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Delta Blow

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364 Excellent
  1. This, Jessica and Katie, this is love and marriage.
  2. Reid blah blah blah ABsolutely blah blah Casa Reid blah blah blah Reid blah blah blah Mrs Reid blah blah blah ABsolutely blah blah blah mistakes Reid ABsolute garbage. Reid.
  3. I believe it’s called The Broom-Broom Room.
  4. I live in the LA suburbs in an older neighborhood (houses built in 20s, 30s, and 40s). My neighborhood has shifted drastically in the last few years—gentrification has swept through and housing has skyrocketed. Luxury condos are going up right and left in spots in LA previously unthinkable to certain people. Tiny houses (1000sq ft) in my neighborhood are 600-700Kand rents are $2400 for said houses. All of that, and my car was broken into in my driveway last week, and homeless people are squatting in empty houses and bathing with hoses in neighbors’ yards. I don’t know how younger people do it...
  5. I agree that this could be a piece of it for Meka. She hasn’t been the initial self we saw. I have very curly hair, and grew up in the 70s and 80s; my mother had no idea how to manage it whatsoever, so...comments were made... All I ever wanted was the straight hair everyone else had. As an adult, I’ve straightened my hair once. I felt so strange and outside of myself that I cried for days, and eventually just cut it off. Many years later, I lost my hair to chemo; wigs just didn’t work for me. I advocated for my students to be able to wear headscarves as part of dress code, when I saw firsthand how some girls shut down over hair. Hair is deep.
  6. My crystal ball sees the future of that Mrs Reid pendant—I see it lost in the garbage among the photos and mementos of Amber and Matt’s marriage, and maybe stuck in an old wax melt.
  7. Katie has that Audrina speech pattern. Basic Audrina.
  8. Implants after mastectomy is reconstruction of a body part, not augmentation, a free boob-job, and not vanity. It’s replacing something natural to the body shape that was removed, and thus disfiguring. What Jasmine has done is disfigured herself.
  9. Waltons. Michael Learned. Karen Grassle was Caroline Ingalls. But Tony is still full of shit.
  10. There you go again @Pepper Mostly! Bringing the fine literature references on over to Love After Lockup—you kill me too!
  11. I can see it. He kind of has the personality of a machine or drone.
  12. Alex can miss me with his bullshit concerns/gaslighting Glorietta about the women coming on to him in bars. Bruh, come on. You rough. Also, if Glo isn’t acting, she needs really needs psych help—she’s 2 seconds away from becoming Morello in OITNB, but not a bit endearing like Morello...
  13. Maybe Amy could’ve gotten them a deal.
  14. Tony has a type.
  15. Throwback! Idyllic Claremont has the best apples! I mean, people come fucking miles for them apples! Thank you. It was a revelation, and I was surprised it was available!
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