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Posts posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. To be fair, I don't see and end to Doris/Steve any other way. I don't know if AOL was actually writing Steve the way that we are interpreting here (which I think is correct). I do give him credit for actually 1 - having her pull a gun on Steve, and 2 - killing her off; not just her disappearing until they need her to pop up again. 

  2. This kind of underscores baseball's problem with 'unwritten rules' (which isn't a thing). If it's a rule, make it a rule. If it's not, then shut up and play the game. 

    I've read a lot about how 'sign stealing has always been part of the game.' Well, yes, ok, but if you get caught, then you have to have consequences. 

    • Love 7
  3. Kap is kind of in a no-win here. If he refuses, he's going to get skewered. If he plays poorly, everyone will be like, 'well he had his time, move on.' 

    If he's nothing short of stellar, you're going to get 'well, he doesn't fit our system.' 

    I kind of wish he went to Canada and just tore it up and refused the NFL's calls. 

    • Love 8
  4. I was in college in the 90s, so I enjoyed the jokes. I just don't have the nostalgia for the decade. Nothing bad happened to me or anything, but I just find it all kind of lacking in character. I mean, Friends is really as bland as you can get. 

    They weren't wrong or anything. There used to be mtv spring break just like that. It was weird. 

    • Love 3
  5. Seamus had arms and legs!

    I can appreciate at least that they acknowledged playing fast and loose with the show history.

    On 11/10/2019 at 8:00 PM, Galileo908 said:

    Yeah, Friends was really that white that FG used two Bonnies instead of including someone like Donna.

    madTV did an awesome sketch on that.

    I did like all the awful 90s gags. X Files was Fox's last great hit. Daisy Fuentes was hot AF.

    No grunge jokes though.

    Did the Counting Crows guy get that much tail?

  6. I was dying over Rudy's cast in the lunchroom and Zeke wanting to get in on it. Zeke gets amped up over everything.

    Someone *needs* to fill us in on how Rudy's backpack caught fire at the Olive Garden.

    Louise forging a check is kind of dark for this show.

    Ok, I thought the cut scene was porn.

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Galileo908 said:

    CBG selling weed & artisanal salami

    He's the quirky one in Portland.

    I did like how when Homer was freaking out about Marge being gay, when he was looking around the house, there were Everyone Loves Tig dvds.

    • Love 1
  8. Wow I had no idea Willie Nelson invented Austin City Limits.

    The lady who coined the term 'outlaw' is an absolute charm.

    • Love 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Of course they exchanged words. It was just shot in the silent movie format where we the audience didn't hear it.

    I just finished watching so it's fresh on my mind. I could sort of buy that, but 1 - she kept hitting the card and the buzzer thing was constantly going off, so having the guard say absolutely nothing seemed odd. I'll even push that aside for sake of giving the show a little slack and take it with a little grain that we're watching from Elliot's pov.

    But 2 - if they did talk, having him whistle at her for the phone at the end of scene is patently absurd. At that point you're making them stay silent for the sake of wanting to film it with no dialogue. I don't think the premise is ruined if he says, "Miss Haze, your phone." The whole silence of that scene just took me completely out of the show.

    To be fair *after* that point, when the hack started for real, I totally can buy them going silent. And even with the chase, there's no reason for Elliot to talk either.

    I guess the overall point is that if I'm 'aware' of them ALL being silent rather than the silence being an organic part of the show, then I don't think they did their job as well as they could have. It was actually a cool idea. I think they pushed it past where they could have left it and still accomplished what they wanted to.

    • Love 2
  10. I guess the show takes place in a universe where police never overused force on someone bolting out of an office building that just suffered a major hack.

    I was being kind of tongue in cheek because of course the main character of the show is going to get away. I didn't want him to get caught either, but a 50 hour chase through the city was a little much. Likely because they didn't have enough justification to keep silent for the entire show.

  11. 13 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Why would she hang around and have a long chat with the security guy, no matter how normally talkative she is?

    I didn't say 'hang around', but it strains credulity that the guy wouldn't ask her name to look her up or she wouldn't say, 'my card isn't reading' and just swipe it 50 times while it buzzed while she stood mute. Or, 'here's my id.'

    As a security guard, I'd be more suspicious if the person whose card failed the reader is just standing there not talking. And give me a break, she left her phone and he whistles at her? Doesn't just say 'hey, your phone'.

    I don't even care that they magically knew the place would have a 3d printer. That actually didn't bother me.

    TPTBs already said it in the media beforehand, as it's been posted here. It was a gimmick. Yes, it's a heist and being silent is a good framing device to a point, but to have it the entire episode was just silly. In the server room, I can totally see that they wouldn't talk. And I like when tv shows push the boundaries of the medium. You can't force the technique on the plot though.

  12. On 11/3/2019 at 9:31 PM, mxc90 said:

    How great is technology for Darlene to know the exact location to pick up Elliot?!!

    To be fair, we have that now irl. Darlene was on what looked like a regular state route too, so it's not like the phone triangulated him in the middle of a field in the forest or something. I got some *back back* roads where I live, and google maps covers them just fine. And they made a point of showing her syncing up the phone last episode, so the show is playing fair on that for me.

    I feel bad for the actor, but everything with Dom just brings the show to a screeching halt. Her, I can buy not talking much. I do hope there's some climax to her plot because she's just plodding through the show.

    • Love 2
  13. I think the show has bought in to its own bullshit. That was gimmicky at best. I live alone and talk to myself like constantly. I can sort of buy that Elliot doesn't talk much because he's turned into a sullen bitch, but Darlene always struck me as way way talky and I found it ooc that she's would be silent for so long. Nor would a security guard on xmas all by himself not be chatty with her.

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