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Posts posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. 15 hours ago, Raja said:

    Eddie as the world's cutest and laziest lion was awesome.

    And the lady lions do all the work too. My dog *hates* when other dogs are wearing costumes. She aggressively barks at them. And we lived in Japan. They *dress* dogs up. Hard.

    I forgot about Halloween with this show. I like that they do it every year.

    Seriously "Q" ha.

    Great, so a bunch of religious people let their own superstition fuck someone over for life. That's more of a horror story than Halloween is.

    10 hours ago, notcreative enough said:

    I like the Quinn Tani friendship I forgot what that was like because there hasn't been to lead females for a longtime.

    As much as I like to rip the show, I have to give credit that they're doing well with this. I'm going to assume Katrina Law actually made the narrative suggestion, and they were like 'oohh yeah that makes total sense.'

    • Love 1
  2. On 10/22/2019 at 12:04 AM, DiabLOL said:

    Why didn't she let her stay the night after their disturbing conversation? 

    Yeah, I totally didn't get that. I mean, I'm not calling OOC on Eileen. She was fixated on getting the money for the movie. I haven't read the comments to the point where I quoted this, but I guess Eileen has become the pimps she hated.

    I like Abby, but I find her hypocritical. She is genuinely good at managing the bar, and I don't begrudge her that. She knows what reality is though. Drawing the line at Vincent having the gun seems a bit much. I mean, if he wanted to, he could tell Tommy to pull the protection on the Hi-Hat. On the other hand, I know people like her in real life. I get the sense she's pissed off at life because life passed her by. I think she thinks she could have been more but she never did. So she leaves her and Vincent's place. Where she going to go? Her gf dumped her. The only source of income is the bar. She's not moving home.

    I had a tough time dealing with Mike, 'winter ain't going to touch me.' By now, I know these guys aren't going to give you much in the way of happy endings. Still.

    I do feel vindicated from last episode where I commented that Rudy's "I gave permission" for Vincent killing off the made guy's son made it even that Rudy got done to put Vincent in the clear.

    I liked Vincent asking if he'd be able to retire. No, you won't. Tommy knows you can open clubs and make money. He was fairly firm to me in telling Vincent that he'd find him another place, but Vincent's either going to be earning, or he's going to get got if he thinks he can retire. And what's he going to do otherwise? Run for office? It's not like he's banking a 401k. Unless they make him a made man at the end of the show. Which would kind of be cool.

    • Love 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Glendenning said:

    Christmas is one of the few times you still hear oldies and American Popular Standards on the radio.

    That's a fair point, and there's some good classics, but the standards are still xmas based. I certainly like our honored crooners, but I don't think I need to hear White Christmas before we've even turned the clocks back.

    • Love 8
  4. 11 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

    someone once pointed out that if B5 was indeed inspired by the Lord of the Rings then Sheridan's death and resurrection is highly reminiscent of the fate of Gandalf.

    No disrespect to Tolkien, but he hardly invented the motif.

    The Centauri and Narn had to have artificial gravity because the ships didn't have any rotational sections.

  5. Candidates should just be saying 'vote for me because I'm an adult.'

    Also to Bill's point - this is why the election cycle is too long. All these candidates have to say something about something because they only have 45 seconds to talk and it's six billion years to the election she there's air time to fill. 

    Completely agree that networks should not be handling debates. 

    • Love 1
  6. 5 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    Like Cuomo pointing out Bill was telling Italians what they should/shouldn’t be offended by.   Also, at first I thought Cuomo was fanning, but then I realized he was sending Bill up and Bill was too big headed to realize it.   

    I'm Italian American and Fredo isn't a thing. Certainly not equal to the n word by any stretch. Even if it was, a public figure like Cuomo should have the situational awareness to not flip out in public. 

    Also as a fairly well off middle aged white guy, it's just not a good look for other well off middle aged white guys with big family connections to whine about being called a character in a movie. Sure, you have the right to be offened. I also have the right to suggest you get the fuck over yourself. 

    I do like the congresswoman. 

