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Everything posted by DoYouLikeMutton

  1. My condolences, Browncoat. My father died 20 years ago and this episode made it feel raw, even after all these years.
  2. Poignant scene, but this show has been a drag for a long time. Like when they killed off Brian Griffin.
  3. I guess with the haste to end this show, it was nice that they tied up some loose ends, such as Abishola's desire to become a doctor, Dele's dance career, Christina's in vitro, and Bob selling the company to Goodwin. Jumping ahead seven years, though, felt like they forgot to show us a couple of seasons. It was kind of sad in that respect. Bob and Abishola's relationship never really meshed, and it culminated with Bob's retirement and Abishola becoming a newly-minted doctor. They were always on completely different trajectories, and it ended the same way. All's well that ends well, I suppose, but It was unsettling seeing all the bickering between Kemi and Chukwuemeka. What struck me most was the weight loss of Billy Gardell throughout the series. Episode to episode, it was more gradual. With the flashbacks of Billy in earlier seasons, it was quite dramatic.
  4. Agree, I thought that was silly for Sheldon to use the chicken coop rather than the bushes. I suppose it was just so Jim Parson's could deliver his line afterwards.
  5. The trajectory of this series is making it very easy for me to bid adieu to this show. The interesting story lines were never fully developed, and the cringeworthy scenarios have continued. It was fun while it lasted, and I truly am glad some people are still enjoying it.
  6. I liked this episode! Agree with HurricaneVal, the scene with Bob and Dele was the bomb. For the first time, I liked Ebun. A good episode all around.
  7. I could have done without the retching/vomiting scene to close out the episode. Haven't we seen this already at least once during this show? UGH.
  8. After waiting so long for this new and final season to begin, this episode was a let down. I was aware that each character (besides Bob and Abishola) would only appear in a limited number of episodes, but I missed scenes with Kemi & Gloria and Dottie's smart alec remarks. The pervasive tension between Dele and Abishola got dull, but I guess I put up with just about anything for the 20 or so total minutes. 😆
  9. I thought the most telling part of the whole finale was the reaction shot of Faith, Joan and especially Ellen when Gerry joined Leslie on stage and began laying his excuses on her. The finale was billed as "a stunning conclusion", which I completely disagreed with. It wasn't stunning. It was downright mean like all these shows. They build people up, and the audience gets to watch them get knocked down and crumble. Regardless of how people feel about Leslie's reaction, it was horrible watching her get totally crushed. I looked away for a lot of it.
  10. I don't know why I am surprised by the women who say they'd marry Gerry in a heartbeat. Ladies, you've only known this man for one month. You don't know him in real life. Sure, what great fun riding on roller coasters at amusement parks, sharing romantic dinners, fun group dates and the hilarity that ensues. Real life issues such as who is going to relocate to be with the other. Once all the smiles and the "honeymoon" phase is over, we'll see if the fairy tale continues.
  11. I rolled my eyes when Gerry told Faith that at the time/when he said he loved her, he meant it. Even those old, tired lines get recycled over and over again. SMH
  12. The editing sure is done to mislead. They made it appear that Emily was least interested in Harrison, yet she picks him. They show Hannah crying in the preview, so one would assume Emily picked Marco. But no, she was crying because Anna self-eliminated.
  13. I agree wholeheartedly with the others here who have posted their observations. With ALL of the islanders flapping their jaws about everything they see and hear, I don't understand why such a brouhaha between Bergie and Victor erupted. I also agree that saving not just one but two couples from the public vote totally skewed the whole competition. Chances are Anna and Leo could have been the bottom couple, and frankly, so could have Marco and Hanna. And when did "body count" become the metaphor for how many sexual partners one has had? Boy, I'm old.
  14. My thoughts: I've only seen eps 1-3. Haven't watched ep 4 yet. I think Bergie and Victor are the nicest "boys", thus far. It's true, Bergie is not the typical, ripped eye candy cast on this/these shows, but it refreshing to have someone that is not there to boost their online profiles and influencer status. I like him and I hope he gets something from the show, like a confidence boost. I like the more natural look of the girls this season. They are not caked with make-up, and it proves a woman can still be attractive and beautiful. Less can certainly be more. I know I am probably in the minority, but I don't like the thongs the girls wear. I thinks it's a lot sexier to leave something to the imagination rather than having their entire butt cheeks exposed. Too bad there are so many f-bombs - and they're mostly dropped by the girls! It's cringeworthy. I am not a prude, and a well-placed f-bomb can be very effective-but on this show, it's part of the vernacular. Would you speak to your grandmother like that? It's not attractive and makes someone appear that they have a poor vocabulary. Lastly, Marco, please. 22 years old and 72 sexual partners already?? Yikes. That, to me, is not a plus, and something I'd keep under my hat if I were him. Enjoy the show, everyone!
  15. Hello, All, Is anyone interested in discussing Love Island USA Season 5? This was a pretty active forum until last year, Season 4, when it was a rather "sleepy" discussion group. Maybe everyone went to another platform like Reddit or something else? I'd like to add my thoughts if anyone is interested in discussing here on Primetimer.
  16. I thought I noticed some awkwardness between Brenda and Mandy's father at the hospital. Maybe HE is the married man in Brenda's life, not George.
  17. Now I see where Mandy gets her ugly attitude. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
  18. Finally, an episode I really enjoyed. I wasn't creeped out by George's assertion that perhaps he was the "other" man in Brenda's life. Rather, it made me wonder if there were a few things going on between them beyond some flirty batting of eyelashes. I liked that some of the old story lines were circling back, as the show was becoming like a rickety train rolling off the tracks in too many directions.
  19. Is a child allowed to be employed in Texas at age 12?
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