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Everything posted by crazy8s

  1. I think the injuries, real or exaggerated, are not only used for attention, or to redirect attention from others back to Jill. But also a convenient excuse for when Jill doesn't want to do something because she isn't good at it, can't grift from it, can't video, or it would show her going against her righteous modesty standards and gender roles. The skiing for example. Maybe she has skied in the past, but certainly she would have to wear pants or snow pants of some sort. Also, sports are for the menfolk. She has certainly ranted too many times on women in "clothing that pertaineth to men" to then be seen in snowpants. Someone asked her in her comments on fb maybe 5 or 6 mos ago about her knee and she replied it was fine or ok. That it had healed as much as it ever would, but would never be fully back the way it was. Maybe had she sought actual treatment right off, the result would have been better, maybe not. 🤷‍♀️ I am getting a good laugh from the image of Jill skiing in that monstrosity that is the mermaid skirt. 😂
  2. I believe she is on her FB though. Yesterday I posted here about the # of fb followers Kaylee had. 499 and Jill had 8030 or so. today that has vanished from both pages. I agree on the thought if one of the kids had something wrong/were injured she would post. She did after the Nurie and Kaylee car accident from the ER and same with Amy. If it was an RV breakdown she would have done another fb live to try and drum up donations for a new one. Maybe she's just occupied taking awkward senior pics of samuel on the beach or something.
  3. It was a leak of info, or a supposed leak, by someone at the bridal shop where Heidi tried on, and bought her dress. Heidi's mom has posted a vague "wedding this year" and it seems someone replied can't wait to see you in september" or something like that.
  4. I don't follow the Bates all that closely, but is Katie the one that thinks females at the drive thru window flirt with/tempt her husband? Or is that a different sister? If it's Katie, how will she let him commute to Nashville by himself?
  5. I am all for cheap/freebie things for souvenirs, if it fits a child's interest. We brought the 2 grandsons the free state road maps from arizona. They were excited because one loves all things maps and geography and the other loves all things arizona. But Jill has never her shown herself thinking about her children as individuals. Whatever freebies she could collect from the resort were the gifts. Maybe a bit of sand from the beach or if she found any broken shells. If Jill's phone was broken, she could just use Dave's, Renee's or Tessie's. They also have shown a tablet and a laptop many times.
  6. under site business they have had a few vote for emojis. The grateful emoji replaced the rainbow thanks emoji. It seems maybe both could be useful because thanks and grateful are different. I would choose the rainbow thanks as response to say a recommendation for sheets, grateful seems a bit much as a response to something like that.
  7. Given the sensitivity of the topic, and that it might be triggering to others here, perhaps it is best if we just let this go. Thank you for you perspective and context for your orig post.
  8. I get that. I was just trying to give thought to how we can be respectful of the heartbreak and choose our wording on such a topic with tact and gentleness. But also the people involved in this heartbreak have their own show thread, so possibly it was more appropriate to post there where they are known.
  9. yet she somehow has 499 fb followers. Up 20 since a few days ago. Kaylee got 60 people to post their phone lock screen pic with one of those silly fb "challenges". Their children, spouses, homes, pets etc. 🤷‍♀️ Jill did comment yesterday on Kaylee's 5 day old post about the kombucha. Jill's response "Yum!!" Like Jill ever drinks anything but coffee, the pink drink and non alcohol sparkling juice on the special occasions.
  10. I have never watched that show and have only a vague idea who this person is. Whether or not I know them personally, know of them, or have snarked about their family tv show, this is tragic, heartbreaking and perhaps should be .... not sure the proper wording... posted more delicately, worded with a bit more gentleness or something. Also, yes it is in the wrong show thread.
  11. Nothing posted by Jill in 4 days. Seems ominous another "please let me explain" post might be coming soon. 🙄
  12. Is Joe the one that helped Jinger through her spiritual crisis when she was a teen?
  13. do you know how? I say yes that is what seems to be needed. I think it"s the mashup name that is the problem with the one and then Boob. Lolli and Pops would probably be a no go, even though the duggars themselves have used those names.
  14. I will say if she is truly able to treat people who left the church in these ways, good for her. When we left our church, we were completely shunned. People we had been friends with for 20 yrs would actually turn their heads away if they saw us in Costco. Our church, my job and most of our friends were lost all in a week's time. hahaha on the "carnal" church. when we were first married we left my childhood missouri synod lutheran church for an elca lutheran church and both my mom and the m. synod pastor were adamant we were leaving for a church set up by satan to lure people away from the "true church"🙄🤣
  15. I would agree with this - pre pandemic I only ever clicked the ST page to get rid of it being the only unread page shown. There were people in there that never posted in the show threads, but dominated conversation in ST. But ST has changed. The life events shared, the amount of empathy shown and suggestions of resources are great. It has been a safe place for people to share whatever and even if all a small talk person has to offer is the care emoji, so a poster feels someone heard them, it is done.
  16. Thanks for this information. It is really all very confusing for many of us with the limited information on the recent changes and red light warning. I appreciate your information and any insight from anyone on how to move this forward.