    I don't necessarily think it's just young people who are all complaining about everything. It is more people with too much time on their hands. Before social media we called them busy bodies. It's ok to tell them to shut the fuck up sometimes because you're too busy for their bullshit. 

    I don't know how I feel about Facebook determining what constitutes free speech or not. How about not being stupid? 

    • Love 13
  7. I would dispute 'some'. I don't see an origin story enhances the Breaking Bad universe. I don't think it matters exactly where he is from, only his start with Don Elario and his quest for revenge. With Saul, I can see how the transformation to Saul contributes to the universe.

    And I certainly like the actor and the character. One thing TPTB on this show does know that less is more makes for better tv.

    • Love 1
  8. No, I meant that. There wasn't any indication throughout the series to me that the Aiel were dying out or whatever, so it felt like Jordan had this idea and scratched out some sort of outline for a later story, so they just threw it in because it was the last book.

    I just find it hard to believe that no one ever thought to walk through the stones backwards. It would have been cool if we knew this from book 5, so all the Wise Ones et al., knew they had to fight back the dark one and help Rand to prevent the end of the world, but also knew that it would be a hollow victory if they didn't get their shit together for after.

    That's kind of the thing that bothers me. It's not as interesting that the good guys win the big end of the world battle; it's about what's going to happen after. That's why I found the final battle to fall really flat. It wasn't really a breaking of the world like the last time and it left a huge mess.

  9. I way late to the party because there's too much content nowadays. I watched on the plane. I'm on the 'Father' episode now.

    For the most part I liked the series. There's certainly a wide variety. I'm finding some of the stories just kind of end and don't have an ending. I don't know if that's by design.

    I wasn't quite sure why Steve Buscemi got dumped out in the Jack and Jill episode since everything was his plan in the first place. I guess lying to his wife? I don't get why she jumped on Jill so fast though, when all she wanted to do was move up the coast.

    They didn't really do a good job with why there was so much strife with the telepaths either. And Robb Stark being able to naturally block them just came out of nowhere. I would have just liked him to be a more sympathetic character and Honor being more paranoid.

    I thought the Bryan Cranston one was obvious, but I liked it. They could have done more in the courtroom because that kind of ended really pat without too much dramatic tension. I don't get why the aide was so hostile to his wife.

    I liked the Anna Paquin one because it was the most 'classic scifi' to me. The one with the Amazon factory was good because I didn't see the twist coming. The terrorist one was probably the most contemporary and creepiest.

  10. 3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    Belichek exploited the rule about consecutive delay of game penalties by inserting a false start penalty in between the Pats TWO DELIBERATE delay of game penalties on a 3rd down solely to take time off the clock  -- and mess with field position for the punt.   He overthinks to the Nth degree.  The difference is he doesn't overthink so much he doesn't act.

    I would call that calculating. Over thinking is a draw play on 4th down. Or going for 2 in a tight game early so you have to chase points because "that's what the chart says." 

    Goal to go and the game on the line and you try to do something cutesy instead of just putting the ball in your best player's hands. 

    That's why I think the superbowl was actually good. The Rams didn't overthink. 

  11. 1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

    The Patriots are dominant because they adapt more quickly to any given situation than the rest of the teams in the league.  

    I also think the coaching staff doesn't over think like most coaches do. It's not really that complex of a game as most make it out to be.

    • Love 1
  12. I liked them all. The theme to the 'teen' show and all the singing cracked me up. Genderfluid showers. Neil with a deep voice. It was basically 90210 with the MCU.

    And Lois was totally 'generic chick sitcom'. Complete with Judy Greer.

    2 hours ago, Twilight Man said:

    I really get the feeling that they were "sitting" on those ideas (especially the BoJack Horseman gag) and just couldn't think of a way to use them until they decided to write this episode.

    Probably. They were still funny though. Chris and Joe and Trish being the only ones dancing cracked me up.

    I did a focus group way in the late 90s! But I only watched a sitcom in my apartment by myself and they called me after to ask questions.

    The lightning round at the end was really good. Neck tattoo with bible verse doesn't matter. Looks creepy.

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