well.
  5. Absolutely. It was also the last time I remember seeing the online fanbase this happy about a winner. The only thing is though Jordan was fairly safe most of the season it was just the end game with Jeff and then Michelle both leaving and pulling out that final HOH win. I still can't believe 13 years later Kevin was going to take Jordan to the final 2 over Natalie.
  6. Turner voting for the wrong person because he thought everyone was voting for that person is so on brand. He can never have his own opinion.
  7. Also Taylor is the first person to win who was on the block the first eviction night! Michael
  8. Seriously the only other time I've been happy was when Jordan won and Natalie was awful, but this 10x better since Monte is so cocky. I'll be shocked if Taylor isn't on another CBS show pronto.
  9. I'm glad the jury rewarded a social game over comp wins. Modern Big Brother is a social game let's get back to that.
  10. I'm shocked Terrance voted for Taylor. I've been watching since season 5 and the only other time my favorite was won Jordan. Also 20 years ago Danielle Reyes was robbed so glad Taylor won tonight.
  11. Yeah I don't think Alyssa watching the season is good for Kyle.
  12. Also Taylor's speech was awesome. One of the best we've seen on Big Brother. She laid it all out there.
  13. What was Brittany's comment when she voted?
  14. This season was much better than the past few seasons! Fun talking about all the shenanigans with all of you like Nicole wiping Jasmine's ass. Let's hope next season is just as crazy.
  15. Except Monte was going to keep Taylor before she slept with him. Kyle was actively trying to get rid of Alyssa until Alyssa slept with him. Joseph whole argument to get rid of Alyssa was everything Kyle was telling the Leftovers for weeks.
  16. Yeah I meant Alyssa spilling led to Kyle sending all of her allies home lol.
  17. Franzel sat Cory down his last few days in the house and told him what to say at the jury roundtable. A lot of the points we saw from the edit were things she said lol. Which is probably the better way to do it then just mentioning it in a GBM.
  18. The only time I didn't like Will doing the roundtable was BB15 because I thought he was kind of a dick to Candace when she said she wouldn't vote for Gina Marie. Other than that I like him doing the roundtable because I hate how comp focused modern Big Brother currently is. I really doubt Monte and Taylor are going to be dating after the show. The only single guy Taylor has been around for over a month has been Monte.
  19. Joseph should have been clued in that Taylor knew about him betraying her at DyreFest. We saw Joseph seeing Turner's noms and what he said during the nomination ceremony. Because it is a game and lying is involved. Yes Monte has given verbal promises to Taylor and there is the whole he wanted to take a black woman to the final 2. But it's still Monte who loves to bro down.
  20. Feels like the old days when my favorite would go out #3 Diane, Janelle and Keesha.
  21. If I got a dollar every time Alyssa mentioned on the feeds she wasn't a catty or mean girl. I would have more money right now than the winner of Big Brother will get on Sunday. She has shown all season she has some weird dislike for Taylor just own it. Exactly. I question Alyssa for having sex with someone who treated her like dirt all season and is the reason all of her allies went home. Especially when she would bring up that she thought Kyle was her soulmate.
  22. People are calling out Alyssa on her hypocrisy she spent the last month telling everyone what a nice girl she is and how she isn't catty or mean. She said in all of her exit interviews how she wanted a female to win and then goes and slut shames someone the minute she gets into the jury house. It's also interesting considering 5 years from now people will remember Alyssa as the one who had 10 seconds sex on a pool floatie with the guy who tried to start an all white alliance. If you are a mean girl just own it. It's the same reason people couldn't stand Derrick or Nicole F.
  23. I think they were filming the recap episode since Taylor was opening up a bottle of a champaign at the end.
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