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Everything posted by crazy8s

  1. I have been watching reruns of old tv shows for a distraction in the moment and noticed a lot of the channels do "Theme Week" for old shows. Not just the usual holiday stuff, but by character or topic. Which made me think what theme weeks would we all come up with? I would think these could all easily get a week. Little Rehab on the Prairie. (Graham's dad, albert, edwards...) Mean Girls (wheelchair down hill, mud wrestling, the talking machine....) Ingalls the Prairie Airbnb - The Loft or the Soddy (angry teen guy, Peter, Chris, Edwards, Grandpa) Carry on folks with some clever titles for topics of broken ribs, failed crops, teachers or whatever.
  2. There is a girl pictured behind Renee in the recent swimming pic at the springs in florida who seems to be the friend who had the tea party with Nurie and Hannah Keller. She graduated last spring and had full on southern belle pics done. She is the one who reposted the training your child for church from the Pearls. About making them sit on a chair at home silently, while listening to recorded sermons and correcting them until the knew how to sit through church in silence. I fear this is an attempt to set up for Samuel with a godly mawdest wife. She is the farthest away possible from him in the pic and he is wearing long pants this one time when the rod boys have been shown swimming in board shorts or long bathing suits for at least 10 years. old pic from 2013 showing rod boys in shorts at the beach
  3. sorry, poor punctuation in my last post. Checked the AR sec of state as @Zella suggested which shows Ben and Jessa registered to vote at the church owned house they currently live in and not the old location of the mold house.
  4. I only know this because it was just recently posted elsewhere about a different family.
  5. @ChiCricket happy anniversary and best wishes for many more.
  6. thanks for that info. checking that Ben and Jessa are shown at the church owned house. I haven't checked the rest because the day just went a little ... unexpectedly crazy.
  7. I suspect it is the rolling the pics out slowly. Isn't the Retreat for Ladies in beautiful amish country a week from now?
  8. Agree I think they all still live on the TTH property same a Joe and Kendra, Jer and Hannah. Elijah though, claimed he had moved out and his truck was stolen from his new home a year or so ago and he has not updated to any other address in Arkansas. Anna is still registered with the warehome address. Maybe she lives there still, but I don't think so. Jessa and Ben are still registered at the old mold house address. Joshiah and Lauren are listed in Rogers even though they supposedly built that big house adjacent to JB property near that schoolroom church shown on the show. Maybe AR records are slow, but Jer and Jed's have changed several times over the past few years, so they do get changed.
  9. Same with Samuel, he just seems tired of the paste on a smile and frantically wave to mama's phone. He has seen both Timothy and Phillip go off and be able to eat, own and drive their own vehicle and give up traveling with the family circus. But I don't think he aspires to any kind of further education or being a preacher. I predict Samuel's Godly Handyman or lawn service creating a website in June.☹️
  10. Jana, Jason and James are all still registered to vote at the TTH address. But all 3 have been shown on their own instagram, or a siblings, as living in spaces on the property but that are not the actually big house. so who knows really 🤷‍♀️
  11. Maybe not so much families keeping their distance. But without a show, how many guys are going to fill out the 30 page survey?? Also no TLC story line urgently needed for someone to be courting, get married, or look like fools on a tlc planned honeymoon episode. Several of the males have married since the show was cancelled. Females all from solid fundie families. But Jase and James have seemed to have taken notes from the older Bates guys. No hurry to marry and be tied down with a wife and children . Especially if you can travel to Europe, build a party RV, act like 12yr olds with Elijah, cousin Evan Peters and Noah Robinson. All while working for daddy, eating food in the big house, having your laundry done by your sisters and all.
  12. a few commented on her fb post. a couple of the responses were things like fly delta or we only use american. When she was moaning about Frontier and her horrible experience on the way home from Punta Cana some smarta** commented "you get what you pay for" 😂 I would guess she needs to quit calling airline people and just go to her Frontier acct and do "add my trip". Frontier is not going to do that for her. Also, I think your Frontier miles vanish after 12mos if you aren't active in that time period. So Jill stating they have been saving their points is a nothing.
  13. Also sons-in laws who will fall in love with the amish country and be willing to move near the barndo. Jill's talking point on the grift tour is now where her adult children live. "Timothy bought a house 20 mins from us". "Kaylee and Jonathan Hill bought a house just 4 1/2 miles from us". Nurie gets a pass because Jill really wanted the Duggar connection back in the day and Jill can name Pastor Nathan Keller and his teeny tiny church in nowhere florida. But "they have our first two grandbabies and are expecting our first granddaughter in July." But there isn't one of those children who have forgotten the exaggerated grieving they endured by mama when Nurie moved to florida or Tim went to WA state to Moody.