  17. Also this "You may see us asking culture check questions in certain threads or forums. It’s our hope that these gentle nudges from moderators and the community team will encourage reflection and mindfulness among members. For instance, moderators might ask, "How is this thread/conversation making our community a kinder and more inclusive space?" or “Is there room for more empathy and understanding in the way we're communicating our points?” Expect to find these questions at the top of threads and also in response to certain posts. Using Hashtags to Signal Our Collective Journey To aid in this journey, we’re encouraging the use of hashtags to flag content that celebrates diversity (#CelebrateDiversity), expresses concerns (#CommunityConcerns), or shares curiosities (#CommunityCuriosities). These tags will help moderators and the community identify and support posts that represent a welcoming and respectful culture, ensuring all voices are heard and valued. If you have any concerns, questions, or feedback, please feel free to reach out. You can directly contact the Community Managers via PM @CM-CrispMtAir and @cm-soupsipper post in Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions, or enter culture check questions or suggestions via this Google Form. " https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/143541-culture-check/#comment-8292596
  18. Found this today Primetimer Home page/site business. Name that Thread! This is a forum to rename the titles of Topic threads that are inappropriate and/or red-lit as an attempt to change the culture. Shout out to creative mods and community members for inspiring this forum creation! https://forums.primetimer.com/forum/8662-name-that-thread/
  19. No idea. But Jill posted pics a few years ago being ready for the school year and Phillip, Samuel and Gabriel were shown being 8th, 7th and 6th. Phillip graduated 2 yrs ago so...🤷‍♀️
  20. There would also be no manly men sons to do the man's job of hauling in the equipment and setting it up. Jill has mentioned multiple times in the past things like Timothy sets up all the sound equipment or Samuel is our go to guy for getting things set to perform. Gabriel should graduate home school next year. If Jill holds him back like she did with Samuel, Gabe would be 20 when he graduated.
  21. Anyone remember that property Joy and Austin bought wanting to turn it into an RV park or camp? Zoning for that got denied last year because the community packed the house in the zoning meeting and spoke against it. In Nov 2023 they sold the property for $165,000. They bought it for $159,000 maybe a year before that. the zoning story from last year https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/elkins-rv-park-proposal-denied-after-neighbors-voiced-concerns/
  22. That would be consistent with Duggar way. I think Justin is the only Duggar son not working for duggar enterprises or living in housing either owned by JB, or some housing on the TTH property. Josiah owns his own property and home, but possibly still works for Pops in some capacity. TTH property - Joe, Jer, Jason James and Josh's family. John and Jed live in housing owned by JB. Jackson is what 19 or 20 now? maybe still in the boys dorm or in some out building on the TTH property like Jason and James are.
  23. 🤣🤣🤣 JB buys and breaks Primetimer trying to emulate Elon breaking twitter. 🤣
  24. I have thought about this for a few days because I was dealing with 2 urgent real life issues, one resolved and one very complicated. I read the entire red light warning and then followed the poster for updates. I was so confused. Without warning, we are "supposed to work together to resolve by 4/1" with no indication of what the problem is or what needs to be changed. The link following the warning was soon closed to comments. But the need for "diversity" word salad was mind boggling. So at some point a "survey" was done and found white women over 50 were the main commenters. I was not surveyed. No idea who was, like Primetimer site wide, just certain threads or what. Given the Duggars are the topic for this thread, I would say the demographics for the show were older, white, Christian women with access to cable, and then the watch in disbelief, watch and snark types. TLC did not care as long as people were watching. So how would we, as a forum, get who, and how exactly in attempt to diversify? People here now certainly don't share their age, race, lgbtq, religion, marital status etc to join. Does diversify mean to included Duggar defenders? This is a snark site so...🤷‍♀️ I would say we are a fairly diverse group as far as life experience, career experience, living situations that are sometimes easy, sometimes complicated, religious affiliation and personal church history, past family or work history that is complicated. Also, we are fairly diverse in what we react to, and comment on, depending on our own level of interest, knowledge of topic, time we have to spend on responding on any given day or whatever. I don't have knowledge in many areas and have learned a lot from people in various professions and from the life experience of others here. I have found we are quick in small talk to offer care and comfort to those struggling with a life situation with empathy, share related experiences or helpful resources we have used. The conflicts here have seemed minimal. a few feathers ruffled by misunderstandings or whatever. I have PMd people a few times on occasion about misunderstandings. If they are new, maybe offering context they couldn't possibly know or just "let it go, because within 24 hrs we will all be on to the next thing" Various point of views are offered, but I have found most times if a polite differing opinion is offered it is responded to with "I never thought of that" or "that is a valid point" etc. I would miss my community here and the collective knowledge of all things duggar and the snark.☹️
  25. So sad he sold that lawn service, where he claimed to make $5,000 a month, to go pursue mama's grift tour bragging point of "our oldest son Timothy is a licensed pilot with a burden for missionary aviation" Uncle Kevin Foster has a godly lawn care, one of his cousins just started a godly lawn care biz. Tim had the godly lawn care biz, equipment and apparently some customers. Nothing wrong in aiming/aspiring to do something different, but he has been given few tools to achieve in other areas. For all the talk of Heidi has changed him, they will not let Jill run their lives, etc. I predict as soon as they are married and living within 20mins of the barndo Heidi will be assimilated into the rod fam just like Jonathan.
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