  14. Two different schools - the guys leaving were Phillip's school last year 22/23 Massilon Bible College. The free school was fall semester 2023 Marrietta Bible College and seems to be a mill for students from the Phillippines to spend a few years in the US and be trained to go back as missionaries or pastors.
  15. The one guy bro decker dean of students left at the end of last year same as Phillip. The president, dr thayer i think only announced he was leaving Jan 3. so the 2 graduates are this year. Last year I think they had 3 guys graduate and several of the girls did also. I know they had one girl graduate last year with her degree in missions. She had been off to whatever missions training/ language immersion place in Texas that Massilon sends students to for their 3rd year of the degree in missions. One of those 2 pastors made a joke at Phillip's expense in a chapel service once, then explained Phillip was always the butt of his jokes. Then the ass tried to justify it by saying "he just couldn't help picking on Phillip, because Phillip just always took it so well" ☹️
  16. I do think Phillip possibly bailed at Massilon because they were having some issues. But also he was one of the 2 students who didn't make the honor roll so... The Pastor that did the chapel services Bro Decker, is now at a church in Missouri and Dr Thayer, (president) announced in Dec. he would be leaving Massilon, but would be around until May to see the graduation of the 2 students they have set to finish this year. Also Phillip had to pay for Massilon and this new school was totally free and somehow there was a connection with a Pastor at Jill's home church. Ripley bible college is the one Nurie and Kaylee did. Jill posted about Phillip and Renee starting an online bible course years ago. Never another word about it after that. No big graduation post or anything.
  17. Equally crushing would be the loss of identity within the family. For your entire life mama has painted a picture of you in both her social media and at the grift stops and it ends badly. Jill never, ever mentions Timothy's "burden" for aviation ministry on the grift tour these days. She hasn't even mentioned with great pride "he has a obtained his Pilot's License" for a very long time. Now it's "Timothy bought a house 20mins from us...." Phillip has always been described by his mama as her diligent scholar. We can barely drag him away from his books and studies etc. He set his heart on being a missionary to Hungary when he was 8 or whatever. Renee made zero mention of Phillip's "burden" to be a missionary to Hungary so I will say that is over. side note - Sofia did the usual fun fact "all I want for christmas is my 2 front teeth" Jill jumped in to say "we need to update that fun fact" so Sofia must finally be getting her permanent teeth.
  18. To be honest if Phillip said "sitting in these chapel services every day listening to this old guy sitting in a chair is just so incredibly boring and a waste of my time..." I would say he was right to bail. I thought something was up with Phillip and the college because the last grift church video Renee (who bizarrely always "introduces" invisible phillip) she skipped the "he is at bible college" part. I think he was also pictured in the family dinner at Kaylee's. I do hope Phillip's full time job is back with Jonathan and not that he was Tim's co-worker trying to sell insurance in the coffee shop.
  19. In the same video Renee spilled that Phillip is back living at home and working a full time job while attending an online bible college. So twice "god" has led them to the perfect bible college for Phillip and neither has worked out to get him to his goal of being a missionary to Hungary.
  20. First 10 years were so hard without help, thank the lord Nurie and Kaylee got old enough to help me. First 10 years were so hard we decided to keep having children, give up the job and the house to live in an RV with 11 children and grift for income....oh and have more children...
  21. Timothy has certainly been raised to believe rules don't apply to the rods and when they are held to the rules it is "persecution of christians", or "attacks of satan". His mama has done many, many posts to that effect. Tim has posted a few times about Heidi being able to hold her own. I can't remember his wording. I think that works for Timothy because that has been his entire life. A strong women running the show. Also he treats Heidi like a queen because, that too, has sadly been his entire life. Get money from a grift church to buy yourself something, buy mama a gift. Get crap gifts from mama on your birthday or christmas, buy mama an ebike for mother's day, etc.
  22. It is mind boggling to think JB and Michelle only have 3 children left under 18 and they are 16, 15 and 14 or close to that. Josie and Mackynzie should be up to get their learner's permits this year. Yikes!!
  23. Spent the day with his beloved, who has no name except she, her, my fiance....☹️ Obviously the long engagement is not his idea. Of course he felt the shooting games were most important because he is not a whimp. She would probably take him out in paintball or laser tag as well. The Rods boys have certainly been shown playing arcade shooting games before. Recently Dave, Samuel and Gabriel at Bass Pro. But the boys also were shown in the past playing Mortal Kombat at some restaurant or arcade. There is a pic of that somewhere.
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